PTA/School Council Book Swap

pta-book-swap-mar-2015Are you hungry for stories? Looking for a new adventure? Keen for a new Non-fiction theme to explore?  Then swap your old books for new favourites at our PTA/School Council Book Swap on World Book Day (Thursday 5th March).

The book swap works as follows:

1. Each child wanting to participate donates at least one book (in good condition or new) and brings this/these to the donation box in the office by Wednesday 4th March.
2. In return for the donated book/s, the child will receive a book token on which their name and the number of donated books is recorded.
3. On World Book Day, the tokens will be handed out by our School Council reps.
4. The children can then choose a new book(s) from the tables in the gazebo (for each book donated they can choose one to take home) and their token stamped to record their swaps.

It’s simple and fun – what a great way to celebrate World Book Day!

Next Week is Education Week

i_love_literacy_-feb-2015Next week is National Education Week. We are having a Literacy Theme Week with all the classes doing lots of fun learning activities throughout the week.

Thursday is World Book Day and we will be having a ‘Book Character Dress-up’ with children invited to come dressed as one of their favourite book characters.  We will also have a PTA/School Council Book Swap too!

On Friday we invite you to come in and experience our literacy learning at our OPEN HOUSES:
8:45 – 9:30 am: Toddlers, Preschool, JK, K and Year 1 and
2:15 – 2:50 pm: Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

KS1 and 2 will also be sharing the work they have done this term on E-safety.

We hope to see you there.

Design a Poster – Why should we care about sharks?

tci-sharks-mar-2015Did you know that sharks are an important top predator in the ocean and keep the ecosystem in balance? During the week of March 26-29th, 2015 Rob Stewart: director, photographer, and conservationist will be making a special trip to TCI and our older students will have the opportunity to hear him talk about why we should care about sharks? Rob is an active shark advocate. He participates in many global shark conservation campaigns and will be here in TCI to increase education and awareness about the importance of sharks in our environment.

Today in our KS2 assembly, the students were introduced a special poster competition linked to Rob’s visit.  It aims to be a way for students to express their knowledge and love for sharks.  Entries need to be in by next Friday (13th March). 5 posters from our school collection will be chosen by teachers to be entered. Students of winning posters in the overal competition will receive some shark goodies.  They will also be given tickets to Rob’s Community Presentation, at which their poster will be displayed.

Continue reading to see more information about the poster competition and Rob’s Community Shark Presentation that we hope you will be able to attend.

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Year 1 are Artists!

yr-1-art-feb-2015-(14)In the past few weeks in Year 1, we have been learning about different famous painters and then trying our hand at painting in the same vein as that painter. So far, we’ve looked at Paul Klee and Vincent Van Gogh.

Last half term, we looked at Paul Klee while studying the topic, Homes. We learned that Paul Klee liked to work with familiar shapes, like rectangles, triangles and squares and also that he liked to use a lot of bright colours in his painting.

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KS2 Gym and Basketball Showcase

KS2-pe-showcase-feb-2015-gym-(10)On Tuesday, Key Stage 2 took part in our highly successful annual PE showcase. The children modeled all the skills that the KS2 teaching team have taught them in this half term in gymnastics and basketball.

The children of Years 3 and 4 were showcasing all of the hard work and perseverance that they have put into the gymnastics lessons this half term. The focus was balance and control. All the children, regardless of gymnastics background, displayed some fantastic skills – expectations differentiated to their specific level of experience.

With regards to Years 5 and 6, they took to the basketball court and were showcasing all of the skills that they have been working on in the format of a 4 vs 4 tournament.

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JK Cooking up a Story

jk-chef-feb-2015 (3)The J.K.’s had a wonderful time making pumpkin chocolate chip muffins together.  One of our mums is a chef, and she came into class and worked with all of the children as they poured, mixed and stirred a variety of ingredients to create this delicious snack.

After making the muffins, the J.K.’s created a story (recount) about the event using a Talk 4 Writing method that creates pictures to represent the events.  The class has been practicing telling this story and will be performing it for parents in the near future. This is such a great example of early literacy and the fun and enjoyment that comes from it when it connects with a real-life experience.

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Year 2’s visit to a Local Supermarket

YR-2-iga-feb-2015 (11)So it was that time of year again. The annual Year 2 visit to IGA and it didn’t disappoint!

