Our Grade 1-6 Christmas Cabaret was a hit. Watch this WIV4 news clip to see some of the highlights.
2nd TCI National Cross Country Championship
On the morning of Friday 16th November, a group of 6 girls and 3 boys represented Provo Primary School in the National Cross Country Championships.
Schools from all over Turks and Caicos took part and our children participated in the 1 mile event for children under 11. All of the children completed the course in quite exceptional times – bearing in mind that the team had been hit by illness over the past 2 weeks, affecting training schedules. In fact, our Girls’ Team finished within a few places of each other, demonstrating super team spirit and our best team score to date. There were only 3 boys able to compete and they all did well – our best placing being 5th overall – an outstanding achievement considering the size of our school and the number of competitors.
Well done to all our athletes, we are so proud of you!
UNICEF thank you – a thousand times over!
On Friday 2nd November we held a Bad Taste / Bad Hair Day in order to raise funds for UNICEF.
Throughout the week children had been collecting money from family and friends to try to help children who are less fortunate than themselves.
The children knew that every little helped and that all the money raised would provide chidren with Fresh water, Nutrition, Health and Education that we all take for granted!
What a fantastic result -we raised $1602.50 !!!!!
This will change lives and save lives – You should all be very proud of your efforts.
Mom Song!
Laughter: Science has proven what we all instinctively know:
Laughter can cure, relieve stress, and add years to our lives.
Lighten up!
Watch this hilarious clip:
Thanks to www.raisingsmallsouls.com for passing this one on to us.
Celebrating Festivities with Healthy Treats
Ooh YUMMY! Take a look at all this juicy fruit and how nicely it’s been presented. Wow, what a nice way to celebrate a birthday!
Sometimes as parents we feel that a birthday or celebration isn’t complete without a cake or other “sweet†goodies, but we have seen time and time again in school that children are just as happy sharing a colourful fruit platter with their friends and it’s healthy too! (Of course if the cake is there, many will choose the cake rather than the fruit, so why give them the choice!)
We would like to thank all parents for taking into consideration the dietary habits of other children in the class when deciding what kind of treats to send into school. Please remember that if you want to do the best for your child, begin with what you put into their little bodies and create healthy habits for the rest of their lives. Click here to view some healthy recipe websites…
FoPPS have fun at the Beach
The first event this year organised by the Friends of Provo Primary School (FoPPS) was a fantastic success. There was a great turn out for the picnic on the beach on Saturday. It was a relaxed and fun way for new parents to meet others at the school and for staff and parents to enjoy a relaxed afternoon together.
 Not even the torrential downpour could dampen our spirits and when the sun came back out, the beach fun returned. Even JoJo heard about the event and came along to entertain us all with his antics.
Look at the slideshow to see some of the fun. FoPPS Beach Picnic
Welcome to a new school year
Welcome back to a brand new year at Provo Primary School. It was wonderful to see all the children keen and eager to begin the year with such a positive attitude.
There are some new members of our school community this term so I would like to wish a warm welcome to all the new staff, children and parents alike and hope you enjoy your time at our school.
Click on the link to find out more about our teachers. Teachers
The staff and I are looking forward to continued growth and development within the school, both in learning and the environment in which we all work.
To find out more about the work your child will be doing in this half term, click on the appropriate link.
Pre-school Sept-07 Â Â Â Jnr. Kindergarten 1 Sept-07
Jnr. Kindergarten 2 Sept-07 Â Â Â Kindergarten Sept-07
Grade 1 Sept-07 Â Â Â Grade 2-Sept-07
Grade 3 Sept-07 Â Â Â Grade 4 Sept-07 Â Â Â Grade 5 & 6 Sept-07
To Everyone at Provo Primary
Hi Everyone,
I want to welcome you all back to school this year. I’m in touch with Mr. Mark, Miss Sian or Ms. Stefanie daily and I look forward to hearing about all the wonderful things that are happening and how well all of you have settled back into school. I’ve also heard about all the new children and their families and look forward to meeting them when I come down to the island.
