Secondary School Science Spectacular!

bwi-science-trip-mar-2013 (1)Years 4, 5 and 6 carried on from a superlative Science Week with a superb visit to the British West Indies Collegiate School.  Year 3 had been visited by two of their pupils during Science Week.

Head of Science, Mrs Nicola Haynes, welcomed the children and introduced them to Science at KS3 and 4.  The children had the opportunity to see what the fantastic laboratories at the school are like and carried out their own scientific investigation.

Using Bunsen burners for the very first time and a range of chemicals, the children learned the different coloured flames metals produce when burned. They also learned lots about the etiquette of working in a laboratory and even got to quiz a few A-level pupils on what it’s like to learn science at such a high level.

It was a spectacular scientific afternoon and Mrs Haynes was a wonderful science teacher!  Thank you for allowing us to visit.

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Watch out for Mr Longnose!

DSC031381The Year 3 Dolphins have found out that if you were a misbehaving child that lived amongst the Native Indian Iroquois tribe, your parents would not just tell you off, they would either throw water at you, or you might even get dunked in a stream to help you to mend your ways. However, if you were very, very naughty you would be sent to meet the incredibly scary Mr Longnose.




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Years 2 – 6’s Science Fair – March 2013

This term and throughout Science  Week, children in all classes from Year 2 – 6 have been busy observing, experimenting and reflecting on all kinds of scientific knowledge. Now, through our Science Fair, it was the turn of our young scientists  to share their discoveries with their fellow students, parents and visitors!

In science, in addition to discovering a great deal of new information about a topic, children are encouraged to develop their science enquiry skills (the scientific method).  These skills underpin the essential processes required for carrying out investigations, drawing conclusions and forming scientific understanding.  The children were encouraged to communicate these skills through their Science Fair activities.

We hope that through watching this short movie,  you will  see how practical investigation and developing an understanding of scientific enquiry skills is a huge part of our science programme here at Provo Primary School.

If you fancy singing along to the background music as you watch, and learning more about elements of the scientific method, you can print out the lyrics here.  It’s such a catchy tune!

Early Years’ Science Fair – March 2013

Friday morning saw the launch of our first Science Fair.  Throughout our Early Years’ classes, a multitude of hands-on  learning activities were being explored.  It was lovely to see parents, visitors and children together observing,  problem solving, predicting, thinking, making decisions and most importantly talking about what they were doing.   A big thank you to all our teachers for their hard work and to all the parents and visitors who came to enjoy and share the science learning with the children.  If sadly you weren’t able to make it, we hope you gain a feel for our Science Fair through the short movie above.

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KS2 Science Week Library Challenge

science-week-library-challeAs part of World Book day, Year 5/6 took on the challenge of working in teams to complete a specially designed non-fiction quiz. The quiz was organised to ensure the children had to think carefully about how a library references its books. They also had to focus on key words in each question to work out where they would find the answer. The children worked together superbly and used their solid understanding of how to approach a non-fiction book (using contents, glossary and index) to identify the page/s needed. It was a really close competition with teams finishing just seconds after each other!


‘Phenomenal Phenomenon Dress-up Day’

Each year we celebrate ‘World Book Day’ with a dress-up day.  This year, as it was during our Science week, we linked our themes and focussed on non-fiction science books.

All children  were invited to participate in a ‘Phenomenal Phenomenon Dress-up Day’ by wearing a costume that represented something from the world of science! Children were asked to research a fact to accompany their costume, which they then shared with their class and friends.

The costumes truly were phenomenal, ranging from amazing animals, brilliant bugs, wild weather, crazy colours and a whole lot more!  The facts were amazing as well.  We hope you enjoy our Phenomenal fact movie – thank you Mr. Toby for creating this.

Well done everyone – you all showed such creativity.  It was clear how much effort and thought had been put into the costumes and everyone looked proud to wear them and share their facts.  Take a peek at some more photos below. [Read more…]

Year 2’s Non-Fiction Insect Books.

