A HUGE thank you to our Trash Hero Eco Warriors

International Coastal Clean-up Day… a HUGE thank you to our amazing Trash Hero Eco Warriors between the ages of 3 and 10 years old, and their family and friends…

27 giant bagfuls of litter… a win-win… less pollution on our ‘Beautiful by Nature’ island and a more pleasant walk to PE for our older students.

Thanks everyone for your support.

And if you didn’t make it… remember that you can do a clean-up of your neighbourhood anytime.

Help make a difference!

Growth Mindset for Students

MindUP: What do you know about the brain?

What do you know about the brain?  See what these children can teach you in this really amazing short video…






Dress Down Day – Supporting the Bahamas

This Friday’s Dress Down Day will be in support of our neighbours, The Bahamas.

Come dressed wearing any of the colours of the Bahamas Flag –

Black, Gold and Aquamarine or all 3 colours!

Donate a dollar or give more if you’d like.

All proceeds will go to a Bahamas Relief Fund.





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Why is Mindfulness a Superpower?

Mindfulness is a bit of a buzzword… most people have heard of it, but many are confused about what mindfulness really means. In reality is simply means focusing your awareness on the present moment; calmly noticing your emotions and physical sensations without judgment as you are doing whatever you happen to be doing. You can be mindful as you do just about anything from sitting quietly and breathing, to drawing, cooking,  eating, or playing on the beach in the sand.

Collaborating with a leader in the field of Mindfulness

We were very fortunate to have Michael Apollo, lecturer in Mindfulness at The University of Toronto, join us via a Zoom meeting for a wonderful session on ‘Mindfulness for Teacher Resilience, Wellbeing and Communication’ during our Professional Development Teacher Training days this year.  We felt very inspired,  keen to incorporate mindful pauses into our busy days and excited to  share ideas he offered with our classes.

This was just an introduction to our year of working collaboratively with Michael.  Amazingly, he will join us on island in November to offer workshops for our teachers, students and parents.  Plan ahead and schedule time to be able to join us for his parent session at 1:30pm PM – 5:00 PM on Wednesday 6th November. You won’t want to miss this!

We are truly grateful that Michael Apollo will be working with Provo Primary and Middle School children, parents and teachers throughout the upcoming year and we would like to take this opportunity to thank Deborah, John and Melissa Roy for their generosity in sponsoring this amazing initiative.


What is our Personal Growth, Growth Mindset and Mindfulness Curriculum all about?

Our Professional Development teacher training at the start of this year focused on the development of our Personal Growth, Growth Mindset, and Mindfulness Curriculum throughout the school.

We are excited to share a little more about this and why we believe it’s an important part of our students’ education. So what is Personal Growth, Growth Mindset and Mindfulness all about …




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Y7 Investigate how to Investigate…

Maths and Science classes have already got off to a head-scratching start at Provo Middle School this year!

Our new Year 7 class have undertaken a series of investigations in the hope of sharing their advice on how to succeed in an inquiry. From comparing results with others, to making careful notes and drawings – each member of the class discovered different ways to help themselves improve.

“Are we allowed to work together?” was asked at one point. As it turns out, finding proof is almost impossible if you don’t!

“I think I know how this works…I’ve solved it!” could be heard from the other side of the room. Again, as it turns out, forming a hypothesis (and testing it) is an essential part of the investigative process.

By thinking about how we investigate, every student was able to make better decisions and move forwards in their thinking and process. We discovered a lot of helpful tricks that will us in the future. We hope that you find them useful too!

Finally, each child was asked to pick the tip that they felt helped them the most – here’s what they had to say about them…

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Bake Sale Today… All Proceeds to the Bahamas Relief Fund

Bake Sale today in the Primary School walkway – 3pm

There’s still time for you to don your aprons and get cooking.

Or perhaps your support is more in the consuming.

Either way your support is appreciated.



