Year 3 apply their classroom Numeracy skills to real life at the supermarket

Shopping at IGA

The past few weeks Year 3 have been extremely busy preparing our brains and developing our Numeracy skills for the yearly class shop to IGA.

We have been learning how to measure liquids using milliliters and liters; estimating and reading weight using grams and kilograms; plus we have been learning how to estimate, add and subtract using a decimal point – tricky, tricky!

We had a fabulous time at IGA, practicing these skills, estimating our shopping bill, paying for it and checking the change – it was a lot of FUN! A big thank you to IGA for hosting us.

We concluded our Math topic by creating an edible gingerbread house. Each ingredient had to be recorded, added up and paid for before we then happily devoured our amazing creations YUM! Well done Year 3.

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Mythical, magical Year 4 meet a mermaid at the beach

A definite highlight of the short but packed Spring term, was our visit to the beach! As an introduction for writing our own myths, we learned about Mermaids and Selkies and went off to Iguana Island for inspiration. We gathered shells and other treasure on the beach – watching out for Iguanas! Then we went for a swim ……and MET A MERMAID! We had the chance to talk to her for quite some time before she swam off in to the distance and disappeared beneath the water!

Our amazing mermaid myths are now complete so please feel welcome to come into the Year 4 classroom to read them and to see our mermaid pictures close up.

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A closer look at our amazing class artwork

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These amazing works of art were auctioned off at our Parents’ Association  ‘A Night in Bollywood’ on Saturday.  In a frenzy of last minute bidding,  parents, teachers and community friends all joined in to win to take them home.

Created by the children in each class from Toddlers to Year 6, it was such a creative way for the children to play their part in raising funds for their new playground structure.

Which is your favourite?  It’s so hard to choose!

Beautiful Artwork Auctioning Tonight!

Created by the children in each class from Toddlers to Year 6 at Provo Primary School, these amazing works of art will be auctioned off at our Parents’ Association  ‘A Night in Bollywood’ this evening at The Distillery House.

What a creative way for the children to play their part in raising funds for their new playground structure. Wouldn’t you just love to have one of these masterpieces in your home or business? So come along, see them close up and start bidding!

Tickets include a delicious curry (cooked by the infamous Clive Whent from Bay Bistro) Bollywood-style entertainment, a silent auction and music and dancing.  Come dressed in Bollywood fashion and win prizes or dress smart casual.

Tickets are still available on IsleHelp or on the door – See you at 7!

Year 4’s fabulous ‘Ancient Rome’ home projects

Amongst much work done last term, the class had the opportunity to prepare independent projects at home on any chosen aspect of Ancient Roman life.

The results were fabulous, everything from home cooked food, PowerPoint presentations, costumes, quizzes and even Lego models were brought in!

The children all rose to the challenge wonderfully in their own unique ways and we enjoyed sharing and learning from each other’s work.




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Roll Up for the Great Year 2 Bird Competition!

Year Two recently enjoyed the book My Dad’s a Birdman by David Almond. Before we reached the finale of the Great Human Bird Competition, we had a go at designing our very own birdmen and birdladies to take part in a flight of our own.We spent time thinking about what would make our design fly the furthest. Would it be large wings that would make the difference? Or should we be concentrating on making our model aerodynamic?! No, forget all that – the design should be light! Wait…that can’t be right…maybe it should be weighted at the front!

Everyone had their own theories and everyone thought their design was going to be the winning one!

Take a look at our fun designs and watch the slow-motion video to see if you can tell who won the competition!

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Celebrating Iguana Week

View a snapshot of our week’s learning about our endemic TCI Rock Iguana. Enjoy photos of our toddlers to Year 6 as you listen to the vibes of Correy Forbes and the Rakooneers. A special thank you to ‘Rocky the Iguana’ and Dr. Higgs from The National Trust and Amy Avenant from DECR for visiting us.

The ‘Make an Iguana Loose Parts Challenge’ has begun!

