As the clock struck 9am, a large crowd of eager buyers surged into the school grounds, where an expectant 20 vendors posed ready for the buying rush ahead. There certainly were bargains galore at today’s PTA Yard Sale, with both sellers and buyers happy with their earned cash and new items to take home. With household goods and food, to toys and clothes on sale, our Provo Primary School yard sale is always a big hit with our local community. Look out for our next one later in the year. Thank you to our PTA volunteers for their work in organising this event. The money raised will help go towards our PTA Egg Hunt later this term which the children look forward to each year.
Bargains at the PTA Yard Sale
Fantastic Scholastic – January 2012
There was great excitement at the end of school today. Our latest PTA Scholastic book order (totaling 303 books) had arrived and there was a reading buzz in the air as families collected their new books. Some children were so excited they just couldn’t wait to get started and, finding a place to perch in the playground, they delved into their new books right there and then.
The Scholastic International School Book Club has been a fantastic opportunity to promote and celebrate children’s reading at the school. Every 3 months children can choose and order from a fantastic range of books from around the world. As an extra bonus, our school earns 20% of the total order value back in FREE books! It’s a win, win all around!
Many thanks goes to our PTA volunteers who run this fantastic reading club. Click on to see more photos.
Our New Basketball Hoop
We would like to pass on a ‘HUGE’ thank you to parents Ted and Dale for putting up our new school basketball hoop.
The hoop has the ability to go up and down, so all ages can enjoy playing with it positioned at an appropriate height.
It’s a big hit with the children. So much so, in fact, that the School Council decided to create a timetable to allow all the classes to have their own time on the court. It seems to be working out really well and everyone agrees this is fair.
With basketball included in our PE lessons this term, it’s a great opportunity to put in some extra practice time. Please remember that our Years 3-6 will be showcasing their basketball skills in a mini tournament at 9 AM on Thursday 29th March at the Sports Centre. We hope to see you there.
[Read more…]
Fun and Fabulous Class Reps needed!
Yes, you can help make this school year the best yet for your child by signing up to be a Class Rep.
Your role would be to liaise between the PTA and the parents in your child’s class. Responsibilities would include rallying parents in your children’s class to:
* Set up and run a game at the Halloween Party
* Collect donations for a silent auction basket for the school fundraiser
* Help with Santa’s visit and the Easter Egg Hunt
These are just a few of the wonderful things that we organise for the kids over the school year.
Two energetic and proactive parents per year are needed….Sign up sheet can be found at the front entrance. If you require any further information of have any questions you can contact Vicky via the school office or email
Teacher Appreciation Week 2011
The teachers would like to pass on a big thank to all the children and parents for supporting Teacher Appreciation Week.
With homemade cards, tasty treats, gifts, flowers, morning coffees, parent meeting snacks, kind messages and supportive emails, we have all felt thoroughly appreciated.
We feel honored to teach such lovely children and we do our very best to provide opportunities which enrich their lives and enhance their learning potential.
EYFS Spring Bonnets and PTA Egg Hunt
Traditionally, we end our Spring Term with a bonnet parade and PTA Egg Hunt. The younger children in the school amazed us all with their egg-stremely creative Spring Bonnets. What a lot of work must have gone into some of these. I’m sure the children enjoyed making them and showing them to everyone! Both young and old across the school, enjoyed hunting for eggs in our traditional Egg Hunt and we thank the PTA for organising this much-loved event.
Here We Go, Here We Go, Here We Go!
It’s mid term and all the children are at home, so what’s all that noise coming from the school playground? Yeah…it’s the digger preparing the ground for our new artificial grass soccer pitch. With most of the work being done over the mid term break, we hope to blow the whistle to start our first game on our new pitch early next week. It’s wonderful to see this project final breaking ground – quite literally! Say goodbye to the hard, rocky, painful surface and look forward to a softer, level, kind-on-the-knees, grass one.
Helping to Make Dreams a Reality
Thank you to everyone who is helping to make our soccer pitch dream a reality. With our upcoming Curry Night and Children’s Art Auction fund raising event that we hope will complete the funds needed, here is an update on the worthy cause it will support.
In the previous school year, members of the student council unanimously voted that the project they would most like to accomplish was bringing a proper soccer pitch to the school. This was a big dream they brought to the PTA, asking for help to find a way to make it a reality.
Halloween Party 2009
Once again our Halloween Party was a haunting success and the costumes amazing. It was a great evening of fun. Here is a thank you message from our organisers, the Gypsy and Corps Bride:
A very big thank you to everyone, both parents and kids who helped to make this night a success.
We would like to thank you all for donating the fabulous prizes, candies, decorations, lights and much, much more for the Halloween party. We could not have done it without your help, in the day decorating the school beforehand, and on the night serving at the bar and the food stalls and with running the games. Thank you to Christal for the donation of the Pirates Rum and a special thank you to Chef Fritz for the delicious fried rice. Thank you to Juergen and Richard for helping with the Haunted House and the Friends of the Arts for lending us some of the decorations.
Thank you to Mrs. Stephanie for dealing with our emails and more and Miss Sian for letting us take over the school for the night. We appreciate the teachers for giving us their Saturday night to help with the games and also for making decorations with their classes – they were awesome! Thank you also to the Flamingo Park residents for making Trick-or-Treat possible.
And finally, a special thank to the Sunday morning clean up crew – you guys rock!
Hope you all had fun!
Greetings from the Gypsy and Corps Bride.
Appreciation Word Cloud
As part of Teacher Appreciation Week I asked the children to tell me words that best described their teachers. These were made into poems and presented to them in our end of week ‘Celebration Assembly’. The teachers were touched by all the lovely compliments.
Here is a collection of all their words represented in a ‘word cloud’. The bigger the words, the more children used them. Their appreciation truly speaks for itself!
