As part of our new ‘Helping Hands’ topic in Toddler Class, we spent the week looking at the story of the Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. We learnt from the Rainbow Fish’s experiences that it can be fun to share with our friends. In our games, we enjoyed taking it in turns to catch fish of all the colours of the rainbow. In our creative activities, we really liked passing our friends the silvery scales they needed to finish their Rainbow Fish creations, and working together to craft a big Rainbow Fish with beautiful textures and colours. We are looking forward to a half term of caring, sharing, collaborating and appreciating all the people who help us. What a great way to swim into a fantastic new year of learning!
After School Clubs, Spring Term 2017
At the heart of our ambition for Provo Primary School is our commitment to providing the very best for all children to enjoy and achieve. This includes having the widest possible range of opportunities both within and beyond the curriculum. After-school clubs are a fantastic way of achieving this and we are excited to offer a wide range of clubs, run by teachers, community members and affliated programmes – all with a view to increasing the range of experiences that children have. Activities are designed to be fun and cater for a wide variety of interests and ages. They are open to both Provo Primary students and community children alike.
The information below outlines all of the school clubs we have available this term, from Journalism, Science and French, to Soccer and Basketball, Art and Design, along with our affliated Provo Performing Arts School’s Dance and Theatre Arts sessions. We hope you will take time to explore what is on offer and encourage your child to try something new or continue taking part in a firm favourite.
Provo Primary ‘Spring Clean Out’ Yard Sale
Host a table at our highly successful multi table yard sale
$25 per table
@ Provo Primary School
Saturday 28th January
Usually 20 ++ tables and lots of buyers!
To reserve a table please contact
A Happy New Year Start at Provo Primary
Happy New Year and welcome back to our Provo Primary Spring Term. Spending time in all of the classes over these first few days, it has been lovely to feel that sense of ‘happy to be back’, and to see all of the children ‘springing’ into action and quickly settling back to school life and being eager to start new learning topics
It’s a joy to see friends sharing news of the festive holidays, hearing about the gifts given and received and news of holiday travels and family gatherings.
We welcome all of the new families to the school and look forward to getting to know them, along with greeting some returning families who have been away and are now here with us again.
We wish everyone a year of wonderful moments, enriching opportunities, treasured memories and all of the blessings that a heart can know.
Santa Arrives in a blaze of lights and sirens!
Santa arrived to the joy of all at Provo Primary, in style as usual, on the local fire truck! Greeting Santa in this way has been a Provo Primary tradition for what we think could be as long as 13 years. And it is still very much loved by all of today’s students, just as it has been for every year gone by.
We would like to pass on a HUGE thank you to the Turks and Caicos Fire Service for helping out over the years.
Here are some of our youngest students – meeting Santa for the first or second time here at Provo Primary, to our oldest students – for whom this tradition is still very much a special time.
Marvellous Maskanoo
The highlight of National Heritage month for us all in Year 1 and 2 was our fantastic Maskanoo Parade. We had a lot to do to prepare for an extravaganza such as Maskanoo. We made colourful masks and hats with Ms. Tracy. This involved painting them very bright colours and decorating them with sequins and feathers. Can you spot who is who in our parade photos? We are very well disguised so it is very tricky, look carefully!
Flat Stanley is finally off on his Adventures!
In our previous Year 1 blog, we introduced you to Flat Stanley.
The Year 1 children had to choose a relative or friend to send their Flat Stanley to. They asked their parents to help them find out the address of this person. Each child then wrote a letter to their chosen person explaining what they would like them to do with Flat Stanley when he stays at their house.
The children carefully wrote the address on their envelope, they had to do this very neatly so that the mailman or mailwoman could read it. Take a look at the photos to see some of their beautiful writing. Great job, Year 1! There was a lot to think about…from forming each letter correctly, to sizing our letters, to sitting the letters on the line and even making sure the address was written correctly so that it would be delivered to the right house in the right country!