Year 2 have written their very own non-fiction books about insects.  In order to be successful authors the children had to:

  1. Select an insect they wanted to study.
  2. Research their insect.
  3. Make notes about their insect.
  4. Make complete sentences from their notes to make sections for their book.
  5. Complete illustrations and diagrams.
  6. Select words for their glossary.
  7. Write a ‘Contents’ page.
  8. Illustrate their title page.

Finally their books were ready for presentation!  Congratulations on your remarkable books Year 2 – you are fantastic non-fiction authors.  Thank you Miss Sian for making this movie with the children.

World Read Aloud Day – March 2013

read-aloud-day-2013To celebrate ‘World Read Aloud Day’, children across the school shared and read science books together.  Children in our Year 2 class made their own books about insects that we find here in the TCI and shared these with the Year 1.  Our Year 5/6 class connected with a school in the USA and read to each other over the Internet.  Buddy reading is always so much fun!

‘World Read Aloud Day’ is about taking action to show the world that the right to read and write belongs to all people. By raising our voices together on this day we show the world’s children that we support their future: that they have the right to read, to write, and to share their words to change the world.


Science Facts – True or False!

true-false-science-quiz-2013Each day of Science Week, our Ks1 and 2 classes took turns to challenge their fellow students with an exciting ‘True or False Science Quiz’!

Teams were formed, with mixed ages and score tallies recorded over the week.  The questions were devised by the children themselves and related to science work being studied in their class.  Each day at quiz time, the class who were quiz masters  read their questions out aloud to the teams.  These lead to lots of discussion, with older and younger children sharing their knowledge and ideas.  Once a team answer was decided, the appropriate ‘true’ or ‘false’ card was displayed.

What a fun way to share our science knowledge, with different age groups working together and sharing their knowledge and learning.

Science Week, 4th-8th March 2013

science-week-2013Each year, during the TCI’s National Education Week, we have a themed week in school. This year’s week will have a strong Science theme, with children investigating and experimenting across the school.



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Wibbly ,Wobbly and Slippery to Grip!

yr-2-friction-feb-2013Year Two students had fun exploring friction as part of their study of forces and motion.They loved singing a song about friction that helped them understand and remember the concept, and they carried out several experiments to see friction in action. For one of their experiments, the class was divided into two teams. The teams had a race to see which team could move the most jelly cubes from one bowl to another using chopsticks. Then the race was repeated after a small amount of cooking oil was added to the jelly cubes. The students quickly discovered that the jelly cubes with oil on them were much harder to move because the friction was reduced.

From Plant to Plate – Year 1 find out the where our Fruits and Vegetables come from.

yr-garden-trip-feb-2013-11In Year 1, we have been learning that some of the food that we eat comes from plants. In fact, many of the fruits and vegetables that come from the supermarket have grown from plants.

We were very lucky to be able to visit one our classmates’ garden to see some of these different types of fruits and vegetables. We tasted fresh tomatoes and sugar cane from the garden and we even got to plant our very own cucumber! We looked very closely at the different plants we could see.  This helped us when we carefully drew and labelled them.

We had such a lovely time and would like to thank our special family for allowing us to come and visit them.

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Street Art in Preschool

ps-street-art-march-2013 (14)One sunny morning, Preschool all went out to the big playground to paint on the ground using a mixture of water and glitter.  They created some fantastic outdoor art.  As the children painted, they commented on what they could see… “look a circle, an aeroplane, a letter D, a cross, a house, a face, a girl, a train, a letter A, a caterpillar, a letter H, a triangle, a sad face and a car”. After a while, the water dried up and our playground was covered in glitter art.

The children adored the freedom of being able to paint with no restrictions.  They also enjoyed being able to choose to sit by themselves, quietly with a few others, or chatting in a group.  It was amazing to watch our little artists so absorbed in creativity.

