Bonfire Night Celebrations in Year 1

As part of our Celebrations topics, Year 1 and 2 have so far enjoyed learning about Halloween, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day and Diwali.

In the lead up to November 5th (Remember, remember the 5thof November…), the Year 1 children became aware that there were a number of safety concerns that should be considered before enjoying the annual celebrations at Bay Bistro.  Working independently and in pairs, Hummingbird class took the time to make safety posters, detailing things to be avoided, what to look out for and how to look after yourself in the dark environment.  The year 1’s enjoyed making BOLD titles, using number bullet points, bright colours and pictures to make their posters easy to read and accessible to all ages.


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Middle School Official Opening Ceremony and Open House

We would like to thank all of you who were able to attend our Middle School Official Opening Ceremony and Open House last Monday; it was wonderful to see so much interest and support.

For those of you unable to attend, the evening opened with Ms. Alison welcoming Honorable Malcolm, Minister of Education and Mr. Bowen, Education Officer for Private Schools and other guests, including parents and children of Provo Primary and Middle School.

She went on to talk about her commitment to offering a Middle School Educational learning experience like Provo Primary, that was meaningful, fun, and a place where children felt inspired to learn, where individual passions and talents were recognized, and where children were encouraged to express themselves in creative and imaginative ways.

“With the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, we need to be challenging the next generation of children to question, problem solve and think creatively. Above all, children need to be compassionate and caring and learn to work collaboratively, if they are to begin to solve larger world problems.” [Read more…]

Happy World Kindness Day

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

November 13 is World Kindness Day. It is a day dedicated to promoting and celebrating kindness in all the different ways we can.  It’s a reminder to show one another how much we care.

Reflect on the kindness you have experienced in your life and what that has meant to you, or how it has shaped you. How will you pay that kindness forward?

You may like to share these 2 story videos below with your children about kindness and happiness… 

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Save the Date: Jingle Jam 2018!

Our Provo Primary Early Years families are hosting their annual Christmas Jingle Jam Disco Party for children 5 years and under and their families and friends.

Wednesday 5th December between 5 and 7 pm @ Provo Primary School. 

A wonderful evening for little ones with festive music and dancing, Christmas themed games and crafts, family photo opportunities with Santa.  Mulled wine, mince pies and other festive treats on sale!

All community families are welcome come and join the fun!
Tickets $5 per person (under 1 year olds free!).  All funds raised go towards our Early Years Programme.


Providenciales Middle School Open Evening & Official Opening:

Providenciales Middle School Open Evening & Official Opening:

Monday 12th November, 5:30 – 6:30pm

Please join us on Monday evening as we celebrate the opening of our new school!

We are delighted to invite you to share an evening with staff, parents and students of Provo Middle School.

Come along to hear about our Year 7, 8 & 9 provision, tour our purpose-built facility and hear from our students and parents about life and learning at Provo Middle School.

We look forward to welcoming you and hope to share our educational vision with you.  You might also like to learn more on our website.

Warm regards,

Ms. Alison & Mr. Toby


‘Throw-back Thursday’ and Tourism Environmental Awareness Month

With the launch of November as Tourism Environmental Awareness Month, under the theme: “Tourism is Key… It Starts with ME,” ‘Throw back Thursday’ takes us back 6 years to November 2012.  Our then Year 4s felt that the issue of littering on our beaches was an environmental and tourist-impacting pollution that they all felt strongly about – so much so in fact, that they set about creating some protest photography to raise awareness on the subject.  Read their story here.

How do our Year 4 photographs make you feel?

Litter education has positive effects on changing student attitudes and behaviours toward littering because it instills a positive cultural value and norm for how we treat our environment. (Hartley et al., 2015, Oliver et al., 1985).

Reflecting on the many, many environmental activities over the years that we have engaged in here at Provo Primary School,  it would be interesting to hear how those same children, now 14 and 15 years old, feel about this subject today, along with our countless other Provo Primary alumni.

How has this education, alongside family values, for example, impacted their attitudes and behaviours towards littering today? And what of others growing up in the TCI who have been a part of similar programmes.

What do our youth and young people think about littering and how do they feel it affects tourism?

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Vote for your Favourite Provo Primary Guy!

