A wonderful afternoon of cardboard creativity!

Inspired by ‘Caine’s Arcade,’ and with access to a HUGE pile of cardboard, a large crowd of creative thinkers and designers descended on the school this Sunday for an afternoon of good, old-fashioned family fun!

An amazing array of cardboard creations emerged, with each family making something completely different to everyone else!  With a lemonade stand and popsicles to keep us hydrated, the only thirst we felt was to think outside the box, create and play!

Here’s a selection of few of the almost 100 photos of the day!

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Monday was the official ‘Play Day’ with the whole school excited to see the cardboard playground on their arrival.  Come snack and lunch play, the creations certainly were given the full test of playability!  Everyone had so much fun!  Check out some of the action on this short video below:

Sadly, the rain today has brought a soggy end to our cardboard extravaganza but we are already looking forward to next year and the opportunity to create once more! That’s if, by popular demand – and a truck full of cardboard, we don’t have another one sooner!

Thanks Caine for inspiring us!

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A special thank you letter from Quarrelsome Queen!

Year 1 were thrilled to receive a special thank you letter from Letterlander Quarrelsome Queen this week.  How quickly she responded!  Click on the image left to read it.

As you can see, she thought their Happy 50th Birthday video was unquestionably, quite magnificent!

I’m certainly not going to quibble about that – it really was top quality!

Thank you Quarrelsome Queen.  We are really happy that you liked our video!

If you missed our video earlier this week here is a link.



This is the Week of the Young Child

Following our National Youth Week celebrations last week, the first week of October here in the Turks and Caicos is always dedicated to focusing on our very youngest youth members.  With the theme of “Early Childhood Education The Foundation to a Bright Start” we are excited to join in with a selection of the planned events that will take place in Early Years centres across the islands.

Take a look at the poster and look out for activities being explored in our Early Years classes this week.



It’s National Heritage Month – Oct 2018

It’s National Heritage Month here in the Turks and Caicos.

The Ministry of Education, Youth, Culture and Library Services invites you to join us in celebrating encouraging  friends and neighbours to come out and be a part of the month –long activities. Click on the image left to see what’s happening in each island.

National Heritage Month is a time in which we wholeheartedly observe and celebrate the rich cultural history of our country. It is through our celebrations that we recognise the work done by our forefathers, and the rich legacies they have left for our enjoyment.

As we celebrate, we ask that we each reflect on our level of patriotism to this beautiful country; the role each citizen must play in making this a safer place in which to live, and the steps that are to be taken to make the TCI a more unified country.

Look out for further details this week on our National Heritage Celebration Assembly on the afternoon of Friday 5th October – time to be decided.

Everyone is invited to join us as our Years 3-6 honour our national song, tales and dances.   We hope you’ll be able to join us for the celebrations!

As always, do let us know if you are willing to come in and share a heritage related activity with the children during this month.

Happy 50th Birthday Letterland!

As lots of you know, Year 1 LOOOOOOOOVE Letterland!  We have embraced EVERYTHING Letterland…including our Christmas Show last year.  In case you didn’t hear about it, we performed a story about how Red Robot tried to ruin the Letterland Christmas show by stealing all the character’s props!

The Year 1’s continue to talk about the Christmas Show, often referring to the letter they played and the costumes they wore.  Sooooooo, when we heard it was Letterland’s 50th birthday, we knew we had to join in the celebrations.

People all over the world have been invited to send in videos of themselves singing ‘Happy Birthday’…well…we thought it would be lovely to go down to Grace Bay Beach here in the Turks and Caicos and do a little performance.  What could be better than the backdrop of the Number 1 beach in the world*?

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Life cycles of our favourite Year 5 animals…

Year 5 have been learning all about life cycles in science so far this term. We have investigated our own life cycles and then went on to research all about the different life cycles of species of plants and animals we are interested in. From bluebirds to mountain lions to ocelots; we have learnt a lot about the differences in how we are born, reared and our lifespans. We also explored a plant’s journey and drew some wonderful scientific diagrams of this process. We are now researching what makes a mammal different to an amphibian or a reptile or a plant and how we classify these.

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Let’s build a Cardboard City together…

All Provo Primary families are invited to join us for an afternoon of creativity at our Global Cardboard Challenge event.

Help us to build… ‘Cardboardia’ a city where everything is made from recycled cardboard!

What would your family add to our city? A fairground? A skyscraper? A castle? A park or even a soccer stadium? We’ll need everything from the neighbourhood cat to an international airport!  Will it be a city of the past, present or future? No idea is too big or too small for Cardboardia – our imagination is the only limit!

So start planning as a family and meet us at Provo Primary on Sunday 30th – 3pm onwards.

Just bring:
• Scissors, box cutters, etc.
• LOTS of masking tape (no duct tape please)
• An imagination

We have loads of cardboard but feel free to bring any tubes, thin card or any other card resources you think would help to embellish our city.

Please BYO drinks and snacks and cash for our lemonade stand!

