Year 6 in the Dominican Republic – June 2018

Year 6 have just recently settled back into school after an amazing, adventurous and astounding week in the Dominican Republic. Once again Year 6 made the journey to Rancho Baiguate, which is located in the area of Jarabacoa in the Dominican Republic. For 4 nights and 5 days our students participated in a range of activities. These activities included: high ropes courses, zip lining, hikes, water rafting, visiting waterfalls, horse-back riding, team-building games and so much more.

Participating in a residential trip of this size enables ample opportunities for personal development. On this trip our Year 6 students increased their level of independence; worked collaboratively with others; challenged themselves to try new things and overcome fears; immersed themselves in a different culture; applied their knowledge of Spanish in a real and meaningful context; showed support to a less affluent community; appreciated natural beauty…the list goes on!

Our students demonstrated excellent behavior, listening skills and attention. They embraced the opportunities given to them and gave it their all. A fantastic week which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. I wish to thank all of the other teachers and parent volunteers who came along. Their support, encouragement and enthusiasm were invaluable to the success of this trip.

Please read the comments below from our students and witness firsthand how this trip impacted upon them positively.

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Astounding Animators

In computing classes this term Year 6 have been studying animation; and in particular Stop Motion Animation.  We have discovered that Stop Motion Animation is a film making technique in which objects are physically manipulated in small increments between individually photographed frames so that they appear to exhibit independent motion when the series of frames are played back together.

With this in mind, Year 6 were charged with the task of creating an animation linked to our topic work: Natural Disasters.  In pairs, individuals had to storyboard a sequence linked to a natural disaster.  When this was completed they had to design a set and then build it.  This would serve as the backdrop to their short films.  Once this task was realised, the students used the app: Animate It on the school iPads to capture individual images which would then be played back to reveal a final animated short film.

The results were fantastic and the final movies showcased earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions and so on.

Please check out the photographs below to see Year 6 in action!  Collaborating and animating to make a super cool short film.

Want to see the films?  Then come and ask a Year 6 to show you them.

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Trike-a-thon / Triathlon

Thank you to all the children for their amazing efforts in our EY Trike-a-bike-a-scooter-thon and KS1/2 Triathlon.

It was fantastic seeing every child in the school taking part with such enthusiasm for the activities and challenges – riding, running and swimming!  Well done teachers too for organising and supervising the various stations along each route.

A HUGE thank you to all the kind family and community sponsors who have supported the children’s efforts to help raise funds for learning resources which they themselves will benefit from.  To Flamingo Park and the TCIFA for the use of the road, pool and field.  And finally, thank you to all the parents who brought bike and scooters to school and to everyone who was able to come along and encourage the children with claps and cheers.

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Year 2 & 3 Take to the Ocean!

Land Ahoy!

Year 2 & 3 set out on an island-adventure last week – imagining they were exploring undiscovered lands. Year 2, as part of their topic on the seafaring history of the TCI, were ably assisted by their Year 3 friends in a variety of activities.

From keeping look-out for other pirate boats (most of which turned out to be tourists, but it’s always important to keep watch!) to mapping an uninhabited island, the children had a wonderful trip on our beautiful waters.

What a wonderful boat trip – filled with fun and exploration.



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Year 1’s Caribbean style houses and homes

Year 1 have been learning all about Caribbean style houses and homes. We looked at brightly coloured houses with shutters, verandas, ginger breading and other Caribbean features. After all this research, the children set about brainstorming ideas, planning, designing, drawing, making and painting their very own Caribbean style home.

The children collected boxes and other items for recycling and brought them in to school to make their creation.

Learn more and have a look at the children in action and then take a look at the photos below…

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Raft Building & Sea Faring – Summer Camp 2018 (Ages 7-13)

2nd – 13th July

Ages 7-13, $250 per week


Sign up for 2 weeks of fun:

  • Learn about the TCI’s sea faring history;
  • Discover the pirates and buccaneers who visited our shores;
  • Become a pirate or castaway, scavenging for materials and then designing and building your own raft or boat;
  • Set sail on our own boat trip to explore the islands;
  • Visit the Caicos Sloop project.