“Can you you build an iguana out of our loose parts resources?”

A group of Year 2s took on the challenge set this lunch time, and wow, what an amazing model they made!  Designing their ideas on paper first, and then building together, the group showed great teamwork and creativity!

Will others take up the challenge as our ‘Iguana Week’ continues…?

In JK and SK, the children took the opportunity to create iguanas from Duplo, playdough and paper.  Take a look at the photos of a few of their ingenious iguanas… in fact I’m pretty sure there are lots of photos around the school of other creations being made this week, that just haven’t made it to me yet.  Look out for further posts and take a look in your child’s classroom tomorrow to see what you can find!

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‘Rocky the Rock Iguana’ visits Provo Primary

It’s not every day that an iguana visits your school, but today it really did happen!  ‘Rocky the Rock Iguana’ came to Provo Primary, together with Dr. Higgs from the National Trust, to tell us all about the recently launched ‘Saving the Iguana Islands’ project.

We learnt that rats and cats can be a threat to the iguana populations, and that the project is working hard to keep them away from areas where the iguanas are living.   We also learnt about how we should behave around iguanas, when we see them, by being quiet and not feeding or chasing them.

It was lots of fun to meet ‘Rocky the Rock Iguana’ – he rocks! Having our class photos taken with him was really special.

We felt very lucky that ‘Rocky’ and Dr. Higgs came to visit us during our special Iguana Week.  Thank you!  We will do our best to remember all the important information they shared with us and share this with everyone we know.

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“A Night in Bollywood” PPPA Fundraising Event

Tickets are now available for the PPPA’s upcoming fundraising event, “A Night in Bollywood”.

They are sure to sell fast, so go ahead and get yours now!

A spicy evening is guaranteed with plenty of colourful entertainment.
Dress to dazzle, you won’t be alone! So don’t be shy, grab a sari.
Proceeds go to complete payment on our fabulous new play structure.
Music ∙ Drinks  Curry  Silent Auction  Best Dressed Award  Dancing
plus a few special surprises you won’t want to miss!
A Night in Bollywood
Saturday, April 28th
Distillery House
Pop by the school, call 333 5638 or email to order your tickets.

You can also get your tickets on IsleHelp.  Please look in the  ‘Upcoming Events’ section on the app – not the ‘Provo Primary’ section.


It’s ‘IGUANA WEEK’ here at Provo Primary!

Our ‘Iguana Week’ kicked off to a great start this morning with an informative visit from Amy Avenant from the DECR.  Speaking to all our children from Junior Kindergarten to Year 6, she explained why our iguanas are so special to our islands and why we need to protect them.  Thank you, Amy.

Did you know that rock iguanas found here are endemic to the Turks and Caicos Islands, which means that they are found nowhere else in the world. How special is that!  If you would like to learn more facts about our iguanas, then come and ask any of our children. You can also find out more at this website and, even better, plan a visit to Little Water Cay and see them first hand!

Throughout this week we’ll be learning even more about our iguanas and comparing them to others around the world. We certain should be experts by the end of the week!

Provo Middle School: Opening September 2018

We are delighted to share plans for the opening of Providenciales Middle School in September 2018. We believe that our Middle School curriculum will be a truly innovative alternative to what is currently being provided in The Turks and Caicos Islands.We believe that teaching a Key Stage 3 curriculum (Years 7, 8 and 9) with a broad skills-based approach will enable children to gain knowledge through practical experiences.

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It’s World Book Day next week (Thursday 1st March)

Across the school, we are looking forward to celebrating ‘World Book Day’ together next Thursday and have a number of activities planned.  The School Council will be organising a ‘Book Swap’, with all classes being encouraged to participate. Simply bring in a book and swap it for another.  It’s a great way to share books you’ve read and to choose something new.

Early Years (Toddler, PS, JK and SK) Book Character Dress Up

All of our younger students are invited to come to school dressed as one of their favourite story characters.  From fairy tale characters to superheroes, this is a colourful and creative way to celebrate the world of books.

