Colour Mixing in Year 2

yr2-colour-mixing-nov-2016-3In Year 2, we have been learning about colour mixing. Did you know that when you mix yellow and red, you make orange? Or that when you mix blue and red, you get purple? The children had such a fun time exploring the primary colours and then mixing those primary colours to make secondary colours. Some children even decided to challenge themselves to make turquoise!







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Who is Flat Stanley and where in the World is he?

yr-1-flat-stanley-nov-2016-1Stanley is a book character boy who lives with his Mum, Dad and his brother Arthur. He went to bed one night and whilst he was asleep a bulletin board fell and squashed him flat!

After visiting the doctor for a checkup, amazing things start to happen to Stanley. He is flown like a kite by his brother, he goes down a drain to rescue his mum’s ring and he gets to help the police catch two dangerous art thieves, he even gets mailed to California for a vacation.

Year 1 thought it would be fun to send their own Flat Stanley’s on vacation too. We thought this would be a really fun way to learn about lots of different countries. Right now Flat Stanley can be found in the Year 1 classroom, he is looking at the world map and checking out where in the world he is going on vacation. All the children in Year 1 have chosen a friend or relative to mail their own Stanley’s to and we are excited to find out where they are all going. So far, we have Hungary, Canada, India, USA and England on our list. We are hoping to ask Mrs. Yorka to help us send Stanley to Chile.

The Year 1 class are excited to learn about the countries he will be visiting. We hope to make a big class book to show what we have learned. Watch this space to find out more about Stanley’s adventures over the next few months

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PTA Charity Movie Night

movienightProvo Primary is having a charity Movie Night this upcoming Friday 11th November.  See the poster at school for details.

5pm  Pick up at 7:15pm sharp.  $5 per child.

There will be food and drinks available.

All community friend welcome. 

Please note that if your child is 5 or younger, they need to be accompanied by an adult.

All proceeds to go to the Haiti disaster relief programme in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. Tickets can be purchased the evening of the event.



Heritage Week: T.C.I. Colours…Do You Know Your Island Colours?

ps-national-heritage-week-oct-2016-4At the start of our Early Years National Heritage Week celebrations, the preschoolers faces’ lit up as they entered the door seeing rays of colourful scarves hanging up in their classroom. Some said, “I see a rainbow,” some called out their favourite colour,   while others simply enjoyed the feeling of wrapping themselves up in the soft hanging cloth.

Each colour is special to the Turks and Caicos.  The colours are on our National Costume.  Each colour represents one or more of the islands that make up our country and identifies what makes them special.  Do you know your Island colours?

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Year 6 present cheques to two local charities

yr-6-food-4-thought-donation-oct-2016Year 6 proudly presented cheques today to Food for Thought; and to The Hope Foundation for Autism TCI.  After participating in Jill Beckingham’s Foot Steps 4 Good initiative; the Year 6 class decided to donate their raised loose change to the organizations named above, in order to support them in the good work they offer to the residents in need of them in the TCI.  Provo Primary students are delighted that the raised an amount of $630 which was split evenly between our selected organizations to assist them in the invaluable work that they carry out.  We wish to thank our entire school community for their generous donations.  [Read more…]

Preschoolers enjoy exploring Nursery Rhymes

ps-nursery-rhymes-oct-2016-6Parents remember learning Nursery Rhymes when they were young with their mums and dads and now they find themselves doing the same with their children…

The Preschoolers have had a marvellous week exploring the theme of nursery rhymes, showing what a young child can learn when the environment is set and geared to independent and guided learning.

During the week, it was very interesting to watch the facial expressions and actions of the children as they recited, chanted, sung or acted out each rhyme.   The children were able to recognise each nursery rhyme with a corresponding picture card.  They quickly took possession of their favourite cards and enjoyed singing or chanting them – even choosing to do so during their free play.

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Provo Primary Halloween Party Tickets on Sale

halloween-flyerpp-2016Remember to get your Provo Primary Halloween Party Tickets!









Year 3 ate the world and made lots of discoveries!

yr3-melon-oct-2016-6It all began with a melon! During our Science discussion when discovering facts about what the world is made of, we discovered some similarities between the world and a melon… and they were quite tasty!

From a slice of melon came a multitude of questions and journeys to research. Everyone in Year 3 chose an area related to our topics of either Rocks or Weather and went away and completed their own project to present to the class.

WOW! How impressed we all were. We had volcano’s erupting, hurricane and tsunami facts that blew us all away, fossil facts galore and some very exciting PowerPoint presentations with those extra special effects; board games and even a few dances that illustrated all the new facts we were sharing.