All children need to be accompanied by at least one family adult or supervising adult.

No technology, just simple, basic, imaginative fun!

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It’s SKATE NIGHT this Thursday

Wheels on FIRE ! Get rollin’ down the road… 

The Provo Hockey League and the Provo Primary Parents Association are hosting:

SKATE NIGHT – Thursday Sept 27th from 5:00 – 7:00

Click on the poster for details.

  • $10 entry ($5 for non skaters)
  • Food and drinks available for purchase
  • Music and Games
  • Hockey information will be available for any new players that may be interested.

Thank you,

Provo Hockey League

Provo Primary parents claim silverware!

Providenciales Primary & Middle School recently competed in the TCIFA’s 7v7 Corporate Challenge, supporting youth soccer in the Turks and Caicos Islands, and were proud to claim the runner-up trophy.

Yet, this was a team with a difference. Instead of parents cheering on their children, this event gave our Provo Primary parents and friends a chance to run out and compete!

The team fought hard in a series of tight games through hot summer weather, tight group games, penalty shoot outs and extra time, eventually claiming a spot in the final against the TCI Police Force. Despite our eventual defeat, it proved to be a wonderful morning of fun, camaraderie and effort.

Many thanks to the Provo Primary parents and friends who signed up for the event – we look forward to going one step further in next year’s competition!

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Thanks to all our Clean-up Volunteers!

A HUGE thank you to the amazing efforts of our Provo Primary families and friends who supported our ‘International Coastal Clean-up Day’ participation this morning.  Cleaning up the road from the TCIFA Soccer Field to the CARIFTA Stadium, was a crowd of hard-working volunteers (inc 25 students from our Yrs 1 to 7). This photo shows some of the team and a portion of the rubbish collected.

The area had been brought to my attention as in desperate need for a clean up by our Years 3-6 students who travel the route to the stadium for their P.E. lessons.  With vast amounts of rubbish collected, I trust that due to their actions, their journey will be noticeably cleaner (and for others and the wildlife too!).

With a knowledge that we all have the ability to take action and to make a difference, it was interesting to hear the children’s ideas on how we could help to discourage the littering in the area – I wonder what you think could help?

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Next Week is National Youth Week – 23rd- 28th September, 2018

During National Youth Week next week, a variety of events are happening in the TCI in celebration our young people. The theme for this year is: Empowering the youth, one Island at a time; no child left behind.

Provo Primary School is looking to make a presence and would love for you to come along and help support our school and all schools on island.  Here are a couple of the events…



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Join us on Saturday for International Coastal Clean-up Day

Provo Primary and Middle School have pledged to join The Department of Environment & Coastal Resources (DECR), and its partners to support

International Coastal Clean-up Day – ‘FIGHTING FOR TRASH-FREE SEAS’

Meet at the CARIFTA Stadium Car Park on Venetian Drive or find us near this location, on Saturday 22nd September, anytime you can give between 7:00-9:00am.

Why here? Walking to the stadium for PE lessons, our Year 3-6 children have noticed a lot of rubbish on the path that they feel something needs to be done about.  So let’s clean it up and help make a difference!


  • IGA or trash bags

  • Water to drink (bring along a re-usable water bottle!)

  • A First-aid kit

  • GlovesWe have GLOVES (Donated by Mark Osmond Dental Clinic)

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Provo Middle School Opens Doors!

After a busy and successful summer of building, Provo Middle School opened its doors to our first Year 7 students today. There were the normal range of first day emotions – excitement, apprehension, joy at seeing old friends, warmth in welcoming new classmates – and yet the day felt fresh and new, just like the building.

The class were busy exploring their new facilities and enjoying the breezy space we have down by the canal. Break times were sociable and active: spent making music in our new music room, playing soccer, or even popping over to play on the climbing frames. New friendships began emerging through learning and play.

Children spent part of their class time making ‘gratitude sculptures’ to fill the school grounds with a little beauty and art. As each rock was placed, children were encouraged to think of things they were grateful for in their lives. As it turns out, our new Year 7s feel grateful for a lot!


“I feel grateful for my little brother.”

“I am grateful for the opportunity to visit the UK with my dad.”

“I am grateful that I started playing soccer when I was younger, because I enjoy playing and competing with my team.”

“I feel grateful for my whole life.”


Well, it goes without saying that we are grateful for our beautiful new school and our outstanding Year 7 class!

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Welcome to the new school year 2018-19

We are excited about the upcoming start to the new school year and the learning journeys ahead here at Provo Primary and our new Provo Middle School.  We have lots of new families joining us this year and we take this opportunity to welcome them all into our community.

Our Open Houses will be on Tuesday 4 th September, between 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM.

Come along to meet the teachers, see your child’s new classroom – and take a peek at our amazing new Middle School buildings – find out more about the year ahead and ask any questions you may have.

School starts Wednesday 5 th September at the 8:15 AM (Middle School – 8:30AM).

Provo Middle School construction on target for opening September!

