Provo Primary Hockey Camp 2012

Join Professional hockey Player Dom Osman for our roller hockey camp.

On and off-rink drills and skills.

Click on the link below to find out more and to register your child:

Provo Primary Hockey Camp 2012

Monday 2ndJuly to Friday 6thJuly.  

11:00am -3:00pm  (5yrs – 17yrs).  

An amazing body and mind opportunity, not to be missed!


Provo Primary Summer Camps 2012











Monday 2ndJuly  to Friday 13thJuly 

Click on the links below to find out more and to register your:

Summer Camps:

Early Years (2 – 5 yrs) Summer-Camp-2012

Provo Primary Summer School / Camp  and Hockey Camp 2012


Toddler Taster Sessions:

Provo Primary Toddler Tasters (14mths to 2 yrs )July 2012


Summer School (5 – 12 yrs): 

Mind Up, Wake Up Session and Math Drills

Summer Camp (5 – 12 yrs):

Music, Drama and Dance, French, Arts and Crafts, ‘Mind Up’,  Sports, Swimming Lessons, Beach Day and Boat Trip

Roller Hockey Camp (5 – 14 yrs):

Join Professional hockey Player Dom Osman  for on and off-rink drills and skills

Summer Camp (2- 5 yrs):

A range of daily fun activities

Toddler Taster Sessions (14 mths – 2 yrs):

Provo Primary School invites prospective families to come and experience the unique qualities of our school and what we can offer your family.

Toddler Taster Sessions (14 mths – 2 yrs)

Provo Primary School invites prospective families to come and experience the unique qualities of our school and what we can offer your family.

For ages 14 months to 2 years.

2nd July – 13th July – 8.45am -11.00am.

$20 per day.

Flexible days (two, three or five mornings each week)

Click on the link below to find out more and to register your child:

Provo Primary Toddler Taster (14mths to 2 yrs )July 2012



Preschoolers train for our Olympic Celebrations

All year our Preschool class have been participating in many fun physical activities to develop and refine their gross motor skills and co-ordination. More recently, we have been practising for our upcoming school ‘Olympics’ celebrations.  The children adore running games and delight in trying out all their skills when we play on our exciting obstacle courses.   Please have a look at our skills in the pictures below!

Yr 5 Explore Renewable Energy

From ‘Solar Ovens’ to ‘Solar Revolving Airplanes’, Year 5 has been looking at these renewable resource that has been around for years.  Solar cooking uses the sun as the source of energy instead of standard cooking fuels such as charcoal, coal or gas. Solar cookers are an inexpensive and environmentally sound alternative to traditional ovens.  Year 5 constructed their own solar oven using a shoe box, oatmeal container, aluminum foil, plastic wrap and a wire coat hanger.  They placed a hot dog on the hanger and covered their box in plastic wrap to keep out dust and bugs.   The completed solar cooker is shown in the pictures below. They placed the cooker in direct sunlight and checked the hot dog every half hour. Their hot dog was completely cooked in 1 ½ hours!  Of course the fun part was eating it. [Read more…]

Year 4’s World Ocean Day Maths Class

Our Year 4 Math group linked World Ocean Day to learning Maths facts today.

OCEAN FACT #1   Over ¾ of our planet is covered by oceans

Math fun facts:

~ As a percentage, ¾ is 75%
~ As a decimal, ¾ is 0.75
~ As money, 75 cents
~ As a fraction, ¾ can also be written as:  6/8,   9/12,   12/16,      15/20,   18/24,   21/28,   24/32,   27/36,   30/40 

We call these equivalent fractions.  This means that they are all worth the same value – even though they look different!

How did we find them?  We multiplied the top number (numerator) by two and then we did the same to the bottom number (denominator) and got 6/8.  Then we multiplied the numerator by three and did the same to the denominator and got 9/12.  We went on with this pattern 10 times.  Finally, we discovered that if we took the zero off 30/40 it is the same as ¾!