Thank you everyone for making all the teachers feel appreciated this week. Provo Primary is certainly a very special place to be a part of.
Yummy Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
The teachers were treated to a delicious ‘Teacher Appreciation Breakfast’ this morning provided by a very generous and thoughtful group of parents. There was a variety of amazing dishes including some scrumptious home-cooked goodies. Thank you – it was all really yummy and thoroughly enjoyed!
It’s Teacher Appreciation Week
At Provo Primary School, we think our teachers are very special, they work extremely hard and not only teach, but offer guidance, emotional support, care and many other things to our children. They are a huge part of their lives.
Anybody who has spent any amount of time with a large (or small) group of children will know how exhausting this in itself can be. At the end of the day or the week, teachers are tired, but they still do more.
Sometimes we forget all the extra things that our teachers do. We think of their work day as 8.30-3.00PM with long evenings, weekends and holidays to relax. This is, not entirely true. Teachers often work long hours outside the classroom, planning, preparing or marking work, sorting classroom materials and putting up displays, writing reports, even sorting out cupboards and preparing for hurricanes. All this they do in their own time, at weekends or before and after school.
What normally keeps teachers going is the children. Our reward is seeing them develop from the beginning of the year to the end. The hugs, the pictures, the smiles make our efforts all worthwhile.
This week is a time when we can all appreciate and think about the things that teachers do. Thank them and tell them they’re doing a good job, notice their displays and think about all the love and hard work that they have put into them. Smile and encourage them, when they look tired and understand that it takes a very special person with a kind and unselfish heart to be a teacher, especially one who works at Provo Primary.
Easter Egg Hunt 2009
All the children from our Preschool to Grade 6/7 classes enjoyed our annual Easter Egg Hunt today. Many thanks to our dedicated PTA parents who helped organise this egg-citing egg-travaganza!
Storytelling Evening 2009
This evening was our storytelling evening. The children came to school dressed in their pajamas and brought their favourite cuddly toys, pillows and comforters. The evening started with a traditional tale from the Turks and Caicos, told by our Director of Culture, David Bowen. Everyone was mesmorised and captivated by the story of a Salt Raker who’s tale explained why the ocean is salty. The children then went to their classes to enjoy stories with their teachers and we ended the evening with cookies and milk. Everyone enjoyed listening to all the stories and went home to have sweet dreams!  Thank you to everyone who helped make this storytelling evening such a great success. Click below to see some movies of the evening. [Read more…]
Curry Night and Silent Auction Success
Friends of Provo Primary (FoPPS) organised a delicious Indian meal served at Bay Bistro, together with a silent auction of beautiful art work produced by each of the classes in the school. It was a winning combination with parents, family and friends enjoying a delightful evening. We would like to express a big thank you to all the people who helped the children create the art work, to those who organised the evening and to Clive and Joan Whent for the first class cuisine and elegant setting. There was a frenzy of bidding as each piece of art work was auctioned off with the encouragement of emcee Mark Dunbavand. All in all over $4000 was raised and this will allow us to install 2 much needed A/C units in our new Hummingbird Music Room and in Miss Sarah’s Kindergarten Room. Thank you everyone.
A Fang-tastic Halloween Party
We had our first Halloween Party at the school last night and, in spite of the rain, it was a highly attended event packed full of fun and games. Organisers Bridgette and Bernadette and their helpers transformed the school grounds and set up an amazing array of halloween surprises, including an amazing spooky haunted house that was a thrilling success. Children from the school and community came dressed up in their costumes, danced on the stage to the Monster Mash and played all of the games. They munched through hot dogs and chilli and of course lots of Halloween candy goodies! We have a feeling that this event might become a firm fixture in our future calendar!
Book Boost for Oesta Jolly Primary School Pupils
BOOKWORMS from Oseta Jolly primary school now have a whole library of books to get their teeth into thanks to kind-hearted pupils, teachers and parents from Provo Primary. The Providenciales private school delivered more than 500 brand new books worth $2,200 to the Government-run school in Blue Hills on Wednesday.
Meeting New Families at our Annual Beach Day
Returning to school following the hurricanes, our annual beach day was a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and to meet and welcome all our new families and teachers.
FoPPS have fun at the Beach
The first event this year organised by the Friends of Provo Primary School (FoPPS) was a fantastic success. There was a great turn out for the picnic on the beach on Saturday. It was a relaxed and fun way for new parents to meet others at the school and for staff and parents to enjoy a relaxed afternoon together.
 Not even the torrential downpour could dampen our spirits and when the sun came back out, the beach fun returned. Even JoJo heard about the event and came along to entertain us all with his antics.
Look at the slideshow to see some of the fun. FoPPS Beach Picnic
Celebrating the End of the School Year
A very big thank you to FoPPS (Friends of Provo Primary School) for providing a fruit and croissant snack, popcorn and movies, and face painting to help us to celebrate our last day of the school year. A special thank you to all the volunteers and individuals who helped make this all possible. This year, FoPPS has continued to play an invaluable role within our school community and we take this opportunity to say that we all very much appreciate their support and that we look forward to working together, next year.
Curry Night was HOT!
What better way to raise funds than by enticing people with a good curry and Aqua certainly managed to cook up a feast! Over a hundred people ate, drank and socialized whilst listening to the mellow jazz sounds of Perry and Marvin, otherwise known as the SPICE Boys. Thank you Hannah for organizing this event, which was SPICEifically to raise funds to cool off our JK and K classes. What a FANtastic evening! Thanks everyone for your support.
Live Jazz and Indian Curry Night
Our last jazz and curry night was a great success. Tickets sold out fast last time, so be sure to make your reservation as soon as possible. We look forward to see you all.