Endangered and Extinct Research Projects
Our biology strand of science concluded this term with Year 6 students presenting a research project based upon the areas of extinction and endangerment within our animal kingdom.
Year 6 were posed with the challenge of selecting four extinct animals and four animals who are on the endangered animals list. After making their selections they had to carry out research using both traditional and digital resources to find out information about their selections.
The extinct section of the project examined theories presented by scientists to determine why extinction occurred for certain species; descriptions of how extinct animals looked when they roamed the earth; and environments and adaptations relevant to their survival when they lived.
JK love playing with Plasticine.
Plasticine is a wonderful model making material is firmer and incredibly dense compared to play-doh. The children had great fun exploring it and chatting and naming what they were making. As well as being fun manipulating Plasticine strengthens the children’s fingers, hands, wrists and forearms. Have a look at our photos for a snap shot of our activity.
What an Amazing Cast and Crew!
Thank you to all the children who worked extremely hard to put on their very best performance in our Panto Like No Other Show this weekend. Thank you to our incredible parents for supporting the children and helping them get ready, our PTA for their help with the bar, and our Year 6 parents for the tasty food that was on sale during the evening. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our former parents and community members for their support, not only this year, but also over the past 25 years and for their part in making Provo Primary what it is today.
Finally, I’d like to say a huge thank you to our teachers for all their hard work preparing for the show. It truly was an amazing show and I’m sure each of you is extremely proud of your class’s/children’s performances. Thank you to MRS. NIKI for directing this year’s extravaganza!
Weaving wonders!
As part of our focus on National Heritage Month, Year 5 have been looking at basket weaving in the T.C.I. and how we use different natural plants to create beautiful hats, baskets, bookmarks, bracelets and more.
We were lucky enough to have the expertise of Daphne Forbes (who we will definitely be looking to invite in again) to help teach us how to weave silver palm. Although tricky at first, the children became experts in next to no time. We were also incredibly fortunate to have one of our students teaching us a different weaving method with amazing patience- a teacher in the making!
School Council present books galore to Ianthe Pratt School
Students from Ianthe Pratt School visited Provo Primary this morning. Together with the students from the Middle School, they became our first outside audience to experience our school Christmas performance of ‘A Panto Like No Other’ – hence some of the outfits in the photos! They did say they enjoyed the performance very much; however the excitement and smiles of the students of Ianthe Pratt grew even more when they saw the gift of books that were being presented to them after the show by our School Council. The students could not quite believe that all the books were for them, they were so utterly delighted and could not wait to read them!
A BIG thank you to the P.T.A. for encouraging parents to buy an extra book with their Scholastic order, and also to the children who bought in their own book donations. The P.T.A. also gave a $300 Scholastic budget to the teachers at Ianthe Pratt and they ordered additional books and teaching resources as well. Altogether there were four big boxes of books for them to take back to their school.
How wonderful it is to share and see the love of reading. Merry Christmas to you all at Ianthe Pratt School.
Provo Primary ‘A Panto Like No Other’ this Friday and Saturday
Tickets are selling fast on Islehelp for our Friday and Saturday performances.
“A Panto Like No Other” is a Provo Primary original plot of good versus evil, witty banter and buffoonery and, of course, good eventually conquering all. With an amazing cast, fantastic costumes, incredibly catchy songs and entertaining dances, ‘A Panto Like No Other will make you boo, hiss, laugh and cheer along to this extraordinary trip down memory lane.
As Ms. Alison and Miss Sian prepare to open Provo Primary’s 25th Anniversary Time Capsule containing artefacts from Christmas Shows past, there is a technical hitch. They depart the stage to assist Miss Stef with the lighting in the office. Left to his own devices (and a bit of encouragement from the audience) Elf on the Shelf opens the time capsule, inadvertently allowing the Baddies from Christmas Shows Past to escape, taking with them, all the artifacts.