Simply click on the image above and print and complete the attached registration form. Hand it into the school office or email it to us at


Imagination Island – Summer Camp (Ages 2 to 6)

Imagination Island

(Ages 2 to 6)

2nd – 13th July

8.15am-12.00pm: $40 per day or $180 for the week

8.15am to 3.00pm: $60 per day or $280 week


Here is a taster of what this summer’s camp on-site fun, games will involve:

  • Become a mermaid or a pirate as we create our own island themed costumes!
  • Enjoy map making, treasure chest making and treasure hunting!
  • Will you choose to make a pirate’s ship or a mermaid’s lagoon?
  • Sea shanties will lighten the mood as we make healthy mermaid cookies and enjoy a pirate’s picnic
  • For 4 years and up… let’s pond dip for pearls and enjoy adventure days in our local surroundings!
  • Swimming/Water Play – Bring your swimwear: Tuesday and Thursday: 4-6 year olds, Wednesday: 2-4 year olds.

Simply click on the image above and print and complete the attached registration form. Hand it into the school office or email it to us at


Summer Camp – 2018

We are excited to share our plans for our Summer Camps this year for July 2nd to July 13th.

Registration is now open in the school office or via email.

2-6-year olds Imagination Island Summer Camp 2018

7-13-year-olds Raft Building and Sea Faring Camp 2018

We look forward to you joining us the for adventures ahead!


Oil your wheels… ‘Skate Night Disco’ is fast approaching

Roll, up, roll up… get your skates on!


It’s Skate Night Disco

Thursday, June 21st,

5:30 – 7:30pm

At the Graceway Sports Center.


Join us for food, drink, treats, music, skating and a fun “obstacle course” for our non-skaters.

‘Wheel’ see you there!




Provo Public Library Summer Competition

The Providenciales Public Library will once again be hosting its annual Read-a-thon from July 9-14, 2018 under the theme “Read to Succeed”. The aim of this competition is to promote the habit of reading whilst exposing the children to a wide variety of books.

Since its inception, this competition has generated a fair amount of interest among the children and so they are not expecting anything less this year. The format has undergone a slight adjustment to make it a little more interesting and no doubt the children will embrace this.

You need to be a member of the library, so if you’re not… now is the time to join!



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There’s something fishy going on in the Toddlers room!

The Toddlers have had a whale of a year in the Toddler’s room and will be O-fish-ally moving on to the Sharks room. The moments spent with them are priceless. They will be leaving with joy and laughter in their hearts. The unforgettable friendships, bonds with their teachers and the many lessons learned. They are a year older and sometimes I think it’s more! The conversations we’ve shared with each other, will never be forgotten.

Do you know what’s more fin-tas-tic?

The toddlers can ride a trike, climb up and down the slide, and run straight on green-field. They know where their bags are stored and can give every child their water at snack time. They even know the rules. They know their teachers’ and they can also call Miss. Sian… especially to come and fix a puzzle or have a foot bath in the sand!

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Year 6 have arrived in the D.R.

The Year 6 have arrived in Rancho Baiguate, Jarabacoa in the Dominican Republic for their week-long eco-adventure, residential trip.   The trip links well with the topics the Year 6 have studied throughout the year and will be a wonderful opportunity for them to apply their Spanish learning to real-life situations. With horseback riding, jeep rides, ropes course, kayaking, zip-lining, hiking, fishing, swimming and river rafting, along with a visit to coffee and flower plantations on the agenda, it certainly looks to be an exciting week of adventure.

At Provo Primary, we feel that residential field trips integrate academic and social development by providing students with an opportunity to investigate and apply academic knowledge to the outside world, as well as develop their personal and social skills, through a broad range of activities away from their home environment.



Lending Helping Hands in My Community

The Preschoolers have been thrilled to learn about the role of people who help in our community.  They were excited to get dressed up in the community helpers’ outfits and role play, imagining the classroom as if it was their work place.  During the first week, the focus was on just getting acquainted with names of all the people who helps in our community.  In the second week, they learned about how each community helper contribute their services to the community. The Preschoolers also learned about the tools of the community helpers.

