Island-wide Celebrations of National Heritage Month 2016

five-cays-tci-flag-float-parade-2016Don’t miss the Provo National Heritage Month Float Parade tomorrow on Monday 10th.

Look out for the creatively decorated floats as they travel from the streets of Grace Bay at 3PM, all the way down to the Getty in Blue Hills.

Click here to find out more about all of the Department of Culture’s events happening across the islands of the Turks and Caicos during National Heritage Month this year.


It’s National Heritage Month – Oct 2016

tci-2016Take a look at how Provo Primary will be celebrating National Heritage Month this year and let us know if you have cultural or heritage knowledge or skills you’d be willing to come in and share with the children:

National Heritage Celebration Assembly

Our Culture, Our Heritage, Our Turks and Caicos”

(Friday 14th October @1:30pm)

Everyone is invited to join us as our Years 1-6 honour our national songs, tales and dances.  This will be followed by an opportunity to view some heritage artefacts on display and to sample some local traditional food.  Come join the celebrations!

Read on to find out more about our ‘Project Fridays’ and ‘Showcase’ afternoon or click on the thumbprint image.

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Year 3’s Weather Channel is officially on Air!

For the past few weeks, Year 3 have been identifying the continents and the changes in climate around the world. We have been looking at the special words used to describe the different types of weather and have been recording the temperature, wind factor and rainfall each day.

Today we were quite excited to have recorded some rainfall and a drop in the temperature. An extra plus, is that we are all feeling very fortunate having had Hurricane Matthew pass us by.

Check out our video to learn more of what we have been learning about. Double plus – can you tell which of our ‘Collage Paintings’ are HOT or COLD?

PTA Community Yard Sale Saturday 15th October

pts-yard-sale-oct-2016Provo Primary is hosting a PTA Community Yard Sale on Saturday 15th October (9-11am).  $25 per table.

Need a clear out?  Then you’ve still got two weeks to sort!

If you would like to reserve a table,  please contact Niki at

At the end of the sale, the Salvation Army will come by and collect any left overs you donate and do not wish to take back home!



After-School Clubs, Autumn 2016

Provo Primary After-school clubs commence on Monday 3rd October.  We are pleased to be introducing a wide range of new and exciting experiences…

Just reading the list inspires and excites: 

Provo Primary Sings, Super Sewing, Let’s visit Europe, Storybook Club, Hockey, Steel Drums and Rugby (with coach Adrian from the TCIRFU).

Such amazing choices – which ones will you choose?

Click on the image left to download the registration form.  Please check the registration forms carefully to see the dates of when there are no clubs and when they finish.

Please remember that all children will need extra water on club days.  You may like to also include a small extra snack to be eaten at 3pm before the clubs start – especially if they are continuing on to affiliated Provo Performing Art Clubs.

All payments need to be made  through IsleHelp and should be made in advance, by 9am on Monday 3rd October.

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Year 6 take ‘Footsteps4Good’ to help other children

yr-6-footsteps4good-2016“Great success and a huge shout out to Provo Primary!”

Congratulations to our Year 6 students and all of the supporters who took part in Jill Beckingham’s ‘Footsteps4Good’ charity walk today.

Our Year 6 can all be very proud of the ‘footsteps’ they’ve taken today to make a difference to  children’s lives.

Loose change donations that they collected will go to the local ‘Food for Thought’ charity that aims to ensure all Turks & Caicos Islands school children are nourished and therefore able to reach their full potential. The main focus of the charity at this stage is to provide breakfast to all government school students.

Thank you to everyone for your support.


Cooperation gets Flamingo Class off to a flying start!

yr-4-collaborative-art-sept-2016-5It has already been a busy few weeks in Flamingo Class this year. From starting new topics and making new friends, greeting classmates after a long summer apart or just trying to remember not to walk into the wrong classroom…Year Four have had their brains full from the start.

The class were set some early cooperation challenges to get the whole class working together on some shared projects. The first was to make a mural for our big display board – an entire world map for our Age of Discovery class topic. This task required everyone to work together to make a realistic world map our of torn paper and glue. The continents were made on the tables, but the ocean had to be glued directly into the wall! As you can see from the pictures, we ended up with pretty ‘gluey’ fingers and lots of paper to pick up.

It all required a great deal of patience, tenacity and teamwork. Perfect! These are all essential skills for finding success in Year 4!

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Provo Primary’s School Council Elections 2016

school-council-sept-2016-1It has been yet another successful and amazing turn out of students who are willing to donate their time, skills and ideas to becoming a School Councilor. Teacher feedback within the school, with regards to how the children presented themselves forward as candidates, was very, very positive. Therefore, a huge WELL DONE to every single one of you who participated in the elections this year.  It really is great to see so much enthusiasm and interest in trying to make things better, not only for us in the school, and on our island, but also for the world around us.