Next Monday, 5th November, will be our 8th Annual Provo Primary Bonfire Night! As always, we anticipate a wonderful evening of fun, food, fireworks and (bon)fire for our Provo Primary families to enjoy!

Over the past 7 years, each Year 4 class has set about learning about the history of Bonfire Night to understand why a Guy is made for this unusual celebration. It has become tradition for the Year 4 class to then create their own Guy Fawkes as part of their Design Technology classes. And each year, among the crowd of children and parents, the Year 4 children huddle at the front to watch their hard work go up in flames!

To get us in the mood for this wonderful and unique event, we thought it might be fun to look back over the 7 wonderful Guy Fawkes made by Year 4 students between 2011-2017.

Enjoy some old photos below of long-since graduated students below as we throw back to Bonfire Nights past.

Our current Year 4s sneaked into the action when Mr Toby taught them in Kindergarten. I wonder whether this might give them an advantage – we can’t wait to see what they come up with this year!

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Thank you for making our Halloween party so fa-boo-lous!

What a spook-tacular Trick or Treat and Halloween party we enjoyed last night at Provo Primary and Middle School. A wonderful community event with families from across the island dressing up and joining in with the fun.

A HUGE thank you to our team of AMAZING parents who organised and helped out with everything – from decorations, candy supplies, food, drinks, photos and music, to our FANTASTIC Year 6s who did a great job running all the entertaining games, to Year 7 and friends for making the Haunted House such a THRILLING place to visit and to all the Flamingo Park residents who kindly joined in with the Trick or Treating.

The school looked amazing and it was wonderful to see so many children having fun in their costumes, enjoying the games and playing together. The smiles, the joyful play and the wonderful friendly nature between them all made the evening such a delight!

A night to remember! Hats off to the clean up crew too. Well done everyone – a successful night thanks to all your team effort and support. Until next year…!

Have you seen Cinderella…?

She was last seen dancing with the Prince at the Royal Ball and he is very keen to find her and marry her. Luckily, the children in Year 2 have made some wanted posters to try and find her. Please keep a look out, rewards vary from diamond rings, vacations, crowns, gold and even some dollars! Come and have a look at our wanted posters if you need a good description of Cinderella.

Year 2 have also been busy writing letters to the Fairy Godmother and writing diary entries about their time at the ball. We then spent time designing our own shoes before finally making them out of clay.

We had to carefully roll, cut, squash, squeeze and smooth the clay to make the perfect shoe! It took time and patience, and as you can see from the photos, a lot of focus too. We then carefully added on designs before painting them – they look fabulous! [Read more…]

Vehicles that help in the Community

The Preschoolers were very excited as the reality of listening to stories, role-playing, singing songs about different forms of transportation came to life when the fire truck and the ambulance came to visit the school.

All the children were happy to climb inside the fire truck and look out, try on the hat and some even were bold enough to step into the boots.  They were a little nervous, but excited, by the loud sound of the sirens from both vehicles but loved every moment of it even if it meant covering their ears for a second or two.

The highlights of the morning were the children using the water hose that the firefighters use to extinguish a fire.

The firefighters really enjoyed showing the children inside and outside the truck and seemed well educated in how to address our younger children (one of them was so brilliant that I said he will be our teacher on call!).

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Provo Primary Halloween Party 2018

Calling all ghosts, ghouls and goblins, it’s almost Halloween and it’s time to get your SCARE on!

Wednesday, 31st October

Trick-or-Treating at Flamingo Park followed by our Halloween Party.

Trick-or-Treating (5-6pm)

Please ONLY visit houses bearing Trick-or-Treat signs  Children should be accompanied by a *responsible* adult! Once you’ve gathered your treats come across to Provo Primary for our annual party events

Halloween Party (6-8pm)

Tickets $5 at the door, all ages welcome.

Spooky Games, Food, Drinks, Haunted House, Music

Please remember that all children will need to be supervised by an adult while at both the Trick-or-Treating and Party.

Provo Primary Parents Association

SFS Superstars visit was a hit!