KS1/2 Book and Reading Activities

Throughout the day, the older students will join in with cross-curricular activities about books and reading.  In the morning, students from the British West Indies Collegiate will come to read with us. It’s always heartening to see these young adults together with our children and witness both age groups gaining so much from the experience.

In the afternoon, we’ll be having a storytelling session.  Bring your PJs and a favourite bedtime toy or cushion as we snuggle down to enjoy stories together.

Take a look at and find out more about this special book day.




Year 4 visit the local hospital

Year 4 visited the hospital as part of our ‘Moving and Growing’ topic. They really treated us like royalty; when we arrived, we had a delicious lunch – served to us! Then we were given a very grown up talk and slide show by one of the orthopaedic surgeons there.

I must say I was so proud of the class, not only of the knowledge they showed but also of the way they behaved and represented our school. They were wonderful.



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Year 2 find their Rhythm!

Music sessions in Year 2 have been filled with fun and noise this term, as children explored tempo, beat, rhythm and notes through a variety of percussion instruments.

Children explored how to clap a pulse and rhythm in time with each other. They explored a range of percussion instruments and found which could be used to play long (sustained) notes and which only played short sounds.

We then began to think about the rhythm of simple songs, and how long or short notes could be used to make a tune sound slow or fast. They practiced and performed a selection of simple tunes – trying to stay in time and maintain a consistent beat.

As all the instruments were percussive, it became a fun game to guess what the hidden tune was. Watch the video to see if you can identify what the children are playing!


Amazing Animators are Flipping Brilliant!

Last term’s Amazing Animators club was a very busy one! Children arrived each week with a head full of ideas – ready to try to create some old fashioned stop-motion animations!

Children learned how taking a series of photos, where the subject is only changed slightly each time, can create the appearance of movement. We tried this technique with flip-book pictures and with Lego models and figures. The results were as fantastic as they were disastrous – apparently this year’s Animators were keen on catastrophe and crashes!

Either way, we hope you enjoy the published videos!

Weston Cup Soccer Tournament

The Turks & Caicos Islands Football Association had 4 youth teams participate in the Weston Cup soccer tournament in Florida, USA over the weekend of February 17th – 19th.  The tournament hosts approximately 700 teams from the USA, Canada, Europe, South America, and the Caribbean.  The under 10 boys team and under 11 girls team had several Provo Primary students on their rosters, and the under 12 and 13 boys teams had several former Provo Primary students included.  There was also a large number of Provo Primary parents filling the roles of coach and manager!

All of the teams were very successful and improved on their results from the 2017 Weston Cup.  The under 10 and 12 boys both made the finals and finished 2nd in their divisions.  Great job by everyone involved!  Contributed by Jen.


What a LOVEly ‘Secret Angel Week’ we had

‘Secret Angel Week’ is a special time when all of our staff gets to experience a little love and appreciation from each other. This is the fourth year of having this event at the school and it is a very much loved and enjoyed time in our calendar.

A bit like a ‘Secret Santa’, we each were assigned someone to be an ‘Angel’ to, with our task being to shower them with secret surprises over the week. From hand-picked flowers to caring poems, delicious food treats to special gifts, we were all amazed by each others’ creative ideas and appreciative of their kind thoughtfulness. As intrigue over who’s angel was who’s gathered each day, we all looked forward to the ‘grand ‘revealing of our angels on the final day and took the opportunity to thank them kindly for all they had done for us to make us feel special.  What a super week!

We encourage you to introduce a ‘Secret Angel’ event to your workplace— we introduced it the first year with just a single day and it was so fun that we extended it to a week.  We know you’ll love it and enjoy seeing how its happy effect spreads to each and every one of your team.  Check out some info about it on the and let us know if you are planning to join in the fun.

Year 1’s Engineering Challenge

How can Year 1 possibly be doing engineering?  Well, Year 1 is the perfect place to learn and practice engineering skills and concepts.  Anyone who doubts the ability of these young children needs to see them in action. The Year 1 students are excellent engineers.