It’s not everyday that children get to enjoy working on a building site, but this is exactly what our Provo Primary Summer Campers got to do last week.

As our new Middle School building takes shape, with the help of Trevor Musgrove and T Holdings, our younger students watched bulldozers and backhoes in action. Now how exciting is that!

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Schools Out for Summer!

Happy summer holidays to all our families.

What an eventful year we have had together – starting with turbulent hurricanes and ending in a whirlwind of celebrations and goodbyes at our Graduation/ Celebration Assembly.  It’s certainly one to remember!

We wish you all a happy summer full of new experiences and adventures together with family and friends.

And if you find yourself at a loose end or missing us… remember that we have Summer Camp starting July 2nd .

2-6-year olds Imagination Island Summer Camp 2018

7-13-year-olds Raft Building and Sea Faring Camp 2018

Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday 4th September for our Open House (11:30am -1:30pm), with the 2018-19 school year starting at 8:15am on Wednesday 5th.


Wild World – Steel Drums – Graduation 2018

Hotel California – Steel Drums – Graduation 2018

Congratulations to our Graduating Class of 2018

Congratulations Year 6, you have GRADUATED!

We congratulate our Year 6 children for their great effort and the incredible progress they have made in all areas of the curriculum. They have achieved the results they worked so hard for, have all graduated and are going to the schools of their choice. We are excited that 10 of our children will be attending our new Middle School (Provo Middle School) and the other 6 children will be going to B.W.Indies Collegiate.

Although we tend to focus on our children’s academic achievements at this time of year, these are not our only focus.

I did an exercise with the Year 6 class prior to their graduation where I asked them to write down their life goals[Read more…]

Thank you, for a special year.

I actually can’t believe we have come to the end of the year. The children and I talk often about how quickly the months have passed… And now I must sadly but proudly wish them on their way to YEAR 5! They have been the most wonderful class and I couldn’t have asked for a better bunch to help me learn the wonderful ways of Provo Primary.

It has been a super term (although any tips on how to deal with this heat would be very welcome!).

As promised in our last newsletter, our MAGICAL MYTHS are now published and make exciting reading, involving everything from mermaids and dragons to elves to ghosts and even the Devil’s daughter!

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JK blasted off into space this term!

The JK class blasted off into space this term and learnt lots of space and planetary facts. They even had some intergalactic guests of honor visit them to share knowledge about space stations and space travel.  A big thank you to Aileen Shaw, who was a director at the Canadian Space agency, and Claire Green, who worked for a Canada tech firm that used satellites for search and rescue in Northern Canada. Have a look at the  photographs below to see what the children discovered and created!





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Parent, Student and Teacher Connections in the Early Years

The parent is often referred to in such terms as “the child’s first teacher” (Educate America Act of 1994)  or “the one continuous force in the education of … children from birth to adulthood” (Berger, 2000, p. 152),  

Over the year in school, the parents of the Preschool class have had many opportunities to connect with their children directly or indirect to support the growth development of their children.   



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Ahoy, me Hearties! It’s the Pirate Captain’s Cuisenaire Rod Challenge!

In my role as Principal, every day I take the opportunity to step away from the office admin duties to enjoy spending time in various classes and sharing in all the learning taking place.  This week, I had the pleasure of teaching a couple of short numeracy sessions with the Year 2 class.

I chose to review and apply their understanding of number bonds/number facts to 10 and 20, using the Cuisenaire Rods. Fitting in with their’ Sea Faring’ class topic, my activities were presented in the context of the children being sailors working for a notorious Pirate Captain (who was known for expecting a hardworking crew, but who also liked to have fun along the way).  I have to say… the Captain was extremely pleased with all of the Year 2 sailors – their key number skills were impressive and fortunately no one was made to scrub the poop deck or walk the plank and feed the fish!

Take a look at some photos of the mathematical adventure we had together as we weighed anchor and hoisted the mizzen! I think the Year 2s will agree that playing and learning at the same time is fun for everyone!

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The Yearbook has Arrived!

Remember to pick up / purchase your 2017-18 Provo Primary School Yearbook.  With its beautiful hardback cover, decorated by our Year 6 students and 152 pages of wonderful photos and memories, we are sure that each opening of the book, will bring back a wealth of memories for years to come.

A HUGE thank you to our Yearbook Team, Claire, Janine and Joan.  The immense amount of time and effort that you have put into creating this is very much appreciated by all at Provo Primary and I’m sure all the children and parents.

What a lovely keepsake for children and families to enjoy.



Year 5’s North and Middle Caicos Over-nighter!

Year 5 carried out their overnight trip to North and Middle Caicos this Wednesday (13-14th June) and they had a fabulous time!  The trip is a precursor to the week-long Year 6 trip the children go on; it is a chance for them to experience being away from home and their parents so they know they can handle this the next year.

This group of year 5’s were a superb representation of Provo Primary School with their great manners, excellent behaviour and kindness towards each other.

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