Spectacular Art for our PTA Auction Tomorrow

Take a look at all of this amazing art work created by each of our classes from Toddlers to Year 6!  I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s absolutely beautiful.

Well… it could be yours!

Bidding has already started at half day pick up today and will be open again after school.  Final bidding will take place at our 25th Anniversary PTA Event at the Shore Club on Saturday evening.  All proceeds from the art auction will go to our PTA Funds.

We are so proud of all the children for working together with these under the talented, creative direction of Mrs. Yorka and the teachers.


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Kindergarten’s Wonderful Garden Visit

What a fantastic start to kick off Kindergarten’s new topic Roots, shoots and leaves.  Kindergarten were lucky enough to receive an invitation to visit an amazing garden belonging to one of our families.  In case you didn’t know they have a garden that is full of seeds, vegetables, plants, trees and compost.

The first part of our garden tour included an explanation of what the different parts of a plant were.  Lots of us discovered they have roots, stems, leaves and flowers.  We also talked about what a plant needs to grow…water, nutrients, light and carbon dioxide!

Then we got to smell, touch and taste some of the plants they grow and also got to plant some seeds… [Read more…]

New Jingle Jam funded resources bring big smiles and splashes in our EY

Thank you to all our Early Years’ Jingle Jammers!  Our festive bonanza, ‘Jingle Jam’ was a fun event for our younger children and families back in December and generated a whopping $1,101 to go towards teaching and learning equipment for our Early Years Unit.

Well, we are very pleased to report that our new resources have arrived and are already making a ‘splash’ and being enjoyed by our younger students!  Here are some photos of our amazing new ‘Water Wall’ and new replacement ‘Caterpillar’.  It was lovely to hear and see the children’s excitement when they saw these new resources for the first time. They are both great additions to our playground area – I think the children’s faces and focused involvement in the photos demonstrates this clearly. [Read more…]

Education Week with a Spanish Twist

Once again Education Week was a fantastic success in Early Years. With a great number of parents coming to see their child’s progress throughout Education week, SK decided to take the opportunity to showcase not only their most recent Talk4Writing story, The Enormous Turnip, but the previous ones too – The Three Little Pigs and The Little Red Hen. One of the major elements the children have enjoyed when learning the Talk4Writing stories is the opportunity to practise it in Spanish too. With our talented Spanish teacher, Mrs. Yorka, the SK class can not only name the single nouns such as animals and people in the stories, but elements of story telling language as well. What makes this even more exciting is that for some of these children, they are learning another language in school in addition to already speaking two or even three languages at home. They really are a talented bunch! Please take the time to watch our video of the children performing La Gallinita Roja (The Little Red Hen) in Spanish.

Its the Year of the Rooster!

Kindergarten and Year 2 have been learning all about Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year was on January 28th.  It’s been very interesting finding out about ‘The Spring Festival’ and we’ve really delved into learning about how dragon dances, red envelopes, firecrackers, lanterns and Nian are important to Chinese New Year.

We’ve swept and cleaned the classroom to put away old things, bid farewell to the old year, and welcome the New Year, brought good luck to our classes by turning our door red and making red and gold decorations that hung above our doors and even acted out the Chinese New Year story!

As a culmination to our learning, Kindergarten and Year 2 joined together to have a joint Chinese New Year party, where the children explored eating with chopsticks (many for the first time!) and tried authentic Chinese food, made by their parents. A lovely time was had by all!

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Kindergarten begin their day relaxed and focused

This week in Kindergarten we got to enjoy our first experience of yoga.  With relaxing music playing in the background, we followed Ms. Shara as she showed us breathing exercises to calm our heart rate.  Then with careful explanation and instruction, we practised child’s pose, cat, down dog, cobra and pigeon.

Maybe you can spot the children holding some of these yoga poses in the photos.

We are enjoying it so much that we are trying to practise yoga first thing in the morning so we are relaxed and focused ready for the day ahead. [Read more…]

Our Kindergarten are using iPads to enhance their phonic learning

k-ipad-phonics-nov-2010-3Do you remember what is was like when you first started to read and write? Did it involve looking at a blackboard and copying letters into your book? Well, that’s not how we do it at Provo Primary School!