During our first meeting this year we talked about how much the School Council has achieved in the past – take a look at the photos below and scan through our School Council blog posts. We also discussed some ideas of what we could achieve this year.  Details of future plans are to follow once we get the ball rolling.  So keep a look out on this blog and see what wonders we will achieve this year.

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Look what our amazing Toddlers can do!

i-can-buildWe may be the youngest, and among the newest students at Provo Primary School, but in the last two weeks we have discovered we are already able to do so many things in Toddler Class!

As part of our “Magical Me” topic, we have been exploring all the things we can do. Have a look at our photos to see what a capable and independent bunch we are!

We love looking at the pictures of our achievements on our topic wall, and we are looking forward to adding lots of new skills to our repertoire this year.

Just watch us grow!




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Welcome Back to the New School Year – Sept 2016

back-to-school-2016We hope that everyone is enjoying the remaining week of their holiday time

We are excited about the start of school and the learning journey ahead here at Provo Primary.  We have some new families joining us this year and we take this opportunity to welcome them all into our community.

Our Open House will be on Tuesday 6th September, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM.

Come along to meet the teachers, see your child’s new classroom, find out more about the year ahead and ask any questions you may have.

School starts Wednesday 7th September at the 8:15 AM.

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Two Weeks of Toddler/Preschool Tasters Sessions

pps-tod-pre-2016Provo Primary School invites prospective Toddler/Preschool families to come and experience for yourself the unique qualities of our school and what we can offer your family

July 18th – 29th – 8.30AM -10.30AM

For ages 12 months to 2 years


Flexible days (one to five mornings each week)

Special Themes: Baby signing and fine/gross motor skills development 

$20 per day (Additional hours $10 per hour)



Flamingos and Chicks is back for the summer

flamingo-chicks-2016Are you interested in learning why Provo Primary is a leader in Early Childhood Education in The Turks and Caicos Islands? Come along to our FREE Flamingos (parents) and Chicks (1-2 yr olds) sessions, commencing this Friday July 8th from 9am to 10am. We hope to see you there. (Spaces are limited, so please let us know if you’re coming by messaging us ahead of time or emailing Thank you!






Breaking Free from Provo Primary

Our Graduating Class of 2016 performed their last dance on the Provo Primary School stage for us today.

In their time with us they have grown from Provo Primary flamingo chicks to mature fledglings. It is time for them to spread their wings, with the confidence to know that they are ready to fly the nest onto adventures new.

‘We’re soarin’, flying
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach

If we’re trying
So we’re breaking free

Year 6, it’s time to ‘Break Free’ from Provo Primary, and continue on your journey to greatness.

The Future’s Looking ‘Bright’ for our Year 6

To The Graduating Class of 2016:
As individuals we have no doubt that each of you will follow your unique talents to find success and happiness. We believe it will be a really exciting journey not only for you, but for anyone fortunate enough to cross your path.
Each of you shines your bright light and colours individually, but when you come together as a group, as you have today, you form a perfect rainbow for everyone to see.

Year 6 Steel Band play Somewhere Over the Rainbow

This past term in our music classes, we studied various styles of music such as Jazz, Blues and Reggae. As part of their learning, the children did an in depth study of Somewhere Over the Rainbow in the style of Israel Kamakawaiwo’ole, and learned about the major and minor chord progressions and to play a reggae style beat. The children worked really hard to perfect this piece on the steel drums and keyboard to play for their graduation ceremony.

Preparing to fly the nest…

Our fully-fledged Year 6 class are preparing for their graduation cermony tomorrow morning.  The flamingo is our special school emblem and we often refer to the journey of our students through the school as one from chicks to fledglings. So as our Year 6 spread their wings and take flight from our Provo Primary nest, we would like to share with them some ‘Flamingo Wisdom’, which encourages them to make good choices as they continue to soar onto greatness.


It’s ‘FREEZER-ing” say our Preschoolers!

ps-iga-freezer-trip-june-2016 (11)The Preschool children have been investigating different types of weather through their topic, ‘Does the Sun Always Shine?’ This week we have been exploring cold weather. Not an easy concept to grasp when you live on an island that is predominantly warm year round! However, to experience this cold phenomenon, we visited IGA Supermarket’s freezer room!



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Awesome Aztec Chocolate Creations

yr-5-chocolate-june-2016 (1)Over this term in Year 5, we have been studying Aztecs and the importance of cacao and chocolate in general to them.  This has led on to us designing some different chocolate bars based on the Aztec chocolate drink but we ended up branching into bars of interesting and unusual combinations too. We decided upon four scrumptious bars; two Aztec and two modern day ones.

