Patience, Perseverance & Positivity: The Middle School Dude Perfect Challenge

Returning to school after the past year of online learning created talking points for all students and teachers. What was the year of online learning like for you? What were some of the challenges? How were these challenges overcome and how do you feel now that we have returned to the classroom?

Through all of these discussions, there were many common themes. One of these was the importance of Patience, Perseverance & Positivity in all that we do. All students experienced the importance of these skills in different aspects of their home learning experience.

But how do we develop these skills?

All classes in Provo Middle School were challenged to complete a Dude Perfect Trick Shot in order to explore this problem! Dude Perfect set an amazing example for Patience, Perseverance & Positivity through their incredible trick shot videos.

So, how hard could it be to create some of our own?!

Well…very, as it turns out! Some of these videos took countless attempts to complete and endless hours to capture.

Here is what some of our students had to say about the experience:

“It was so frustrating! Even the easy shot took me ages!”

I needed practice, patience, perseverance and a need to succeed. I also needed to be optimistic, motivated committed and focused.”

“I learned that sometimes we give up too easily.”

“Ignore negative comments!”

“We can learn that some things just take more time than others.”

“If you put in nothing in then the outcome will be nothing.”

“The problems we overcame in the challenge show similarity to real life.”

“The feeling of success is great, no matter how many times you failed.”

Year 7 & 8 Explore Lockdown Experience in Art

Students in across the school have been busy with their continuing education at home during the current school closures.

As part of our PSHE and Personal Growth curricula, Years 7 and 8 explored their feeling and thoughts about the current lockdown through artwork.

Children shared their artwork at our assembly time, conducted through video conferencing. Despite the challenges, it was clear that our students were keen to be learning together again back at school soon. The optimism and collective support among peers is something we cannot wait to share in!

Take a look at the children’s beautiful and poignant work, which says so much about the experience of young people during this strange time! [Read more…]

Middle School – Science Fair, 2020

A team of six Provo Middle School scientists have worked for the past 8 weeks to prepare for the 2020 Fortis TCI Science Fair. Linked to our recent exploration of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, we wanted to pick an investigation that could positively impact our world.
Undertaking research in Microbiology, our Science Fair team set out to answer the question “Is boiling an effective means of making water safe to drink?”
Did you know that over two billion people do not have access to clean water? We felt this was a huge issue that deserved attention!

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Year 8 Field Trip to Fortis TCI

Yr 6-8’s UN Sustainable Development Goal Assemblies

As a school, we have been learning about the UN Sustainable Development Goals  (SDGs) over the last half term. These 17 goals, part of The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, are,

an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

That sounds like something everyone should get involved in, doesn’t it? Well, our students certainly think so. [Read more…]

Year 7 – Experimenting with Elements

Our Year 7 students have been doing some exciting experimenting with elements in their Science lessons. In addition to testing how metals react when heated, the students have acquired some important new Middle School Science skills. 

In order to carry out their experiments with safety and accuracy, the students first needed to learn how to use a Bunsen burner and demonstrate their ability to use one safely. After receiving their Bunsen burner licences, the students then worked on how to identify different elemental metals according to their properties. Although many metals look the same, their properties are very different.  It was, therefore, essential that the students were able to identify the correct element they needed for their experiments. Finally the students needed to ensure they observed the reactions accurately, and recorded their observations correctly.  

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New Sports Area and Basketball Court

Our students are absolutely delighted with their new sports court, which we were able to complete thanks to funds raised by the Anython Fun Run in November. 
Local construction company, Herzog Caribbean Limited assisted us with completion of the playing surface. They started by painting markings for a basketball and small games court, then topped it off by installing our brilliant new adjustable height basketball net. 
Thank you to all who pledged funds for the fun run fundraiser – we couldn’t have done this without you! Children from both the Middle and Primary schools will make use of our new area – it was perfect for Year 1 and 2 tennis lessons last half term – and we couldn’t be happier with it. Thank you also to Herzog for providing us with a new sports area to be proud of.  

Talking to your child about their online life – Safer Internet Day 2020

From Under 5s to Middle Schoolers, Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 11th) is a fantastic opportunity to have a conversation with your child about using the internet safely, responsibly and positively – we can all play a role in empowering children and young people to enjoy their time safely online!

We now see young children going online to play games, talk to family, watch videos, research topics of interest, and even learn to use voice enabled tech like Alexa and Siri to find out about their world.  Older children engage in social audiences, get news about current events and do research, purchase books, clothing, or music; or get information about health and well-being.

Many young people acknowledge the unique challenges – and benefits – of growing up in our digital age. Internet use, and the age that you should begin speaking to your child, will differ between families but essentially as children start engaging with technology and the internet these conversations can and should begin.