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Year 3’s Tremendously Terrific Tipi – Wow!

yr-3-tipi-feb-2013The Year Three Dolphins have been extremely busy the past few weeks designing and making our very own tipi. It all started when we decided that we wanted to improve the look of our school garden. Using our growing knowledge from our Social Studies topic, which has been based on the Native Americans, we combined our Art Design, Science and Design Technology knowledge and skills along to create a TCI-style tipi!


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BIG Writing means Business!

yr5-6-big-writing-feb-2013-‘Big Writing’ is something Provo Primary have been focusing on for quite a while in Year 5 and 6. Children will tell you ‘VCOP’ (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation) is a HUGE part of good writing! We have also been fortunate to have our amazing PTA help us move even further towards higher quality writing sessions by raising money to buy the fantastic interactive whiteboard software which supports this.






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PTA’s Great Family Skate Night

pta-skate-night-feb-2013 (3)More students than ever laced up skates for the PTA’s hugely popular 2nd annual “Great Family Skate”, racing around the Sports Centre rink to the latest music while parents socialised in the stands and toddlers boogied on the dance floor.  A puck shooting contest saw many happy kids rolling away with gift certificates to Island Scoop and Giggles, and all were in agreement that the 90 minute party went by much too quickly.






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Preschool’s Magic Beans!

ps-magic-beans-feb-2013-2Today we started to explore water in our Science lessons using some ‘Magic Jungle Beans’.   We counted 8 tiny beans into a bowl of of cold water and took turns mixing them.  In the cold water the beans did not grow…. so we moved them into warm water and ‘POP’ the first magic jungle bean cracked open and a hippo-shaped sponge grew by absorbing the water, right before our eyes! It was so much fun watching the beans ‘grow’.  After they all the beans had opened, we counted and named the animals that had grown: 2 hippos, 2 monkeys, 2 crocodiles and 2 elephants! Tomorrow we will be exploring sinking and floating!




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Get your Skates on – It’s Family Skate this Friday!

skate-night-poster-feb-2013Don’t forget it’s the school’s 2nd Annual Great Family Skate this Friday, from 5:30-7pm at the Sports Centre.  This year, for a nominal fee, we’ll also have a puck shooting contest with prizes!  As well as an awesome play list for skating and dancing!

Please sign up outside the school office if you can help man the door, work the bar, decorate or provide baked goodies.
We are looking forward to a great night for skaters and non-skaters alike.
Tickets available in the school office.

School Council Hard At Work!


A huge thank you to all the children and parents who donated games and books to be sold at the Saturday Yard Sale. We made $121. We still need to add the Dress Down Day donations from this term to this total which will then be donated to The Provo Children’s Home at the end of the term.

We hope to be collecting dry food and canned goods during our “Healthy Week’ which will also be passed onto the Home together with the money raised. We will keep you posted as to when and where nearer the time.

Keep up the good work School Council!


KS2 Gym Showcase – Balance Bonanza!

The parents in Key Stage Two were in for a fantastic treat this Thursday, the 14th of February.   Children from Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in a gymnastics presentation that was truly breath-taking!

The children had spent the last eight weeks working hard to create and perfect an individual gymnastic routine based on balance. They had to include at least ten balances, at different levels,  including simple, complex and yoga style moves. Their focus was primarily on how they could use their body to hold, balance and most importantly control their movements in these positions.

It was a big step-up from last year’s routines as the children all had to perform their routines individually this year. Moreover they had to include at least two challenges. These could be anything from forward rolls, high dives, cartwheels, handstands, headstands to backward and forward walkovers. The children had to select the challenges they felt most able to carry out independently in a routine.

On the day the children were absolutely amazing. They performed their routines showing off a huge range of skills and ability levels. They all performed to music and did so with grace, poise and a superb effort to control and really hold those balances!