Thank you Year 3 for making learning fun!

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Have you ever wondered what really goes on behind the doors of a Kindergarten classroom? Well, we’ll let you into a secret…some pretty fun stuff!

k-class-oct-2016-15In Provo Primary’s Kindergarten class our teachers like to give us lots of things to play with!  We like to investigate, explore, create and think about all the things that are around us.

This means we get to choose to do a bit of everything!  Lots of us spend time outside…we like playing with the Pre-schoolers and Toddlers and showing them what to do and playing with the Year 1 and 2s too.  Some of us are actors, who use puppets to put on shows for our friends, while others are computer whizzes who turn on the computer and find their favourite programme to listen to stories.  We are a class of artists who love to manipulate the playdough and mix paints to create new colours.  There are engineers who build spaceships and architects who plan and make houses for the duplo people.  And while all this is going on, there are a few of us who like to just kick back and relax with a book.

We love that we are lucky enough to have the opportunity to use play to aid our learning so if you get a chance, pop in and see what all the hype is about!

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Hats for Haiti and thank you for YOUR help with the Haiti Fund

sc-hats-for-haiti-oct-2016-25All there is to say is that we are truly truly thankful for all of your donations. Whether it was a gift of clothing, food, bedding, shoes and toiletries and/or a dollar to wear a ‘Hat for Haiti’ on our Dress Down Day. All and everything will go towards helping the people worst hit by hurricane Matthew in Haiti. Well done to the School Council for publicizing, collecting and loading the collection vehicle – YOU made it happen!

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Early Years Celebrates National Heritage Day

ey-national-heritage-oct-2016-24This year the Early Years team decided to make National Heritage Day a week long celebration.  We each looked at different parts of our Turks and Caicos heritage and completed some pretty awesome outfits, dances and songs related to it.

Click on to read all about it and to see all of our photos.



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Is that Floppy?

k-floopy-oct-2016-9Would you believe that Floppy, the dog, lives here in the Turks and Caicos Islands?  Well, he does and today he came to visit Kindergarten!

We have recently been learning all about the Oxford Reading Tree characters – Biff, Chip, Kipper, Wilf, Wilma etc.  They go on many adventures and get into lots of scrapes and silly predicaments.  As many of you know, Floppy is the dog who accompanies the children on all their journeys.

Anyway, by complete surprise Ms. Alison came into the classroom this afternoon with Floppy in tow!  She told us all about how Floppy likes to eat treats, walk on the beach and spend his time being scratched and tickled.  The children got to ask Floppy lots of questions, brush his fur and take him for a walk around the classroom.

We all enjoyed seeing a real character from one of our favourite series of books.  Take a look at to read, listen to and watch some of the gang’s adventures.

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Is your little chick ready to spread their wings?

flamingo-chicks-postDo you have a young child that you’re interested in starting to introduce to a play-based, social setting?

Why not ‘fly’ down on Friday mornings between 8:30 and 9:30am to one of our Flamingo and Chicks sessions – they’re FREE for all parents and babies/toddlers aged 0-2.

Thinking of enroling your child into our programme?

Take a look at what is happening in our Toddler Class this week by reading their weekly newsletter and seeing their attached photos.

You may also like to watch our Early Years Video below to find out more about what Provo Primary offers and see some of our recent blog posts.

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Take a peek into the day of our Toddlers

toddler-peek-oct-2016What a busy and successful half term it’s been in Toddlers! It’s been so wonderful to watch the children explore and engage with their new learning environment, and to see them settle into their new class and routines.

Whilst our day consists of lots of free flow play, choice and self-directed activities, taking an active part in their routines really helps the children to gain autonomy and independence. It also helps them to know that, after a fun filled and happy morning, their proud parents will be coming back through the door to hear all about the day’s successes.
With practice, and the help of a little book made by Ms Shara, the children have gained such a good understanding of the structure of their day that they are now telling us what comes next! Especially when it’s snack time!
Take a look at our photos for a peek into our day. We are so proud of our Toddlers!

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Studying Classification and Variation in Year 6

yr-6-classification-oct-2016-14Year 6 have been learning all about the animal kingdom this term in science.  This strand of biology has focused on the importance of classification and variation.  Year 6, wearing their scientist hats, have discovered that classification is all about sorting; and variation is concerned with differences between species.

With this in mind, Year 6 quickly realised that the animal kingdom is divided into two main groups: vertebrates and invertebrates.  Vertebrates are animals who possess a backbone and invertebrates do not.  Moreover, it was quickly ascertained that further classification would be needed in order to group organisms together more readily based upon similarities and differences.  More research revealed that scientists also classify vertebrates and invertebrates into subgroups depending on certain characteristics.