We use lots of different interactive, kinesthetic, physical and visual aids to help us review, learn, practise and apply our phonics learning. We are lucky enough to have class sets of iPads that we use to help us learn the new sounds that Miss Claire teaches us each day in our phonics lessons. We really enjoy using the Letterland app to look at each Letterland character; listen to each character’s story and practice the formation of the letter. Aaaaaaand because we know how to turn on the iPad, find the app, open it, choose the letter, change the colour of pen and erase any mistakes all by ourselves… Miss Claire can sit back and relax… well, watch and help us if we get stuck and give us high fives when we get it right! Phonics is fun in SK… why don’t you pop by and see what it’s all about! [Read more…]

Tickets on Sale for Early Year Christmas Show

busy-busy-bethlehem-posterProvo Primary School’s

Toddlers and Preschool present a Pre-Show Extravanza…

‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘I Like To Move It’

and our Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Present…

Busy Busy Bethlehem

Wednesday 14th December – 6pm – at Provo Primary School.

Tickets $5 (Children 12 and under free)            

Refreshments on sale.

Buy your tickets directly on the IsleHelp App or in the school office.  Email info@provolearning.com or call 441 5638 for details.

Have you ever wondered what really goes on behind the doors of a Kindergarten classroom? Well, we’ll let you into a secret…some pretty fun stuff!

k-class-oct-2016-15In Provo Primary’s Kindergarten class our teachers like to give us lots of things to play with!  We like to investigate, explore, create and think about all the things that are around us.

This means we get to choose to do a bit of everything!  Lots of us spend time outside…we like playing with the Pre-schoolers and Toddlers and showing them what to do and playing with the Year 1 and 2s too.  Some of us are actors, who use puppets to put on shows for our friends, while others are computer whizzes who turn on the computer and find their favourite programme to listen to stories.  We are a class of artists who love to manipulate the playdough and mix paints to create new colours.  There are engineers who build spaceships and architects who plan and make houses for the duplo people.  And while all this is going on, there are a few of us who like to just kick back and relax with a book.

We love that we are lucky enough to have the opportunity to use play to aid our learning so if you get a chance, pop in and see what all the hype is about!

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Early Years Celebrates National Heritage Day

ey-national-heritage-oct-2016-24This year the Early Years team decided to make National Heritage Day a week long celebration.  We each looked at different parts of our Turks and Caicos heritage and completed some pretty awesome outfits, dances and songs related to it.

Click on to read all about it and to see all of our photos.



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Is that Floppy?

k-floopy-oct-2016-9Would you believe that Floppy, the dog, lives here in the Turks and Caicos Islands?  Well, he does and today he came to visit Kindergarten!

We have recently been learning all about the Oxford Reading Tree characters – Biff, Chip, Kipper, Wilf, Wilma etc.  They go on many adventures and get into lots of scrapes and silly predicaments.  As many of you know, Floppy is the dog who accompanies the children on all their journeys.

Anyway, by complete surprise Ms. Alison came into the classroom this afternoon with Floppy in tow!  She told us all about how Floppy likes to eat treats, walk on the beach and spend his time being scratched and tickled.  The children got to ask Floppy lots of questions, brush his fur and take him for a walk around the classroom.

We all enjoyed seeing a real character from one of our favourite series of books.  Take a look at https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ to read, listen to and watch some of the gang’s adventures.

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Celebrating the ‘Week of the Young Child’ 2016

mother-goose-oct-2016-1What a fantastic week it has been with all the children in Early Years joining in the celebration of Early Childhood Education Department’s TCI ‘Week of the Young Child’.  See a video of some of our young toddlers singing Humpty Dumpty.

Throughout the week the children in Early Years got the chance to experience and enjoy one of the Week of the Young Child’s themes – Mother Goose!  The idea being that ‘reciting and singing of nursery rhymes help to train children’s memory’.  So we all chose one of Mother Goose’s traditional nursery rhymes and completed special activities around it.