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Year 3 – from Story to Playscript – Enjoy

As part of our Social Studies topic this term we have been looking at the life and times of the Native Americans. A story that we really enjoyed listening to was a traditional tale that may have been retold around a tipee fire. The story is called ‘The Clever Coyote’.

Listen to how the talented Year 3 re-wrote the tale from story format to a playscript. They had so much fun using their voices (and some of their facial and hand expressions too) to assist in retelling the story, using their newly written scripts. Fabulous team work and such great expression. I hope you enjoy the story as much as we did.

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NEWSFLASH: Hybrid Dinosaurs Spotted in our Playground

Take a close look and see if you can find  little dinosaurs hiding in the trees and bushes…
All the children had great fun on Dress Down Friday as hybrid dinosaurs. We have been talking about creative/realistic colouring and realistic colouring/drawing. Today the children had a great time bringing this to life!

See you again soon.

Miss Claire Marie and Ms Shara

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Celebrating World Turtle Day in Senior Kindergarten

Did you know that yesterday, Wednesday 23rd May was World Turtle Day? Well, the SK children at Provo Primary School certainly did!

Already a very animal and environment conscious class, SK took the time to really think about why turtles are so special. We discussed how lucky we are to live in a place where we can go to the beach, particularly Smiths Reef and Coral Gardens, and spot turtles from the shore… or, even better, go for a snorkel and watch them feeding on the sea grass.

We enjoyed thinking about all the great things about turtles, however, we also began to think about how much danger they are in. From climate change to habitat loss and being caught in fish lines and nets, it is not surprising that 5 out of the 7 species of turtles are endangered.

Amy from DECR (Department of Coastal Resources) visited us and gave us an insight as to how our actions effect marine life. She read ‘The Tale of the Turtle and the Plastic Jellyfish’ by Sarah Nelms.  [Read more…]

School Council News …busy busy busy…

This month the School Council have had quite a busy schedule. They helped organise getting the message of WE SAY ‘NO TO STRAWS’ out. We had a poster competition, made cards for our lunch boxes to remind us NOT to use straws, we even made a card to take out with us to show how proud we are of not using straws in cafes and restaurants.

We were also asked to participate in the ‘Food for Thought’ campaign – a very worthy cause that provides Breakfast Boxes to schools where students in need, can go to get something to eat. Thank you to everyone that participated in bringing something to fill up those big blue boxes. Super donations where made by all. Wonderful to think that we have helped other children on this island get to eat a hearty breakfast. THANK YOU.

To end the month of busy-i-ness. This month’s decided Dress Down Day became a bit of a challenge. Each class was asked to decide on a ‘secret theme’ whereby, on the day, everyone had to try to guess what each classes chosen theme was?

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What have the Toddlers been up to, recently?

The dentist told us about how we can look after our teeth.

For the past few weeks, the toddlers have been learning about community helpers. They have gained a greater understanding of who our community helpers are and the roles they play every day. They have learned about the dentist, doctor, chef, mommy, daddy, police person and the firefighter.

The Toddlers have had lots of fun pretending and imagining themselves in these important roles, incorporating toy versions of vehicles, tools and uniforms that go with them. They have been fascinated with dressing up as these community helpers because they have distinct uniforms and roles that they can easily understand and, in some cases, relate to. All the toddlers have had their favourite roles and uniforms that they have wanted dress up and role play.

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It’s Art-osaurus Time in SK!

This term SK have been learning all about dinosaurs!  We have researched their names, features, environments, characteristics and evolution… we’re pretty much dinosaur experts!

This week, we used an art book to teach us how to draw and paint our favourite dinosaurs.  We discovered you have to draw them in steps, starting from the head, then you add the neck, body and legs.  Of course, paleontologists cannot be 100% sure what colours each species of dinosaur was, so we made our own interpretations.

