2nd Annual Family Skate Night

skate-night-poster-feb-2013The School Council would like to know what music you would like to skate to at our 2nd Annual PTA Family Skate night.

Make your requests known to your Class School Council reps.

Or place your request in the ‘Boogie Box’ outside the office.

Come and join the fun – Friday 22nd February @ the Graceway Sports Centre from 5:30 – 7 PM.

So get your skates on and let us know your groove tunes!






Hooray for Pyjama Day!

pj-toddlers-feb-2013Toddler class recently participated in the pyjama-themed Dress Down Day and these veteran nappers really took their roles seriously!   From reading bedtime stories, to making sure ‘Baby’ was fed and snugly in the crib, Toddler class relished in the relaxation of this dreamy morning.  Look at our pictures all about …..ZZZZzzzz…..



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Looking Closely at the Skin on my Hand

yr-4-hand-poems-feb2013As part of their Science topic this term, Year Four students have been learning about skin.

In Literacy, with Miss Bonnie, they used jeweller’s loupes to look closely at their hands and created a poem while thinking about two focus questions: “What else does it look like?” and “What does it remind me of?”

Here are some examples of their thoughtful poems:



My Hand

Like a whirlpool whirling in the deep blue sea,

Curved lines like a zebra running in Africa,

A sunset lowering over the horizon,

A mountain looming in the distance,

A rope running down a mountain,

Waves crashing down onto a beautiful beach,

Water running down a river in Egypt,

A thin layer of snow lying on my fingertip,

An ice cream cone in a shop,

My hand, so many different patterns!

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$1,628 Scholastic Reward Dollars so far this year – Thank you, everyone!

scholastic-feb-2013The children and teachers would like to thank all of our families who support our Scholastic Book Club.  We feel very fortunate.

It’s a win–win all round, every time –  a great way to promote the development of reading skills and the enjoyment and interest in reading, both at home and at school.

Over the course of a year, the PTA organises five opportunities for families to order books through the Scholastic Book Club scheme (Thank you Bonita!)  In each catalogue, there is a great selection of top quality books to buy… and there are even more to choose from on-line!  Every book purchased earns free Bonus Point Reward Dollars for the school.

This month, families have raised $513 reward dollars.  Added to the $407 in September and $708 in December, that’s a total of $1,628 so far this year that the school has, and is using to spend on books and educational supplies to help benefit your child’s learning.

Each term, one of the reward totals is divided equally between our classes for the children and teacher to order books specifically for their classroom library and topics. One of the reward totals is allocated to the school library and another to the school leadership team to spend on areas of development.

Preschool Scientists

ps-scientists-feb-2013-5Our little scientists in Preschool have been investigating magnetism, size and colour mixing. Take a look at our photographs and get an idea of what experiments we have been working on.

Look out for our next blog where we will discover what happens when we mix vinegar, food colouring and baking soda!





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Cotton Poetry

cotton-Yr-4-poems-feb-2013Cotton plants can be found growing wild on the roadside here in Providenciales.  They are remnants from a past cotton industry that once dominated North and Middle Caicos and Providenciales.

The Year Four students used jeweller’s loupes to examine a cotton boll and wrote poetry while thinking about two focus questions: “What else does it look like?” and “What does it remind me of?”

Here are a few of their poems:


My Wonderful Cotton

My wonderful cotton, like a big puffy cloud floating in the sky,

Delicious cotton candy waiting for me to eat it,

Snow as white as can be falling from the sky,

The leaves of my cotton like autumn just falling,

The boll as golden as a coin with patterns like a sponge,

I love my cotton and I hope you do too!

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School Lunch Menu (Feb-March 2013)

school-lunch-feb-march-2013Our school lunch menu form for Wednesday 13th February – Thursday 22nd March 2013 is now available.

Fancy a curry on Fridays?  Mild chicken curry and rice is back, replacing the roast pork this half term.  Please also note that Chicken fingers, mashed potato and broccoli/corn will be served on Wednesday instead on Friday.

Froots wraps and salads are available on Wednesday and Friday.

If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image, and download and complete the form.  Forms are also available in the office.

Please note that we are unable to provide lunches unless payment is made in ADVANCE.

Poetry Inspired by “Hailstones and Halibut Bones”

colour-poems-feb-2013Inspired  by the poetry and illustrations in Mary O’Neill’s amazing book  “Hailstones and Halibut Bones,” children from Year Two and Three wrote their own colour poems using their five sense as a guide.  Here are seven examples for you to enjoy:




From Year Two:


Turquoise looks like a bubbly sea, a blue, blue sky and fresh flowers,

Turquoise feels like fresh air in your hands,

It sounds like blowing grass in the wind,

It taste like mint ice cream,

Turquoise smells like fresh leaves and waving grass,

Turquoise makes me think of happiness and fun.

