What on Earth is a Talking Text?

This term, in the Flamingo Class, we have been thinking about how we can explain our ideas to someone else. Writing an explanation, it appears, is harder than you’d think!

To help us remember the structure of an explanation text, we have been learning a Talking Text! At first, we thought Mr Toby had gone mad! The talking text didn’t look anything like a book we’d seen before.

This means we all learned to speak our text aloud, before writing anything down! This helped us a lot, as we were able to make sure we included titles, subheadings, full stops, commas and subordinating clauses. All of that without even writing a single word!

This week we have been busy using our talking text to help us write our own explanations, based on our science learning. It was amazing how we were all able to remember our full stops better!

Feel free to drop by Flamingo Class to check out our fantastic writing!

Year 3 Shop till they Drop!

The Year 3 Dolphins had a wonderful IGA shopping experience they will never forget. Not only did they get to practise their ‘estimating weight’ skills – “Does this coffee jar really weigh that!” exclaimed Will, they also got the opportunity to do their own shopping. Their generous and trusting parents gave each child a shopping list from which the children had to –
* find the product in the store
* round up the price to the nearest dollar
* estimate the total cost of their shop
* pay for the goods
* and of course check the change!
Some parents wrote some really tricky shopping lists!

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Year 4 Investigate if all 3d Cube Nets make a Cube

In our Year 4 Maths group we discovered that you can make many different net arrangements with six 2d squares, but are they all nets that all fold into a 3d cube?  We decided to investigate this further.  We used square tiles and masking tape to create each net and then tried to fold them up.  We started to find that we were getting better at visualizing the net being folded up and could make pretty accurate predictions about which nets would or wouldn’t make a cube before we tested them.  If you would like to have a go, try our worksheet and test the nets yourself.  We also investigated dice nets.  You can have a go at arranging the numbers on the dice net that we found most challenging here.

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Happy Chinese New Year, January 2012

Monday 23rd January marked the start of the Chinese New Year and the Pelican Class had fun learning about Chinese traditions and that this year is ‘The Year of the Dragon’. We made Chinese moon cakes, a moving dragon picture and had a good go at eating noodles with chop sticks! Read on to see our pictures.
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Year One Green Fingers

The Pelican Class are exploring the Science topic ‘Growing Plants’. We have observed the different types of plants in and around our school environment.  We have looked at the different parts of a plant and can label the roots, the stem, the leaves and the flowers. We have learned that some plants are vegetables and were shocked to find out that when we eat carrots we are actually eating the root of the carrot plant! In order to see this first hand, the children are growing carrot tops and, so far, three out if the four carrot tops have grown strong stems and leaves. We have also monitored and recorded the growth of bean seeds over the past two weeks. Initially, we ‘planted’ the beans in Ziploc bags but had to put them into glass jars after a couple of days because flies and ants seemed to like them a lot! Read on to see our wonderful work on this topic.
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Year 6’s Whoopie-Pie and Other Baked Goodies

Well done to the girls who took the turn to host the Year 6 baked goodie table at our yard sale this morning. There were homemade brownies, Biscotti, cakes and irresistible whoopie pie treats together with fresh coffee and homemade lemonade  to tempt the hungry bargain hunting crowd.  The Year 6 are raising funds for an end of year residential trip and certainly will have made some well earned money this morning, I’m sure.

Thank you to all the children and parents that helped with baking and supporting this venture.  Yum, Yum!

Bargains at the PTA Yard Sale

As the clock struck 9am, a large crowd of eager buyers surged into the school grounds, where an expectant 20 vendors posed ready for the buying rush ahead.  There certainly were bargains galore at today’s PTA Yard Sale, with both sellers and buyers happy with their earned cash and new items to take home.  With household goods and food, to toys and clothes on sale, our Provo Primary School yard sale is always a big hit with our local community.  Look out for our next one later in the year.  Thank you to our PTA volunteers for their work in organising this event.  The money raised will help go towards our PTA Egg Hunt later this term which the children look forward to each year.