Click on to see some top tips for parents and carers for under fives right up to teenagers from and

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Catch us at the Fish Fry tonight for all your holiday gifts

Beautiful student art bags, mugs, calendars and greeting cards all ready for the Fish Fry tonight! Raising money for our field trips in Y7 & 8 this summer.





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Year 8 Physics: Transfers of Energy demonstrations

So, as it turns out, it’s hard to imagine what elastic potential energy is. It’s hard to know when gravitational potential energy has given way to kinetic energy. And it’s even harder to conceptualise how these energies are transferred between objects all around us, all the time, everywhere we look! As one student put it, “physics is confusing!”

However, by conducting hands-on demonstrations of difficult concepts it is much easier to build understanding. No amount of diagrams or book-based explanations could replace the understanding that emerges from experience, experimentation and practical examples.

And so, with this in mind, Year 8 have set about conducting a range of experiments that demonstrate energy transfers. We wanted to share our experiment from this week with you.

Inspired by the wonder of a Newton’s Cradle in class, Year 8 set about observing the transfers of energy that occur in falling and colliding objects. Take a look at our video to see our amazing results and see how this helps us to observe transfers of energy in action.

Suddenly, by looking at a slow motion video of a basketball bouncing, it is quite easy to see, describe and explain the transfer of elastic potential energy into kinetic energy.


Disproving our Misconceptions in Physics

This week, Year 7 conducted an experiment in physics that thoroughly challenged their previous understanding of forces.

Children were asked to predict which item would fall fastest; a very heavy shot put or a lighter foam ball? Both balls were a similar size but very different in their weight. Many children predicted that the shot put would fall much faster as it so much heavier.


To their surprise, both balls hit the floor at almost exactly the same time from a 2m height. So what was going on here?! Why was there so little difference given the great difference in the weight of the objects?

In order to explore this further, we conducted tests with a range of balls; light and heavy, small and large. The results were dramatic in many cases.

The class learned to consider the frictional force of air resistance in order to explain their results. Here were some of their thoughts: [Read more…]

Year 7’s Adirondack Adventure: Part 2

The second half of our residential week in in upstate New York was equally filled with challenges and discoveries. As the weather warmed up, we enjoyed more outdoor activities in this beautiful mountain playground.

All students challenged themselves on the climbing wall, pushing themselves to reach the summit while learning to communicate clearly with their belayer.






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Year 7 news from the Adirondacks

Year 7s from Provo Middle School have enjoyed a fantastic start to their residential field trip to Camp Echo Lake in the Adirondack Mountains.
A chilly first day was spent orienteering and kayaking/canoeing on Echo Lake. Children needed to apply a range of cooperation skills while they learned to read maps of camp or paddle their canoe together.
The evening was spent out in the woods playing games around a camp fire. Of course, children finished the day roasting marshmallows for S’mores.

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Performance analysis leads to new records in PE!

Years 6 & 7 have been studying and practising Athletics this term, thinking about how track & field athletes are able to develop their technique in order to improve performance.

Students have spent time learning the specific techniques needed for each discipline: the shot put, javelin, long jump, high jump, triple jump, sprint and hurdles. All children then made an excellent effort to practise these skills.

In recent weeks, we then started to look at how video analysis can help sports people to identify strengths and weaknesses in their performance and technique. Children watched videos of record breaking athletes in order to identify “best examples” for each event. We then recorded each other at our PE sessions to see how we compared and where we could improve.

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9 of our Soccer Superstars head to Florida representing the TCI

Wishing all the best and good luck to all nine of our Provo Primary and Middle School soccer players who are heading to the Weston Cup Tournament in Florida tomorrow as members of the TCIFA teams.

Being a small country with a small pool of players, the TCIFA rely greatly on these tournaments to assist in the development of their players. These tournaments provide an opportunity for our young players to compete at a very high level in various age group games and we fully support our students participation.

As the largest Youth Football tournament in Florida and one of the biggest in the United States, the Weston Cup is one of the premier football tournaments in the United States attracting from teams within and outside the United States. This includes teams from countries such as Brazil, Canada, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

QUICK! Middle School Canvas Bags are Selling Out!

Year 7 have had a busy January, selling their canvas bags across the island in order to raise funds for their end of year field trip to Upstate New York.

The children’s designs, depicting TCI’s wildlife, were selected from our Autumn term art project on pointillism. The beautiful designs have been incredibly well received so far, with over 250 bags sold to date!

Children were challenged to manage the entire project from start to finish. Along the way they have been learning how to calculate expenditure and forecast profit; convert money from one currency to another; estimate unknown costs such as duty and shipping; and finally to set prices for sales.

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Middle School Bag4Life Project – available now!

Did you know that supermarkets around the TCI will not be providing plastic bags after this month? Well, we did – so children of Provo Middle School set about making pointillism-style Bags4Life to help you carry your groceries!

