Happy New Year and Welcome to Our Spring Term

2016-imageHappy New Year and welcome back to all our children, parent, teachers and community friends (locally and around the world). We hope you have all enjoyed the festive season and that you are all ready for the new term ahead.

New school news will be posted on our blog and Facebook pages and class newsletters and topic maps will be sent home this week to let you know about your child’s class and curriculum information for this term.

In addition to these, please click on to see key pieces of admin information and general reminders that are important for everyone to read and take on board:

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Santa Claus is Coming to School!

santa-2015 (3)Tradition continued here at Provo Primary, with Santa arriving on our last day of term on a bight shiny fire truck, welcomed by everyone singing ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’!

Wearing flip flops (island appropriate stage props!), but still otherwise dressed in his winter suit, he spent the morning sitting and speaking joyfully to each and every one of our children! Christmas wishes were whispered to Santa and in return a special book gift received.

Thank you, once again Santa for stopping by, creating lots of smiles and memories.  And also to everyone who helped make this tradition a highlight to our end of term activities.



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Sharing Christmas Lunch Together

christmas-lunch-2015The festive season at Provo Primary continued on Thursday with our annual Christmas Lunch.  To celebrate this occasion, the children made festive hats and place mats.  It’s always lovely to see the unique creative creations that each class, and every child comes up with.

A big thank you to Robin and his staff at ‘Pizza, Pizza’ for all of your hard work cooking our delicious feast, and for cooking our school lunches every day throughout the year.


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Great Sportsmanship at the TCIRFU TAG Rugby Competition

rugby-dec-2015-8-(8)On Saturday 5th December Provo Primary for fortunate enough to be invited to participate in the annual TCIRFU TAG rugby competition for all the schools on the island. This term the children in Years 1-6 have been developing their TAG Rugby skills with Mr. George, together with Courtney Tinkler from the TCIRFU. A big thank you to Courtney for all the fantastic help and resources she has provided. The children have all enjoyed this tremendously.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank the TCIRFU for offering this support to our school programme.

Provo Primary were able to field two teams in the competition, comprised of children from Year 3 – 6 – Provo Primary Ospreys and Provo Primary Pelicans.  Both teams played well throughout the tournament with both reaching the finals for a fantastic head to head game.

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Year 6 enjoy participating in TCHCA ‘Hello Tourist’ initiative

yr-6-hello-tourist-nov-2015 (11)Year 6 recently received an invitation from the Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association, which requested their participation in their Hello Tourist initiative. The Hello Tourist scheme aims to make children more aware of the tourism industry here in the TCI by giving insight into the variety of job opportunities that this growing sector offers; why tourism is important to our islands economy and financial well-being and the need for excellent customer service in order to further promote the facilities and resources accessible here on island.

Accepting the invitation ensured that on the 23rd November all members of Year 6 would be treated like a tourist for the day, in order to gain a better understanding of the hotel and tourism industry. With their passports in hand, Year 6 embarked upon a fun-filled and educational day!

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Year 6 Join Steps 4 Good Charity Walk

yr-6-steps-4-good-nov-2015Year 6 were recently proactive in the community raising both awareness and donations for Jill Beckingham’s initiative: Foot Steps 4 Good.  As you are probably aware, Jill walks across all of the Turks and Caicos Islands in order to promote and raise donations for organizations and charities who are prominent within our community.  This was an excellent opportunity for our Year 6 children to both raise donations and participate in part of the walk here in Providenciales.

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Year 1 Explore MindUP!

yr-1-brain-posterOver the last six weeks, Year 1 has been exploring MindUP, as part of our PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) programme. MindUP teaches children the link between their brain and their behaviour and learning.

We’ve had a lot of fun exploring the three different parts of our brain. One helps us make good choices (Prefrontal Cortex). One helps protect us from danger (Amygdala). One saves our memories and learning (Hippocampus). Click on the poster to learn more about these.

The children, in particular, have liked learning about the ‘police dog’ that lives in our Amygdala and protects us when we are feeling super mad, frustrated, sad or scared. The children acted out the three choices (Fight, Flee or Freeze) we can make when our brain isn’t able to make mindful choices.

