Oh What A Night!

cocktails-curry-pta-may-201May the 3rd turned out to be a night to remember as the PTA’s “Cocktails & Curry” fundraiser drew a sold out crowd to Bay Bistro and raised thousands of dollars for learning resources and playground improvements.

There was a high-energy vibe throughout the night, set to a soundtrack compiled for the evening by Jo Gray and spurred on by enthusiastic bidding over Charlotte Chapman’s classroom created art projects.  Of course Clive Whent’s curry was unparalleled and guests raved about the meal for days following the event.

A fabulous evening that went on into the wee hours, a huge thank you to the many parents and staff involved in putting such a successful fundraiser together and for all who attended in support of the school.

PTA Cocktails and Curry Evening

CURRYPOSTER-2013When it comes to curry, it doesn’t get any better than Clive’s, so please join us for a fabulous evening of food and friends on Friday 3rd May, as we raise money for improved technology, learning resources, playground equipment and scholarships for the school.

Cocktail hour starts at 6:30pm with passed hors d’ouevres, followed by an extensive curry buffet and dessert. Silent and live auctions featuring restaurant, travel and recreational activities will be held throughout the night. Tickets are $50 and include a 3 course meal. Cash Bar.

Contact Haley Weldon for more information or to purchase tickets: hfweldon@gmail.com.


Our Egg-citing Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

pta-egg-hunt-march-2013It is tradition here at Provo Primary to hold a special Egg Hunt to mark the end of the Spring term.  This year was no egg-ception!  The bunny, ably assisted by his egg-stremely dedicated team of PTA volunteers, hid goodie-filled eggs throughout the school play areas.  The egg-stremely egg-cited children eagerly searched out the eggs, many of which were a challenge to find.  Teachers and on-lookers enthusiastically ‘egged’ everyone on until everyone found 3 eggs each.

As a special egg-stra surprise for each class, the bunny hid 5 bonus eggs to be discovered.  One of these was the ‘Golden Egg’, which was particularly well hidden.

After a busy time burrowing around, the egg-hausted children gathered together to open their eggs and enjoy their treats.

All the children then cheered a big thank you to the PTA and the bunny for such an egg-cellent egg hunt – Well done everyone!







BIG Writing means Business!

yr5-6-big-writing-feb-2013-‘Big Writing’ is something Provo Primary have been focusing on for quite a while in Year 5 and 6. Children will tell you ‘VCOP’ (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation) is a HUGE part of good writing! We have also been fortunate to have our amazing PTA help us move even further towards higher quality writing sessions by raising money to buy the fantastic interactive whiteboard software which supports this.






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PTA’s Great Family Skate Night

pta-skate-night-feb-2013 (3)More students than ever laced up skates for the PTA’s hugely popular 2nd annual “Great Family Skate”, racing around the Sports Centre rink to the latest music while parents socialised in the stands and toddlers boogied on the dance floor.  A puck shooting contest saw many happy kids rolling away with gift certificates to Island Scoop and Giggles, and all were in agreement that the 90 minute party went by much too quickly.






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Get your Skates on – It’s Family Skate this Friday!

skate-night-poster-feb-2013Don’t forget it’s the school’s 2nd Annual Great Family Skate this Friday, from 5:30-7pm at the Sports Centre.  This year, for a nominal fee, we’ll also have a puck shooting contest with prizes!  As well as an awesome play list for skating and dancing!

Please sign up outside the school office if you can help man the door, work the bar, decorate or provide baked goodies.
We are looking forward to a great night for skaters and non-skaters alike.
Tickets available in the school office.

2nd Annual Family Skate Night

skate-night-poster-feb-2013The School Council would like to know what music you would like to skate to at our 2nd Annual PTA Family Skate night.

Make your requests known to your Class School Council reps.

Or place your request in the ‘Boogie Box’ outside the office.

Come and join the fun – Friday 22nd February @ the Graceway Sports Centre from 5:30 – 7 PM.

So get your skates on and let us know your groove tunes!






$1,628 Scholastic Reward Dollars so far this year – Thank you, everyone!

scholastic-feb-2013The children and teachers would like to thank all of our families who support our Scholastic Book Club.  We feel very fortunate.

It’s a win–win all round, every time –  a great way to promote the development of reading skills and the enjoyment and interest in reading, both at home and at school.

Over the course of a year, the PTA organises five opportunities for families to order books through the Scholastic Book Club scheme (Thank you Bonita!)  In each catalogue, there is a great selection of top quality books to buy… and there are even more to choose from on-line!  Every book purchased earns free Bonus Point Reward Dollars for the school.