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Kindergarten explore 3D Shapes

k-3d-shapes-may-2016 (7)The Kindergarten children were introduced to 3D shapes such as cubes, cuboids, spheres, cylinders, cones and pyramids. As a follow up activity, the children enjoyed using recycled materials to make realistic models using a variety of these 3D shapes.

The models ranged from cameras to piggy banks to mobiles. The children had to decide what kind of model they would like to make, they then had to follow pictorial and written instructions to create and build their model. They had to choose the correct shaped boxes for their specific model. As you can see from the photos they worked very hard to complete these and they were very proud of them.



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Creativity feeds creativity!

Year 1Pirate ships, rockets, teepees, mud pies and more…

Traditionally, each year the children contribute to our annual PTA fundraiser by creating pieces of artwork to be auctioned. This year they are especially excited to be involved as proceeds from this Saturday’s event at Mango Reef will go towards enhancing our school playground.

In collaboration with the PTA, we hope to build a magical playground brimming with opportunities for more imaginative and creative play.

To help make our dreams a reality, we would like to tap into our diverse community expertise and businesses as much as possible. PTA/School funds will be utilized to pay for these local supplies and services.

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“We have great moms and we love them!”

ey-mothers-day-2016 (1)This theme was evident in all the Early Years classes last week as they prepared class festivities to celebrate the loving moms we have in our lives.

The Toddler class was everything purple from the decorations to the flowers, outfits and handmade cards. Moms were treated to songs by the children and yummy snacks. The Preschool focussed on the Dr. Seuss book, Are You My Mother? They did activities all week related to the book and shared some of them with their moms, such as, making a bird puppet, play dough nests and retelling the story with props.

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Kindergarten’s Terrific Turtle Week

k-turtles-speech-bubbles-apSee what all of the Kindergarten children said they’d learnt during Turtle Week when we asked them…

Kindergarten decided to team up with the Year 1 class and carry out some fun activities together.  We split into 3 groups and worked on 3 different activities which were all about turtles of course – drawing turtles, writing poems and making hatchlings. Have a look at our photos to see exactly what we did and how much fun we had.

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Our EYFS ‘STEM’ Showcase was a Wonderful Success

eyfs-stem-showcase-mar-2016 (1)Thank you to everyone who came along to our Early Years ‘STEM Learning’ Showcase last week.  I think the photos below show how much fun the children, families and teachers appeared to be having as they played, talked and learned together, exploring the wide range of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths activities on offer.

We hope that the next time you see or hear the phrase ‘STEM’ you will think back to this event, confident in the knowledge of what it means, and also in knowing that, here at Provo Primary, your child is supported and fully encouraged to explore this through their everyday problem-solving and exploratory play.



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‘Success for Every Learner’ Education Week Showcases

showcase-march-2016We look forward to welcoming parents and friends of Provo Primary School to join us for our fantastic Education Week Showcases on Friday.   Find out all the details in our Showcase Booklet.

Each class has a variety of activity stations set up for you to engage in and the children are all very much looking forward to sharing and explaining their learning with you!

EYFS – Toddlers – Kindergarten @ 8:30 – 9:30 AM

Learn more about how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning is incorporated into our Early Years Curriculum.

KS1/2 1 – 6 @ 2:15 – 2:50 PM

Explore how children learn through Topic-based learning, taking them on adventures back in time and around the world!

During our showcases, we encourage you to visit different classrooms around the school and not just the one that your child is currently in. We feel this will allow you to gain a greater sense of how our hands-on approach to STEM and Topic-based learning develops and enhances children’s skills as they progress through the school.

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Kindergarten Prepare Stone Soup with a Turks and Caicos Twist

k-soup-feb-2016 (6)For our Celebrations topic and Turks and Caicos Heritage week, the Kindergarten children learned about many of the things that make Turks and Caicos beautiful and unique. They were encouraged to share their favorite thing and what it meant to them.

We learned that Turks and Caicos Islanders come together during celebrations and cook many of the old traditional foods such as Johnny Cake, Souse and Boiled Fish and Grits. We listened to the story of ‘The Stone Soup’ and made our own soup with Johnny Cake.