Spelling Bee 2012 – Head to Head

This week, two children from Year 5 and 6 went head to head in a mini Spelling Bee to decide who will represent Provo Primary at the upcoming Turks and Caicos National Primary School Spelling Bee in February.  Inviting in Mrs. Robinson, our Government Education Officer, to lead the competition, she followed the protocol of a real Spelling Bee,  giving the two boys some increasingly difficult words to spell.   It was a very close match between the boys, but after 5 rounds a winner was decided, by a few points. Congratulations to both boys who have worked extra hard, learning some very tricky words and a big thank you to their parents for all their support.  The boys should be very proud of their efforts.   We wish our representative (pictured left in the photo) the best of luck in the upcoming Spelling Bee .

Scientific Excavation in Flamingo Class!

We were all surprised to hear that a scientific dig was going to take place in the Flamingo Classroom this week. We were even more surprised to hear that we were going to be the scientists!

In order to understand what happens in a real scientific dig, we were set the task of finding and excavating a collection of objects that were completely buried in sand. We learned how to observe, classify and identify the objects that we uncovered. It took a lot of time, care and patience in order to discover and clean the items. All of them had to be inspected and drawn before we were allowed to move them. It didn’t take long to see that we were dealing with a large collection of bones!

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School Newsletter January, 2012

Click on the image to see the latest School Newsletter. It includes all the dates and information for upcoming events, PTA news and details of our PE Curriculum this term.

Click here to see all of our January Class Newsletters.

Our New Basketball Hoop

We would like to pass on a ‘HUGE’ thank you to parents Ted and Dale for putting up our new school basketball hoop.

The hoop has the ability to go up and down, so all ages can enjoy playing with it positioned at an appropriate height.

It’s a big hit with the children.  So much so, in fact, that the School Council decided to create a timetable to allow all the classes to have their own time on the court. It seems to be working out really well and everyone agrees this is fair.

With basketball included in our PE lessons this term, it’s a great opportunity to put in some extra practice time.  Please remember that our Years 3-6 will be showcasing their basketball skills in a mini tournament at 9 AM on Thursday 29th March at the Sports Centre.  We hope to see you there.
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Year 4 Pop-up Adventure stories

After many weeks of patience and hard work, we have finally completed our pop-up books in Year 4! During the Autumn term, children wrote adventure stories based on our Tudor Explorers topic. We wanted to bring these adventures to life, and so set about creating our very own pop-up books! This design project took longer than we thought, as we worked carefully to make sure each page worked correctly.

We tried to make each page of the book interactive, so that the reader could move something in the story. We learned about how real pop-up books are made, and what kind of tricks they use to make things move.

We also had to learn about how to lay out or page in ICT, so that our writing and front cover looked as professional as the rest of the book. We were pleased to finally combine all elements into a completed book!

We were really happy with our completed books – we hope you enjoy seeing them! Take a look at the video and photos of what we created! [Read more…]

Class Newsletters – January 2012

Class newsletters help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, note future upcoming dates and events and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download our latest newsletters.

Happy New Year and Welcome Back

Happy New Year and welcome back to all our children, parent, teachers and community friends (locally and around the world).

‘We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called “Opportunity” and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.’ Edith Lovejoy Pierce.

Santa Visits us for Christmas 2011

Tradition continued this year with Santa arriving at Provo Primary School on a fire truck.  “Sleighs don’t work without ice!” explained a little boy, “and a fire truck is red like his sleigh.”  Santa always knows that we love reading at Provo Primary School, so he brings all the children a book as a special gift. Many thanks to Santa and his helpers at the Fire Department for taking time from their busy schedules to pay us a visit.  You made many boys and girls very happy today. Read on to see photos of Santa’s visit…

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Dancing Santa’s, 2011

Dancing Santa 2011 Turks and Caicos from Brilliant by Tropical Imaging on Vimeo.