Giddy – Up! Kindergarten Gallop to Provo Ponies.

k-ponies-feb-2013-1Kindergarten took an exciting field trip to Provo Ponies! We learned all about the care and grooming practices of looking after ponies. The children got to get up close and personal with the ponies as they brushed, fed and cleaned the hooves of several different ponies. After learning how to care for the ponies, the children got to sit on Turtle, the biggest horse in the world!

I think we were all amazed by how gentle and beautiful the horses were. Many of the children had never seen a real pony before so it was quite the experience for us all!

I would like to thank Camille and the kind workers at Provo Ponies for allowing my class the opportunity to see their beautiful ponies!

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Is it Fiction or Non-Fiction? Year 1 Find Out!

yr-non-fiction-feb-2013This term, in Osprey class, the Year 1s have been learning how to recognise whether a book or story we read is fiction or non-fiction.  We are remembering that fiction is an entertaining, make-believe story that is not real and non-fiction is true information that gives us facts to explain something.

A non-fiction or information book also has a few other features we have learned about, such as:

  • Contents Page: Contents pages are found at the front of the book. They tell you the page number that you can find information on;
  • Index: The index is at the back of the book. It has key words and tells you where you can find the information in the book. It is in alphabetical order;
  • Glossary: The glossary is at the back of the book. It helps to explain what difficult words mean;
  • Pictures: Pictures are used to give more information;
  • Captions: Captions are next to the pictures. They explain the picture. [Read more…]

Breaking News! Year 4 Bone Experts visit Hospital!

yr-4-hospital-feb-2013-2As part of our topic on Moving and Growing this term, children in Flamingo Class visited the hospital this week. After weeks of learning about how the skeletal and muscular systems work together, we were very excited to discover more from the doctors and nurses at the Cheshire Hall hospital.

Our experts explained how they treat patients with a variety of bone complaints – from healing fractures and dislocations to replacing whole joints! We learned about how X-Rays are used to see inside the body, so that doctors can decide how to treat their patients. The nurses were amazed at how well our young doctors could identify the broken bones shown in each X-Ray, even if they made us feel a bit squeamish! Brave volunteers were also needed to demonstrate some really bad broken bones, using the equipment that real doctors and nurses use to help them practise! Don’t worry when you see the gruesome pictures – we were all fine!

After learning such a lot from Nurse Sharon, we enjoyed lunch in the excellent hospital cafe. A cracking way to end the morning and recharge our brains!

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Year 3 Dolphins go Shopping Galore!

yr-3-iga-feb-2013-13A successful shopping trip to IGA was had on Tuesday by the Year 3 Dolphins. We shopped till we dropped! We managed to practise our estimating and our adding skills, making sure we had enough money to pay at the till – what is that decimal point for?

What a wonderful opportunity it was for us all to buy our own shopping, exchange money for our goods and check our change.

A huge THANK YOU to IGA for letting us have this real hands-on experience AND for the generous ‘re-cycled bag’ that was full of delicious healthy goodies. Wow! What a treat!

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KS2 Gym and Handball PE Showcase

pe-showcase-feb-2013Thursday 14th Feb, 9:15 – 10:15am @ Graceway Sports Centre

All children in Key Stage 2 will be participating in our Spring Term PE Showcase next week.

Gymnastics showcase: This term, our gymnastics unit has focussed on balance and all presentations will exhibit an array of skills linked to this theme.  Children in Years 4, 5 & 6 will be presenting their routine individually this year!

Handball showcase mini-tournament: We are pleased to introduce this new sport to our PE curriculum this year. Children in Years 3 & 4 have been refining the skills required to play handball, from positioning and passing to travelling with the ball and shooting. Children have been divided into 4 teams for the mini-tournament.  Each team will participate in 3 games, following a round-robin league format.

The showcase will also be an opportunity to learn more about our second new sport that has been introduced to our PE curriculum this year – squash.

We look forward to seeing as many parents and supporters at the event as possible!