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Thank you for all of your Christmas toy donations

school-council-toy-drive-dec-2015 (2) The School Council would like to say a HUGE Christmas time thank you to all of you who donated the many wonderful gifts during our Christmas Toy Drive. It was astounding to see the many gifts that you managed to donate. We’re sure that your generosity will be much appreciated by other children in our community.

So once again the School Council found themselves helping load a truck full of your donated ‘goodies’ (last month it was books for the local library). Captain Miller, from the Salvation Army, was thankful for the gifts and will organise the distribution of them over the holiday season. Thank you also to Nicole, who kindly dropped off at the Salvation Army store a further car full of gifts that came in this morning.  You still have time to donate if you missed the drop off  – please now take your gifts directly to the store.

A Merry Christmas to you ALL. [Read more…]

Year 2 write missing blurbs for Eric Carle’s books

As part of our new Y2 Minibeast topic, we have looked at many books by acclaimed and beloved author and illustrator, Eric Carle. For those of you who haven’t heard of him, his best known work is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Did you know that he has also illustrated more than seventy books, most of which he wrote himself?

Mrs. Rachel’s has an extensive collection so we have been fortunate to be able to read many of his books. Some of them fit perfectly with our topic include The Grouchy Ladybug, The Very Quiet Cricket and The Very Busy Spider.

After A LOT of reading, we discovered that quite a few of Carle’s books don’t have blurbs (a short description of a book appearing on the back cover).  This is something that we look at every time we read a new book, so we took it upon ourselves to write some for him.

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Tree Planting at Provo Primary for World Aids Day

ps-tree-planting-5-2015Trees were planted all around the Turks and Caicos yesterday to mark World Aids Day. Here at Provo Primary, our youngest students helped to plant a mahogany tree in the school playground.

The event was organised by the HIV Prevention Unit and DEMA to celebrate World Aids Day. Celebrations are often marked with the release of red balloons but, in the interest of caring for our environment, Lynn Robinson of Big Blue Ltd promoted the planting of trees instead. The native Mahogany was kindly donated from the nursery at DEMA.

Although the children were too young to understand the significance of the occasion, they were keen to share their knowledge of what trees need to grow and how we can care for them.

Over the years to come we look forward to watching both our children and the tree grow up healthy and strong. [Read more…]

Have you got your tickets yet?

tickets-dec-2015Jingle Jam (tonight 4:30 – 6:30pm)
‘Cinderella & Rockerfella’ Fri 4th & Sat 5th @ 6pm
‘Christmas with the Aliens’ Wed 9th @ 6pm

Buy your tickets in the walkway or in the office.  Alternatively, email info@provolearning.com or call 441 5638 to reserve them.


A festive Jingle Jam tomorrow night for younger ones

Christmas Tots Party.jpgWednesday 2nd December 4:30-6:30PM on the stage at Provo Primary School.

Open to everyone with children 5 years and under (older brothers and sisters can come along too!)

Toddler disco, mulled wine, mince pies, games and Santa appearance.

Tickets are available in the school entrance – $5.

Last year it was really festive fun time, perfect for  younger children and families to enjoy together.

Join us for a festive fun evening.



Preschool look after the Puppies at Potcake Place

ps-potcake-place-nov-2015 (13)The Preschool children visited Potcake Place as a part of their “Beautiful TCI” topic. We arrived very excited and were greeted by the little barks of Potcake pups. Mrs. Jane shared a few ways to take care of puppies with us which were very similar to the ways our parents care for us!

In small groups, we were able to bathe and dry two Potcakes, Pluto and Daisy. The children were quite gentle and calm. Perhaps the highlight of our visit was watching four, two week old, puppies learn how to drink milk from a bowl and then being able to pet them. They were so sweet and cute. One started crying because he couldn’t find the bowl. Mrs. Jane gave us the task to come up with names for them. So far we have suggestions of Pluto, Orch, Red, Snowy, Doggie, Picka, Noodle and Moo!


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Cinderella and Rockerfella – 2015

cinderella-rockerfella-poster-2015“Come and get your ticket to the greatest show in town…”

Years 1-6 present…

Cinderella and Rockerfella.

