New Jingle Jam funded resources bring big smiles and splashes in our EY

Thank you to all our Early Years’ Jingle Jammers!  Our festive bonanza, ‘Jingle Jam’ was a fun event for our younger children and families back in December and generated a whopping $1,101 to go towards teaching and learning equipment for our Early Years Unit.

Well, we are very pleased to report that our new resources have arrived and are already making a ‘splash’ and being enjoyed by our younger students!  Here are some photos of our amazing new ‘Water Wall’ and new replacement ‘Caterpillar’.  It was lovely to hear and see the children’s excitement when they saw these new resources for the first time. They are both great additions to our playground area – I think the children’s faces and focused involvement in the photos demonstrates this clearly. [Read more…]

Developing fine motors skills are important for writing, cutting and much much more!

In the Junior Kindergarten class, we observe that the children are eager to begin writing. Developing fine motor control including hand strength and a strong pincer grip, are all essential foundation skills that will help lead to success when it comes to holding a pencil and forming letters and numbers.

Fine motor movements involve the coordination of small muscles in the hands and fingers. Along with helping with writing, strong fine motor skills are essential to complete tasks such as cutting, using a fork or spoon, threading beads, moving puzzle pieces, zipping, buttoning and tying shoe laces.

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J.K.’s little Scientists record what they see.

jk-science-jan-2017 (1)We kicked off our J.K. Science topic this term with colour mixing! The children were mesmerized and enjoyed predicting what colour the paper towel might turn. We mixed red with blue, yellow with blue and yellow with red.

While waiting for the towels to absorb the coloured water, the children were keen to record what they saw by drawing the experiment. The next day, everyone was excited to see how the colours had mixed and reflected on their predictions from the day before.  Well done JK!

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JK love playing with Plasticine.

jk-plasticine-nov-2016-3Plasticine is a wonderful model making material is firmer and incredibly dense compared to play-doh. The children had great fun exploring it and chatting and naming what they were making. As well as being fun manipulating Plasticine strengthens the children’s fingers, hands, wrists and forearms. Have a look at our photos for a snap shot of our activity.




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Tickets on Sale for Early Year Christmas Show

busy-busy-bethlehem-posterProvo Primary School’s

Toddlers and Preschool present a Pre-Show Extravanza…

‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘I Like To Move It’

and our Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Present…

Busy Busy Bethlehem

Wednesday 14th December – 6pm – at Provo Primary School.

Tickets $5 (Children 12 and under free)            

Refreshments on sale.

Buy your tickets directly on the IsleHelp App or in the school office.  Email or call 441 5638 for details.

Join us for our Jingle Jam Tots Christmas Party

Christmas Tots Party.jpgCome along to Provo Primary School on Monday 5th December for our Jingle Jam Tots Christmas Party.  4:30-6:30pm.  All families with children 4 years old and under welcome.

Click on the poster for details.








Pete the Cat Steps into J.K.

jk-pete-the-cat-oct-2016-3In J.K. we have been reading Pete the Cat! The children have enjoyed re-telling the stories ‘I Love My White Shoes’ and ‘Four Groovy Buttons’. They have been threading buttons, counting buttons and matching buttons! The children were very thoughtful in adding a few extra foods for Pete to ‘step’ in and considered carefully what colour Pete’s shoes would become. They have also discovered that quite a few of them own real cats and they talked how they care for them.  Of course, pretending to be a cat was great fun, too!

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Early Years Celebrates National Heritage Day

ey-national-heritage-oct-2016-24This year the Early Years team decided to make National Heritage Day a week long celebration.  We each looked at different parts of our Turks and Caicos heritage and completed some pretty awesome outfits, dances and songs related to it.

Click on to read all about it and to see all of our photos.



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“Its about the journey not the destination”

PVA glue is an amazing medium. It’s charged with the qualities of viscosity, flow, speed, cause and effect.

Please take a look at this fascinating video and observe the children as they wonder, explore and investigate this incredible substance called glue!  It’s wonderful to see how focused and relaxed they are and how they are seemingly unaware of  noise around them.

So now you know that when your child presents you with a plain piece of paper, with a shiny blob in the middle that, although it may not look much to you, for the child, the art and creative and sensory experience was in the process rather than the end product. [Read more…]

Celebrating the ‘Week of the Young Child’ 2016

mother-goose-oct-2016-1What a fantastic week it has been with all the children in Early Years joining in the celebration of Early Childhood Education Department’s TCI ‘Week of the Young Child’.  See a video of some of our young toddlers singing Humpty Dumpty.

