This Land of Ours… in memory of the late Rev. Dr. Conrad Howell

A moment presented itself on Friday for us to video our Year 3 and 5 children singing ‘This Land of Ours’, the unofficial national song of the Turks and Caicos Islands.  This song accompanies ‘God Save our Queen,’ the official national anthem of the country at every major event and special ceremony.

Written and composed by the recently passed Rev. Dr. Conrad Howell, it is a song that’s sincere words unites all who are fortunate to live here in the Turks and Caicos, celebrates its natural beauty and reminds us of our duty to protect this for the future.

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Beautiful by Nature – Celebrating our National Heritage

Over the month of October – our National Heritage Month – I will be featuring some of my favourite videos about our islands.  Let’s start with this wonderful video ‘Introduction to the Turks and Caicos Island’, which looks at each island in our ‘Beautiful by Nature’ archipelago.

Thank you to whoever made this… let me know if you know who did?

School Council Provo Library Book Drive

school-Council-Book-Drive-oct-2015Only 3 more days left to join in…

The Provo Primary School Council is asking YOU to look through bookshelves to see if you have any GENTLY USED CHILDREN’S BOOKS that you would like to DONATE to the PROVO LIBRARY, DOWNTOWN.

This initiative takes place as part of our Department of Education’s National ‘Week of the Young Child’, under this year’s theme…“Celebrating Our Youngest Learners: – Grow a Reader and Watch them Bloom”

(Please pass on donations to your class teacher by Friday 9th October)

Thank you, The Provo Primary School Council

Embarking on their first community project this year, a selection of our School Council members will be visiting the library later this week.  They aim to find out all they can about this local facility, which supports children on the island with their development and enjoyment of reading.

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‘The Week of the Young Child’ – October 5-9, 2015

week-of-young-child-oct-2015-1Each year during the month of October, the Department of Early Childhood Education celebrates ‘The Week of the Young Child’.

The week aims at highlighting the crucial period for learning that takes place during the life span of an individual and celebrates the unique way in which young children learn. The week commences October 5-9, 2015 under the theme;

“Celebrating Our Youngest Learners: – Grow a Reader and Watch them Bloom”.

We are pleased to share that our Early Years classes are participating in a variety of extra reading activities this week.  The whole school also aims to get together for some book buddy reading times, with older children reading to young ones.  There will also be a ‘DEAR’ session, where upon everyone in the school time Drops Everything And Reads at the same!

How will you choose to celebrate the theme “Grow a Reader and Watch them Bloom” at home?  Why not send us a photo?

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Local Children plan a 12-hour PERFORM-A-THON Rescheduled

12-hr-performathonThe Perform-a-thon has been be rescheduled for Saturday October 10th between 10am and 10pm at Provo Primary School’s Stage

Performing Arts teacher Niki Flowers has teamed up with The Turks & Caicos Friends of the Arts Foundation (TCFAF) and an old friend of hers; to bring London’s West End Theatre to Provo in February 2016.This project will be financially supported by TCFAF, but a fundraiser is required to assist with the cost. Niki wanted to include children in the fundraising efforts, so has asked all of her students to get involved and sponsored in a 12-hour Perform-a-thon. Niki teaches a collection of classes here at Provo Primary School, under the heading of Provo Performing Arts School.

Niki is appealing to the public, as well as local corporate organisations for their support –  if you have any air miles that you could donate, or a pledge of backing please contact her at
The children will also benefit greatly from support on the day – come along and cheer them on!

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National Heritage Month – Community Calendar

tci-image-2015Come….Let’s celebrate our culture and heritage with national pride.

Here is the Calendar of events in relation to celebrations for National Heritage Month, provided by The Department of Culture through the Ministry of Tourism , Environment , Culture and Heritage




  • October 1st Ecumenical Service Grand Turk – St. Thomas Anglican Church 10:00am – 11:30am
  • October 10th South Caicos – A taste of South Caicos- Music, dance, food, games.
  • October 11th Salt Cay – Gospel Concert
  • October 12th 2015 ALL ISLANDS – Flag parade leading up to a community sporting event. [Read more…]

A month of National Celebrations here in the TCI

circle_the_turks_and_caicos_islands_flagA host of different national celebrations are taking place around the islands this October…

Look out for details of these in future post and see how Provo Primary plans to participate…

  • Turks and Caicos National Heritage Month.
  • Health and Family Life Month – “Better Bodies, Better Minds: Let’s Get Moving TCI!” ED Dept.
  • 5th-9th Oct – Week of the Young Child – “Celebrating Our Youngest Learners: – Grow a Reader and Watch them Boom”.

