From Tadpole to Frog

In Year 1, we have been learning about how a tadpole develops into a frog.  Frogs are amphibians.  They can live in water and on land.  We have researched the different stages that occur during a frog’s life cycle.

Miss Tracy’s Kindergarten class has tadpoles in their classroom and very kindly invited us to take a look.  We used magnifying glasses to study the tadpoles more closely.

We discovered that on the first day, female frogs lay thousands of eggs in the water   At first, they need to stay in the water to survive.  As amphibians grow, they change.  After a while, they are able to breathe air and go on land.

But do all frogs lay their eggs in water?  Click on read more below to find out!

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A Mural of the Great Plains!

As part of our new topic on The Birth of America, we set about creating a huge mural together.  This is our second big cooperative art project this term.

We wanted to create a landscape of the Great Plains to help us imagine this massive area of land.  Using lots of torn paper and glue, we had to organise ourselves into groups so that we could create this enormous collage.  Talking and sharing, agreeing and challenging, compromising and explaining – we did it all in order to complete the project in just over an hour!  We can’t wait to put our literacy writing and topic work all over it now!

Click read on to see more photos and keep an eye on Flamingo Class for more exciting projects throughout the term!

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Preschool begin a Lifelong Journey of discovery!

Provo Primary Preschool Education Programme is off to a fun, action-packed start.  Indoor time is busy.  We all love playing dress up, cooking and completing puzzles and table top activities.   We all enjoy lots of arts and crafts.  Our favourite thing so far is…painting!  In the playground, the children love swinging on the new swing, playing in the new playhouse, climbing our fort and mixing up pretend food during water play.  We are also feeling very sporty this year and have already started practising our kicking and throwing skills on the giant green field!  Please browse our pictures to see what fun we have been having so far in September 2012 as we embark on a lifelong journey of discovery!

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We have a HUNCH that this is going to be a bright BUNCH…..

In Junior Kindergarten we have spent most of the first three weeks of term getting acquainted with our peers and exploring our classroom.  We love all the centres, in particularly the block and home corners.   We have been encouraged to play in large groups to continue building our social skills, sharing skills, and using appropriate manners etc. where necessary.  We have been working hard on quickly learning and remembering the class rules and routines in such a short time.  Click on read more below and take a look at some of the hands-on activities we have enjoyed, making our learning more fun.





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Wonder and Discovery in our Toddler Programme

It is a brave new world full of wonder and discovery in our Toddler Programme!  Our littlest students have been exploring what it means to be in school.  They love soft play and building with the soft blocks is a favourite morning game! In the outside playground, water and sand play are an essential part of the Toddler day.  Colour is a big theme in our classroom and we are learning lots about red, yellow and blue!  It has also been very fun to make new friends!  Have a look at the photos and see for yourself!






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How do Foods affect our Teeth?

Our first science topic this term is Healthy Lifestyles and Year 5/6 have been investigating just how we find out what different  foods and drinks do to our teeth.  We didn’t want to do the experiments with our actual teeth, so we used eggs as their shells are similar to the the materials found in the enamel of our teeth.   We decided to look at the effects of acids on our teeth.  Acids are made by plaque bacteria, which cause tooth decay and cavities.  Some foods are acidic too, like vinegar and soda.  We immersed an egg  in vinegar and… after leaving it for just a little bit, we could already see some results!  Our ‘vinegar’ egg was on the point of turning transparent and it felt more than a little soft!  Scary results indeed!

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PTA News

Welcome back to school!  Thank you to everyone who attended our first PTA meeting, held September 26th.  Attendees got to see some of the fabulous new science equipment purchased with PTA funds over the summer, got an update on the other expenditures (including 2 new whiteboards and shading for the early years playground).  Exciting upcoming events were also discussed, along with PTA goals for the year ahead.  A big thank you to the parents who have stepped in to help in the school library was also passed on; your time and efforts are very much appreciated.   Click here to see our Class Reps for 2012/13, to find out more news about our PTA and how you can help support our upcoming events.


JK and Kindergarten Working Together!

All the Early Years children and teachers were so excited to get new outdoor shelves and bins to keep all our lovely toys organized that we could hardly wait to put them all together!  Both Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten worked together to build the shelves and containers, all of which were bought by PTA funding. Please take a look at the pictures to see how we all got on. It was tough work but phew, it looks lovely out in our playground now!  A massive thank you to the PTA.