Throughout the week the children in Early Years got the chance to experience and enjoy one of the Week of the Young Child’s themes – Mother Goose!  The idea being that ‘reciting and singing of nursery rhymes help to train children’s memory’.  So we all chose one of Mother Goose’s traditional nursery rhymes and completed special activities around it.




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Creativity feeds creativity!

Year 1Pirate ships, rockets, teepees, mud pies and more…

Traditionally, each year the children contribute to our annual PTA fundraiser by creating pieces of artwork to be auctioned. This year they are especially excited to be involved as proceeds from this Saturday’s event at Mango Reef will go towards enhancing our school playground.

In collaboration with the PTA, we hope to build a magical playground brimming with opportunities for more imaginative and creative play.

To help make our dreams a reality, we would like to tap into our diverse community expertise and businesses as much as possible. PTA/School funds will be utilized to pay for these local supplies and services.

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JK Drawing and Storytelling

jk-may-2016 (1)Have a look at our JK videos and photographs showing how the children are at different stages of drawing, learning and story telling.

The children are given the freedom to explore magnetic letters and drawing the white board. They do so very creatively at their own levels – take a look and be amazed.

Story telling is a big part of J.K life and the children are able to draw intricate pictures to express a narrative. More recently, we built a puppet set and characters with a story that lasts around 10mins. The children are all able to act and tell the beautiful story of the fox, the princess and the monster that lived on the frozen lake. A tale of tragedy and happiness – come in and listen sometime! [Read more…]

“We have great moms and we love them!”

ey-mothers-day-2016 (1)This theme was evident in all the Early Years classes last week as they prepared class festivities to celebrate the loving moms we have in our lives.

The Toddler class was everything purple from the decorations to the flowers, outfits and handmade cards. Moms were treated to songs by the children and yummy snacks. The Preschool focussed on the Dr. Seuss book, Are You My Mother? They did activities all week related to the book and shared some of them with their moms, such as, making a bird puppet, play dough nests and retelling the story with props.

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JK have been busy exploring in lots of different ways!

jk-busy-march-2016 (1)Please take a look at this snapshot of some of the activities in JK over the past 7 days.

Spring has sprung and decorating eggs brought out an abundance of creativity! The topic of ‘how will we survive when the Earth dies?’ came up as the children were busy decorating… you will be pleased to know that plans are being made for a possible move to another planet or to live underground like monsters! Other topics included ‘what farm animal are you?’,  ‘what colour are you?  and ‘what ocean animal are you?

The children have spotted the older children junk modelling and decided they needed to create too – everyone brought in a box and it’s been amazing! The children have built a house, a tower, a ship and a cooker to cook eggs. There has been lots of laughter, and learning to let go of one idea to create a new one.  There’s been great team work too!

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Our EYFS ‘STEM’ Showcase was a Wonderful Success

eyfs-stem-showcase-mar-2016 (1)Thank you to everyone who came along to our Early Years ‘STEM Learning’ Showcase last week.  I think the photos below show how much fun the children, families and teachers appeared to be having as they played, talked and learned together, exploring the wide range of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths activities on offer.

We hope that the next time you see or hear the phrase ‘STEM’ you will think back to this event, confident in the knowledge of what it means, and also in knowing that, here at Provo Primary, your child is supported and fully encouraged to explore this through their everyday problem-solving and exploratory play.



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‘Success for Every Learner’ Education Week Showcases

showcase-march-2016We look forward to welcoming parents and friends of Provo Primary School to join us for our fantastic Education Week Showcases on Friday.   Find out all the details in our Showcase Booklet.

Each class has a variety of activity stations set up for you to engage in and the children are all very much looking forward to sharing and explaining their learning with you!

EYFS – Toddlers – Kindergarten @ 8:30 – 9:30 AM

Learn more about how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning is incorporated into our Early Years Curriculum.

KS1/2 1 – 6 @ 2:15 – 2:50 PM

Explore how children learn through Topic-based learning, taking them on adventures back in time and around the world!

During our showcases, we encourage you to visit different classrooms around the school and not just the one that your child is currently in. We feel this will allow you to gain a greater sense of how our hands-on approach to STEM and Topic-based learning develops and enhances children’s skills as they progress through the school.