This Saturday Morning…Join Provo Primary at the TCI Coastal Clean Up Day

tci-coastal-clean-up-image-2015‘FIGHTING FOR TRASH-FREE SEAS’

Join our Provo Primary group of volunteers this Saturday from 7am – 9am to help clean-up the Children’s Park beach area.  Meet us at the park and do your bit.

‘Only have an hour to spare – no problem – every little helps!”

See the poster below for further details and to know what to bring (DEMA-coastal-cleanup-campaign-2015)

In 2014, 168 people collected 279 bags of trash nation-wide. How will TCI do this year?  Come and join in.

30,000+ photos…11 amazing yearbooks… and a lifetime of memories

yearbook-thanks-june-2015During her 12 years as a parent of the school, Krys has contributed much to Provo Primary and we would like to thank her for her support over the years. Her dedication and commitment to producing our wonderful school yearbook for an amazing 11 years is so much appreciated by us all.

With over 30,000+ photos and 11 beautiful yearbooks in total, which have no doubt travelled to the far corners of the world, Krys has created a lifetime of memories for around 300 families and teachers to enjoy and share – thank you!

As well as creating the yearbook, Krys has volunteered her time for the past 6 years to teach our older children the wonders of photo editing and photography, as if that weren’t enough, she has also been an integral part of our library team and our PTA.   Thank you, Krys! You will most definitely be missed.

Flamingos and Chicks is back!

flamingoes-chicks-june-2015We are very excited to announce that Provo Primary’s Flamingos and Chicks is back in session tomorrow and will continue throughout the summer on Tuesdays, 8.30 to 10am.

These free sessions invite new families (parents and toddlers from birth to 2 years) to join us in our soft play room for some fun activities. We have lots of great toys and exploratory activity centres available for your young chicks to enjoy.

Our theme throughout the summer will be ‘Under the Sea’, so let’s get our feathers wet in a variety of ‘swimmingly’ fun activities.  See you tomorrow!
Remember to bring a small snack!

We look forward to seeing a whole flock of Flamingos at Provo Primary soon; so please spread the word via air-mail, email or word of beak!

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Graduation, Leavers and Celebration Assembly, 2015

provo-primary-graduation-invite-2015Provo Primary cordially invites you to our

Graduation, Leavers & Celebration Assembly

at 9 AM on Thursday 25th June, 2015.

Come join us as our amazing Year 6 students graduate, we thank all who have helped us, say farewell to our leaving students and teachers and celebrate a wonderful year of learning together.





Soccer Champions in Every Sense!

soccer-tournament-2015What a fantastic year it’s been for soccer at Provo Primary! Our weekly Soccer Club was booming this term in preparation for the annual TCI Inter-Island School Competition. With interest high from the children, we were fortunate enough to field 3 soccer teams, an ‘A’ and a ‘B’ team for the boys and a girls’ team.

The competition matches were all played over the course of a week, culminating with the finals on the last day of the tournament. After some hard fought games, great team work and sportsmanship, Provo Primary were delighted to walk away with two well-deserved trophies for the boys’ ‘A’ team and the girls’ team.

The ‘B’ team, coached by the magnificent Mr Toby, secured a comfortable 3-1 victory over The International School. They showed a tremendous display of working as a squad and sportsmanship, a promising set of players for the future!

All in all, everyone was able to walk away feeling a champion in every sense!

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Have you heard Provo Primary has a school of fish?

Developing our breathing techniques.

Developing our breathing techniques.

This half term the children of Provo Primary have been taking part in a series of swimming lessons. The staff have been working hard to create a stream of lessons, which cater for all swimming experiences and abilities for children from Kindergarten right up to Year 6.  There is an ocean of talent in the pool each week!

Provo Primary’s swimming policy enables children to focus on water confidence and moving through the water, to the later stages of finely tuning swimming strokes such as: front crawl, back stroke and breast stroke and developing breathing techniques.

At the start, each year group was carefully assessed and grouped so that they could be taught based on their swimming ability and confidence. The progression so far has been immense and there is still two more weeks of swimming sessions to go!  Please take a look at the photos and get a sneak peak of the activities the children have been doing.

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Yr 5 explore North and Middle Caicos.

yr-5-north-middle-caicos-trip-may-2015-(5)In Year 6, the children go on a week long field trip to really develop their sense of independence and confidence before they transition to secondary school. In the last few years, I have introduced an overnight stay to North and Middle Caicos in Year 5 as a precursor to the Year 6 trip. It has been hugely successful and this year was no exception! We would like to thank Mr. Mark Parrish from Big Blue for his outstanding local environmental knowledge and our amazing parent helper, Mr Anthony.  We would also like to thank all of the friendly residents of North and Middle Caicos for welcoming and looking after us.