After completing our pencil drawings, we took the time to mix water colour paints and carefully decorate our dinosaurs.  Can you see the stripes, spots and patterns in our pictures?

At first, we thought we were just doing an art activity, then we realised that we were actually practising our fine motor skills as we carefully mixed and painted our water colours.  Would you believe we practised them again when we cut our dinosaurs out using the art scissors?  Finally, using the phonices we have learned this year, we labelled our pictures with the dinosaurs’ names.  We think that maybe Miss Claire tricked us into ‘thinking’ we were just drawing and painting, when really we were practising so many other skills too!

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Powerful Plastic Poetry!

As you probably know by now as a school we are pushing forward with a ‘No straws’ initiative across the classes. The children have been really inspired by this.  In Year 5 we have been having lots of discussions about our world today, the current environmental issues we face and how they can be a part of a better, brighter, more aware future generation.

The children decided to write poems on this fight against plastic and their fears for the future if we did not all act. Their work was completely independent, the choice of their focus and the techniques they used but the content really blew me away! We have stuck these poems up around the school and attached them below in the hope that all of us, adults and children, will be more inspired to remember what is at stake for our future.

Please look around and take a read and hopefully be inspired!

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Year 5 winner

All the children from Year 1 to 6 were invited to participate in a poster competition, advertising the ‘SAY NO TO STRAWS’ theme. Well done to all the winners and to everyone who took the opportunity to participate.

With such creativity and thought, what a challenging task it was to choose the winners. Take a look at the winning posters and some of other the entries below…






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Year 3 are leading the way, creating some ‘NO TO STRAWS’ cards to help remind everyone to join the DECR  ‘WE SAY NO TO STRAWS’ campaign.  The idea is for them to take the cards out with them when their family is dining out, helping them to specifically ask for no straws when ordering their drinks.

With permission of the venue, we hope to make a collection of photographs of the children with their straw-less drinks.  Many local restaurants are already joining in with the campaign and perhaps our cards and photos will encourage more and more to consider following suit.  Please send in the photos to

The Year 3s have also made cards to be placed into their lunch boxes to help them remember not to bring straws to school.

This campaign is to create awareness of our beautiful marine environment and how we can take small actions each day to conserve and protect it!  No Straw is a simple choice that can make a big difference. [Read more…]

Supporting the ‘WE SAY NO TO STRAWS’ campaign

This year’s Earth Day (22nd April) was the kick off for the DECR ‘WE SAY NO TO STRAWS’ campaign and Provo Primary is in full support.

Through encouragement from our School Council, we have taken on the challenge to try not bring any straws into school, especially those attached to juice cartons. The straws that have been bought in are being recycled and used during art and craft sessions – a great idea from our Year 6!

We have also managed to encourage everyone to recycle and/or use metal cutlery during our eating times at school.

Look out for further blogs this week about our ‘No Straw’ mission.



Time to tessellate in Year Two!

Children in Year 2 have been having fun exploring tessellation while learning about 2D shapes. While devising increasingly complex repeating patterns, children had plenty of opportunity to practice their mathematical language.

It turns out, much to Mr Toby’s delight, that “THERE’S NO SUCH SHAPE AS A DIAMOND!” Instead, children learned to ask for a rhombus or parallelogram for their patterns!
Children began to talk about whether their patterns were symmetrical and whether they could really be repeated forever if we had enough pieces.

Great work Year 2!



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Food For Thought Class Food Bank Drive

Through the help of our School Council, Provo Primary is taking part in a Class Food Bank Drive for the Food for Thought organisation.

As you may know, Food for Thought (as well as its Breakfast Programme) currently has a Food Bank Programme, in which ten of the government schools have Breakfast Boxes where students in need can go to get something to eat.

They provide instant oatmeal for 20 students per day at each of the ten schools. On top of this, they ask for public donations of other non-perishable breakfast items to keep the Breakfast Boxes topped up and full of variety.

They have come up with a new initiative in order to boost the public donations – a Class Food Bank Drive! And Provo Primary is happy to support this.  Click on to find out how we can help [Read more…]