Provo Performing Arts’ Video – What do you Mean?

PPA-WhatDoYouMean from Provo Performing Arts School.

Provo Performing Arts  School’s Easter Camp was a brilliant success.  Take a look at their amazing Justin Bieber’s ‘What Do You Mean’ video that they created, in association with Eyespice Photography.  Throughout the project, the students explored and developed their knowledge and skills in choreography, dance, directing, acting, singing, voiceovers, costumes and make-up.    Well done to all of the performers and to director, Niki, too.  What fantastic talent all round…  it certainly looked like it was lots of fun too!

Do you love to dance and perform… do you wish you had been in this video?  Provo Performing Arts School is affiliated to Provo Primary School and classes run daily after school.  Take a look at the Provo Performing Arts schedule for this term classes and look out for future Camp activities.

After-School Clubs, Summer 2016

school-club-imageAfter-school clubs resume  on Monday 11th April.  Along with our usual favourites that will continue this term,  we are pleased to be introducing Super Scientist, Animation, Softball and Field Hockey, and Steel Drums is back!

Click on the image left to download the registration form.  Please check the registration forms carefully to see the dates of when there are no clubs and when they finish.

Please remember that all children will need extra water on club days.  You may like to also include a small extra snack to be eaten at 3pm before the clubs start – especially if they are continuing on to Provo Performing Art Clubs.

All payments need to be made  through IsleHelp and should be made in advance, by 9am on Monday 11th April.  Clubs end on Friday 17th June.

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Newsletters and Topic Maps – Summer 2016

topic-maps-summer-2016Class newsletters and curriculum topic maps help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class this summer term.

Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

What a variety of exciting, creative topics we will be exploring.  We also have our local environment ‘Turtle Week’ to look forward to the week of 18th – 22nd April.

School Lunch, April 2016

school-lunch-picHere is our school lunch menu for the Summer term (Starting Monday 11th April):

Monday – Chicken Fried Rice
Tuesday – Pizza
Wednesday – Spaghetti and Meatballs
Thursday – Fish Fingers, Mash and Veg
Friday – Chicken and Sweet Potato Curry

Please note that lunches should be ordered by 9am on Monday 11th April either on the IsleHelp APP or on the POS in the office.

Year 2 are definitely not ‘dragon’ their feet in our poetry lessons

yr-2-dragon-poetry-march-2016This week Osprey class have become poets and used the story of ‘George and the Dragon’ as their inspiration… well, the dragon in particular. After painting and decorating our own dragons, we used them as our focus for a variety of different poetry styles.

We first wrote poems using descriptive language, in particular similes. Did you know a simile is when you compare one thing to another? When you read our poems you will spot them as quick as lightning.

After that we used our senses to describe our dragons…we thought about what we would see, hear, smell, feel and taste if we met a real life dragon.

And then finally we thought about the dragon we sometimes feel ‘inside of us’ and how we would describe it.

We hope you enjoy reading our poems and please do pop in to see the rest of our work.

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School Council Egg Decorating Competition

egg-decoration-march-2016Congratulations to everyone who took part in our eggstra-special egg decorating competition.  Wow, what amazing designs. They were eggsquisite!  First and second prize winners where chosen from each age group from Year 1 – 6.  Here they all are, eggshibiting their eggs.  Bold colours, effort, creative ideas and attention to detail were eggsamined by the judge when making their eggstremely challenging choices.

Well done to all of our prize winners – all of whom were naturally eggstatic!

Word play at this time of year is always a joy to eggsplore!  Shel Silverstein clearly was eggsited by this when creating the poem below, which one of our Year 3’s brought to me to share…

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Our Wonderful Spring Bonnets and PTA Egg Hunt

eyfs-bonnet-parade-2016-(10What an amazing selection of Spring Bonnets we saw today at our annual EYFS Spring Bonnet Parade.