Things are going well here in Georgia and Josh is loving his new school. As well as Floppy and her puppies, we also have two new additions to our family, Dylan and Max. Click on the pictures below to find out what kind of animals these new creatures are and see if you recognize Josh with his short hair! I’ve also attached some pictures of our house and the surrounding areas. I hope you enjoy looking at them and hope to hear from you soon, Love from Ms. Alison. You can email us all your news to: director@provolearning.com or joshwilliams1@rabungap.org. Click here to see the photos.
Bike-a-thon Books Arrive.
Money from the Bike-a-thon has provided a much needed boost to the non-fiction section of our school library.
Books were ordered to help the children research information relating to our Social Studies topics as well as books that would interest all tastes. Not only do these books cater to a wide age-range, but they cover a diverse range of subjects such as feelings, planets, habitats, dinosaurs, technology, health, crafts, music, geography and history to name but a few. As you can see from the image, these books have been sorted, classified and labelled and are now on the shelves ready for the beginning of term. Please take the time to ‘pop in’ early next term to see the difference this has made to our library – they won’t stay on the shelves long once the children see them!
A special ‘Thank you’ to all of you who cycled or walked and helped raise money for our new library books – aren’t our children lucky to have access to yet another super resource?
Thanks Everyone!
To all the Parents, Staff and Friends of Provo Primary, I would like to thank each of you for doing such a wonderful job educating the children over the past year and making their learning journey such an enjoyable and natural experience.
Our aim at Provo Primary is that everyone learn to the best of their potential, not only academically, but socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually, thus preparing them in all areas. We aim to graduate well rounded individuals who are ready to move on confidently and eagerly to the next stage of their life.
Learning is ongoing, sometimes we make mistakes, but this is ok, as long as we learn from them. I believe that the reason for Provo Primary’s success in creating a happy and stimulating learning environment is that we are a team of parents, educators and children all working together towards the same goal. We learn from each other. Provo Primary is OUR school. Please be proud, as I am, to be a part of it.
Warmest Regards from the mountains of NE GA
Alison Williams
Celebrating Our First Year of Blogging!
A year ago, Krys Mann (parent – “unofficial” school photographer – school year book creator) and I sat down to collate photos for updating our website. Krys mentioned – “Have you thought of doing a school blog?” The idea sparked immediate interest and the adventure began…
A year later, I look back with great pride at our achievements. Our blog is an amazing record of our year, a glimpse into the life of our school, a wonderful collection of photos and memories of school events and class activities. Enjoyed by the children in the school, shared with families and friends alike, both near and far, and with new friends from all around the world who happen to ‘click’ upon us.
A great deal of work goes on behind the scenes in creating and up keeping our blog and I would like to take this opportunity to say a few thank yous to everyone who has helped over the year.
Firstly, I would like to thank all the children for their superb efforts and contributions. Without them, this blog would be very boring and plain! Also, to the teachers for all their continued support and commitment. Blogging was new to us all and I am incredibly impressed with how we have all embraced this new medium and worked through its challenges to see its success. Well done, everyone!
I would also like to thank Christopher Mann and Shelley Bedford for their invaluable technical support, and to Krys Mann for her dedicated commitment to taking photos – some of which have complimented teacher photos in our blog posts.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has visited our blog and hope that you have enjoyed sharing our experiences with us over the year. Thank you, in particular, to those of you who have taken the time to leave us a comment – these are greatly appreciated and treasured – especially by the children.
So thank you, Krys, a super suggestion that has taken us on an amazing adventure over the year that we can all look back with pride.
I wonder what will next year bring…?
Movies That Make Summer Learning Fun
Summer holidays are fun, packed full of travels and adventure that offer many opportunities for new learning experiences. They are also very long, and you may like to supplement your child’s vacation with access to some fun educational websites. Links to our recommended sites can be found on our menu bar on the right of this post. We also draw your attention to following outstanding sites: BrainPOP Jr. (www.brainpopjr.com), is a new learning program specifically geared for children between 5 and 8 years old. Topics are carefully chosen and presented in animated cartoon movies that are narrated with fun and understandable language for children. It is the successor to BrainPOP (www.brainpop.com) which is more suitable for 9-11 year olds.