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Cooperative Art Projects in Flamingo Class!

What a start to the year it’s been in Year 4!

We have spent a lot of time during these first weeks getting to know each other!  We discussed the importance of helping each other out this year so that everyone can participate, learn and have fun in Flamingo Class.  In order to put our ideas into action, we set about creating pieces of art that required us to cooperate together and learn from each other.


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Additional After-School Clubs, Oct 2012

Our additional after-school clubs are starting Monday 1st October.  Click on the image to download your registration form and join in the fun!

Choose from French, drama, animation, Lego and games, and art club.  We also have a few spaces available in homework and junior steel drums clubs.  Senior steel drums and golf club are fully booked, I’m afraid.

Children from the community are also most welcome to participate in our club programme so do send a link to any friends that you think might be interested.

Mr Skully Comes To Visit!

We have a new member of the class! Mr Skully, the school skeleton, has been helping Year 2 out with our topic this term – our bodies, our bones and our organs! We actually assembled Mr Skully ourselves, whilst learning which bone attaches to which part of the body. We were amazed at the length of the femur bone (the largest bone in our body) and the stirrup bone in the ear (the smallest bone in our body).
We have been trying to remember all the scientific names of our bones and most of us even can tell you how many bones there are in an adults body! (206).
Have a look at the photos below and see our work in action! [Read more…]

School Council 2012-13

Our School Council Reps for 2012-13 have been voted in. The team have lots of big ideas and are keen to work together for the good of the school. Recycling was top of the agenda in their first active and productive meeting, and this project is now back up and running. Playground timetables too were fairly agreed upon.

We are very proud of our School Council and consider this to be a strong and well established feature of our school. We think it is very important that children have a means of discussing important issues about our school and have a forum for airing views and ideas.

Click on to see a photo of our new School Council Reps and to learn more about what the job involves

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Kindergarten Polar Bears

Kindergarten’s beginning topic is Habitats around the World. Within this topic, we will be identifying and making a connection between different animals and their habitats. First, we’ve been learning about the polar habitat.  So far, we’ve been learning all about polar bears that live in the Arctic and next we’ll learn about penguins in the Antarctic. We’ve learned how polar bear keep warm in the icy cold weather, what food they eat and how the mother polar bear creates a den to have her babies in.

For our weekly craft activity, we made polar bears!  Have a look at some of the Kindergarten children having fun making their textured polar bears.  Aren’t they cool?
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Growing Herbs in our School Garden

The Dolphin Class has also been fortunate to have a parent helper, Mrs Catherine, come in and work with us to help us to plant new herbs in our school garden.  do you know the herb we are holding in the photo and about to plant?

This on-going project is a great opportunity to combine our classroom learning in Science about how plants grow, with the outdoor environment.  It has also allowed for plenty of ‘hands-on’ learning.

Anybody looking for some healthy herbs this half term? Come along to the Dolphins class I have a feeling we are going to be ‘growing experts’ very soon!  A huge thank you, Mrs Catherine. [Read more…]

Dolphin Research

What as fabulous start to the new school year in the Dolphins class.  We have worked in pairs using our computer research skills, looking into lots and lots of interesting facts in relation to our class creature, the Dolphin.  Not only did we learn how to record  the information researched into a colourful spider diagram, but we also jointly presented our newly found facts to the rest of the school during our first assembly on Friday. Well done Dolphins!  What would like to know about dophins?  Well come into the Dolphin Class and see if the answer is on our informative spider diagrams.


International Coastal Clean Up, 2012

Children from Provo Primary School joined volunteers around the world to pick up rubbish from our coastal environment.  International Coastal Cleanup, is an annual event to raise awareness of the importance of keeping the world’s waterways and oceans clean. Well done and thank you to the families who got up ‘super’ early to join in other community members, cleaning up the Children’s Park Beach in the Bight.  The children did a great job and, although they were disappointed by the amount of rubbish they actually collected, they felt proud that they had  cleaned up an area that is often enjoyed by children.  The clean up was organised by the ‘Environmental Club’ together with the DEMA.  They hope to see this becoming an annual event on our TCI calendars.

School Lunch Menu – Sept – Oct, 2012

Our school lunch menu resumes on Monday 10th September.  If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image and download and complete the form.  Forms are also available in the office.

