World Book Day Bedtime Story Night


World Book Day is on Thursday 6th March.  Throughout the day, classes will share their favourite stories and join in with cross-curricular activities about books and reading.

We will be having a‘Bedtime Storytelling’ evening between 5:30 and 6:30pm.  Children are invited to return to school dressed in their pajamas and hugging their favourite bedtime cuddly, to hear a collection of bedtime stories, drink a glass of milk and munch on a cookie.

Maths Calculation – Education Week, 2014

mw-feb-2014‘Maths Calculations’ is the focus of our 2014 Education Week Theme Week.  Throughout the week we aim to explore, share and celebrate the amazing range of Maths skills that students have in our school.  Come along to our Showcases on Wednesday and Friday and see our students in action.

Below is a brief outline of some of the school activities we have planned.  Individual teachers will pass on further details about what is going on in their own classes.




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TCI National Education Week

Next week is National Education Week here in the TCI. The national theme is ‘Promoting Education through Teachers’ Appreciation’.  Here is the Theme Song composed by Mr. Garfield Gurley and Mr. Jamaine Reid, Music Teachers at the Clement Howell High School and sung by their students.  Read the lyrics below.  Well done, everyone – It sounds great!

During Education Week we are having our own ‘Maths Calculation’ theme week alongside the National theme.  It will be a busy week, with World Wildlife Day and World Book Day during this time as well.  Aware of this, our teachers and PTA will celebrate teacher appreciation to its fullest next term. I am sure that with all the preparation and activities this week, however, a little bit of Provo Primary appreciation won’t go a miss!

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Don’t panic! Year 4 Doctors are on the scene!

yr-4-hospital-trip-feb-2014 (1)Tuesday was an exciting morning in Flamingo Class as we all set out to visit the Cheshire Hall Medical Center to find out about how bones can be fixed by the orthopedic doctors and nurses at the hospital!

It was another morning packed full of information and learning related to our topic on Moving and Growing.

Our expert guides, Nurses Sharon and Gemma, passed on their knowledge of the skeletal and muscular systems. They explained how these worked together together to help us move and demonstrated how, if damaged, both can be fixed by doctors.




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KS2 Field Hockey Showcase

ks2-field-hockey-feb-2014 (4)A new sport has been added to the school’s PE curriculum this year.  Year 5 and 6 students recently got to show off their newly acquired Field Hockey skills in a round robin tournament held for parents at the Graceway Sports Centre.  Led by Mr. Jason and Miss Cara, the four creatively named teams battled for goals that proved very hard to come by due to strong defence and strict refereeing – sticks had to remain below the waist, only the flat side could be used to move the ball and shots on goal had to be made behind a certain line.  Utilising every player and passing the ball were keys to victory, important concepts that are carried over to and from other team activities the students engage in, both in the gym and the classroom. 

As flashbulbs and cheers erupted from the bleachers during some exciting plays, it was clear the parents had almost as good a time watching the Field Hockey tournament as the children did playing in it.

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Get your Skates on and don’t miss our PTA’s 3rd Annual Family Skate Night

ProvoPrimary_GreatSkate_Poster_Just a reminder for your to get your skates on… our PTA’s 3rd Annual Family Skate Night is tomorrow (Friday the 28th of February) between 6-8pm at the Graceway Sport Centre.

Come along and dance or skate to great music, enjoy fresh baked goodies or just socialise with a drink on the bleachers!

Tickets are $10 for skaters, $5 for non-skaters, children under 3 free; the puck shooting contest is an additional charge (prizes will be given out to winners). All children need to be accompanied and supervised by an adult.  Skaters under 18 must wear a helmet.

Volunteers are needed, sign up sheets will soon be posted by your child’s classroom door.



School Newsletter, Spring 2013

school-newsletter-feb-2014Click on the image to see the latest School Newsletter. It includes all the dates and information for upcoming school and PTA activities and events.

Copies of our Spring term class newsletters are also available on our website.




School Lunches (Feb – April 2014)

school-lunch-picAfter some research, sampling and testing, our menu tweaks are complete.  This new ‘improved’ menu will take us up to the end of this term  (Wednesday 19th February to Thursday 10th April). Thank you for your patience during our recent menu adaptation.   We have had lots of happy children saying how much they enjoy these new choices!

Lunches are available for full-time children.  If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image, and download and complete the form. Forms are also available in the office. Please note that payment should be made in ADVANCE.

Year 6 Bullying Photo Stories

yr-6-bullying-feb-2014Year Six recently created photo stories based upon the theme of bullying.  Students worked in small groups and storyboarded short sketches that highlighted a typical bullying scenario.  The students came up with sound ideas that focused on potential bullying during unstructured times at school, within their local community and through modern technology (cyber bullying).