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Terrifically Tasty Tomatoes

tasty-tomatoes-feb-2013Tasty success for the Year 4 gardeners…patience, perseverance, lots of loving and watering has paid off!  Tomatoes galore have been growing and the excitement continues as a new batch are on their way. Snack time has never been so tasty, even for those that really didn’t like tomatoes  “…there is nothing like an organic school-grown tomato!” the children exclaim.

The delicious fruit, vegetables and herbs that have been growing in our garden has even been named –There’s… Larry, Ted, Moe and Crispy the tomatoes, and …Spike the pineapple, Mr Murphy beans, Doogal Parsley, Jivin Chive, Wean the cantaloupe, Rocco the dangerous cucumber and Zigby the banana tree to name a few of  many other culinary characters!

A big thank you to Catherine who has inspired us all with her patience and wonderful green fingers. She has been away for a few weeks but I’m sure she will be pleased to hear that we have been tending the garden well in her absence.

I wonder what we will be feasting on next!

Show and Tell in Junior Kindergarten

jk-show-n-tell--feb-2013The Junior Kindergarten children have been introduce to ‘Show and Tell’ in this term to help them build more confidence when speaking in a large group.  Over the week, each child brings in a item from home that they would like to share with class. They each get a turn to stand in front of the class to talk about their item.   A short song is sung to introduce each child.  After talking about their item, the rest of the class is encouraged to ask questions or make comments.  They each put up their hand and wait their turn.

‘Show and Tell’ encourages the children to:

  • speak clearly (when describing the item they talking about) keeping to the subject;
  • use more descriptive words, helping to widen their use of vocabulary;
  • increase confidence while speaking, and to be more attentive while listening;
  • make eye contact with who is talking and the audience;
  • learn how to be an audience, raising hands to ask questions or make a comment;
  • ask different kinds of questions (why, when, where, how etc.);
  • to respond appropriately, using simple complete sentence;
  • to say thank you at the end of their presentation.

And as all this learn is taking place, the children are truly enjoying sharing and talking about their items that they have brought in.  ‘Show and Tell’ is a valuable and rewarding teaching time!

“It’s a Liquid and now it’s a Solid? The Science of making Slime!

yr-2-matter-jan-2013-3Year two students have been learning about solids, liquids and gases in science. As a culminating activity to this physics topic, the students experimented with a mystery substance to determine if it was a liquid or a solid.  They discovered that the mystery substance started out as a liquid but ended up as a solid.  Much to their delight, they had made “slime”!

Come and check out the Year 2’s amazing solids, liquids and gases posters up on the wall in their classroom – who would have thought that cheerios could be so great for teaching us about states of matter!

Did you know that there is also a fourth state of matter – plasma – I wonder what the Year 2’s think of this?


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Book Your PTA Yard Sale Table Today!

yard-sale-feb-2013We are having a MULTI-TABLE YARD SALE here at Provo Primary school on SATURDAY, FEB. 16TH at 9:00AM-11:00AM




Year 4 Tell us How to Carry out an Investigation

NASA – Here we Come!

yr-56-satellites-jan-2013-4We are learning all about Space in Year 5/6 and we decided to take on a bit of a challenge! The children were set the task of designing a lunar satellite model to understand how NASA actually collect data on exploratory missions, using these satellites.

The models had to be designed to very specific requirements to ensure they would be able to launch and also withstand crashes. They had to weigh no more than 100 grams in total with 10 grams of sensors, probes and cameras included. The children worked superbly well in their teams ‘Shooting Stars’, ‘Starstruck’ and ‘Star Wars Is Jealous!’

They spent time considering the best choices of material in terms of strength and weight and debated for a long time on how to best secure their satellite so that in a one metre drop test it would survive!  They also exchanged information amongst teams to confirm everyone was following the same rules, keeping the investigation a fair test.  We created some fabulous models!


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Year 1 Growing Investigations

yr-1-growing-jan-2013This term in Osprey Class we are learning about ‘growing’ which means that we get to plant our very own sunflower seeds!  We have been learning that before they can grow, seeds need to germinate. This mean that a seed will produce its first shoot and root using its stored food. Most plants need moisture and warmth to germinate and water, warmth and light to grow.  This means that in order for a plant to stay healthy and grow it needs to be watered and have access to sunlight. We have been wondering what would happen to a plant if it was left without water or sunlight. We have decided to carry out an investigation to find out. We will let you know what we find out…




Say Cheese… School Photo’s are Next Week

school-photos-jan-2013Practise your smiles and iron your best uniform… school photo day is  Wednesday 23rd January!

Brilliant by Tropical Imaging will be taking individual and class photos that will be available to be purchased.