[Read more…]
Celebrating the End of the School Year
A very big thank you to FoPPS (Friends of Provo Primary School) for providing a fruit and croissant snack, popcorn and movies, and face painting to help us to celebrate our last day of the school year. A special thank you to all the volunteers and individuals who helped make this all possible. This year, FoPPS has continued to play an invaluable role within our school community and we take this opportunity to say that we all very much appreciate their support and that we look forward to working together, next year.
Congratulations! You’ve Passed!
Two of our teaching assistants, Stevina Hall and Lourissia Garrick graduated this week, passing their Early Childhood Education Higher Level Certificate with flying colours. Congratulations to them both!
Curry Night was HOT!
What better way to raise funds than by enticing people with a good curry and Aqua certainly managed to cook up a feast! Over a hundred people ate, drank and socialized whilst listening to the mellow jazz sounds of Perry and Marvin, otherwise known as the SPICE Boys. Thank you Hannah for organizing this event, which was SPICEifically to raise funds to cool off our JK and K classes. What a FANtastic evening! Thanks everyone for your support.
Our 2006-2007 Yearbook is Here
And another amazing book it is! Filled with fun, excitement and colour, this year’s book once more makes the grade. Huge thanks go out to Krys Mann for all her energy, enthusiasm and creativity in producing such a work of art.
An Exciting Lesson in TCI Heritage and Culture
Mr. David Bowen, the Turks and Caicos Islands Director of Culture, visited Provo Primary yesterday to tell the children from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 all about our local Turks and Caicos heritage and culture. [Read more…]
School Council Elections
We have decided to start a School Council in order to enable the children to have more of a say in the decision making process and further influence the way that the school develops.
Each class had to choose two children to represent them on the Council and take their views to the meetings.
Click below to see the members of our School Council and the role they have to play.
Live Jazz and Indian Curry Night
Our last jazz and curry night was a great success. Tickets sold out fast last time, so be sure to make your reservation as soon as possible. We look forward to see you all.
An exciting start to the final term!
Our final term this year is proving to be just as exciting, if not more so, than the first two. Already we have had two fantastic Sports Days, trips out of school, visitors into school and the swimming season has started!
With lots more to come, click on the newsletter below to find out more details about what the teachers have planned for the children.
jr-kindergarten.pdf            grade-1.pdf          grade-2.pdf                grade-3.pdf           grade-4-5.pdf          grade-6.pdf
Sports’ Day – Grades 1 – 6
Following on from the highly successful Kindergarten Sports’ Day, Grades 1 to 6 had their annual Sports’ Day at 4.00pm this afternoon. The children arrived at the Football Field wearing their team colours and competed against each other demonstrating a wide range of skills and a lot of stamina!
100 Today!
As this is our 100th Blog Entry, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers and children for the WONDERFUL entries they have done so far.
I have really enjoyed reading and looking at all the fantastic things that you have been doing in school. It makes me feel proud to be a part of something so great. We are very fortunate to have such a special group of people at our school who work so closely together to provide such a stimulating environment for our children to grow.
Well done everyone and continue to make this such a happy place to be and please continue with THE AMAZING BLOGGING!
Brand new interactive technology
Children at our school now have a brand new learning tool. The school has just installed an interactive whiteboard in the ICT Suite. The special board, linked to a presenter and its own sophisticated software, enables children to interact with it directly rather than through a computer keyboard. This brings a whole new aspect to the children’s learning.
The software also includes a vast array of resources covering all National Curriculum subjects and much, much more.
This is the first interactive board in the Turks and Caicos Islands and we are proud to be bringing the best resources possible to our children. Look out for more exciting information showing how the children are using it.
Friendly Soccer
After school today (Monday) 14 children from Grades 4/5 and 6 made up 2 teams to play soccer against teams from Ashcroft School. Each team played 2 games and seemed to have lots of fun! The final scores were as follows:
Ashcroft ‘A’Â – 2 Â Provo Primary ‘B’ – 0
Provo Primary ‘A’ – 5Â Ashcroft ‘B’ – 0
Ashcroft ‘B’ – 0Â Â Provo Primary ‘B’ – 4
Provo Primary ‘A’Â – 0Â Â Ashcroft ‘A’Â – 0 (2-1 after penalties)Â