Thank you to all of our EYFS families for doing such a wonderful job of creating the bonnets.  It takes some skill balancing and sticking eggs, nests, chicks, flowers on a hat and creating bunny ears that stay upright – a great example of a STEM learning activity at home for both adult and child to work on together! What creative families we have!  The bonnets were fantastic!

As is tradition, the children participated in a short parade around the school in front of cheering and clapping parents, friends and older students.

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Year 6 Emotive World War 2 Poetry

yr-6-emotive-poetryYear 6 have been studying the historical era of World War 2. In particular their learning has focused on the Holocaust, Blitz, Spies, WW2 Leaders, Impact Then and Now along with many other important areas that attributed to this frightening time in history.

Year 6 have found this time period fascinating and at times they have been heavily touched and moved by the powerful elements that have featured within lessons. With this in mind they set about writing emotive poetry based upon the events that occurred at this time to express their thoughts and feelings regarding the issues explored in class.

Emotive poetry is designed to evoke a strong emotional response after reading. Please read a selection from our class and see if our knowledge of the time period and figurative language techniques used meets this end!

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Year 4 welcome Dr. Craig back for his fifth year at Provo Primary!

yr-4-dr-craig-march-2016 (1)Chiropractor, Dr Craig Zavitz, and his wife Robin have being visiting Provo Primary for the past 5 years, each time with Dr. Craig sharing his knowledge of the human skeleton – in particular, the spine, neck and nervous system.  The Year 4 class has just begun their topic of ‘Moving and Growing’, and Dr Craig’s visit was great way to introduce the topic and inspire the children to want to find out more.

During the session, Dr. Craig shared how chiropractors use their knowledge of the skeletal and nervous systems to help heal injuries and soreness caused by blockages to the delicate spinal cord.  Volunteers took part in role-playing injury scenarios, with Dr. Craig demonstrating the treatment he would do.


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JK have been busy exploring in lots of different ways!

jk-busy-march-2016 (1)Please take a look at this snapshot of some of the activities in JK over the past 7 days.

Spring has sprung and decorating eggs brought out an abundance of creativity! The topic of ‘how will we survive when the Earth dies?’ came up as the children were busy decorating… you will be pleased to know that plans are being made for a possible move to another planet or to live underground like monsters! Other topics included ‘what farm animal are you?’,  ‘what colour are you?  and ‘what ocean animal are you?

The children have spotted the older children junk modelling and decided they needed to create too – everyone brought in a box and it’s been amazing! The children have built a house, a tower, a ship and a cooker to cook eggs. There has been lots of laughter, and learning to let go of one idea to create a new one.  There’s been great team work too!

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Year 1 Carnival of the Animals Sounds

In their Music class, the Year 1s created sound effects to match each of their papier-mâché animals.

Year 1s create amazing 3D papier-mâché animals

yr-1-paper-mache-animals-mar-2016 (1)Our BIG Design Technology project this term was designing and making 3D papier-mâché animals. The children worked very patiently and hard to complete their animals.

First, they had to plan how to make their animal and bring in different ‘junk’ material to create it. Next, they worked with duct tape to attach the different parts of the body together and then, they covered their animals with newspaper that was coated with a special mixture to strengthen their animal and keep it from molding. Finally, the children painted their animals and added all the special features to make them stand out.

I was so impressed by the good attitude shown by the Year 1 children. It took them over a month, over various sessions, to complete their animals.  We showcased all of the children’s animals, their habitats and non-fiction animal books, at our Education Week Open House Showcase.  If you have not had a chance to see then yet – pop into our classroom this week!

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Our Toddlers Enjoy the Story of the Three Little Pigs

toddlers-3-little-pigs-mar-2016 (1)“Little pig, little pig, let me come in! Or I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!” You would have heard this phrase a lot in the Toddlers classroom last week as they explored the story The Three Little Pigs. They worked together to make textured houses, pigs and wolves to create a display board. There was lots of role play using the display board and puppets. Ms. Andrea told the story in Spanish and the children interacted with her using props. In addition, the Toddlers went on a ‘mini field trip’ to Year 2 where they listened to them retell the story in Spanish, too. They pretended to be wolves huffing and puffing, blowing items using a straw. They also learned the song, Straw, Sticks and Bricks and then finished the week with an edible rice cake piggy!