Friday 4th and Saturday 5th December – 6pm – at Provo Primary School.

Tickets $5 (Children 12 and under free)             Refreshments available

The show is modern, panto-style reworking of the classic tale, including all the traditional characters: downtrodden Cinderella, Rockerfella (formerly known as Prince Charming!) Buttons, the Ugly Sisters and the Fairy Godmother, with a selection of additional characters, from music managers and paparazzi, to good and bad fairies and other well known fairy tale characters – all placed in a world of fame and celebrity.

With fresh and relevant things to say about fame, fortune and how true love will win in the end, this show has a wonderfully comical script, fabulous songs and plenty of opportunity for audience participation…Oh no it hasn’t…Oh yes it has! It’s is sure to bring the house down and is certainly not to be missed!

Buy your tickets in the school office.  Alternatively, email info@provolearning.com or call 441 5638 to reserve your tickets.

Christmas with the Aliens – 2015

christmas-with-aliens-poster-2015Our Toddlers, Preschool, Junior and Senior Kindergarten Classes present…

Christmas with the Aliens

Wednesday 9th December – 6pm – at Provo Primary School

Tickets $3 (Children 12 and under free)             Refreshments available

The traditional Christmas story is retold to some alien visitors. Stranded on earth with their broken spaceship, they meet a group of school children about to rehearse their Christmas play. Invited to watch, the aliens discover an amazing story they want the whole universe to hear. But will the aliens be able to mend their spaceship and travel back to outer space?

Come and find out and enjoy our younger students up on the stage, dressed in their costumes, dancing and singing all the catchy songs.

Buy your tickets in the school office.  Alternatively, email info@provolearning.com or call 441 5638 to reserve your tickets.

School Council Toy Drive – Christmas 2015

Standing-Logo-santa-nov2013The Provo Primary School Council invites you to donate gently used toys, books or games to be re-distributed to other children on the island who are less fortunate.

If you would like to donate a gift, then please… wrap it up in Christmas paper and attached a tag with the appropriate age and gender.

Bring your gifts to school on…

Wednesday 2nd December.

The gifts will be distributed to other children on the island through The Salvation Army.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Kindergarten have been having fun with numbers to 10

k-maths-nov-2015 (6)To help us learn our numbers we have been having fun with shaving foam, Cuisenaire Rods, stamps and ink pads, big wooden numbers, games with dice and spinners, number puzzles, making spiders and singing number rhymes. It is hard work but lots of fun!

We are learning to count with 1:1 correspondence, write numbers using the correct formation, count on and count back, order numbers and find different ways to make each number Eg. 2+2=4, 1+3=4, 3+1=4, 4+0=4, 0+4=4. Here are a few photos to show the Kindergarten children in action…




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Thank you for making our PTA Yard Sale a great success!

yard-sale-thank-you-nov-2015This weekends Yard Sale was a great success!  We had an even bigger number of tables signed up than ever before and a great turn out of buyers.

The PTA Table was generously donated to – with TCI Roasted Coffee from Shay Cafe – as well as cookies, muffins, popcorn, banana bread and more delicious treats from a wonderful selection of baking mums who all helped us raise in total (profit) a whopping $981! Wow!

A shout out to the Early Years Volunteers Lindsay Mensen, Lise Gula, Rebecca Davies, Claire Gallardo, Gemma Slattery and Stephanie Seguin who helped organise, and (with the help of Mr Sajouste) got all the tables out, everything set up and manned the PTA Table making for a very successful morning – well done for getting involved. And a big thank you to Niki Flowers for handling all the table sales.

As a reminder the next Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, February 27th and will be hosted by the Class Reps and Volunteers from SK-Year 3.


Year 5’s Powerful Performance Poetry

yr-5-poems-nov-2015In Year 5 we have been looking at poetry and, in particular, performance poetry; how we create poems and what makes a poem particularly good to perform. We read and analysed a wide variety of performance poetry together.

