What a fabulous week we all had learning so much about the amazing life of an Osprey bird. We discovered lots of fascinating facts! For instance did you know that the wing span of an osprey can be as long as 1.82meters (around 6 feet)? The females are bigger than the males. They lay between 2 to 4 eggs each year and they migrate to the same place. We wonder if the new osprey nesting platform, that was put up this week at The Bight Park, will become a new nesting place for a new pair of ospreys, we hope so!
We were also introduced to Belle. An American Osprey that migrated to Brazil for the winter months and is at this very moment making its way back to the US. Belle actually flew very near to us in the TCI on her journey back. We found out that she flew over 700 miles in 36 hours – how impressive is that! We decided to make some friends for Belle so we made some of our own ospreys. Check out our photos and meet Olive, Rainbow, Oscar, Otis, Freddy, Ricky, Sherman, Dotty, Oreo, Penny, Bed Head and Bucky the Year 3 Dolphin Ospreys – have fun! Click ‘read more…’ to see lots of photos of the children creating their ospreys.