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World Oceans Day, 2012

Today is World Oceans Day! It’s an opportunity to us all to focus on our shared world ocean, learn more and do more to help protect and conserve the ocean, for now and for future generations.

What will you do today to explore, learn, and enjoy the beauty and wonder of our world ocean?

Let’s hope that each and everyone of you at Provo Primary takes the time to reflect on what you can do to protect and conserve them.  With the ocean all around us, let’s all try and dip our toes into the crystal blue waters today and make a splash in celebration of World Oceans Day!


Jk Celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee

The Junior Kindergarten were delighted to learn about the celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

The children enjoyed a wonderful story about the life of Queen Elizabeth II.  After the story, the children got on board the Royal Coach (which they created during group artwork) and walked off dressed in royal attire to enjoy some of the queen’s favourite food in Royal garden.  Read on to see some photos and to read more about our celebration activities.

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Preschool Celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

Celebrations across the school took place to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.   The Turks and Caicos is a UK Overseas Territory and so the queen is our Head of State.  Well, she did look fancy as she posed for a photo opportunity with our youngest children, all dressed up in their red, white and blue and donning the royal crown.  Thank you,  for letting them sit in your throne,  your majesty!  Click on to enjoy more photos of our royal princes and princesses.

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Yr 3 Dolphins visit the Dentist

Canines, incisors, molars… a whole lot of ‘wisdom’ was acquired during Year 3’s visit to Dr Mark Osmond’s Dental Clinic last week.

We got to see how healthy teeth should look and how our teeth could look if we didn’t look after them –argh! That bit was quite scary; the pictures were quite yukky!  You can see some of our horrified reactions in the photos below.  We were very relieved to find out that we were caring for our teeth properly.

Not only did we get to see and hold real teeth (It’s OK, Dr Mark made a deal with the Tooth Fairy), but we also got to sit in the dental chair without having to have any treatment whatsoever. Phew!

Thank you so much Dr Mark for inviting us to your clinic, it was a real fun and informative visit.

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Year 2 – Pasatiempos

In Hummingbird Class we’ve been interviewing each other in Spanish to find out about the activities our friends do when they’re not at school.  We’re a very busy class! We had to learn how to talk about all the different activities we do, then choose one to show in our interview.  We also had to learn how to ask the question “what do you you do in your spare time?” (¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?).  We had to really practise our Spanish speaking to make sure we knew what to say – we didn’t even need to write down our lines to help us remember! We worked really hard on building our confidence in our speaking.  It was a bit scary being filmed, but we think you’ll agree that we all did a great job when you watch our fantastic video!

World Premier of The Lorax @ the Flamingo Royale!

The Year 4 class nervously gathered outside the door of their Flamingo Classroom last week, peering in at a large crowd of children and parents. They had all gathered to watch the first ever performance of Dr Seuss’ The Lorax at Provo Primary School!  And what a performance it would be!  Only 3 weeks ago, the Year 4 pupils were challenged to learn and perform an entire musical, build a stage and find costumes.  No wonder they were so excited to see the huge audience that had gathered in their classroom to watch the World Premier of this wonderful story!  Intrigued and want to see a glimpse of the show?  Then click on ‘read more…’ see some amazing photos.

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Boca visits Provo Primary

Boca Floppy Williams is first and foremost Ms. Alison’s pet golden retriever, but she also works as an emotional support and therapy dog. This means that she offers help to people who need it. She is really good at sensing when children are upset and she can help make them feel better. If you haven’t already tried it, try talking to her and she’ll answer you through Ms. Alison. (She needs Ms. Alison to interpret what she’s trying to say in dog language.) She even helps relieve pain when children hurt themselves, just by letting them stroke her.  She helps children stop crying and relax so the pain goes away much faster.

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Fruity Friday, 2012

Last week we celebrated ‘Fruity Friday’ at Provo Primary school and each child dressed in the colour of a fruit and brought in a dollar to go towards our local cancer society.
In Year one, the children wore watermelon colours for the day and got to share out a whole water melon between them. Whilst cutting the watermelon, the children discussed its size and shape and we learned the terms ‘whole’, ‘halves’ and ‘quarters.  As they were eating the watermelon, the children described its taste- and came up with ‘juicy’, ‘crunchy’, ‘sweet’ and ‘delicious – it certainly was!
Smile if you like watermelon!  Click on the image to see whole class enjoying their Fruity Friday, healthy treat.