Using inspiration from these, as well as events that happened that week such as Remembrance Day, the children were given free choice to create their own poem. The range of topics and the powerful way the children manipulated their language, whether it be humour, sadness or beauty, was truly impressive.  What has astounded me is just how poetic Year 5 are and how fantastic their imagery and wordplay is. Take a look yourself!



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Our hatchling takes its first flight!

hummingbird-branch-23-11-15As we all arrived at school today for our lessons, our hatchling fluttered out of its nest ready for its first flying lesson. Perched on the branch next to its nest, with mum by its side, it did a few practice flaps before embarking on its very first flight. Under the watchful eye of mum it flew from branch to branch in a nearby tree. How lucky that a group of us were around to see this happen. Sadly my camera wasn’t to hand to capture this monumental moment but I’m sure you can imagine it in your minds.

For the rest of the day, the hatchling has stayed in this nearby tree while mum flies back and forth, still feeding it. It’s much trickier to take photos when they’re high up in a tree, that’s for sure.  I wonder how long it will be before the hatchling is ready to fly around for food by itself and become total independent?  Will they still be around tomorrow?

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More Hummingbird News…

We are excited to share our latest Provo Primary hummingbird family news.  Please download the short video/slideshow and see how our hatchling is growing.

Did you miss our first video?  See it here…

A New Hummingbird Family Settles into Provo Primary

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Year 6’s Coral Reef Exploration with Big Blue

2As part of our TCI studies this term, Year 6 has been investigating coral reefs.  Our classroom based learning was bought to life with a field trip to snorkel on TCI’s very own amazing reef system.

We were very fortunate to have Lynne (Big Blue representative) visit our school earlier in the term, to provide us with an array of information linked to our very own coral reef here in the TCI. Lynne presented an excellent lecture explaining the formation of our reef; their importance to the overall ecology of our planet and the fascinating living creatures that can be found residing within them.

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Year 2’s Outstanding ‘Open House’

yr-2-open-house-nov-2015 (7)After a fantastic first term in Y2, Osprey class decided it would be a great opportunity to show off all their hard work to their parents.

After many weeks learning about ourselves and completing tasks individually, in small groups and as a whole class it was time to celebrate how much we had achieved since September.

Some of the things we have enjoyed:

  • Creating a self portrait (see previous Y2 Blog)
  • Naming and labelling the continents and oceans that surround us and where we were born
  • Story telling about our homes
  • Learning ‘how to fill a bucket’ (why not read Have you filled a bucket today? by Carol McCloud and you’ll know what we’re talking about!)
  • And many many other things!

So our parents came along for an open house and we think they thoroughly enjoyed looking through our books, at our work on display and seeing exactly what we had been up to in Y2. We look forward to welcoming them again soon!

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Our Book Donations are Happily Received

sc-book-donation-nov-2015 (3)This week, the ‘muscle’ of the School Council passed on your generous book donations from the Book Drive to Ms. Joan from the Public Library Down Town. Working as a team, they carried and loaded boxes upon boxes of books into her van.

While Ms. Joan was at the School, she was taken on a tour of our School Library by two of our School Councilors and was also shown around the school. Miss Joan was very excited by all that she saw. She was impressed by our selection of books and she just loved our computer ‘finger identification’ system that checks books in and out.

We still have some funds that were raised from the first term’s ‘Dress Down Days’ last year that the Councilors decided will be used to buy resources to assist Ms. Joan in the running of her library.

Ms. Joan left with a HUGE smile on her face and asked to pass on an even HUGER thank you to all of you who donated books to this cause. THANK YOU for making this happen and well done to the School Council for doing such a good job!

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Year 3 Rocks Galore

Earlier you read some of Year 3’s wonderful ‘Rock Poems’. However, we have not only been rock poets, we have been doing all sorts of other amazing things in relation to our topic on rocks.

Check out our photos to see our rock research, which led to our rock presentations and our rock collages, which led to our rock paintings. We also did some rock experiments, which led us to discover which rocks were the most porous and which rocks were stronger than others.

Plus watch and listen carefully to our ‘Rocks Rock’ information talking text that we created together as a class. Creating and learning this helped us to use good choices of vocabulary when writing our own information texts. Rocktastic! Well done Year 3!

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