Calling all Kindergarten Parents!

This afternoon, the Kindergarten class invited their parents in to their classroom to show and share with them some of their favourite parts.

Miss Tracy and Ms. Myrna loved seeing the children show so much enthusiasm, happiness and confidence while reading their levelled classroom books and journals to their parents, giving tours of their dinosaur museum, playing favourite Literacy and Numeracy computer games, showing off their awards and explaining how they stay on the ball—one of our classroom displays to encourage helpfulness.

Please read on to enjoy some pictures of the children sharing their learning with their parents at this lovely ‘Open House’ event.  What a special time it was!

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Kindergarten's New Listening Centre

This term, Kindergarten has added a new element to their Literacy programme – they have opened a Listening Centre!  Every two weeks or so, the books and activities will change depending on what they are focusing on in class.  So far, the children have enjoyed listening and reading a dinosaur story called ‘A Long Time Ago’.  After listening and reading, they have rated how much they liked the book and drawn a picture of their favourite part.

It’s been a fun and quiet Literacy activity that the children are have really taken to.  Click on to look at some pictures to see how much fun Kindergarten is having!

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Kindergarten Explores the Land of the Dinosaurs!

As part of their new topic for this half term, Kindergarten has become emerged in learning and exploring all about dinosaurs! In the past few weeks they have read lots of dinosaur books and come up with dinosaur facts. They have made a dinosaur word wall to help them with all of their journaling and painted really amazing and realistic dinosaurs pictures. They have created a dinosaur museum and acted as tour guides to the visiting Year 3 class.

Making deviled dinosaur eggs was really yummy! Learning all about estimation and ordinal numbers with the help from their toy dinosaurs was really fun. The sand table has become an excavation site where the children have enjoyed digging and sorting dinosaurs and they have even become palaeontologists, uncovering a possible dinosaur fossil in our school yard!

It has been a fun few weeks! Come and take a look at their wonderful dinosaur museum and dinosaur jungles-there are plenty of dinosaur experts and tour guides who would love to show and share their knowledge and excitement with you!

Going Under the Sea with Kindergarten!

Kindergarten has been immersed in learning about ‘Under the Sea’.   They’ve learned about dolphins, sharks and whales;  made treasure maps; built an aquarium; and started to make a non-fiction big book about under the sea creatures.
In the photos, you can see the children working in their centre groups at their weekly activities.  This week, the children were sorting seashells by different traits (size, color, shape), writing postcards, creating sentences about their chosen sea animal, playing a Literacy game, and making junk modelling sea creatures.  The children are also really enjoying our role-play ‘under the sea’ area.

Why are our Almond Tree’s Leaves falling?

There was a distinct feel of autumn/fall time in the playground yesterday.  Over our half term break, the leathery leaves of our almond tree have started to turn red and brown and many have fallen to the ground.   There are very few deciduous trees here in the Turks and Caicos and so this was an exciting rare experience to enjoy on our return back to school.  Read on and see photos of the children enjoying the leaves.

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Kindergarten Minibeast Classroom Tour

Yesterday, a special family tour was arranged by the kindergartners, to share all the wonderful minibeast topic work that they had been doing this past month.

The room was buzzing (excuse the pun) and the children were really keen and proud to show everyone around and to talk about what they had been learning about.  The tours were very thorough and no areas were left out as they circulated the room.  Parents expressed their thanks and appreciation, and went on to say that it was really lovely to see both the creative side and the more academic areas being explored and covered through this topic.

Well done to Miss Tracy and all the children, and thank you to everyone who came along.  The  Kindergartners’ next topic is ‘families and pets’ and I am sure that in a few weeks time they’ll want to have another tour to share all their learning again.  Until next time…

Sketching with my Buddy!