Devastated that his actions will cause catastrophic effects, he doesn’t quite know what to do, until the wise Provo Primary School Flamingo comes to his rescue. Together, they devise a plan to go back in time to get all the artifacts back.
Unbeknownst to them, the baddies are hot on their trail in a time machine from 2004’s Christmas Show. Fortunately, the goodies, overhearing the baddies’ treacherous plan, decide to use their own special magic to assist Flamingo and Elf along their way.
Will they succeed in getting the artifacts back before Ms. Alison and Miss Sian return or will they remain stuck in the past forever?
Year 3 Celebrate TCI History and Heritage
What an exciting half term it has been for all of us. We have been discovering all sorts of wonderful and exciting things about the place we call home. We have learned about the different industries, explorers, neighbouring countries, plants, foods and customs of the T.C.I.
Our journey first began when we were invited by Mr Vasco to visit the Enclave. Here we were able to see the prominence of limestone rock on the island – which enabled people in the past to dig wells easily due to the softness of the stone. The construction of the Enclave also highlighted the importance of the growing ‘tourist’ industry in the T.C.I.
We were then invited to visit the Amanyara where Miss Jackie took us on a walk in the area and highlighted the many special plants that grow on the T.C.I., explaining the importance and uniqueness of particular plants on the island.
We were also very fortunate to have Miss Mary and Mr Jonathan from the National Trust come in to share their skills and knowledge about the importance of weaving in the T.C.I., both in the past and now in the present. We even managed to have a go at weaving ourselves and are now in the process of weaving our own mats to sit on in the garden – let’s hope they turn out!
Our Kindergarten are using iPads to enhance their phonic learning
Do you remember what is was like when you first started to read and write? Did it involve looking at a blackboard and copying letters into your book? Well, that’s not how we do it at Provo Primary School!
We use lots of different interactive, kinesthetic, physical and visual aids to help us review, learn, practise and apply our phonics learning. We are lucky enough to have class sets of iPads that we use to help us learn the new sounds that Miss Claire teaches us each day in our phonics lessons. We really enjoy using the Letterland app to look at each Letterland character; listen to each character’s story and practice the formation of the letter. Aaaaaaand because we know how to turn on the iPad, find the app, open it, choose the letter, change the colour of pen and erase any mistakes all by ourselves… Miss Claire can sit back and relax… well, watch and help us if we get stuck and give us high fives when we get it right! Phonics is fun in SK… why don’t you pop by and see what it’s all about! [Read more…]
TCI Heritage Month: Flamingo Class learn to Ripsaw!
As part of our TCI Heritage Month learning, Y4 were asked which area of the Island’s history and culture they would like to know more about. After learning about traditional bush medicines and the history of navigating the country’s 40 islands and cays, the children were very excited for their final session – we were going to learn to “Ripsaw!”
We were fortunate to have David Bowen and friends join us for an afternoon of traditional music and dance. Children were taught the history of “Ripsaw” and “Rake ‘n’ Scrape” in the Caribbean and how this music has its origins in African percussion music. Children had the chance to see and play a range of percussion instruments that demonstrated how people had used everyday household objects to create rhythm and beats.
A Panto Like No Other – Tickets on Sale!
A Panto Like No Other!
Friday 9th and Saturday 10th December
6pm @ Provo Primary School.
Tickets $10 (Children 12 and under free)
Refreshments on sale.
Come join us for our special 25th anniversary production!
Buy your tickets directly on the IsleHelp or in the school office.
Email or call 441 5638 for details.
Tickets on Sale for Early Year Christmas Show
Toddlers and Preschool present a Pre-Show Extravanza…
‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘I Like To Move It’
and our Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Present…
Busy Busy Bethlehem
Wednesday 14th December – 6pm – at Provo Primary School.
Tickets $5 (Children 12 and under free)
Refreshments on sale.
Buy your tickets directly on the IsleHelp App or in the school office. Email or call 441 5638 for details.
