Year 1 & 2 Fantastic Gymnastics!

P.E. in Key Stage 1 has got off to a somewhat wobbly start this year. No, not because of the storms – because children in Year 1 & 2 have been busy developing their body control and balance in our Gymnastics sessions.

Sessions start with a range of active and tiring warm-up games aimed at teaching children to be aware of their own space and body movements. Children are improving their skills of observation quickly, while managing their speed and direction to avoid collisions. Warm ups are accompanied by screams and giggles that get all sessions off to a flying start.
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Bonfire Night goes off with a BANG!

Provo Primary School and Bay Bistro celebrated their 6th Annual Bonfire Night together on the 5th November. This year turned out to be one of the noisiest nights yet!

Thanks to our wonderful friends at Bay Bistro, families were treated to a Grace Bay beach barbecue and drinks – the perfect way to end our mid-term holidays and get us all ready for heading back to school.

Perhaps being so well rested added to the energy in the crowd! After joining in chorus for the traditional Remember, Remember the Fifth of November rhyme,families gathered close to watch the lighting of the bonfire. As an extra surprise, the Bay Bistro Guy Fawkes was filled with firecrackers and went up in a fizz of pops and crackles.

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Resuming our Blogging now that Hurricane Season calms

Our new school year got off to a rather turbulent start with the passing of not one but two hurricanes. Hurricane Irma, a Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir Simpson scale swept through the islands first, followed by Hurricane Maria two weeks later, causing widespread damage to our island home.  Across the TCI, roofs were blown off; power poles knocked down; and some structures simply collapsed, no match for the strength of the destructive 165 mph winds

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Congratulations to our Graduating Year 6

      Today is one of those occasions when we get to celebrate our young people – their achievements, their perseverance and their successes as they grow up.  It is one of the times you can take a break and reflect, feeling good as a parent or mentor, knowing that the children you care about are doing just fine and they’re on the right path.

Graduates, you should know that your Mums and Dads are very proud of you today.  They have high hopes for you, and they believe in you, and you are making them proud by showing them what you can do.  Today is an important day for you and them.  Today they are very, very proud of you. [Read more…]

Heroes – Year 6 Graduation 2017 Finale!

Our Day Will Come – Year 6 Steel Drums – Graduation 2017

On Days Like These – Year 6 Steel Drums – Graduation 2017

Flamingo Wisdom – Graduation 2017


The flamingo is our special school emblem and we often refer to the journey of our students through the school as one from chicks to fledglings. Today, we celebrated our Year 6 achievements at our Graduation Assembly.  So as our fully-fledged Year 6 class spread their wings and take flight from our Provo Primary nest, we would like to share with them some ‘Flamingo Wisdom’, which encourages them to make good choices as they continue to soar onto greatness.

Year 6 Hurricane Poetry

Be Prepared

What can I do to you

This Is What

Terrible and Treacherous Typhoons


Throughout this term year 6 have been learning about natural disasters.  Our studies started with an examination of the differing layers of the Earth; and the tectonic plate theory.  This provided us with the foundations to enable an understanding of how and why such disasters occur.  Independent research and dedicated focus on case studies have allowed year 6 to realize the short and long term effects that arise once a natural disaster strikes a country.  With this in mind Year 6 have produced some beautiful emotive poetry based upon hurricanes.  They felt that this was an appropriate angle to take considering the threat of hurricanes on our islands.  Please read through a selected sample of their poetry.  You will notice how they have used poetic devices to good effect.  Look out for the power of 3, hyperbole, similes, metaphors, puns and so on as they manipulate language to ensure the creation of a powerful poem which hits the heart of the reader!


Year 5 North and Middle Caicos a roaring success!

Our overnight trip to North and Middle Caicos was a roaring success! We started our day by taking the ferry over from Provo. After landing in Sandy Point, we took our massive school bus over to Mudjin Harbor in Middle Caicos. On the way we stopped at the Causeway to take in the impact of hurricanes and how hard it has been to repair this. Swimming, lunch and walks in caves and trails followed at Mudjin. Then we made our way to the Conch Bar caves.

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Year 4 Participate in Reef Conservation

Last week, Flamingo Class were lucky to receive an invitation from our friends at Amanyara’s Nature Discovery Center – to contribute towards a Reef Conservation project!

Over the past few years, over 450 reef balls have been placed in the ocean by Amanyara. This new reef is situated in the Northwest Point National Park. More recently, coral has been added to these reef balls in order to preserve the delicate habitats of the area.

Children were treated to a guided snorkeling tour of the new reef by Discovery Center manager, Jackie Walker. We saw a wide range of coral that is now successfully living and growing in its new habitat. We learned to observe and identify Elk Horn, Mustard Hill and Finger coral.