Our purpose for visiting IGA was to learn more about how they package their foods, to help us design our own packaging for our new range of doughnuts.

Not only did we get to see a short presentation about packaging, we also got to see how different foods were packaged too.

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PTA Newsletter

pta-logoHello Mums and Dads!

A huge thanks to everyone that donated baked goodies, helped with selling and most importantly munched up all our Valentine’s treats last Friday – the Bake Sale was a huge success and raised a whopping $465 for the PTA. Well done!

Read on to learn more about our up-coming Family Skate Night and events planned for March during Education Week.



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PTA Family Skate Night – Next Friday

Skate night.2015Don’t miss out on the PTA’s fourth annual Family Skate Night!  Friday 27th Feb – 6-8pm @ The Graceway Sports Center.

Whether you skate or not, it’s always a great time both on and off the rink – there will be a fantastic playlist, goodies for sale, a dance area and puck shoot out with prizes (for an additional fee).

Please contact Haley if you can help out at the event:





It’s Interview Time in Year 5!

Year 5 have been analyzing the text ‘Tuesday’ by David Wiesner. As the story is formed mainly from pictures, it has left lots of room for the children’s imagination to run wild and to develop some excellent writing as they flesh out the story with words.

Click on ‘read more…’ to watch an animated version of the story.  It inspired us to do a lot of drama to explore the different characters feelings and opinions. Learn more about this and watch our amazing video interviews…

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Sunsets in the New World!

yr-4-sunsets-in-th-new-world-feb-2015 (7)In year 4 this term we have immersed ourselves in the topic of ‘The Age of Exploration’. The children have enjoyed learning about lots of famous historical explorers.  We have discussed the influence they have had on how people have seen the world through the centuries. We have also considered how the Tudor explorers inspired a generation to take on the mighty North and South Poles, Mount Everest and even the immensity of space.

This led nicely into our art work this term; the focus has been on how these adventures were documented and what was seen by these courageous explorers. The area of focus was Sunsets in New Worlds.

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PTA Valentine’s Bake Sale this Friday


Friday 13th February will be an afternoon filled with fun and treats for all your sweets!

There will be a photo-booth, a cake competition and we will be serving delicious pink lemonade!

Bake sale delights will be on sale at 12:00pm and 3:00pm pick up times.

Celebrate all things “love” and help support the PTA fundraising efforts.

Baking donations appreciated – anything sweet – cakes, cookies, cupcakes… and volunteers most welcome.



School Events Newsletter

school-newsletter-image-feb-2015As we return tomorrow relaxed after our mid term break, this newsletter serves to let you know more about the many events and activities coming up in the second half of this Spring term.

There is a lot of information to digest as you read through this newsletter, much of which will be displayed in shorter chunks on our blog if you prefer accessing it in this way.

Either way, be sure to keep on eye on your child’s class noticeboard, along with posters displayed in the walkways, to ensure you are up-to-date with the latest news and know what is coming up, week by week.



Today is Safer Internet Day—“Let’s create a better Internet together”

safer-internet-day-2015Safer Internet Day is organised in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially amongst children and young people across the world. Today is the official day this year, but as this is during our mid-term, we will recognise it on our return tomorrow, and through the rest of the week, with a variety of class and mixed-class activities.  Read on to find out more about how you as a parents can support your child to use the Internet safely and positively.

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“Incy Wincy Spider”

toddler-incy-wincy-feb-2015 (1)The toddlers have been very busy little spiders. This week we have been learning the nursery rhyme “Incy Wincy Spider” and ‘Incy Wincy’ has taken over our classroom!

The children arrived to school on Monday to find a humongous web taped across our carpets which they have enjoyed crawling all over. We have made spiders with our hand prints, with play dough, pipe cleaners and googly eyes.  We have also painted paper plate spiders, made webs with black paint and balls, climbed the outdoor web (dome), threw objects to our sticky tape web outside and made rain using containers with different sized holes. Senora Yorka added weather pieces to our “Incy Wincy Spider” display with us, too.

We wish we had 8 legs to keep up! What a busy week!


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Yummy Edible Bear Toast!

ps-bear-toast-feb-2015 (5)Preschool have enjoyed reading the fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears as part of our topic. To celebrate the story we made our own breakfast. Check out our cute pictures of the class making a bear out of toast, banana and raisin’s. The children applied great concentration and care when spreading the butter and adding the face. Our favourite part was….. eating it all up!