TCSPCA Dog Show Poster Winner

Well done to all our creative artists that entered the TCSPCA Dog Show Poster competition.  The winning design, by a child in our Year 5 class, has been chosen to be on all the publicity media advertising the upcoming event. Click on image to see a close up of this wonderful picture.

The dog show is an annual fundraising event and will be this Saturday 26th May at the Turtle Cove Marina, between 3 and 7 PM.  With events such as ‘best in show’, ‘best trick’, ‘waggiest tail’, ‘best potcake’ and ‘the dog the judges would like to take home’, it sure will be a great afternoon for all the family and dog lovers to enjoy.

Look out for Ms Alison and Boca, along with many of our school families and their pet dogs.

The TCSPCA is the oldest and most established Animal Welfare Organization in the Turks & Caicos Islands.  It is a non profit, registered charity that was established in 1998.   Click on the link to learn more about the work of the TCSPCA.  And, if you’re not sure what ‘best potcake’ meant above, then you’ll find out what a potcake is on their website.


School Lunch Menu – May-June, 2012

Our school lunch menu form for Tuesday 29th May – Thursday 28th June 2012 is now available.

If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image and download and complete the form.  Forms are also available in the office.

Please note that we are unable to provide lunches unless payment is made in ADVANCE.

Year 4 Field Trip: Conservation all around us!

Last week, as part of our Conservation and Preservation of the TCI topic, we were all excited to head off on an educational field trip to Chalk Sound.  Children had the opportunity to visit two areas of historical and environmental significance.

After the short walk up to the top of Sapodilla Hill, children were given a presentation by David Bowen on the historical significance of the rock carvings and the work that has been done to preserve the area.  The oldest carving had just celebrated its 245th birthday – dating back to May 10th 1767!  Children explored the rocks for themselves and recorded their findings.  We also tried to spot the difference between the original carvings and the modern graffiti. Unless there were dates to help us, it was surprisingly tricky!

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TCIRFU Tag Rugby Championships 2012

The inaugural Digicel Interschools TAG Rugby Championships were held this weekend at the TCIRFU’s Meridian Field in Grace Bay Village.  Children from schools all across Providenciales turned out to compete against each other in the game of Tag Rugby.

We entered two teams: one in the Under 8s, and another in the Under 11’s.  The children really enjoyed themselves and played fantastically.  “The children were great sports throughout the event,” commented one parent watching.  Well done everyone!  Special congratulations go to our Under 11 team who won the championship in their age group.

We would like to say a big thank you to Coach Mark for helping our teams during the tournament.  He did a fantastic job encouraging the children.  Thanks also to all the parents and friends who came out to support the event.

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Test Taking Tips from Year 6

Year 6 have been ‘exammed out’ over the last couple of weeks with both the T.C.I Middle School and the British West Indies Collegiate Year 7 entrance exams, but they still have one more set to go next week; their end of Year 6 UK National Curriculum S.A.Ts! They have worked exceptionally hard throughout and have never given up even though it has been hard-going at times.  Well done each and every one of you.

Here are their class exam tips for those sitting these exams or others in the future:

  • Wear your school uniform to set yourself to school mode.
  • Sleep well before your tests – go to bed a little earlier than usual.
  • Eat a good breakfast.
  • The earlier the tests, the sooner they are over!
  • Try not to over-think it.
  • Check over your work.
  • Try your best.
  • Read the questions carefully.
  • Work harder questions worth more marks.
  • Don’t spend too long on a question, go back at the end to re-try.
  • Do something fun after the tests to celebrate and have something to look forward to.
  • There is always a school for you out there.
  • And…….. RELAX!

Click on ‘Read more…’ to read some of the children’s thoughts about their test-taking experiences.