Join us for our International Coastal Clean-up this Saturday

Provo Primary and Middle School have pledged to join The Department of Environment & Coastal Resources (DECR), and its partners to support

International Coastal Clean-up Day – ‘FIGHTING FOR TRASH-FREE SEAS’

Meet at the TCIFA Car Park or find us near this location, on Saturday 14th September, anytime you can give between 7:00-9:00am.

Why here? Walking to the National Stadium for PE lessons, our Year 3-6 children have noticed rubbish on the path that they feel something needs to be done about.  So let’s clean it up and help make a difference!


  • IGA or trash bags

  • Water to drink (bring along a re-usable water bottle!)

  • A First-aid kit

  • GlovesWe have GLOVES (Donated by Mark Osmond Dental Clinic)

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“On behalf of the Ministry of Education, I welcome back to school our Principals, Teachers and Students for the Academic Year 2019-2020. I am sure you had a relaxing and enjoyable summer vacation.

We are grateful to God for his protection and for not allowing Tropical Storm Dorian to hinder the reopening of school. As we commence this academic year, we are mindful of what our neighbours in the Northern Bahamas are enduring at this time from the wrath of Hurricane Dorian. Let’s continue to keep them in prayer.

Thank you for your continued hard work and commitment to the children of the Beautiful by Nature, Turks and Caicos Islands. We look forward to exciting learning experiences in the year ahead. I encourage our children to be respectful, kind and to do the best in their school work. The Ministry will continue to ensure that the infrastructure of our schools are safe, resilient and conducive to learning. We are here to support you and wish you all a successful year.”

Hon. Karen E. Malcolm

Welcome back to a new school year

As we prepare for the start of the new school year, we would like to thank you for choosing Provo Primary and Middle School and look forward to working with you throughout your child’s learning journey.
For those continuing and new to our school, this upcoming year brings some very exciting developments.  Look out for further news on our blog.

Congratulations to our Graduating Year 6 of 2019

Congratulation to our Graduating Class of 2019s. 

Year 6, I know I speak for everyone when I say, we are so proud of you today. As you move on to the next stage in your life, please keep writing down your goals and continue to do what excites and inspires you. Know that you are the architect or author of your life. Think creatively, interact with people who share or support your visions, and go out there and achieve your goals. Most of all, be HAPPY, continue being YOU and be the best version of yourself that you can be!

I love to ask children about their life goals at various times throughout their time in school, and I recently asked our Year 6 class to write down theirs, which I thought you’d like to hear.   Here are their combined Life goals:

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Graduating Year 6 – “Have It All’ – Steel Drum Performance

Congratulation to our AMAZING Graduating Year 6. Here is their wonderful steel drum performance of ‘Have It All’ by Jason Mraz.

May you have auspiciousness and causes of success
May you have the confidence to always do your best
May it take no effort in you being generous
Sharing what you can, nothing more, nothing less

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Dominican Republic 2019

Year 6 have recently returned from the Dominican Republic; having spent five fantastic days there on their residential trip.  The mountainous area of Jarabacoa provided the backdrop to a fun-filled week of exhilaration and adventure.  Rather than me tell you all about it, I thought that you would rather hear from the Year 6 students directly.  So, please read the quotations below to get a better sense of the exciting times that were had by all.

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Wild Habitats Versus Zoos ~ Year 4 Explore

Goodness, as usual it feels now as if the year has flown by! This last term has been busier than ever.

In connection with the Science and Topic lessons, the Year 4 students took a trip to Iguana Island. The class has spent time discussing different habitats and the variety of animals found in each. They have done detailed research on their own and have discussed the habitats found in Turks & Caicos as well as the plants and animals in each.

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‘Five Pirates’ – A Stop-Motion Animation By Year 2

This term the Year 2 class have been learning all about stop motion animation. They started with a short YouTube tutorial which led to them having a go at making their own short movie using everyday objects, toys and classroom resources. They then spent many hours working as a team to create the movie ‘5 Pirates’ which tied into this term’s topic ‘Land Ahoy’.