This month, families have raised $513 reward dollars.  Added to the $407 in September and $708 in December, that’s a total of $1,628 so far this year that the school has, and is using to spend on books and educational supplies to help benefit your child’s learning.

Each term, one of the reward totals is divided equally between our classes for the children and teacher to order books specifically for their classroom library and topics. One of the reward totals is allocated to the school library and another to the school leadership team to spend on areas of development.

Book Your PTA Yard Sale Table Today!

yard-sale-feb-2013We are having a MULTI-TABLE YARD SALE here at Provo Primary school on SATURDAY, FEB. 16TH at 9:00AM-11:00AM




Thank You for our Improving our Playground

We adore our colourful new playground, all gleaming and sparklingly clean! We love all the new red bikes and the amazing road.  Your efforts with the shades and new equipment has increased the fun at playtime!  So thank you again to all the PTA helpers from all the early years children and teachers for the beautiful new colourful playground. Many smiles, hugs and appreciation!



PTA Halloween Party 2012

Children of all ages as well as adults were decked out in a variety of creative costumes enjoying every minute of the cheerful PTA Halloween Party atmosphere. Trees, posts, Classroom doors and anywhere plain were decorated with playfully spooky spider webs, pumpkins, skeletons and other Halloween accessories. Laughter filled the evening as kids enjoyed the contemporary music, snacks, getting temporary tattoos, playing exciting games and winning lots of little prizes.
Organised by the PTA, the fifth annual party allowed children from the community to have somewhere safe to go on Halloween while simultaneously raising funds for the school. The games were run by volunteer students from TCI Middle School, who, apart from having a good time, got extra community service credit for volunteering at a community event.
Thank you to everyone who helped out with preparation and on the night.  Another superb family fun night!

Provo Primary Halloween Party, 2012

Calling all vampires, princesses, witches and superheroes!  Provo Primary’s annual post – Trick or Treat Halloween Party will be held on October 31st, from 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Games, prizes, dancing and more! Food and beverage for sale and Brilliant by Tropical Imaging will be doing costume photo shoots for charity.

$5 entry fee.

A fun time for all ages!






Lemonade is a hit at the Yard Sale

The PTA Yard Sale was a wonderful community success with over 20 tables and lots of bargains to buy. A big thank you goes out to all the parents who donated items for our PTA table.

The PTA lemonade stand was a great hit with both the sellers and buyers.  Nothing like a freshly made lemonade to refresh and quench your thirst!  There were also sweet treats and homemade bread.

Well done to everyone who helped out.

Support our PTA at the Yard Sale

Remember it is the yard sale this Saturday. Lots of bargains to be had!

Thank you for your support with donations for the PTA table.

We also encourage you to drop by Kirstof Lingier’s table at the yard sale.  Kristof is selling products made from coconuts here on the island.  His products are great for personal use as well as Christmas, hostess and baby shower gifts.  He is donating a portion of each sale to the PTA.


School Newsletter, October 2012

Click on the image to see the October School Newsletter.

It includes all the dates and information for upcoming events, and the latest school and PTA news.






PTA Yard Sale

Check out our poster to see details of our up-coming PTA Yard Sale on Saturday 20th October.







PTA Early Years Working Party

On the 19th October, the upcoming Public Holiday,  PTA volunteers are requested to help out with our Early Years Playground development project.  Much has already been done with putting up the new shading but it now needs adjusting and securely fixing.  Other ideas to improve the environment are also planned, including painting a roadway on the concrete.  If you are handy with tools, have some great ideas or are simply willing to help out in any way you can, then contact Jennifer or Haley for further details or pop into the office or send us an email. Childcare will be provided.


PTA News

Welcome back to school!  Thank you to everyone who attended our first PTA meeting, held September 26th.  Attendees got to see some of the fabulous new science equipment purchased with PTA funds over the summer, got an update on the other expenditures (including 2 new whiteboards and shading for the early years playground).  Exciting upcoming events were also discussed, along with PTA goals for the year ahead.  A big thank you to the parents who have stepped in to help in the school library was also passed on; your time and efforts are very much appreciated.   Click here to see our Class Reps for 2012/13, to find out more news about our PTA and how you can help support our upcoming events.


JK and Kindergarten Working Together!

All the Early Years children and teachers were so excited to get new outdoor shelves and bins to keep all our lovely toys organized that we could hardly wait to put them all together!  Both Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten worked together to build the shelves and containers, all of which were bought by PTA funding. Please take a look at the pictures to see how we all got on. It was tough work but phew, it looks lovely out in our playground now!  A massive thank you to the PTA.