Finally, Jackie took us to the Center’s underwater ocean coral nursery. We watched her identify and prepare a piece of Finger coral to plant on behalf of Providenciales Primary School. Thanks to a piece of special purple ‘putty,’ our little Finger coral is now held in place on a reef ball off the shore of Amanyara Resort. Not a bad place to spend its days!

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Musical Masters in Senior Kindergarten

At Provo Primary School, we aim to provide our early years children with the tools to be able to achieve the three characteristics of effective learning…Playing and Exploring; Active Learning and Creating and Thinking Critically.  There are lots of ways to achieve this and here is just one of our wow moments…

Have a listen to the children’s beat and rhythm in the nursery rhymes and the traditional Turks and Caicos Islands songs, accompanied by junkanoo inspired instruments.

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Summer Camps at Provo Primary – 2017

We are excited to share our plans for our Summer Camps this year, running throughout July. Registration is now open and you may either order online via our Isle Help App or in the school office.

We are also happy to announce that Okeanos Juice and Smoothie Bar will be offering $5 lunches for all campers, freshly prepared on the school site daily.  See the menu here.



3rd – 28th July:  Creative Construction Camp for 2-6 years olds


“for Little Kids with Big Ideas”

Onsite fun, games and environmental themed activities including:

  • a creative obstacle course, on our green field, in our shaded playground and in our soft play area
  • Arts, crafts and creative construction using the environment as inspiration
  • Computing, Music, rhymes and singing games
  • Becoming an Okeanos chef’s assistant and help create a healthy lunch



3rd – 14th July:  BirdSleuth for 7-13 year olds

BirdSleuth is perfect for the adventurous, environmentally conscious and scientifically minded! Off site trips will include Pirate Cove, Northwest Point National Park, Wheeland Pond, Provo Golf Club lakes and a boat tour of the mangroves or Chalk Sound*. Onsite activities will focus on the creation of bird houses (that can be fitted with cameras for future observations), bird baths and a range of practical games and challenges. To combat the summer heat, we also intend to mix in the usual opportunities to swim and work inside our air-conditioned classrooms.

We look forward to seeing you at camp!



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Tipi Team Work in Year 3

“Well done”

“Good job”

“Do you think we could…”

“Shall we try again?”

“It looks amazing!”

“We’re not giving up!”

These were just some of the phrases that were shared during our ‘team building tipi’ session this week. Year 3 were given the challenge to build group tipis – very much related to our Native American study of the Sioux tribe this term – Two groups worked with their own ‘build your own tipi’ set, which came with a pack of instructions – that alone was a challenge! And one group were asked to build a tipi using our fabulous new ‘loose parts’ playground equipment.

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Adventures Galore in the Dominican Republic – 2017

Year 6 have just returned from their week long field trip to the Dominican Republic.   An experience never to be forgotten with ever lasting memories.  Staying at Rancho Baiguate in Jarabacoa provided the perfect mountainous backdrop for an array of team building activities, cultural learning, language immersion, environmental studies; and the opportunities to develop further independence and responsible attitudes.  Our students were true ambassadors for our school and it was a pleasure to spend a well-deserved week away from home with them.

Please read a few comments below from our Year 6 students to get an idea about the experiences encountered and the powerful impact a residential trip can have on a young mind.

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25th Anniverary Celebrations

I’d  like to thank everyone who came out to The Shore Club, last Saturday, 20th May to help us celebrate our 25th Anniversary. In all, we had about 140 guests.

I’d like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to our Master of Ceremony, Cynclair Musgrove, who was also a teacher at Provo Primary 15 years ago. When she heard about this event, she very kindly offered to be our host. Cynclair certainly kept us entertained as did our musicians, Perry Delancy, Brentford and Brenton Handfield and Tess Charles.

It was fantastic to see so many faces from the past, people who have supported our school throughout its growth and helped it to become what it is today.

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Do you have green fingers or a green thumb?

Well, that depends on where you come from….

If from come from UK then you will have green fingers, if you are from the USA or Canada then you will have a green thumb….. but you will only have these if you are really good at growing things such as pretty flowers, vegetables to eat and even fruit like pineapples or bananas.

Year 1 have been trying hard to grow their own bean plant from Lima Bean seeds. Do you think they can help their beanstalk to grow as tall as Jack’s beanstalk in the Jack and the Beanstalk story?

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Mummies are Marvelous!

We all know that mummies are very special ladies.  So, this Mother’s Day, Kindergarten class, decided to show them just how much they mean to us by throwing them an Afternoon Tea Party.

In preparation for our special afternoon, we made Mother’s Day bookmarks, crowns and completed questionnaires all about our mummies.  When they arrived, they were fitted with their crowns (so we could treat them like queens) and shown into the transformed classroom.  Decorated with paper chains, flowers (made by the children) and messages of love, the mummies really were shocked by how different the room looked.