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We LOVE Reading in Kindergarten

This term, my Kindergarten children have really blossomed into confident beginning readers!  They have worked really hard throughout year with learning their sounds, blends and sight words.

Each day after lunch, the children pair up together to explore and read their “just right” classroom levelled reading books.  First, they read them to themselves and then they read them to their partner.  Each day a child also gets chosen to read their book out-loud to the whole class.  I’m so proud of their amazing progress and their increase in confidence when sounding out unfamiliar words.  What an amazing Kindergarten class!




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Congratulations Year 3 Dolphins – Green Recycle Certificate Winners

The recycle tallies were recorded and counted on the final day of the month.  The first class to win the Green Recycle Certificate – which entitles them to one extra special ‘Golden Time’ – were the Year 3 Dolphins.  They collected an astounding 251 tallies – that’s 251 pieces of recycle items that, as the Dolphins say “ will help to make our world a better place!”

To compliment their success Year 3 created a rap to remind us of how important it is to recycle.

After much discussion, Year 3 have decided to put their extra ‘Golden Time’ towards a trip to our local Sandwich Shop where they will be able to create their own ‘healthy and delicious’ wrap (or rap!) or salad to eat for lunch. This relates really well to their ‘Healthy Eating’ topic in Science and their Design and Technology project of designing and making their own ‘healthy treat’. How excitingly scrumptious is that!


JK are looking after Planet Earth

This term, the JK children have learned how important it is to help save our Planet Earth. During the first week, we focused on recycling and the children shared their knowledge about what they already knew about the topic, such as turning off taps while brushing teeth or turning off lights when no one is in the room.

The JKs love getting their parents involved in their learning so their home activity was to make something using recycled materials. At a special show and tell, each child brought in their project and explained what it was and how it was used.  Click on ‘Read more…’ to see lots of photos.

We also held an Earth Open House. We invited other classes into our room and the JKs talked about their recycling projects.


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Our Preschoolers are Growing!

We are excited to begin the Summer term in Preschool and have started off with sowing seeds.  We planted some sunflower seeds on Tuesday.  The children enjoyed mixing the soil and pushing in their seeds – it was lots of messy fun! By Thursday we already had some shoots and now, a week later,  they are growing very strong… amazing! Each day we are very carefully checking the soil to see if they require water.

To celebrate our planting, we made a beautiful painting to display on our classroom wall. Click on ‘Read more…’ to see some photos of us doing our planting and of our wonderful painting.

If you have any old pots (even old boots) you would like to donate to the school, our preschoolers would be overjoyed and will take great pleasure in planting some flowers and herbs in them!

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Year Five Build their own Salt Water Cars

Yes, you have read the title correctly; Year Five at Provo Primary have built their own salt water cars. This term we are studying sources of renewable energy, as our fossil fuels one day will be gone. Did you know that magnesium +salt water + air = electricity?

Each child was given a salt water fuel- cell car kit to assemble and then they added salt water to watch their cars race. After about 10 minutes the cars begin to slow down and all they needed to do was add more salt water and the would start up again.

What a great classroom project to learn about a potentially new way to fuel cars and they could even test different ratios of salt to see which mixture yields the greatest efficiency.
Who knew the solution to our energy needs was a simple as a trip to the beach.

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There’s a Commotion in the Ocean!

Hummingbird class have been busy with our topic work ‘Our beautiful Ocean’ and this week we have been learning about the life of a jelly fish. Did you know that a jelly fish has no brain, no heart and no blood? We studied different types of jelly fish and wrote up all the information we learnt about them in to our ‘Ocean Fact Files’. We watched how a jelly fish catches its prey and eats it!
We noticed how this linked with the other ocean animals we have been learning about, such as the sea turtle, whose favourite snack is jelly fish! And also our work on clown fish, whose body is covered in mucus so they cannot feel the jelly fishes sting.
After, we created our own jelly fish using paper Mache, coloured tissue paper, and bubble wrap for the tentacles! Come see them bobbing around our classroom!


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