Each year, Brilliant by Tropical Imaging create a much enjoyed ‘Santa Dancing -TCI Happy Holidays’ video featuring lots of local businesses.  This year they invited the children and staff of Provo Primary to join in the fun. There’s nothing quite like an early morning boogie, dressed in Santa hats and sunglasses, as a start to your school day! Many thanks and lots of holiday cheer to everyone at Brilliant by Tropical Imaging.

Festive Music Performance

Our beginner guitarist and talented steel drum players entertained everyone at the end of the day with a festive concert. Good luck to our steel band, along with our many dancers, who will be performing at the Turks and Caicos Friends of the Arts Foundation (TCFAF) Christmas Concert on Saturday.
Read on to hear more Steel Drums…‘I Feel Good’ and ‘When You Wish Upon a Star’… [Read more…]

Christmas Lunch Celebrations, 2011

All the children gathered together today for a special Christmas lunch  – a yummy feast with turkey, potatoes, carrots and broccoli.  To celebrate this occasion, the children made festive hats and place mats.  These girls made snowmen place mats – snowmen in the Turks and Caicos?

A big thank you to Robin and his staff at ‘Pizza, Pizza’ for your hard work cooking our school lunches every day.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Robin for donating cookies for all the children at their end of term performances.

Year 4’s Pizza Fractions

Year 4 recycled pizza boxes and scrap paper to make a game that would help them to learn about fractions. Each child created pizzas cut into a variety of number of slices.  In the game, the children matched mixed number and improper fraction cards to the pizzas that showed these fractions.  Some of the cards were equivalent fractions so the children had to imagine cutting or combining slices to match them.  This game certainly got the children thinking and learning lots about fractions.  It also got everyone feeling hungry – especially for pizza!

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Our New School Signs!

A huge THANK YOU to Billy the carpenter, our School Council and Nana Beezy for helping us to create our school signs, one for the front entrance… and one for the back.  And they were ready just in time for our Christmas Performance – we really didn’t want anyone to lose their way and miss the fantastic show!

A fabulous team effort!

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What is she doing in this box?

Well, the Dolphins in Year 3 have been looking at containers. They wanted to know how this container was actually made so they decided  – once empty again – to dismantle it. They discovered it was actually made out of a 2d flat shape called a ‘net’.  Once the Dolphins had discovered this they wanted to make their own 3d shape using a net.

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Busy Busy Preschool

Every day the Preschoolers play outdoors, some of them love running on the soccer field and others love the sand and water play in the garden. They have also enjoyed baking every week this term and the latest yummy treats were Pink Triple Berry Muffins. Preschool received some new resources and one of their favourites is the ‘Marble Run’. They have also been learning about magnets and shape matching.  The new ‘Pete the Cat’ book has been teaching us all about colours. Read on to see photographs of all the wonderful experiences our children are having in Preschool.

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Tickets on Sale for our End of Term Shows

Tickets will be on sale tomorrow for our end of term shows.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Budding Young Artists in Pelican class

The Pelican class recently took a look at the artist Andy Warhol and in particular his vibrant portrait paintings. We took the children’s photographs and they painted on top of them using bright water colours. They then made their own background in Andy Warhol style printing. To do this they took a small rectangular piece of foam, carved a simple pattern on one side with a pencil, covered this with paint and used it as a stamp to make 4 prints. The results were simply eye catching!

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Year 6 TCI Prints on Sale

“Hello! We are a dedicated Year 6 class, ages 9 -11, from Providenciales Primary School and this is our last primary year. We are trying to raise money to go on an educational trip at the end of the school year that means so, so much to us.  It is a once in a lifetime experience. We are raising money by selling these unique art prints that you cannot get anywhere else in the world!  We created these prints ourselves using photos from the Turks and Caicos and reinterpreted them by using mind-blowing colours and creating these pieces in our Adobe Photoshop classes.  We wanted to show the tropical colours of our home!

These limited editions are unique works of art!   Each is professionally printed on photo archival paper.  The prints are $50 each or $90 for the set of two and are available to buy at the school. We hope you enjoy them!”  Click ‘read more’ to see larger photos of the children’s prints. [Read more…]