The children were split into groups and each group made a different chocolate bar whether it was-milk, dark, or a combination of milk, dark and white. Ingredients such as cinnamon, honey, spices, dried fruits, nuts, marshmallows and caramel were then added. [Read more…]

Provo Primary Summer Camp 2016

summer-camp-logo-1‘Come Dine with Me’ and ‘Crazy Creations’.  Starting Monday 4th July  Provo Primary is offering a wide range of amazing camp programmes to keep your 2-12 year old child learning, active and having fun during the summer:

Come Dine with Me (6 – 12 year olds)

Crazy Creations (2 – 5 year olds)

Flamingoes & Chicks Sessions (0 – 2 yrs) (returing soon)

Click on the links above to see more details and to register your child today.  More details are below as well.

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Adventures Galore in the Dominican Republic

yr-6-may-2016-2Year 6 have just returned from their week long field trip to the Dominican Republic.   An experience never to be forgotten with ever lasting memories.  Staying at Rancho Baiguate in Jarabacoa provided the perfect mountainous backdrop for an array of team building activities, cultural learning, language emersion, environmental studies; and the opportunities to develop further independence and responsible attitudes.  Our students were true ambassadors for our school and it was a pleasure to spend a well-deserved week away from home with them.  Please read a few comments below from our Year 6 students to get an idea about the experiences encountered and the powerful impact a residential trip can have on a young mind.    [Read more…]

Year 1 and 2 take action for World Environment Day

world-environment-day-2016Last Sunday saw the 42nd World Environment Day.  It is observed every year on the 5th June and “aims to inspire more people than ever before to take action to prevent the growing strain on planet Earth’s natural systems from reaching the breaking point.” (

Y1 and Y2 were inspired to take action and decided to do a “Provo Primary Clean Up”.  So, armed with plastic bags and lots of determination, the Key Stage One children went about picking up litter from around school environment.  We feel that we are pretty good at not creating litter, but we are sad to say that we found lots of little pieces of litter, the main offender being plastic!  Plastic drink draw wrappers, plastic food wrappers and plastic bags had all been blown (we suspect) into the bushes that make up parts of our playground.  We worked really hard and are pretty sure we collected almost all of the litter.

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Kindergarten explore 3D Shapes

k-3d-shapes-may-2016 (7)The Kindergarten children were introduced to 3D shapes such as cubes, cuboids, spheres, cylinders, cones and pyramids. As a follow up activity, the children enjoyed using recycled materials to make realistic models using a variety of these 3D shapes.

The models ranged from cameras to piggy banks to mobiles. The children had to decide what kind of model they would like to make, they then had to follow pictorial and written instructions to create and build their model. They had to choose the correct shaped boxes for their specific model. As you can see from the photos they worked very hard to complete these and they were very proud of them.



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Yr 4 Share their Ancient Rome Projects

yr-4-ancient-rome-projects-may-2016 (1)As Year 4 comes to a close for Flamingo class of 2015/16 they enter there last Topic, and what a topic Mr George has left for them. Over the last remaining weeks of year 4, we will be diving into the world of Ancient Rome. The children were given the task of a midterm homework project, in which a list was given to them of areas of interest in the Roman Era. As you can imagine the breadth and depth of these projects was immense.

Ranging from: posters with a whole Roman century on (that’s 80 men!), someone dressed in a traditional roman wedding outfit, a homemade Roman quiz, a presentation on Roman Architecture (with clear links to the TCI resorts designs) and even a Roman café with a wonderful array of traditional Roman snacks and drinks (with all the children trying dates and olives!)

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Thank you everyone from Provo Primary

pta-june-2016 A HUGE shout out to everyone who helped organise, and who supported our annual PTA fundraiser at Mango Reef last night.  What a fun night it was!  It was great to see Provo Primary parents and community friends all enjoying themselves together.  The children’s phenomenal artwork decorated the area and reminded us of the reason why we were all there.  Both Provo Primary and Food for Thought are very appreciative of all of your support.

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Creativity feeds creativity!

Year 1Pirate ships, rockets, teepees, mud pies and more…

Traditionally, each year the children contribute to our annual PTA fundraiser by creating pieces of artwork to be auctioned. This year they are especially excited to be involved as proceeds from this Saturday’s event at Mango Reef will go towards enhancing our school playground.

In collaboration with the PTA, we hope to build a magical playground brimming with opportunities for more imaginative and creative play.

To help make our dreams a reality, we would like to tap into our diverse community expertise and businesses as much as possible. PTA/School funds will be utilized to pay for these local supplies and services.

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