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Happy Commonwealth Day – March 14th, 2016

commonwealth-day-2016A big thank you to Year 4 for teaching everyone in assembly on Friday about why we celebrate Commonwealth Day.

The Commonwealth is a family of 53 nations and are home to two billion plus citizens of all faiths and ethnicity – over half of whom are 25 or under.  Member countries span all continents and oceans from Africa to Asia, the Americas, Australasia, the Caribbean, Europe and bases in Antarctica.

Most of the countries in the Commonwealth were once ruled by Britain, but today many other countries with different cultures, languages and faiths now want to be part of the Commonwealth.  As an Overseas UK Territory, the Turks and Caicos is part of the Commonwealth and we have a public holiday every year.

Click on to find out more about the Commonwealth and Commonwealth Day and visit  together with your child.

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End of Term 3 Up-Coming Events – 2016

upcoming-events-imageMonday 14th – Friday 18th – Keeping Healthy Week – The Enjoyment of Sports

With the majority of the school participating in various sporting events this week, our focus for this term’s Keeping Healthy Week is ‘The Enjoyment of Sports’.  We encourage families to talk about sports and how these play an integral part of life at home and at school.  What types of sports interest people in your family?  What sporting activities do you participate in together as a family?  What sporting events do you like to watch?

See detail of all of our planned school events below…

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A real ‘live’ mummy spotted in the Year 3 classroom!

yr-3-ancient-egyptians-mar-On our Friday Showcase afternoon, the Year 3 classroom went through a time warp and landed in a time over 3000 years ago…in the time of the Ancient Egyptians. There was excitement all afternoon as the Ancient Egyptian characters shared their life and beliefs with the other time travelers within the school. The afternoon concluded with parents and adults also coming in to discover and experience new information about the amazing Ancient Egyptians.

There was an opportunity for you to become an archaeologist, digging up artefacts; you could write your name in hieroglyphics; learn facts about Cleopatra and Nefertiti; you could enter a pyramid and see a (real live mummy!); you got the opportunity to get your heart weighed and meet the god Anubis, you could even taste Egyptian food and play with Egyptian toys. Check out some of the photos to see the fabulous activities and projects shared during this special showcase afternoon. Well done Year 3 – we had lots of fun!

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Well done Year 1 – 6 for putting on a Fantastic ‘Topic Learning’ Showcase

yr-1-6-topic-showcase-mar-2016 (24)Congratulations to all of our Year 1 – 6 classes!  Our Topic Learning Showcase was a magnificent demonstration of the tremendous talent, hard work, knowledge and creativity of all involved.  It was lovely to see so many family and friends come along to support the event and take part in the activities on offer.  The children all really enjoyed the experience, both of sharing their knowledge with others, and also getting the opportunity to visit and learn from all the other classes too.  An all-round success!

Thank you also to everyone who helped put together all of the amazing costumes – we were very impressed with your creativity, attention to detail and resourcefulness!



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Our EYFS ‘STEM’ Showcase was a Wonderful Success

eyfs-stem-showcase-mar-2016 (1)Thank you to everyone who came along to our Early Years ‘STEM Learning’ Showcase last week.  I think the photos below show how much fun the children, families and teachers appeared to be having as they played, talked and learned together, exploring the wide range of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths activities on offer.

We hope that the next time you see or hear the phrase ‘STEM’ you will think back to this event, confident in the knowledge of what it means, and also in knowing that, here at Provo Primary, your child is supported and fully encouraged to explore this through their everyday problem-solving and exploratory play.



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Provo Performing Arts School Easter Camp, 2016

provo-performing-arts-school-easter-camp-2016An additional camp that we recommend is the Provo Performing Arts School Easter Camp at Provo Primary School.