Not sure what to expect…then take a look at our 2010  and 2011 school photo shoots and see a fantastic video of our photo session in 2011.  Wow… haven’t you all grown up!


Exercising our Bodies and Minds in Preschool!

ps-jan-2013.-1WOW… what an amazing start to the Term, the Preschool children here at Provo Primary were so excited to return to school – just look at all the happy smiles and busy bodies. We have been back to school just two weeks and our skills are already increasing.  Take a look at our photo gallery below and see everyone engaged in all areas of the curriculum. All of the children are absorbed in language and communication – for every photograph the children vocalised what they were doing… “touching toes”, “painting”, “cutting”, “a big tower”, “car”, “reading-owls”, ”chalk”, “jumping”, “drawing caterpillar”, “puzzle”, “flying”, “looking”, “sailing”, “digging”, “bus”, “signing time”, “animals sick”, “teachers helper”, “get gas”, “dancing is fun”.  Look out next time for our little scientist blog.

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Excavation at Provo Primary!

yr-3-arch-jan-2013Year 3 Dolphins put their archaeologist hats on!

Discoveries from the past were found in the grounds of Provo Primary School (Secretly planted by Miss Mani).  Using gloves, spades, tweezers and magnifying glasses the children carefully extracted each artefact from its place.  How long had these artefacts been here?  Where did they come from?  Who did they belong to?  What can these artefacts tell us about life, characters or objects from the past?  Year 3 will be busy using this evidence to try to answer all of these questions.  What conclusions will the Dolphins make I wonder?




School Newsletter – Spring Term, 2013

school-newsletter-jan-2013Click on the image to see the latest School Newsletter. It includes all the dates and information for upcoming school and PTA activities and events.

Click here to see all of our Spring Term Class Newsletters.





Year 4 Students become Bone-afied Scientists!

yr-4-bones-jan-2013It’s already been a busy start to the new term in Flamingo Class! After welcoming each other back and catching up after our holidays, we were all eager to start thinking about our new topic. And what a lot of thinking we’ve done!

Our science themed topic focusses on the skeletal and muscular systems, and how these work together to help us to move and grow. We have already learned many of the names of the bones in our bodies and have started to discuss what job these bones do.

We also conducted a large science experiement to develop some very important scientific skills needed to make discoveries. Check out the pictures of our excavation project to see how carefully we observed, classified and identified a selection of bones.


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After School Clubs, Spring Term 2013

web-imageWe have a wide variety of new and exciting after-school clubs to enjoy this term.

Click on the image, left to download the registration form.  Please check the registration forms for the dates of each club.

Enrolment is on a first-come first-served basis and some clubs may be very popular, so be sure to make your choices ASAP. All payments need to be made in advance. Please note that students are not considered enrolled in clubs until the registration form and payment has been received.

You may like to ensure that your child has a small extra snack and drink in their lunch box.

Help Provo Primary Support ACCU’s Move-A-Thon 2013


You may have seen this poster on our noticeboard at school.  The event is this weekend, so let us remind you of what it’s all about.

Tamika Handfield, a parent at the school, is excited to hold her 2nd annual ACCU Nutrition Move-a-thon on January 12th, 2013 beginning at 5:30am.  Her first move-a-thon, last year was a huge success with well over 200 persons in attendance, with quite a few Provo Primary families participating.  Tamika’s goal for this year’s event is that it will be bigger and better.

Provo Primary is happy to promote this event and hopes that your family is able to participate.  It’s an early start, but we hope you’ll think it’s worth the effort!  So feel welcome to join in, wearing our school’s colours and taking our school spirit.  Read on to find out more details and download your registration-form here or pick one up at school.

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Class Newsletters – Spring Term 2013

class-newsletters-jan-2013Class newsletters help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download our latest class newsletters.




School Lunch Menu (Jan-Feb 2013)

school-lunch-jan-feb-2013-1Our school lunch menu form for Monday 14th January – Friday 8th February 2013 is now available.

If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image, and download and complete the form.  Forms are also available in the office.

Please note that we are unable to provide lunches unless payment is made in ADVANCE.



Smiles all around as Santa arrives at Provo Primary

Hip Hip Hooray!  We are feeling blessed that Santa once again journeyed far from the cold North Pole to the warmth of TCI to come and visit us all here at Provo Primary today.  In true Provo Primary tradition he arrived at the school on a fire truck with horns blazing and lights flashing, greeted by cheers and smiles from all the children.

Santa certainly seemed as if he was in the holiday spirit donning his bright red flip flops!  Perhaps he is planning to put on his red board shorts and head to the beach!  He definitely deserves a cooling off after two and half hours of gift giving in his winter suit in this heat!

Thank you Santa.  Your gifts of a book for each and every child, and a chance to share a special one-to one moment with you was much appreciated and enjoyed.

See you next year, Santa!