Inspired by reading ‘Rosie Revere,Engineer’ and ‘Iggy Peck, Architect’ by Andrea Beaty and learning about different types of bridges, they set about solving a bridge building design challenge together…

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Planting seeds of learning in JK

Our topic on ‘Growing and Changing’ this term has been a fantastic to explore in JK!  The children have sprouted some seeds and planted cuttings. We have learnt the parts of a flower and how to label a picture. Looking at books together, we have discovered many interesting facts about plants and nature.

Though our topic is ending, we plan to keep our little garden for the rest of the year and attend to the plants needs of water and sunshine. Please see the photos for a little snap shot of our hard work! Also, please feel welcome to in and see our little plants anytime.

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The Toddlers visit the house of the Three Bears

In toddlers, we have been have been learning all about “Me”, and things that are important to us. We have been reading lots of books about our bodies, senses, feelings and families. Our favourite story by far is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. This story grabs their attention and they love exploring the story with puppets. They always want more and more. We went into the Teepee in the playground and pretended that we were entering the house of the three bears. We didn’t eat their porridge, but we enjoyed laying in their cozy beds, and listening to the story.

We also love playing outside.  We’re really good at doing the washing up!

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Powerful, pithy, persuasive presentations!

Year 5 were given the challenge three weeks ago to create a project of their own design on someone in the recent past who has made a significant change to our world. This is a direct link to the topic we are studying this term which involves us studying the life of MLK Junior and the amazing battle he fought for racial equality.

Year 5 were able to use PowerPoint, drama, models, speech alone, literally anything they felt worked to support their presentation.  And wow, they did! We had costumes, models, games, quizzes with prizes and some absolutely fascinating facts.

The children all worked incredibly hard to speak selectively and clearly on why their chosen person had made a difference to our world. The presentations ranged from Ruben Carter, to Nick Vujicic, to Marie Curie, to David Attenborough, to Donald Trump – to name a few!

We all learnt a huge amount about these people but also about how to present in front of an audience with clear, slow enunciation! [Read more…]

PPPA Valentine’s Day Bake Sale & Coffee Bar!

PPPA Valentine’s Day Bake Sale & Coffee Bar!

Friday, February 9th

Make a donation to the PPPA and get a yummy Valentine’s Day treat!

If you would like to bake treats, they will be collected Thursday, February 8th in the teacher’s lounge after school at your pick up time.


Our Preschoolers are ‘Amazing’

The preschoolers are on an adventure exploring their ‘true self-identity’ in our ‘Amazing Me’ topic.

The children are loving learning about themselves and their peers.  This theme promotes children’s self-esteem and self-identity.  The topic helps to bring out more awareness of how people are different in many ways, but all need the basic things to live, can have the same feelings and in many ways, are similar.

At the start of the topic, the preschoolers were excited to share concepts they knew already.  To encourage children’s skills and abilities, many activities were introduced, with some emerging from their ideas too. They enjoyed learning the importance of taking care of their body, (giving the dolls a bath) how to get dressed, (talking about getting themselves dressed for school), identifying their body parts (through the Mat Man song), measuring themselves (with the big links) and talking about the roles of the family members, etc.

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‘Teacher/Student Dress Swap Day’ – it was so fun!

A great day was had by all on the last Friday of this month, as the Provo Primary School Council had decided to do a ‘Teacher/Student Dress Swap Day’.

It was fabulous to see how everyone (teachers included) participated in the fun.  Many laughs and giggles were heard throughout the day and there were some astonishing ‘similarities’ between students and teacher impersonations!

One of the most amusing parts of the day was when the Year 6 students presented our Celebration Assembly – taking on the roles of the Principal all the teachers, and giving out awards.  Great job Year 6.  In fact, GREAT JOB to everyone for making it such a fun day!

click on to see a slideshow of all the photos…

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