Searching though some recent photos, I was drawn to this one.  How great to see two buddies, sitting on a rock together in the playground, doing some nature sketching together.   Their teacher, Miss Tracy said that as part of their minibeast topic, the class had been out on a nature walk with Mrs. Catherine around the school yard to look for minibeast homes.  The children had also brought out their books and found quiet areas to sketch and colour. Afterwards, they talked about what they had drawn and labelled their pictures.  Many of the children found leaves with holes in them and speculated that perhaps it was a caterpillar that had made them. Well… they have been learning a lot about caterpillars this week!

Kindergarten are Great Critical Thinkers

k-critical-thinking-sept-20Over the course of last week, the Kindergarten class read Hugh Lofting’s Travels of Doctor Dolittle as part of a shared reading/critical thinking skills workshop in Literacy.  As well as answering questions, they also acted out several parts of the book.  Here they are creating a bridge across the mountain.

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Swimming Lessons Start

Swimming lessons for our Kindergarten, Grade One and Two children started last week with great success. The aim of the first session was to assess the children’s confidence, water skills and swimming ability. All the teachers were thoroughly impressed with the children’s efforts and are now ready to further develop the children’s skills in the following weeks. A big thank you to the Turks and Caicos Yacht Club for allowing us to use their beautiful pools. They are perfect for teaching swimming at this level. Also to Carolyn for taking all the photos so that we can all see our children learning this important life skill. Parents, please email the school if you would like the password for the movie above.

Reading Buddies have fun!

buddy-reading-29-05-09Buddy Reading is a fun way to enjoy reading.  Today, our 2nd Graders read together with our Kindergartners.  Reading to the younger children gave the Grade 2s a real sense of pride as they modeled their good reading skills.

The Kindergartners liked being with the older children and enjoyed listening to the stories that they chose to share.

Our Grade 1 and 5 classes regularly buddy read together.  The Grade 5s read to the Grade 1s and vice-versa.  Over the year, they have become familiar with one another and this has helped nurture a mutual enjoyment of reading.   Buddy reading  helps promote the development of reading skills, builds fluency and the children’s self esteem blossoms as they become more positive about their ability to read.

Bounce-a-thon 2009

The Bounce-a-thon today was a great success with all of our Preschool, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten children bouncing to help raise money for books, playground equipment and computers.  Each child bounced for one minute by themselves and their total bounces were recorded.  They then had five minutes with their friends to bounce together.  The children had a blast.  There were lots of smiles along with a wide variety of unique bouncing techniques. 

There was also a healthy ‘Fruity Fun Bake Sale’ with delicious fruit kebabs, smoothies, lemonade and homemade baked goodies.

Again, we would like to extend a big thank you to all the families, friends, community supporters and other generous donators, together with the children themselves, for their enormous efforts.

Kindergarten Learn about Pets


Miss Sarah’s Kindergarten class have been learning about pets and have turned their role play area into a pet shop.   They wrote a list of all the animals they could think of that would make good pets. They brought in their own toys from home to fill the pet shop, and wrote name labels for the pets it sells. They wrote about their perfect pet, which animal it would be and why.

In Numeracy, the children have been identifying coins and counting pennies and they have been using real money when paying for pets in the pet shop.  In Literacy, they have looked in non fiction books to find out facts about pets.  They wrote some out and shared them with each other at circle time. They also painted pictures of their favourite pet, enjoyed do-to-dot and colouring activities and made paper plate rabbits which had lots of parts which needed cutting out and sticking together.

What a super example of how our topic based curriculum is carefully designed and implemented to allow children to plan their own learning through a variety of enjoyable first hand experiences that are meaningful.  See a slideshow of them busy at work.