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Having a GRRRRRREAT TIME in the D.R.!

It certainly looks like Year 6 are thoroughly enjoying their residential trip away at Rancho Baiguate in Jarabacoa Dominican Republic this week.

With horseback riding, river rafting, treks to waterfalls, zip-lining, bonfire nights, shopping and much more!  What a great opportunity to practise their Spanish skills too!  We’re sure they’re going to return with plenty of stories to tell of their adventures!

What a wonderful reward for all of their hard work and success recently with all of their post primary entrance exams.

A big thank you to Mr. Jason, Mrs. Yorka, Mrs. B, Ingo and Cesar for planning and accompanying the children on this adventure.  No doubt you’re having lots of fun too!

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The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch

In JK, we have started the term with a topic based around the story book ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’ by Ronda Armitage.

The children have adored learning the story through circle time readings, story maps, role play and art.

Have a look through our pictures. The children loved pretending to be seagulls and pecking a sandwich to see if it was mustard or honey!





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Congratulations to our AMAZING Year 6

We would like to congratulate all our Year 6 students for being successfully accepted into schools of their choice as they move on from Provo Primary. 

Their post-primary entrance exam results were outstanding!

  • 9 of the top 13 places at the British West Indies Collegiate School.
  • 15 of the top 16 places at the TCI Middle School.

We are very proud of each of them and their personal achievements.  We know that they have worked extremely hard towards this goal and their efforts have clearly been rewarded.

Thank you and well done to Mr. Jason, our incredible Year 6 teacher, and to all of the teachers who have guided the children through their learning journey throughout the school.  We also thank all their families for supporting them throughout their primary years. Congratulations on a team effort of dedication, hard work, preparation, support and a belief in what you can achieve when you do your personal best!

But exams don’t tell the whole story…

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Year 2 Take to the Aisles of IGA

Wow! What a fabulous ‘behind the scenes’ look the Year 2 students had when they visited the IGA on a field trip. As part of our DT (Design & Technology) project this term, the children have been exploring and creating different cereal box covers. We’ve investigated why we think certain cereals appeal to children – like, maybe there is a fun character on the cover, maybe the box is very colourful, maybe the cereal box uses popular movie characters or even perhaps it offers a free gift inside! We used our trip to the IGA to get more inspiration for our next draft of our cereal box cover. Now, we need to think: How can we add more detail and what improvements can we make?

When we returned, I asked the children to write a retell in their journals. Below is one of the journal entries that was written by a Year 2 student:

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Picking through the Bones in Year 4

Our food chains and habitats project took a gruesome turn this week in Flamingo Class. Having learned about the complex links between animals, insects and plants within a habitat, Year 4 undertook an Owl Pellet dissection to discover exactly what lay inside the stomach of a master predator.

The results were quite surprising. Horrible and amazing at the same time.

Owl pellets are formed when an owl eats its prey (normally small rodents, shrews, moles or birds). The animal passes through the owls stomach into its gizzard (a tough, muscly second stomach. This stomach acts like a filter to stop indigestible bones and fur passing through. This collection of waste is then packed together and regurgitated. They can be found in forests where owls live, normally under nests.

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Spectacular Art for our PTA Auction Tomorrow

Take a look at all of this amazing art work created by each of our classes from Toddlers to Year 6!  I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s absolutely beautiful.

Well… it could be yours!

Bidding has already started at half day pick up today and will be open again after school.  Final bidding will take place at our 25th Anniversary PTA Event at the Shore Club on Saturday evening.  All proceeds from the art auction will go to our PTA Funds.

We are so proud of all the children for working together with these under the talented, creative direction of Mrs. Yorka and the teachers.


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Fabulous Flamingo Week 2017 Artwork and Learning

Did you know –  flamingoes’ legs can sometimes be longer than their entire body? Flamingoes can also live up to 30 years old, and sometimes even 50 if they live in a protected place away from predators. To attract a female flamingo, the male flamingoes perform a synchronized dance whereby they stand together stretching their necks upwards, uttering calls while waving their heads and flapping their wings? We all had fun trying to imitate this dance in Year 3. We wondered if the flamingoes laughed and had as much fun as we did…what beautiful happy birds they are!

Each year, we dedicate a week to learn in-depth about the local wildlife in our environment here in the Turks and Caicos. This year we are exploring the world of Flamingoes. In previous years we have studied ospreys, sharks and turtles.  These are all extra special to us here at Provo Primary as our classes are named after these local animals.  Each year, we invite local experts in to talk to us and share their knowledge of the animals, their habitats here in the TCI and about why it is important for us to protect them.

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