Return to the Dark Side!

Our Hummingbird class has been learning about light and dark during our topic work.

We started off by exploring what is a natural source of light and what is a ‘man-made’ source of light. We brought our learning outside to draw around our own shadows and investigate how our shadows seem to ‘move’ even though we are standing in the same spot, at different times during the day!

Read on to find out more about our shadow show, firework poetry and science work. There are lots of photos of us busy exploring!

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TCI Shines Clean-up Campaign, 2011

Donned with gloves and large rubbish bags, a group of keen Provo Primary children and staff joined forces with employees from The Alexandra Resort for the TCI SHINES CLEAN-UP.

Starting off at our school at 6:30 am we focused on the area around the Sports’ Centre and Soccer Field.  Sadly, there was quite a lot of rubbish to be found, which was mainly drink containers and food wrappers.  Fortunately, our enthusiastic team of junk-busters soon swooped in and picked it all up.  It was so lovely to look back and see the natural beauty restored after our efforts.  The children were proud of their efforts, but slightly bemused and disappointed that people had dropped their litter in the first place and didn’t understand why they hadn’t put it in a bin or taken it home.  There is hope for a cleaner future.

The TCI Shines Clean-up event was organised by the Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association.  They were excited about getting the children on the island of Providenciales to participate in this campaign and hope this will be the beginning of a programme that promotes, educates and inspires our youth to keep our islands ‘Beautiful by Nature’.

Well done to everyone who got up early and took the time to care for our local community environment.  Also, well done to those of you who joined in with other groups or took the time to clean up the area around your own home.  Every bit of effort makes a difference to show that we care.

Year Five Hospital Visit

One of our Year Five Science Topics this term has been on the cardiovascular system, where we have been learning about the heart and how it pumps blood around our body. A visit to our recently built hospital was a fantastic opportunity to see how doctors monitor our hearts with a variety of equipment.

The best part of our visit was examining a child’s heart using an ultra sound machine. We could see the four chambers of the heart (atrium and ventricles). We could see the tricuspid and bicuspid valves opening and closing, allowing blood to flow through from the heart to the lungs. The children were able to identify the pulmonary artery, lungs and the aorta. [Read more…]

Remember, Remember the 5th November!

As part of this half-term’s “Let’s Celebrate” topic, Flamingo Class have enjoyed a week learning about and celebrating Bonfire Night! We explored the occasion’s history and traditions, in order to understand why this event has become such a popular celebration in Britain. Read on to find out more about our Design & Technology task to create a life-sized Guy Fawkes and to see photos of Bonfire Night, Turks and Caicos Style!

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Things I Like…Crowns!

As part of our learning about Toys this term, the Kindergarteners read the book Things I Like by Anthony Browne. In the book, the main character shows himself doing all sorts of his favourite things like playing with toys, making a cake, having a bath and even painting! So, we decided that we would make something we liked. After voting, we decided to make crowns.

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Fantastic Forces Fun!

Year 6 have been investigating the forces around us and learning all about Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of physics. We decided to have some fun with an investigation on elastic bands and what happens to an elastic band as the pulling force is increased and what will happen to the elastic band as weights (masses) are suspended from it? Will the elastic go back to it’s original size? All these questions needed to be answered so we donned our safety goggles and started investigating! As you can see from the photos we found that elastic bands are stronger than you would think and had some super scientific fun along the way!

Parts of a Flowering Plant

Year 5 have been learning about parts of the flower and their role in the life cycle of flowering plants.  We opened up a flower by removing the petals to look at the reproductive organs.  We took out the stamen of the flower and wiped it on black paper to look at the yellow dust like material called pollen.  The children were surprised to see how much pollen came out of each stamen.   We carefully used a toothpick to open the carpel to look at the female organs which contain the ovaries.  This is where the seed of the flower is reproduced.

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Baking Bread Bonanza!

Year 5 and 6 have been baking lots of different breads recently after tasting a wide variety themselves!  They looked at a range of basic bread recipes and tried some of these out before then designing their own bread in groups.  They had to consider texture, taste, who their buyer would be and how to make it appealing.  Some had chocolate chips in, some had lemon and cinnamon, all of the breads were a success and enjoyed by the children and their lucky families!  We have now evaluated our breads and what we would do to improve them next time.  The Year 5’s and 6’s are now focusing on how to package their bread to appeal to their customer. [Read more…]

It’s a Sign!

Watch this Space!  Not only have the School Council have been busy doing a survey to find out which colour scheme to use for our new sign – for the front and back of the school; but they have also been busy arranging and attending appointments with Mr Billy – the carpenter – to discuss and measure up the rather large pieces of wood needed for our new signs.

Thank you Mr Billy and ‘great work’ to the School Council.  We can’t wait to see what happens next!

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KS2 Athletics Sports Day 2011

As a culmination of all the events in our Keeping Healthy week, Years 3-6 set off for Sports Day at the Athletics track! All children competed in teams, collecting the greatest score possible for their groups by either running, jumping or throwing for victory! After developing our Athletics skills throughout the past 6 weeks, the children were able to show off their newly acquired skills in the hurdles, long jump, triple jump, discus, javelin, and shot put.