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School Lunch – Feb 2015

school-lunch-picHere is our lunch order form for this half term (Wednesday 11th February to Friday 6th March).

Lunches are available for full-time children.

If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image, and download and complete the lunch form. Forms are also available in the office. Please note that payment should be made in ADVANCE.

‘Love Week’ 2015 – Spreading some happiness across Provo Primary

pps-love-week-feb-2015Next week, we will  joining in with Mindvalley’s ‘Love Week’, celebrating the Valentine’s season with a love fest where all of our staff gets a bulls-eye hit by one of cupid’s arrows, and everybody gets to experience a little love and appreciation at the workplace. Making ‘love and care’ a workplace ‘game’, it is an opportunity to show just how much human beings can truly love, connect to one another, appreciate and share happiness together.

How does it work? Every person on the staff is designated with a “human” to play “secret angel” for throughout Love Week. The rules of the game? As a secret angel, you should pamper, treat and surprise your human, and you do this anonymously. Your identity as a secret angel should only be revealed at the end of Love Week.

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Spectacular Space Sessions!

yr-5-space-feb-2015 (1)We have been working hard to learn all about Space, our solar system and the universe in Year 5. The children were set the challenge of creating a presentation for the rest of the class. They were allowed to choose either a planet or scientific phenomenon and they could present it in any way they saw fit. We had a range of fantastic models, posters, PowerPoints and models within posters which really explained the chosen area well.

I was particularly proud of just how much Year 5 have grown since last term in their understanding of what makes a good presentation and how best to involve your audience. Moreover, every time someone presented, we would give them both areas they could work on and parts that worked really well. The children were very perceptive but supportive to each other in this. We learnt some mind-blowing facts while having a thoroughly enjoyable and educational time!

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Year 6 Explore Natural Disasters

yr-6-natural-disasters-jan-2015Year 6 has made an impressive start to their new topic Natural Disasters.  ‘Board blasting’ natural and man-made disasters kick started our thinking into this area.  The children were then able to define the differences between such disasters and realised that our planet can become angry at times.

Wearing our geologist hats we were able to observe the structure of the earth and examine the Tectonic Plate Theory in order to understand how natural disasters can occur.

Working in pairs the children used traditional and digital resources to capture relevant information and interesting facts on a number of natural disasters.  Please come and check out some of our information posters as you might discover something that you did not know before…

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Materials – Materials – Materials

yr-3-materials-jan-2015 (7)Year 3 Dolphins have been busy looking at different ‘materials’ in science. First, we identified what ‘materials’ objects around the school were made of. For example our chairs are made of plastic, metal and rubber and our books are made from paper, card and metal. We then looked at the ‘properties’ (characteristics) of particular materials, using our wonderful adjectives to describe them – rubber is flexible, soft, strong and waterproof while metal is strong, rigid, smooth, waterproof and it can be shiny.

We then decided to place our Scientist Hats on and find out which paper material was the most absorbent. So we gathered different papers and devised a ‘fair test’ looking at which variable we were going to change (paper) and which variable we were going to keep the same (amount of drops of water).

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PTA Annual Fundraiser Meetings

pta-annual-fundraiser-meeting-jan-2015Meetings are:
Thursday 29th January
10am @ Shay Cafe
6pm @ Provo Primary

Anyone that is interested in volunteering or who has fresh ideas they would like to share is welcome. The more parents that get on board the more fun and successful the event will be!







Yr.1: Would you like to live in one of our lovely homes?

yr-1-jan-2015 (10)Year 1’s new historical topic is Homes; how we live in homes, creature homes and homes of the past. We’ve delved right into it! Using That Pesky Rat by Lauren Child, we designed and created a city scape for our furry friends. Afterwards, we wrote “Wanted” posters to help get our rats adopted by kind owners. Would you like to adopt one of our rats?

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PTA Movie Night Tomorrow!

movienightPTA Movie Night

Friday 23rd January


See posters at school for details.



PTA Yard Sale 7th February

pta-yard-sale-feb-2015Mark your calendars!

The next PTA Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday February 7th – if you would like to host a table please let me know. Each table is $25 and we are requesting pre-payment in order to avoid no-shows!