Please look at the photographs below and judge for yourselves how well we have coped with getting to grips with lots of new scientific vocabulary and the classification of our animal kingdom.

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Provo Primary Halloween Party – 31st October 2016










We are Detectives in Year 2!

In Year 2, we have been reading and exploring the book, Nate the Great by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat. We have really enjoyed learning how to be a detective like Nate and discovering what tools he uses in his investigations.

Read on to see how the children invented mysteries for Nate to solve and wrote letters to Nate!  Watch the videos to hear some of the children reading their letters.

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“Its about the journey not the destination”

PVA glue is an amazing medium. It’s charged with the qualities of viscosity, flow, speed, cause and effect.

Please take a look at this fascinating video and observe the children as they wonder, explore and investigate this incredible substance called glue!  It’s wonderful to see how focused and relaxed they are and how they are seemingly unaware of  noise around them.

So now you know that when your child presents you with a plain piece of paper, with a shiny blob in the middle that, although it may not look much to you, for the child, the art and creative and sensory experience was in the process rather than the end product. [Read more…]

National Heritage Celebration Salt Cay Candy is Delicious!

Thank you Keno Forbes for bringing in the Salt Cay Candy for us to try today as part of our National Heritage Month Celebration Assembly.  It was a delicious minty flavour and was really chewy!

Watch this video to find out how this special candy is made?

Keno also brought in local sweet potato bread and cream cakes too.  I can’t decide which was my favourite – they were all so good!

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Celebrating the ‘Week of the Young Child’ 2016

mother-goose-oct-2016-1What a fantastic week it has been with all the children in Early Years joining in the celebration of Early Childhood Education Department’s TCI ‘Week of the Young Child’.  See a video of some of our young toddlers singing Humpty Dumpty.

Throughout the week the children in Early Years got the chance to experience and enjoy one of the Week of the Young Child’s themes – Mother Goose!  The idea being that ‘reciting and singing of nursery rhymes help to train children’s memory’.  So we all chose one of Mother Goose’s traditional nursery rhymes and completed special activities around it.




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TCI Celebrations tomorrow @ 1:30pm

national-heritage-day-clebrations-assembly-2016Come join Provo Primary’s National Heritage Month Celebrations

 Tomorrow, Friday 14th October @1:30pm

Everyone is invited to join us as our Years 1-6 honour our national songs, tales and dances.  This will be followed by an opportunity to view some Heritage artefacts on display and to sample some local traditional food.

Come join the celebrations!



Using technology to support creative writing in Year 5

yr-5-whiteboard-oct-2016-3Year 5 are extremely happy to be using their class interactive whiteboard this term.  A particular favourite at the moment is the Big Writing program where the children can learn about how to use punctuation, sentence structure, connectives and openers in a fun, interactive way. They also love the widget timer, which guides them to complete creative writing tasks within a certain time frame.  It plays classical music in the background and offers vocabulary choices to help stimulate their ideas. [Read more…]

School Council encourage hurricane relief support for Haiti

img_0743Provo Primary School Council are collecting to assist the Haiti hurricane Matthew relief efforts.

Things we need: Dry non-perishable foods; Canned goods, Clothing, Toiletries, Footwear, Baby Items and Bedding.

Bring your donations into school and we will sort and box them up and deliver them to the Haiti Relief Organization. Community donations welcome.

All donations in by: Next week – Friday 21st October.

Our final Dress Down this half term on Friday 31st will also be related to this cause – ‘Hats for Haiti’. Wear any hat to school for $1 – more information will follow.


The Conch Man visits Flamingo Class

yr-4-the-conch-man-sept-2016-1Year 4 were lucky to have Mr Handfield, The TCI Conch Man, visit them last week as part of their Age of Discovery topic. Mr Handfield is a local artist who works purely with conch shells to create all kinds of art and everyday items. He explained to the class how he had been inspired to develop his skill of cutting, decorating and joining conch shells as a whole new art form. He how has a repertoire of over 25 designs that he produces for sale and his items have been sold and dispatched to countries all around the world!

Mr Handfield has kindly offered to help Flamingo Class with their Design and Technology project this term, as the children embark on the process of designing and making their own piece of jewelry using locally inspired materials and traditions.

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National Heritage Float Parade

Here are the colourful floats representing Blue Hills and The Bight as they travelled from Grace Bay all the way to Blue Hills in celebration of National Heritage Day today. Great artwork and themes!  The celebration party continues at the Blue Hills Getty throughout the evening.