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Year 5’s Adventures in North and Middle Caicos

Year 5 went on our overnight trip to North and Middle Caicos on the 13th to 14th of June and had a blast! We were incredibly lucky with good weather, very few mosquitoes and beautifully behaved children! We visited Mudjin Harbour, Conch Bar caves, Wade’s Green, the Government farm and even visited ‘My Dee’s’, a local restaurant, and the Middle Caicos Co-op to see beautifully weaved baskets and bags. We were so very lucky to have the wonderful support of Mrs. Rochelle and one of the children’s dad, Mr. Olly; thank you both so much! Also a huge thank you also to everyone on North and Middle for making our trip possible.

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Disproving our Misconceptions in Physics

This week, Year 7 conducted an experiment in physics that thoroughly challenged their previous understanding of forces.

Children were asked to predict which item would fall fastest; a very heavy shot put or a lighter foam ball? Both balls were a similar size but very different in their weight. Many children predicted that the shot put would fall much faster as it so much heavier.


To their surprise, both balls hit the floor at almost exactly the same time from a 2m height. So what was going on here?! Why was there so little difference given the great difference in the weight of the objects?

In order to explore this further, we conducted tests with a range of balls; light and heavy, small and large. The results were dramatic in many cases.

The class learned to consider the frictional force of air resistance in order to explain their results. Here were some of their thoughts: [Read more…]

Year 7’s Adirondack Adventure: Part 2

The second half of our residential week in in upstate New York was equally filled with challenges and discoveries. As the weather warmed up, we enjoyed more outdoor activities in this beautiful mountain playground.

All students challenged themselves on the climbing wall, pushing themselves to reach the summit while learning to communicate clearly with their belayer.






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Kindergarten celebrate their lovely Mums and Dads

The Kindergarten children are experts at making cards. They are especially proud of the cards they made for their Mums for Mother’s Day and their Dads for Father’s Day.

There is a great deal involved in making a card, from choosing a design and completing the art work to deciding what to write and completing this in your best handwriting. We talked about why we should write neatly in a card. We decided that we would like the person receiving the card to know that we care about them and that we show this by taking the time to write neatly. When we choose to make a card ourselves, we are hoping that the person receiving the card feels loved and appreciated by all the effort put in to making a personal card for them.





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Provo Library Summer Read-a-thon Competition

The Providenciales Public Library will once again be hosting its annual Read-a-thon from July 8-12, 2019 under the theme “Exercise your mind, Read!” The aim of this competition is to promote the habit of reading whilst exposing the children to a wide variety of books.

Since its inception, this competition continues to generate a fair amount of interest among the children and so we are not expecting anything less this year.

TCI Library Readathon Poster 2019

TCI Library Read-a-thon-Rules 2019

Provo Library Service


Provo Performing Arts Annual Showcases

Best wishes to all our Provo Primary and Middle students and alumni, and everyone else performing at the Provo Performing Arts School 5th Annual performances this weekend and next.  See the poster for details.

Come out and show your support to Mrs. Niki and her team.  We look forward to seeing them all enjoying themselves on stage, sharing their talents and love of the arts.  Good luck, everyone!


Summer Camps at Provo Primary – starting July 1st 2019

We are excited to share our plans for our Summer Camps this year, starting 1st July. Click on the links below for more details:

2-5-yrs-Crazy Creations – Summer Camp 2019

5-11 yrs Around the World in 80 Days – Summer Camp 2019

Registration is now open – just download the registration forms above and bring them to the school office – or email them to info@provolearning.com

We look forward to you joining us the for Summer adventures ahead!

Pulling faces verses pulling teeth!

Look at the wonderfully ‘funny face pulling’ that went on during our Science lesson on Teeth. Year 3 were checking to see how many incisors, canine, premolars and molar teeth they had. Many had lost some of their ‘primary teeth’ and were counting how many ‘adult teeth’ they already had. Year 3 are really growing up!

Later we got to observe carefully and draw our own set of teeth – pulling even more expressive faces. Can you identify whose teeth belong to who?

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