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JK’s Soup and Bread Making has all of their Senses Tingling!

jk-soup-bread-feb-2016 (1)This week in J.K. we concluded our 5 Senses topic by doing some cooking and baking. This was a wonderful hands-on activity that used every sense. The children delighted in measuring, mixing, smelling and tasting all of the raw and cooked vegetables in the noodle soup and had a brilliant time kneading their bread rolls.

This activity tied in well with our core focus in Early Years this term, which is STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Look out on the school blog for more STEM related photos from our upcoming Open House next week!


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Maths Exploration in JK

jk-maths-jan-2016-(5)The JK class have been very enthusiastic about exploring shapes, numbers, sequencing and counting out quantities. Please have a look at our pictures where you can see the children independently carrying out various maths activities.





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Newsletters and Topic Maps – Spring 2016

topics-jan-2016Class newsletters and curriculum topic maps help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class. Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Over the next week, look out for your child’s class newsletter and topic map in your email inbox or online here.

Our topics this term will take our children on learning journeys into story lands, exploring our senses, back in time to the world of the dinosaurs, the Ancient Egyptians, the Tudor age of exploration, conflict during World War 2 and out to space and into the future.  What an adventure well all be having!

Perhaps you have some knowledge, an interest or resources that will help to bring our class topics alive this term?  We love to hear from you if you do.

A festive Jingle Jam tomorrow night for younger ones

Christmas Tots Party.jpgWednesday 2nd December 4:30-6:30PM on the stage at Provo Primary School.

Open to everyone with children 5 years and under (older brothers and sisters can come along too!)

Toddler disco, mulled wine, mince pies, games and Santa appearance.

Tickets are available in the school entrance – $5.

Last year it was really festive fun time, perfect for  younger children and families to enjoy together.

Join us for a festive fun evening.



JK are getting to know each other more and more…

jk-getting-to-know-each-other-nov-2015 (1)Thank you for taking the time to check out JK! The past few weeks we have spent a portion of our morning choosing a new friend to work or play. This assists the children in getting to know their peers more closely and helps with learning from each other as everyone has different strengths and ideas.  Please take a look at the slideshow and enjoy seeing how well the children have bonded. We love to sing the following song – ‘The more we get together’. Have a great day and see you again soon on the JK blog.

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JK decide to make their own poppies for their friends.

jk-poppies-nov-2015After we did our Poppy Day time of silence today in Junior Kindergarten, two children independently chose to go to the drawing area to make poppies.  They carefully drew their poppies, cut them out and asked for tape to stick it to their shirts.  They also made poppies for their friends and then made a card for Mrs. Betty to thank her for making special poppies for all the children.



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Literacy Learning in JK

jk-literacy-oct-2015 (8)Please take a look at our photographs of the children enjoying different aspects of literacy, writing and physical development. These early activities are fun ways of strengthening the child’s hands, fingers and arms in preparation for writing. Our classroom encourages independent reading, drawing and writing. As a group we often read a story and then create our own expression of the story inventing strange, entertaining and exciting scenarios that make us laugh. Please feel welcome to come in and enjoy hearing one of our tales!

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Take a look at all of our amazing Talk4Writing projects

talk4writingTake look at all of our Talk4Writing projects that we engaged in this year at Provo Primary and find out more about this innovative approach to writing.

We want to say a big “Well done!” to all our teachers for experimenting with this teaching technique throughout the year. As part of our ongoing professional development, teachers did a great job in learning, implementing and evaluating the strategy in their classes.

We hope you have enjoyed the diverse range of quality Talk4Writing projects undertaken and we will look forward to seeing this technique develop in the future!

Click here if you want a quick link to an album of all of our fantastic talking text videos.

Parent guides to help you to support your child’s Maths learning.

calculation-policy-imageThese parent guides will help you to see the progression of a child’s understanding of number and calculations from the Early Years through to Year 6. They demonstrate the teaching stages of each of the 4 operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They also include key vocabulary to support each method.
Each guide is designed to assist you with supporting your child at home with their Numeracy learning.  It is often the case that many methods and strategies taught today appear different from those previously used. All children will progress towards using the methods that many adults recognise from their own school days. We do, however, encourage all parents to support their child’s progress through the stages outlined in these parent guides, so that they gain a richer understanding of how complex calculations work. When at home, it is helpful if your child can practice the methods taught in school to ensure the strategies are reinforced effectively.