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Flamingo Class have a cracking time with Dr Craig!

yr-4-chiropractor-feb-2014-(2)Dr Craig Zavitz joined us in Flamingo Class today to help us understand our topic on the human skeleton in more detail. His expertise in the spine, neck and nervous system was tested to breaking point by our inquisitive Year 4 students!

Children were taught how to maintain a healthy spine by lifting safely, exercising and stretching. We also learned how chiropractors use their knowledge of the skeletal and nervous systems to help heal injuries and soreness caused by blockages to the delicate spinal cord.

We acted out the functions of the spine in order to understand how messages travel from the brain to every part of our bodies. This demonstration also helped us to understand how misalignment’s in the spine can block the sending and receiving of messages up and down the spinal cord.

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Poetic thoughts we’d like to share with you…

give-and-take-feb-2014Give and Take
I give you dolphins that leap through the seas. You give me deforestation and wipe out the trees.
I give you lightning that powers your house. You give me traps that kill a gentle mouse.
I give you flowers that feed the bugs. You give me factories that make stupid mugs.
I give you land that is so grand. You mow it down and leave it quite bland.
I give you life with air and tree. You give me strife and care, but not for me.
I give you more than enough. You give me worse and worse.
I give you another chance. You give me excuse after excuse.

Written by one of our amazing 5 students (MC).

Happy Chinese New Year from Osprey Class!

yr-2-chinese-new-year-jan-2014-1To celebrate Chinese New Year, our Year 2 Osprey’s have been learning through all things Chinese.  In our ICT lesson we researched Chinese crafts and made a collage of the Chinese flag.  In numeracy we played Chinese number games and in literacy we made story maps and retold the story of Chinese New Year.  On ‘New Years Eve’ we followed tradition and swept all the bad luck out of the Osprey classroom ready to receive good luck that the New Year would bring in.  On New Years Day we all wore red (a symbol of good luck for the future) and had a surprise traditional meal of noodles which we ate with chopsticks!  Each child also received a red envelope with a good luck token for a prosperous year.  Osprey’s have really enjoyed learning about and experiencing another culture, pay us a visit to find out more!


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“Secret angels” in our midst on Valentine’s Day!

pps-valentines-day-feb-2014Last Friday was Valentine’s Day and Provo Primary was filled with mystery and intrigue as well as a healthy dose of love and appreciation as staff all became “Secret Angels” for the day.

Earlier that week each person had drawn a name out of a hat and their job was then to be an “angel” for this person for the whole day.  The idea was that the “human” should be pampered, treated and surprised by their angel over the day, and to try and do this anonymously.

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Calling all Budding Wildlife Photographers!

world-wildlife-day-logoThe United Nations General Assembly has decided that Monday 3rd March will be celebrated as the first annual World Wildlife Day, to globally celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild plants and animals.

Here in the TCI the Department of Environment and Maritime Affairs (DEMA) and the Department of Agriculture are hosting a ‘Wildlife Digital Photo Contest’ for children to participate in.  For details on the competition please download the competition information sheet.

So interested Provo Primary photographers, get snapping and join in the celebration by taking some shots of the truly amazing native wildlife we have all around us.   The competition ends 4:00 PM on March 3rd, 2014 and first prize is $100.

Happy Birthday Mr. Sajouste

Mr. Sajouste HB

Mr. Sajouste has been our school caretaker for 9 years. Every morning he opens up the school, he works hard all day and locks it up again before he goes home. Everyone likes Mr. Sajouste and yesterday it really showed as the whole school sang Happy Birthday to him. We made Sajouste a special platter of fruit which he really enjoyed (I think he liked the cookies surrounding the fruit the best of all).


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Sensory Exploration in Toddler Class

toddlers-sensory-exploration-jan-2014-8This term, toddler class is taking a sensory adventure in Nature.  We have explored these different elements through Art, hiking, wet and dry sensory tables and crafts.Recently, we hiked through the school’s “forest” and discovered the climbing frame as well as the small fort. We take every opportunity, through play and exploration, to learn about ourselves and the world we live in.



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JK’s Morning Hot Chocolate Treat

jk-hot-chocolate-jan-2014As a special Dress Down Day treat last week, the JK class welcomed everyone first thing in the morning with a hot chocolate and banana muffin stand.  These delicious offerings were very popular, with an eager and hungry queue forming right up the walkway!  The class raised over $200 which they will use towards a class trip or events later in the year.  Thank you to all the JK bakers and servers and to everyone who helped support this yummy event!