Sports Day created a very different atmosphere to our normal PE sessions. Due to increased levels of concentration, the pressure of a large audience (thank you parents for supporting your children so brilliantly!) or the excitement of the competition, every child produced some excellent performances! All of the teachers were delighted to hear about all the Personal Best records that were beaten in each event. It seemed like every child was achieving great things and celebrating their individual successes!
So, a huge congratulations to every child who participated with such wonderful spirit and enthusiasm. Our Sports Day was jammed full of great sportsmanship and plenty of the ‘Olympic Spirit’ that we had spoken about before the event. It was the perfect way to round off our keeping Healthy week. Click read more to see some more photo of the children in action,both in practice sessions and in Sports Day.

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Keeping Healthy Week Video Report

One of our parents, Haley, kindly put together this fantastic video that highlights some of the events that took place during our Keeping Healthy Week. Thank you Haley for coming in to film us and for taking the time to edit and create this memorable video.

All Aboard! Next stop – Kindergarten!

This week, Kindergarten held its first open house of the school year! It was a great success and an absolute pleasure to see the children so enthusiastic, proud and independent while showing off their learning and their classroom to their parents.

Some of the highlights included showing off our turtle table, exploring the home corner, playing numeracy games on our interactive white board, sounding out our pocket chart rhyming words, explaining who’s who in our Letterland characters and looking at the Transport and Travel board displays.

I would like to thank all the parents who were able to come. It was lovely to see the big smiles and the pride and happiness from both children and parents. I look forward to our next one!  Read on to see more photos.

Download a copy of our November Newsletter and find out more about what’s going on in our Kindergarten class this upcoming month.

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Promoting Heathly Spines

Dr Craig Zavitz visited the school today as part of our Keeping Healthy Week.   Encouraging a healthy spine, he introduced the ‘Pack it light, wear it right’ pack campaign, aimed at informing children, parents and teachers on the best way to adjust, pack, lift and safely carry your backpack.
The children were keen to learn about their spines and enjoyed doing all the exercises. Volunteers brought along their backpacks and Dr. Craig shared key information while weighing and adjusting them for each child.
Dr. Craig also shared his Straighten up Turks and Caicos programme with us. This is a three minute spinal health programme designed to help children feel and look their best.

At the end, Dr Craig gave out stickers, posters and leaflets for the children to take home.  Click here for copies of these and for further information about the pack it light, wear it right initiative.

Morning Fitness Gives our Hearts an Aerobic Workout.

Fitness trainer Jo took us through our paces and got our hearts pumping on Wednesday morning during our Keeping Healthy Week.  The children (and teachers) really enjoyed the short active routine and were keen to participate and get their bodies moving to the beat.  Many thanks Jo – one of the best ways to encourage children to exercise is to lead by example.

Did you know that our heart is a muscle? It works hard, pumping blood every day of your life. You can help this important muscle get stronger by doing aerobic exercise. Aerobic means “with air,” so aerobic exercise is a kind of activity that requires lots of oxygen. When you breathe, you take in oxygen, and, if you’re doing aerobic exercise, you may notice you’re breathing faster than normal. Aerobic activity can get your heart pumping and also make you sweaty.

When you give your heart this kind of workout on a regular basis, your heart will get even better at its main job — delivering oxygen (in the form of oxygen-carrying blood cells) to all parts of your body.  What a great start to our morning!

TCIFA Provide Extra Soccer Skills during Lunchtime

We would like to pass on a very big thank you to Matthew and Sarah from the TCIFA for giving up their lunchtimes to come and organise some soccer practices in ours during our Keeping Healthy Week.

Lots of children headed on to our field to join in and everyone had fun as their worked on developing their skills.  Both Sarah and Matthew commented on the talented players that they saw, many of whom participate in the TCIFA soccer programmes here on island.

We also arranged for Matthew to come into school to do a soccer workshop with our KS2 teachers.   It was a great success as this local newspaper write-up explains.  Matthew was very impressed with the level of coaching knowledge of our teachers and looks forward to working more closely with the teachers as we commence our PE soccer unit this second half term.

Kindergarten Fruit Patterns

Kindergarten really enjoyed their Maths work today on patterns – they got to eat them!  Using healthy fruits that had been donated to the class for ‘Keeping Healthy Week’, they created patterns by carefully sliding on pieces of watermelon and pineapple onto a kebab stick.   Yum, Yum!

Keeping Healthy Week, October 2011

This week is ‘Keeping Healthy Week’ and we have organised a variety of activities and events to help raise awareness for the importance of keeping healthy. Click here further details: Keeping Healthy Week Event Information.