Celebrations are a time to dress up in our Sunday Best. In the past, this would be made from flour bags. Each child painted their own Turks and Caicos national dress or shirt to learn about the national pride of each island.

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Safer Internet Day is next Tuesday

WebSafer Internet Day Tuesday 9th February, 2016

How will you ‘Play Your Part for a Better Internet’?

The Internet is a wonderful tool. It is always available, contains a vast range of information and allows immediate connections with others around the globe. Here at Provo Primary computing is an integral part of our curriculum and the benefits it offers continues to be reaped by students and teachers alike. However, it is important that while embracing a digital world we maintain the same precautions and security that we would apply to the real world.

Please find some useful hints below to ensure that this safety is upheld. February 9th 2016 marks Safer Internet Day and we encourage you to bring this to the attention of your children so that they are prepared and know how to confront any challenges the Internet might throw in their direction.

Please take the time to read through some of the presentations designed by our Year 6 students. These multimedia slides offer valuable advice and suggestions to parents on how to keep the Internet fun and safe!

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Newsletters and Topic Maps – Spring 2016

topics-jan-2016Class newsletters and curriculum topic maps help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class. Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Over the next week, look out for your child’s class newsletter and topic map in your email inbox or online here.

Our topics this term will take our children on learning journeys into story lands, exploring our senses, back in time to the world of the dinosaurs, the Ancient Egyptians, the Tudor age of exploration, conflict during World War 2 and out to space and into the future.  What an adventure well all be having!

Perhaps you have some knowledge, an interest or resources that will help to bring our class topics alive this term?  We love to hear from you if you do.

A festive Jingle Jam tomorrow night for younger ones

Christmas Tots Party.jpgWednesday 2nd December 4:30-6:30PM on the stage at Provo Primary School.

Open to everyone with children 5 years and under (older brothers and sisters can come along too!)

Toddler disco, mulled wine, mince pies, games and Santa appearance.

Tickets are available in the school entrance – $5.

Last year it was really festive fun time, perfect for  younger children and families to enjoy together.

Join us for a festive fun evening.



Kindergarten have been having fun with numbers to 10

k-maths-nov-2015 (6)To help us learn our numbers we have been having fun with shaving foam, Cuisenaire Rods, stamps and ink pads, big wooden numbers, games with dice and spinners, number puzzles, making spiders and singing number rhymes. It is hard work but lots of fun!

We are learning to count with 1:1 correspondence, write numbers using the correct formation, count on and count back, order numbers and find different ways to make each number Eg. 2+2=4, 1+3=4, 3+1=4, 4+0=4, 0+4=4. Here are a few photos to show the Kindergarten children in action…




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Kindergarten Enjoy Exploring the Water After the Rain

k-rain-oct-2015 (6)The skies darkened as the children came to school…

“Rain is coming,” they began to say.

They looked up at the sky all turning grey…

“Oh my, what a day. But we still can have fun without the sun.”

The kindergarten children were very excited to play outside after the rain had stopped.  One of the girls was wearing rain boots and decided that she could walk in the puddles, but then realised that her friends couldn’t. The teacher asked, “How would it be possible for everyone to pass?” All of the children thought of many different ways of what to do… then they all helped together to make a stepping stone bridge from the big stones to cross over.  What an ingenious idea!

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Have you heard Provo Primary has a school of fish?

Developing our breathing techniques.

Developing our breathing techniques.

This half term the children of Provo Primary have been taking part in a series of swimming lessons. The staff have been working hard to create a stream of lessons, which cater for all swimming experiences and abilities for children from Kindergarten right up to Year 6.  There is an ocean of talent in the pool each week!

Provo Primary’s swimming policy enables children to focus on water confidence and moving through the water, to the later stages of finely tuning swimming strokes such as: front crawl, back stroke and breast stroke and developing breathing techniques.

At the start, each year group was carefully assessed and grouped so that they could be taught based on their swimming ability and confidence. The progression so far has been immense and there is still two more weeks of swimming sessions to go!  Please take a look at the photos and get a sneak peak of the activities the children have been doing.

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