Click on the poster left to see the details.

With three camps on offer over the Easter break, there’s plenty of choice to suit your child’s interests.

Provo Primary Easter Camp and BWIC Sports Camp

easter-camps-2016Are you looking to keep your children busy and active during the Easter break? We have two camps to recommend that may interest you.  Click on the links to see times and prices:

Provo Primary Camp will offer fun and exciting Themed Activities while The BWI Collegiate Sports Camp will offer a valuable opportunity for children to gain a range of different sporting experiences outside of Provo Primary School.

Please note that payment must be made for these camps via the IsleHelp App or POS in the office by WEDNESDAY 16th MARCH.  Unfortunately drop in payments cannot be accepted as there will be nobody in the office over Easter to receive payment.

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A Wonderful Day of World Book Day Celebrations – 2016

world-book-day-mar-2016 (1)Well, what a fabulous day we have all had. This is now officially the 19th year that World Book Day has been celebrated all over the world and I think that Provo Primary has participated for pretty much nearly all of these over the years!

Here is one of my favourite photos from the day…  while on playtime duty this morning, I heard giggles and chatter coming from one of the playground bushes.  Peeking through the foliage to investigate further, I came across a group of  Year 2s all huddled together in a hideaway den, happily sharing their new ‘Book Swap’ spoils.   How delightful!  This photo truly captures ‘the enjoyment of reading’ and everything that we hoped to promote through this World Book Day event.

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Year 5’s Dazzling Debates!

yr-5-debate-feb-2016Year 5 have worked long and hard studying persuasive speaking and writing. We have analysed the different techniques used by MLK Junior in his most famous ‘I HAVE A DREAM’ speech. We have also looked at past and present politicians clever techniques as well as the power of advertising.

We have written our own speeches on a range of issues that we care about from the proposed local 12-storey development, the state of government schools to gun crime. The children worked hard to include as many different persuasive techniques as they could. We are now working on our debating skills and each day this week we are tackling a new issue. Come along on Friday afternoon and take part in one, but be warned, the Year 5’s debating skills are well-honed!

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Today is World Book Day

pps-wbd-mar-2016Did you know that today is World Book Day!  Every year at Provo Primary we celebrate this special day with a variety of reading and storytelling activities. Find out more about World Book Day at this website.

This year, we will start the day with our PTA/School Council Book Swap, with everyone having the opportunity to swap an old favourite for new one.  Later, students from the British West Indies Collegiate will coming to read and perform stories to us, older and younger classes will be hooking up for some reading buddy time and classes will be enjoying their own ‘PJ’ storytime sessions.  With many additional book related in-class activities also planned, it looks to be an exciting day ahead as together we celebrate the joy and value of books and reading.

‘Success for Every Learner’ Education Week Showcases

showcase-march-2016We look forward to welcoming parents and friends of Provo Primary School to join us for our fantastic Education Week Showcases on Friday.   Find out all the details in our Showcase Booklet.

Each class has a variety of activity stations set up for you to engage in and the children are all very much looking forward to sharing and explaining their learning with you!

EYFS – Toddlers – Kindergarten @ 8:30 – 9:30 AM

Learn more about how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning is incorporated into our Early Years Curriculum.

KS1/2 1 – 6 @ 2:15 – 2:50 PM

Explore how children learn through Topic-based learning, taking them on adventures back in time and around the world!

During our showcases, we encourage you to visit different classrooms around the school and not just the one that your child is currently in. We feel this will allow you to gain a greater sense of how our hands-on approach to STEM and Topic-based learning develops and enhances children’s skills as they progress through the school.

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Introducing Mat Man to Preschool

Mat Man has been introduced to the children through a song and with a picture of him. We have been looking at the different lines that make up Mat Man’s body, putting him together as we sing the song, taking him apart and putting him back together again. Mat Man is part of the Handwriting Without Tears programme. Mat Man does an important job in helping children learn about body awareness, taking turns, counting and eventually starting to draw a person correctly!

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