Kindergarten Letters and Sounds

As part of the Literacy programme this year, our class has been combining the best parts of the phonics schemes, Letterland and Jolly Phonics. This allows the children to learn all the sounds and letters in a multi-sensory way. In class, we learn about sounds and letters using the Letterland characters and stories, and then we combine them with the Jolly Phonics actions. The children are coming along really well and I am really proud of their efforts!  See our Kindergarten Letters and Sounds Newsletter for further information on how you can support and help your child at home with these early reading and writing skills.

Get into ‘Shape’ with the Dolphin Class!

Quadrilaterals? Vertices? Parallel lines? Lines of symmetry and how many sides? These were all facts that were being discovered while the Year 3 Dolphins were painting irregular shapes… ‘Kandinsky style’.

During a paper folding shape-making activity, they not only used their new shape vocabulary to describe the shape they made, but also showed how well they could work together – researching, listening, sticking, creating –  producing one whole new shape, by placing their shapes together…confused?  Best read on and check out the photos to appreciate their newly created polygons. Fabulous work Dolphins what a colourful and creative week we have had!

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Life aboard a Tudor Ship…it’s not all Fame and Fortune!

Over the past few weeks, Flamingo Class have been researching what life was like for sailors on board a Tudor Explorer’s ship. We expected to hear stories of great discoveries and valuable treasure…we were in for a shock! Life on board a Tudor Ship could be awful! Tales of scrubbing the deck, sitting for hours in the Crow’s Nest, being locked up ‘In Irons’ and getting ill with scurvy was not what we had in mind!

We used all the evidence from our research to write a Ship’s Log from the point of view of an ordinary Tudor sailor. They tell the real story of life aboard a ship…battles with enemy ships, harsh punishments for drinking too much rum, eating mouldy fruit and being very, very tired! You’ll find them all in our accounts of life at sea!

When we had completed our Ship’s Log, we had a lot of fun ageing them. Anyone would think they really were 500 years old!  Pop by our class to take a look and see some photos here:  yr-4-ships-log-photos

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Achieving Personal Bests in KS2 Athletics

In KS2 (Years 3 – 6), our Athletics P.E. programme aims to provide enjoyable and stimulating activities and challenges based on the core actions of walking, running, jumping and throwing.

Children are encouraged to set and achieve goals for the improvement of personal or team performances. Each session, the children record their results  in their ‘Personal Best Record Booklet’.  They enjoy seeing how they are improving and it adds a positive competitive element that encourages them to develop an interest in further developing their skills. These booklets have been a big hit and they are really helping to boost each child’s self-esteem.  Ask your child to share their personal record with you and see how they are improving.

We would like to thank parent volunteers, Haley and Katrina, for capturing these athletics moments for us to share with you.   Look out for future photos of our hurdles, triple jump, discus and relay sessions and we look forward to seeing you at our KS2 Sports Day on Friday 21st October – 9:15- 10:45am at the National Stadium Athletics Track.

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2011 School Council’s First Week in Office!

Busy busy!  With campaigns and elections over last week, the newly appointed School Council have met twice already this first week to discuss new ideas to help make our school and its environment an even better place to be!

Our first meeting involved lots of very interesting discussions and points of views about particular issues that the class representatives had already accumulated from their class members – WOW, how efficient!  Well done to the new representatives. I have a feeling we will be having a very productive year ahead!

A super ‘well done’ to all of those pupils who placed themselves forward as representatives. The feedback from teachers was really positive.  They were not only impressed by how well you all put yourselves forward, but also by how responsible and earnest you all were about your role as a school representative. We are very proud of YOU!

Find out more about our School Council and its achievements and look out for future news on the blog.

All about Me

In Jk we are learning all about ourselves and our families.
We made collage cut-outs of ourselves and decorated them.  Read on to see photos of us creating them and pop into our classroom to see them on display.

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Hummingbird Class have been Learning about their Bodies

In our Science lessons Hummingbird class have been doing a variety of activities to help us to learn about our bodies. We have been taking our learning outside to draw around our friends and label the organs we have inside our bodies together. We are also learning about the functions of our main organs, starting with the lungs. We are looking forward to discovering more information about our muscles and our heart in the next few weeks!

We have also been looking at faces in our Art lessons.  We used mirrors to look closely at our faces.  We drew portraits in pencil and then used water-colours to paint them.  We mixed the colours to create the tones and shades that matched our features.  Read on to see photos of us at work.

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A Brilliant Start to the School Year!

Our Preschool Class has had a wonderful first few weeks at school.  The children adore their new class room which is filled with lots of fun and educational activities. They love to dress up, play with cars, paint, glue, sing and do puzzles!  Soft play is just the best for bouncing around and letting loose! Our new swing set is great fun and lots of water play has helped us to cool down in this HOT September weather. Nursery Rhymes is our first topic this term and as we learn them we are developing our vocabulary skills. Our class aim is to bake or cook once a week……Mmmm, we have already made sugar cookies and muffins.  Last week the class also went on a mini school trip around every classroom delivering them.  Read on to see lots and lots of photos of us in busy at school. [Read more…]