Year 2 share their amazing Home Learning Projects
Wow! Year 2 completed their first home learning project of the year and they did a fantastic job! As part of our Science in school, we have been investigating all about animals. Through our reading comprehension sheets, non-fiction books and videos we’ve learned a lot about animals, including humans! The children were allowed to choose an animal and investigate it, while answering a few specific questions such as where the animal lives, what it looks like, what it eats, how it grows from baby to adult and any other interesting facts they found out and wanted to share.
I was very impressed by their work during this term in Science and was very happy to see that the children’s enthusiasm was shared at home! The children did a great job sharing their knowledge with their classmates and answering questions posed by them.
I can’t wait to see what our next home learning project looks like! Based on our first one, it will be awesome! [Read more…]
Join us for our Jingle Jam Tots Christmas Party
Pete the Cat Steps into J.K.
In J.K. we have been reading Pete the Cat! The children have enjoyed re-telling the stories ‘I Love My White Shoes’ and ‘Four Groovy Buttons’. They have been threading buttons, counting buttons and matching buttons! The children were very thoughtful in adding a few extra foods for Pete to ‘step’ in and considered carefully what colour Pete’s shoes would become. They have also discovered that quite a few of them own real cats and they talked how they care for them. Of course, pretending to be a cat was great fun, too!
Age of Discoveries topic inspires amazing Home Learning
Flamingo Class shared some amazing home learning projects this week, the culmination of their first half-term’s learning on The Age of Discoveries.
Our class knew it all! Children had produced all kinds of projects, including: maps of their routes from between 800-500 years ago, models of the ships used to circumnavigate the globe, a sailor’s diet on board an explorer’s ship, clothing from the period and tales of bravery and treachery!
We spent a lovely morning sharing our new knowledge with each other, our parents and children from other classes. Every new visitor shared in our excitement for this exciting topic and posed even more questions that need an answer.
“Aw…poor Guy!”
Another small tradition of Bonfire Night is having the Year 4 class prepare a Guy Fawkes for the school’s event at Bay Bistro. As part of their Let’s Celebrate! topic, our Flamingo Class went all-out to make a full-size Guy. The class put so much into their project that many felt a little sad to see him sitting on top of the burning fire!
The class were challenged to make a Guy using only materials that would have been available 400 years ago, when Guy Fawkes and his conspirators planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. Not only that, but the children had to ensure that he was dressed in the correct fashion of the period. Well, our Guy needed to look good for such a big party!
After sessions of designing, planning and finding the right materials the class set about building the Guy. Many, many stitches later (!) the class were rightly proud of their creation!
Bonfire Night celebrations beginning to set new traditions!
On Sunday 6th November, the Provo Primary community gathered for our 5th annual Bonfire Night celebrations at Bay Bistro. It was especially exciting to see that new experiences have slowly given way to yearly traditions in this very British event.
Families gathered around the large bonfire for food and drinks, much like in communities all over the UK. However, our Provo Bonfire Night has slowly adopted its own unique traditions that we all enjoy! A pre-bonfire swim is now essential, as is the chorus of the Remember, Remember the 5th November rhyme. In addition, we were treated to a bright and noisy firework display above us. We also always enjoy seeing familiar friends of the Provo Primary community who come out to join us for this special evening.
We thank all families for their support and, of course, Bay Bistro for hosting another fantastic evening for us all!
Year 6 Halloween Games
Year 6 recently played a significant role in Provo Primary School’s annual Halloween Party. They were set the challenge of designing, creating and implementing the games that could be used. The design brief enabled the students to focus on games that would be fun to play, could be differentiated easily across different age groups and maintained a spooky theme to fulfill the atmosphere of a Halloween party.
The students in Year 6 were grouped into 5 teams and posed with the above challenge. Getting straight down to work they blasted ideas before settling on a firm notion that could be developed fully to meet the needs of the design brief. The planning stage also considered how prizes would be allocated to winners, how many people would be needed to operate the games, resources and materials needed to build and so on.