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PTA Arabian Night Party

Tickets are now on sale for this much anticipated event.

Click on the poster to find out more details.

We hope to see you there!

PTA Up-Coming Events, Summer Term 2012

Lemon Cafe Fundraiser
Mark your calendars for a fabulous fundraiser and celebration of our school, to be held the evening of May 12th at Lemon Cafe.  The evening will include a silent auction, incredible Mediterranean food, a fire show, cash bar and dancing until the wee hours.  Tickets are $50/pp.  Money raised will be used for school improvements and voted on at the final PTA meeting of the year (in June, date TBD)


Term 3 PTA meeting
Our Term 3 PTA meeting will be held May 1 in the school library at 6pm.  We’ll be discussing the upcoming fundraiser as well as other events (beach day, end of school activities, etc.), reviewing our account and having a preliminary discussion on how the funds should be spent.  Please note, there will be an end of year PTA meeting held in June (date TBD) where expenditures will be voted on and finalized.


Library Volunteers
Parent volunteers are needed to “apprentice” under Karina this spring and work in the library 2-3 mornings a week starting in September.  Best to have 2 or 3 parents commit; hours are just 8:30-9am, right at drop off.  Please contact Stef in the school office or Karina if you are interested.


Thank You
And finally, a heartfelt THANK YOU to the class reps that made the Easter egg hunt such a fun event for the students.  From stuffing eggs, to hiding them, we appreciate your time and involvement.


Find out more about our PTA and how you can become involved on our PTA page

Spring Bonnet Parade & PTA Egg Hunt, 2012

It was a beautiful morning at Provo Primary with sunshine, blue Skies, flowers and smiles…what more could we ask for on our last day of the Spring Term?

The Early Years classes proudly paraded around the school wearing their creative Spring-time inspired hats.  This was was followed by our traditional egg hunts!

In the Yr 1 – 6 hunt, the elusive giant egg kept many children searching for a long time, but no one was able to find it this year!  “It was the best egg hunt ever!..  I kept looking to find the big egg… I can’t believe I didn’t find the big egg, it was right there!”

All the teachers and children would like to pass on a huge thank you to all the mums and dads for helping to create such beautiful bonnets and to the PTA for making our egg hunt lots of fun!  Happy holidays to everyone from all at Provo Primary.

Family Skate Night

The goal was ‘a good old family night out’ and around 150 skaters and non-skaters alike agreed that this was successfully achieved, all having great fun at our PTA’s first annual ‘Family Skate Night’.

“It was wonderful to see all ages (ranging in age from 3 to 50+) from Provo Primary and the local community, joining together to party the night away,” commented Haley, one of the organisers.

Many of the older generation found themselves being taken back to the roller-disco times of their youth – although in those days, the skates looked a little different!  A few were even seen holding hands as they circled the rink together!

Well done to an excellent team of parents for putting on this much enjoyed event.  After such success, perhaps we now just need to change the annual bit, to termly – or perhaps add in a parent roller-disco revival night!

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Pyjama Day Storytelling, 2012

As an early celebration of World Book Day, Dress Down Friday became “Pyjama Day” this month as we all donned our finest night attire to raise money for Provo Children’s Home.  As a special treat, we ended the day with story time courtesy of Mr. David Bowen and his drum.  We settled down with our pillows and cuddly toys to hear the story of two boys who found a barrel of delicious coconut water on their way to the well.  They certainly learned their lesson when one of the boys drank too much and made himself very sick indeed!  The moral of the tale? “Be smart and be good!”  The boys in the story definitely had a thing or two to learn on that score!
Mr. David then told us that 1 billion people on the earth don’t have access to clean drinking water.  That’s a seventh of the earth’s population!  Lots of people also have to walk a long way to collect water from a well, just like Mr. David did when he was a child. It’s very hard work as we found out from the song he taught us – “Got a Bucket on my Head – Yes Sir, Yes.”  March is World Water Month, so we’re going to do our bit to be smart and good with the water we use.  Many thanks Mr. David.
“Pig in a pen – my story end…”

PTA’s 1st Annual “Great Family Skate”

Please join us for Provo Primary’s 1st Annual “Great Family Skate”
Next week – Friday 24th February
5:30-7:00pm @ the Graceway Sports Centre
$10 admission for Sk8’ers / $5 admission for Non-Sk8’ers / Children under 3 free
Raffle Ticket included with purchase!