Kindergarten have fun at the Zoo


Miss Rebecca’s Kindergarten class are enjoying their newly created ‘zoo’ role play area in their classroom. The children chose the idea of a zoo themselves to fit in with their current animal topic. They brainstormed ideas for what they might include and they created the maps, tickets, labels and craft animals that appear in the zoo. They are having great fun getting into role as different characters such as ‘receptionist’ or ‘zoo keeper’, developing their speaking and listening skills through play. Click below to see more photos…

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Early Years Sports’ Day 2009


Our Early Years classes, Preschool, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten, enjoyed their sports’ Day today.  It was lots of fun!  It all started with some popular circle games, that had the children, jumping, hopping, skipping and skating!  Following this, each class demonstrated their games skills and teamwork with their own activities.  Held at the nearby Graceway Sports Centre, lots of families and friends came to watch and cheer on the children together with the older children from the school. Click below to see a movie clip of the children in action. [Read more…]

Early Years Creative Minds Parade


Early Years ended their theme week on creative minds with a parade for mums and dads, friends and the rest of the school.  There were costumes, masks, artwork and songs to share from their weeks activities.  What a lot of creativity!  See a slideshow of the parade.  Click below to watch a movie of the Preschoolers performing a song on stage  and to see some potato people in action! [Read more…]

Kindergarten Pottery Mugs

The Kindergarten classes visited Kiln-Time today and each child got to decorate a pottery mug. Before they went, they designed creative patterns and pictures to paint on them and took these with them to copy. It took a great deal of concentration and skill but everyone had lots of fun. Although the mugs looked alike at the beginning, by the end of the session, every mug was unique! Take a look at the children painting their mugs on this slideshow.

Not too tricky for Kindergarten!

Each week in Kindergarten we tackle the ‘tricky’ words using lots of different strategies. We focus on two or three of these words each week and have different stations set up in our classroom to help us to read and spell them.

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Kindergarten Travel Around the World!

This term in Senior Kindergarten we have been exploring different countries around the world. We started by making our own passports. We used the digital camera to take photographs of ourselves and stuck them in our passports. We also filled in all our personal details. Our passports are not all the same, as there are lots of different nationalities in our class!


Click here to find out about the different countries we have explored.

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A Matter of Fact!


The Kindergarteners are currently exploring the topics of ‘Under the Sea’ and ‘Growth’.

Last week we looked at information books to find out some facts about crabs. We found out that crabs have hard shells and strong claws, they like to hide under rocks and they grow a new shell if their shell falls off. We each tried to remember some of the facts about crabs and wrote them down.

Please come into our classroom to see our display and read some of the facts we have written!

Read on to see some more of our work about ‘Under the Sea’ and ‘Growth’.

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Sports’ Day – Kindergarten

On Thursday 26th April, Kindergarten, JK, Pre-K and Toddlers went to the soccer field to hold their annual Sports’ Day. Most parents and the rest of the school came to watch and support – loudly! We were highly entertained by circle games (with super singing), relay races with puppets and other objects, relay races to ‘make a rainbow’, races balancing beanbags on bats and skipping.

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Most importantly: EVERYONE had a FANTASTIC time!

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Foam Fun!


Last week the Kindergarten Class got very messy when they experimented with writing in shaving foam. As well as getting foam everywhere, including hair, noses and t-shirts, they did all manage to complete the task of writing their names in the foam…

Click here to see the children having fun in the foam!

Kindergarteners take to the dance floor!


During their first dance lesson with Miss Shara, the Kindergarten class had fun learning the Merengue. First they practised the steps and then they partnered up and amazed us all by keeping in time with the music, and even putting in a few turns!

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A Night to be Proud of!


Provo Primary’s little ones put on a great Christmas performance and showed everyone just what they are capable of. The show began with the Toddlers singing Twinkle Twinkle and Jingle Bells… [Read more…]

Animal Signs

In Kindergarten we have been learning British Sign Language and this week we learned some animal signs. Which animal name do you think we are signing in this picture?


Read the rest of this entry to find out…and to guess some more animal signs!

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The Beanbag Bop!


Since the beginning of term, the Senior Kindergarteners have been working out to the Silly Willy Workout exercise video and their favourite part of the programme is the Beanbag Bop.

Read on to see the kindergarten class in action with their beanbags!

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