As the owner of our school lunch provider is away until October 15th, we have decided to keep the menu the same as it was last term. On his return, we will be trialling some new options with a view to introducing any new dishes into the menu after the mid-term break.  Consequently, this order form takes us up to the 17th October.  A new order form incorporating some new lunch ideas will be sent out to cover the period between the 18th October and 26th October.

As always, we welcome your comments/feedback on the lunch programme so if you do have any “bright ideas” as to what we can include, please do let us know.

Please note that we are unable to provide lunches unless payment is made in ADVANCE.

Steel Drums and Homework Clubs Start Next Week

Steel Drums and Homework Clubs will start next week.  Please find details on the attached the registration form.  Our main school clubs will start in the week beginning 1st October so look out for details of these exciting new club choices in the next couple of weeks.

We are keen to hear about community members who would like to run a club, or assist with one, as a part of our after-school programme.  Suggestions for potential clubs you feel your children would enjoy are also most welcome.


School Handbook and Class Information Booklets, 2012/2013

We are proud of the educational programme we offer to your children and of the cooperative working relationship we strive to develop with our families. Our 2012/2013 School Handbook and Class Information Booklets have been developed in an effort to enhance this relationship and to provide you with information about the school ethos and expectations, and the curriculum for each class year group.

Please click on the image on the left to download the latest copies from our website.

New School Year Class Newsletters, Sept 2012

Class newsletters help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, note future upcoming dates and events and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download our latest class newsletters.

Owl Pellet Dissection Lesson

Year 4, 5 and 6 students had an opportunity to participate in an owl pellet dissection lesson using laboratory sterilized barn owl pellets. Owl pellets are neat little packages of mostly fur and bones that are regurgitated by an owl after it has finished digesting everything else. The students worked together to discover what the barn owls had been eating by dissecting their pellets. By carefully sorting and organizing the bones they found, students were able to reconstruct a skeleton of a rodent, in this case a vole. Thank you Miss Bonnie for providing such an interesting lesson.

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Yr 5 Kayaking Trip

Photos of our Year 5’s recent kayaking trip to Little Water Cay.
Many thanks to Big Blue Unlimited.

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Flamingo Class Olympic Record Breakers!

As part of our theme week, Year 4 pupils set out to research World Records for some of the upcoming Olympic events. It was amazing to think that some of these records are nearly thirty years old! We discovered who still hold these records and where they are from. We wanted to see what these records really looked like, so we measured out the heights and distances. It was incredible to see how high or how far people had jumped, or how far people could throw! It seemed impossible! One pupil even claimed “he must have flown!” when looking at the Long Jump world record.

Of course, we wanted to set some records of our own! Check out our video blog to see how we got on!

Thanks South Caicos for an Amazing Adventure

Our Year 6 class, from the Providenciales Primary School, had an exciting week visiting the neighbouring island of South Caicos, where we were welcomed by the entire local community.

Just after arriving on the TCI Ferry from Providenciales on Monday, June 11, the buzz was all over town that there was a group of very enthusiastic visitors to the small island of the Big South.

Read on to find out more about our amazing adventures and to meet some of the wonderful community people who helped to make our trip so special.

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Outstanding Academic Successes at Provo Primary School, 2012

outstanding-acievement-2012We would particularly like to mention some of the many academic successes that we have had this year pertaining to our oldest students in the school (Years 5 and 6).

*       Many children in Year 6 have attained level 5c’s and 5b’s and are working well ahead of Year 6 expectations in English, Mathematics and Science. One child was assessed as a level 6c writer, working just below the average for a 13 year old.

*       Some of our Year 6s have been following an extended Year 7 Maths curriculum this year.  All these children have gained level 7c’s and a 7b which is well ahead of their expected level, completing a paper which is generally done in Year 9 by 14 year olds!

*       In school entrance exams, we have also experienced huge successes, gaining high marks across the board in entrance exams. We gained the 1st, 2nd, 3rd places in the TCI Middle School.

*       Our school also attained 1st and 3rd place in the Year 7 British West Indies Collegiate exam again, competing against a whole host of other children.

*       One of our Year 5 students also came in 1st place in the Year 6 exam for British West Indies Collegiate and one was accepted into Year 7.  All children that sat the exam were accepted into the school.

*       Our whole Year 5 class attained the UK national average for Year 5 in English and Mathematics, with some children achieving level 5c’s and 5b’s, working well ahead of expectations.