Wednesday the 17th October the whole of KS2 were lucky enough to be visited by the wonderful SFS (School for Field Studies) from South Caicos. These are university students from America who come over to study the nature, biology and wonders of the T.C.I for one semester. They have visited our school for roughly the past 5 years and it is always a complete delight to have them here. Their enthusiasm and their kind, friendly, open nature towards all of our children makes their visit not only academically worthwhile but also a wonderful social experience for the children interacting with a different age group.

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Our Class of Stars

Can you guess who is who in Year 6?

Please take a look at their fantastic portraits and see if you can decipher all the students in the current Year 6 class!

As part of our work in P.S.H.E, Year 6 have been following a scheme of work entitled: What Makes Me, Me?  One aspect of this unit of work demanded the production of a personal portrait which had to be annotated with words describing the personality of the individual depicted.

Students had to observe their facial features closely in order to attain a similar copy within their portrait.  This also enabled the children to appreciate their unique features; and to consider how similar or different they are to their parents, siblings and other family members.

Once the sketching element of the process was finished the children used oil pastels to bring the portrait to life.  Experimenting with a range of colours, tones and shades was messy, but fun work!

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Year 3 become ‘fair testing’ Rock Scientists

Last week Year 3 questioned whether rocks can absorb water.  To test our predictions we used the pipettes to carefully place the drops of water onto each rock.

But how did we make this experiment ‘fair’? Well, we placed the same amount of drops onto each rock  – therefore the variable we kept the same was the drops of water, and the variable that we changed was the rock!

We closely observed what happened to the water. Did it sit on top of the rock, run off the rock or did the rock absorb the water? We found some interesting results, and amazingly many of our predictions were correct. Great observations Year 3 and such careful use of the pipettes – well done!

Just like a sponge, porous rocks have the ability to absorb water.  I wonder if they increase in weight and size as they take in water?  How could we measure this?  I also wonder whether they absorb other liquidsperhaps you can explore at home.

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Kindergarten explore the tale of the Gingerbread Man

Run, run as fast as you can,

You can’t catch us,

We’re the Kindergarten Clan!

The Kindergarten class has had a lot of fun listening to the traditional tale ‘The Gingerbread Man’.

We listened to many different versions of the story and looked at what is the same in each version and what is different. The Kindergarten children noticed that there is a fox in every version but that the other animals can be different. Some stories just have a horse and cow, in others there is a pig, a cockerel, a dog and a cat. Which version have you heard and which do you like the most?

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Its all about the Senses in JK!

This term J.K. have been exploring the 5 senses.

Have a look at our pictures and guess which sense the children are using as they explore…








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Let’s spread a little kindness on World Mental Health Day

What’s it all about?

World Mental Health Day 2018 is observed on October 10. This day is meant to raise awareness about importance of mental health of individuals across the world.

We’ve all known someone going through a tough time, whether it’s a big change such as moving home or school, a relationship breaking down,
or coping with the loss of a loved one.
At these times it can be hard to know what to do to help, especially where children are involved. It may sound simple but we know that small acts of kindness can make all the difference. Plus did you know studies show that being kind can make you happier and less stressed?
As teachers, parents and carers, we have a very important role to play in helping children learn the value of kindness. Here are a few simple ways to encourage your child to spread a little kindness today, and beyond…

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We’re on The Move T.C.I…Let Move!

With memories of the summer holidays still fresh in the Preschool children’s heads, we have spent the first few weeks of term talking about the places and people they visited and how they got there – plane, train, automobile, boat or bike!

We were amazed that some of the children were able to recall where their travels had taken them and a little of what they saw or did over the summer.


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Help Support World Food Day Food Drive – Oct 2018

Please help us to support World Food Day by donating non-perishable food items for the families in need in Providenciales.

Click on the image left to see a list of needed items.

Drop off your donations at Provo Primary School, Graceway Sports Centre or ECG Youth Centre by 14th October 2018.







World Teachers’ Day 2018

Ministry of Education, Youth, Culture and Library Services

  “The right to education means the right to a qualified teacher,” (theme for World Teachers’ Day 2018 International Conference)

The Ministry of Education, Youth, Culture and Library Services, joins the global community in observing World Teachers’ Day 2018.  Happy World Teachers’ Day!