Kindergarten’s Visit to the Vets

k-vets-jan-2014-1The Kindergarteners visited the Turks and Caicos Vet Association and offered homemade doggie treats to the TCSPCA as part of their exploration of domesticated animals and how to care for pets.  Ms. Peggy answered many of the children’s questions and they were able to learn very specific ways that veterinarians care for animals. What an exciting adventure in learning!



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Year 3’s Fabulous Funky Fractions

yr-3-fractions-jan-2014The Year 3 Dolphins have had lots of fun discovering how to find the fraction of shapes. They began by splitting the circular shape of their air balloon designs into equal parts. They then shaded the equal parts into different colours. Their objective was then to calculate the fraction of each colour used within their air balloon. This idea then escalated into designing kites and hats that could also be split into equal parts and fractionalized!

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Life Smart Learning in Year 5!

yr-5-food-poem-02-02-14Year 5 are knee-deep in their new topic for this term- Life Smart which is all about making ‘life smart’ choices in life. We have started with the more obvious focus of healthy diet and exercise but later on in the term we will be looking at being ‘life smart’ in terms of happiness, emotional health and the health of our planet too.

We began by learning all about the different food groups and how we balance our meals in a day. We even did this in Spanish too! We have gone onto discovering what we can lack when we miss certain food groups and then branched into looking into food poetry using our five senses. This is a class poem we whizzed up in one lesson.  Each child has taken a line and described a food they enjoy with as much descriptive detail as they could.

As another angle, we have been investigating healthy baking and have already reduced sugar and fat in differing cookie recipes with amazing results. After taste testing them all, the firm class favourite, would you believe it, was the reduced fat cinnamon biscuit with almonds! We are definitely enjoying our progress in becoming ‘life smart’!

JK explore a cold winter in Provo!

jk-winter-jan-2014-18The Junior Kindergartens are a group of happy jolly souls who enjoy exploring in a make-believe world.  This term they were delighted to explore a cold winter on our beautiful, hot Caribbean island.

The children have listened to many wonderful winter-related stories, songs and activities and have explored many hands-on science experiments.  The story of ‘The Mitten’ has been our main focus and has led to many wonderful activities such as making snow and learning about winter animals and how they migrate and hibernate during the winter months. Many of the children have been able to share their winter experiences with each other and everyone has learned about more how the seasons change. Even with temperatures in the 80s, the children have really enjoyed  dressing up in winter clothes as they play in their home-made snow!

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School Lunch – up to 14th February

school-lunch-picPlease find attached our lunch menu for the next two weeks which you will notice has been changed up again.  

Since the beginning of term, we have been working with the school council to update the lunch programme and this revised menu is the result of the children’s input following opinion polls and tasting sessions!

We are also considering offering sandwiches and wraps again which would be delivered by “The S Shack” in Grace Bay.  Please do let us know if you would be interested in this option.

After mid term, we plan to have our favourite menu finalised which,  hopefully, will remain consistent until the end of term.

As always, your thoughts and feedback on the options available are much appreciated.

It’s all about ‘fur, feathers, skin and scales’ in Preschool!

Drawing a zebra

Drawing a zebra

Our topic ‘fur, feathers, skin and scales’ has started with great enthusiasm…We discovered Giraffes are quite amazing and we had great fun painting them, using our fingers to make the spots!  Next, we have learned all about Zebras and their stripes.  

To help refine our hand-eye coordination Preschool have loved doing puzzles and pouring sand and water in the garden.  In the garden we love to care for one another – the girls and boys adore catching one-another at the bottom of the slide. The iPad is a fantastic resource – as you can see the children are happy taking turns, sharing and using it very gently – Well Done!

See you on the blog soon! Miss Claire Marie and Mrs Jeannette

P.S We LOVE, love, LOVE dressing up! 




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School Council’s Ideas for the New Year.

school-council-garden-planning-jan-2014A Happy New Year from the School Council. We will be busy the next two terms working on our School Outdoor Area.  Our intention is to work in a way whereby all children will be able to participate in discussing, researching, planning and making parts of our play area and the garden a little bit different!  Our first steps are to gather as many ‘workable’ ideas as possible from the children, parents and friends of the School.



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Cooperation is the name of the game:

yr4-collaborative-towers-jan-2014-9Our PSHE curriculum got off to a fun, yet challenging, start this term as Flamingo Class explored the idea of cooperation.What does it really mean to cooperate? How good are we at cooperating? What other skills do we need to cooperate effectively? All of these questions, and more, became the topic of discussion during some quite amazing challenges.




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