Each piece of artwork was inspired by the TCI’s Beautiful By Nature animals. Done in a pointillism style, they were painted dot-by-dot by our Middle School students.

Our bags are reusable and durable, making them an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic. And we think they look great too!

Our bags are available at the Middle School and will be sold at Provo Primary School for the week of January 14th-18th at our 3pm collection time. They cost $20 and all profits will go towards the Year 7 end of year field trip.

We hope that you like our Beautiful By Nature designs – pick up a bag today!


Middle School Official Opening Ceremony and Open House

We would like to thank all of you who were able to attend our Middle School Official Opening Ceremony and Open House last Monday; it was wonderful to see so much interest and support.

For those of you unable to attend, the evening opened with Ms. Alison welcoming Honorable Malcolm, Minister of Education and Mr. Bowen, Education Officer for Private Schools and other guests, including parents and children of Provo Primary and Middle School.

She went on to talk about her commitment to offering a Middle School Educational learning experience like Provo Primary, that was meaningful, fun, and a place where children felt inspired to learn, where individual passions and talents were recognized, and where children were encouraged to express themselves in creative and imaginative ways.

“With the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, we need to be challenging the next generation of children to question, problem solve and think creatively. Above all, children need to be compassionate and caring and learn to work collaboratively, if they are to begin to solve larger world problems.” [Read more…]

Providenciales Middle School Open Evening & Official Opening:

Providenciales Middle School Open Evening & Official Opening:

Monday 12th November, 5:30 – 6:30pm

Please join us on Monday evening as we celebrate the opening of our new school!

We are delighted to invite you to share an evening with staff, parents and students of Provo Middle School.

Come along to hear about our Year 7, 8 & 9 provision, tour our purpose-built facility and hear from our students and parents about life and learning at Provo Middle School.

We look forward to welcoming you and hope to share our educational vision with you.  You might also like to learn more on our website.

Warm regards,

Ms. Alison & Mr. Toby


Year 7 Explore TCI’s Salt Industry history

Our Year 7 students set out to explore the TCI’s history this week with a trip to Grand Turk and Salt Cay. What better way to bring the Turks and Caicos Salt Industry to life than with a visit to the salinas of two of our nation’s salt islands?!

15 excited students set off from Provo airport for two days packed with first-hand experiences linked to the period of salt production, which spanned nearly 300 years.

After flights and a boat ride, the 5 hours spent on Salt Cay couldn’t have been more packed! Children were treated to a guided tour from the Deputy D.C. of Salt Cay, Mr Hamilton, and were fortunate to have his insight and knowledge to guide us throughout the day. His technical knowledge of the canal systems and how the industry operated was invaluable to our understanding of the process of salt production. More importantly, his passion for the island was infectious and we couldn’t help but learn form his wonderful stories. Under his guidance, we took a walking tour of the salt ponds and saw real examples of all the things we had been learning about in class.

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Provo Middle School Opens Doors!

After a busy and successful summer of building, Provo Middle School opened its doors to our first Year 7 students today. There were the normal range of first day emotions – excitement, apprehension, joy at seeing old friends, warmth in welcoming new classmates – and yet the day felt fresh and new, just like the building.

The class were busy exploring their new facilities and enjoying the breezy space we have down by the canal. Break times were sociable and active: spent making music in our new music room, playing soccer, or even popping over to play on the climbing frames. New friendships began emerging through learning and play.

Children spent part of their class time making ‘gratitude sculptures’ to fill the school grounds with a little beauty and art. As each rock was placed, children were encouraged to think of things they were grateful for in their lives. As it turns out, our new Year 7s feel grateful for a lot!


“I feel grateful for my little brother.”

“I am grateful for the opportunity to visit the UK with my dad.”

“I am grateful that I started playing soccer when I was younger, because I enjoy playing and competing with my team.”

“I feel grateful for my whole life.”


Well, it goes without saying that we are grateful for our beautiful new school and our outstanding Year 7 class!

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Welcome to the new school year 2018-19

We are excited about the upcoming start to the new school year and the learning journeys ahead here at Provo Primary and our new Provo Middle School.  We have lots of new families joining us this year and we take this opportunity to welcome them all into our community.

Our Open Houses will be on Tuesday 4 th September, between 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM.

Come along to meet the teachers, see your child’s new classroom – and take a peek at our amazing new Middle School buildings – find out more about the year ahead and ask any questions you may have.

School starts Wednesday 5 th September at the 8:15 AM (Middle School – 8:30AM).

Provo Middle School construction on target for opening September!

It’s not everyday that children get to enjoy working on a building site, but this is exactly what our Provo Primary Summer Campers got to do last week.

As our new Middle School building takes shape, with the help of Trevor Musgrove and T Holdings, our younger students watched bulldozers and backhoes in action. Now how exciting is that!

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