World Teachers’ Day is held annually on 5 October to celebrate the essential role of teachers in providing quality education at all levels. It also commemorates the anniversary of the 1966 signature of the UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. Its aim is to mobilise support for teachers and to ensure that the needs of future generations will continue to be met by teachers.

The Minister of Education, Youth, Culture and Library Services, Honorable Karen Malcolm, and her team at the Ministry take this opportunity to celebrate with and express gratitude to each teacher in the archipelago for their dedication and commitment to the education of our children. [Read more…]

Estimation and Equivalents Exploration

There has been some interesting ‘I wonder’ and ‘I notice’ moments experienced during last week’s Numeracy lessons in Year 3. One of the tasks was to ‘estimate’ how many cubes or lollypop sticks were in a given pile. As the piles became bigger, we soon discovered how much easier it was to begin placing the objects into groups of either 2, 5 or 10, finally counting them using our times-tables knowledge – hurrah!  Our counts became much quicker and far more accurate; we certainly got better and better at both estimating and counting!

The class were also given the Cuisenaire Rods with some problem cards. The cards asked them to find out ‘how many different ways’ they could create the same length. They re-discovered that the numbers could be made using lots of different colour combinations – hence they could be made using different number combinations. After some discussion and sharing of findings, some of the children noticed that these patterns could also be related to the different ways of making even bigger numbers, especially when looking carefully at the value of each digit.

By the end of the week, Year 3 had become ‘estimation’ and ’equivalent’ experts! Good work, Year 3! [Read more…]

World Food Day Poster Competition and Food For Thought Food Drive

In recognition of World Food Day, October 16th, Food for Thought is asking all the school children of Providenciales, from age 5-19, to use their imagination to create a poster that illustrates their idea of Zero Hunger.

In order to enter the contest, the poster must be submitted by October 12th. The students would need to include their name, name of their school and their age. The winners will be announced on World Food Day, October 16th and receive a lovely prize from Food for Thought!  Some classes may be doing the poster in class, others may have it set for homework.  Families are encouraged to check out class noticeboards or to ask their child’s teacher for details.

In addition, the winners will also have the opportunity to participate in the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) World Poster Contest, which will be announcing their winner in December. They would be promoted by FAO offices around the world and receive a surprise gift bag and Certificate of Recognition if they are selected. They will also be featured in an exhibition at FAO headquarters in Rome.

Prior to World Food Day, Food For Thought will also be holding a large food drive for the families in need in Providenciales. Please look out for details on when to bring donations into school from our School Council, who will be helping to co-ordinate the collection.

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Years 3, 4 and 5 TCI Heritage Showcase

We are pleased to invite you to come and enjoy our Year 3, 4 and 5 Heritage Month Showcase on the stage tomorrow afternoon between 2:20 and 2:50pm.

The children will be presenting items from some songs and folk tales they have been practising with Mrs. Niki in their Theatre Arts classes. We hope you can stop by.

After school clubs commence next week

Provo Primary and Middle School after school clubs commence on Tuesday 9th October.  We are pleased to be introducing a range of new and previously popular experiences…

Just reading the list inspires and excites: 

‘Mix it Up’, ‘Bike’, ‘Homework’, ‘Expressive Arts’ and ‘Under the Microscope’

Great choices – which ones will you choose?

Click on the image left to download the registration form.  Please check the registration forms carefully to see the dates of when there are no clubs.

Please remember that all children will need extra water on club days.  You may like to also include a small extra snack to be eaten at 3pm before the clubs start.

All payments need to be by cash or cheque and should be made in advance, by 9am on Tuesday 9th October.  Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis.  Please note that students are not considered enrolled in clubs until the payment has been received.

School Council 2018-19

A warm welcome to our new School Council. Congratulations for being chosen to represent your classes and your school. Thank you to ALL the students who put themselves forward for election. Every teacher commented on how well you represented yourselves, you should be very proud of having the courage and enthusiasm to have ‘had a go’! Well done!

In our first meetings, we have already been busy talking about adjusting the playtime schedule as well as revisiting and reminding us all about trying to use metal and reusable cutlery and NO to STRAWS! We have also been talking about more ways in which we can keep our school environment cleaner and more litter free. Any ideas – please let your Councillor know.

Let us see what we can achieve this year! [Read more…]