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Further adventures of our Year 6 in the DR

yr-6-dr-trip-06-05-15 (6)Our Year 6 adventurers returned home today full of stories and tales to tell of their 5 day trip to Rancho Baiguate in the Dominican Republic.

Their trip has been action-packed with activities – hikes to waterfalls, visits to a bird sanctuary and a coffee plantation, horse riding and zip-lining, to name a few.  Handling a snake was a new experience for some. Tasting some authentic Dominican ice-cream involved some interesting flavours; including sweet potato.   Here are a few photos – I know there will be lots more to share next week!

We have missed you Year 6 and look forward to hearing your news on Monday, after a well deserved weekend’s rest and relaxation.

Thank you to our superstar teachers Mr. Jason, Mrs. Yorka and all of our amazing parent volunteers for making this trip such a memorable and fun one for everyone.  [Read more…]

Attending a Book Launch

auntie-fannie-talking-potatoes-launch-june-2015There’s an exciting new children’s book on the island, written by one of our resident pastors, Mr. Bradley Handfield.

Entitled, ‘The Adventures of Auntie Fannie, Mattie and the Talking Potatoes’, it tells of Auntie Fannie’s trip to market, where she meets a small kitten (Mattie) and buys some very special potato seeds.

The book was introduced by the author at a special ceremony on June 2nd at the Gus Lightbourne building. Many of the island schools were represented and local dignitaries, including the Minister of Education, spoke to the children about the importance of reading and the magic we can find whenever we enter the world of our imagination. Every child was given a free copy of the book and local sponsors donated copies to the schools. This was followed by some of the children entertained us with their singing.

Two of our Year 6 students were the ambassadors for our school and they did us proud. When Provo Primary was announced, they joined the author on stage to accept copies donated to our school by the Right Honourable Rufus Ewing.  Look out for the copies as they circulate around the school.  A big thank you goes to Mrs. Betty  for accompanying the students.  A children’s writer herself, she enjoyed the experience and the celebration of the magic that stories bring to the lives of children.

PTA BINGO Night Postponed

pta-bingo-nightUnfortunately, the upcoming PTA Bingo Night has been postponed.  Please don’t despair though, a  new date will be announced in September.





PTA Yard Sale this Saturday



SATURDAY, 16th May


$25 per Table



Shark week works, we LOVE sharks!

shark-week-april-2015 (1)Inspired by the recent visit of Rob Stewart (shark photographer and conservationist) to the TCI, our own ‘Shark Week’ was a fantastic mix of a whole range of activities, including visits from local dive photographers and the TCI Shark Action Team.

Early Years were lucky enough to have a visit from Mr. David Gallardo who wowed the children with his stunning underwater photography of sharks and his description of his one to one encounters. Year 3 also had the wonderful opportunity of a visit from Mr. Sean Brady who delivered a presentation on sharks and showed his amazing photography too!

The whole of Key Stage 1 and 2 then had a visit from TCI Shark Action Team on Thursday…

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Year One meet Sally and Jerry!

yr1-conch-farm-may-2015-11Year One has been delving into learning all about our latest topic, My Country: TCI. On Monday, we took a trip to the Conch Farm. Richard, our tour guide, was very patient and gave us a real hands-on experience. We were able to see the different stages of growth conch go through and we were able to hold conch of different ages.

I was very impressed by the good questions the children asked when we met Sally and Jerry. We learned how to tell boy and girl conch apart, as well as how to tell how old a conch is. We got to stroke, not poke, Sally and Jerry. As a special treat, the children were given a conch shell gift. Thank you, Richard. What a lovely educational trip we had.


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During our Shark Week, Year 3 went Shark and Teeth Crazy!

yr3-teeth-april-2015-6In Science we have been looking at Teeth and in Numeracy we have been looking at Fractions. To combine our shark learning we decided to make some pop-up sharks with different coloured teeth. Look out for these beautiful sharks when you are out snorkeling next time!

Our challenge was to find the fraction of different coloured teeth for our individual sharks. We are now the fraction teeth experts but can you recognise who is behind each shark mouth in the photos?



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PTA Movie Night this Friday

movienightPTA Movie Night

Friday 8th May 5:00-7PM

See posters at school for details or call 441 5638




World Osprey Week Update / DEMA Photo Competition

osprey-childrens-park-mar-20151.jpgCheck out the latest news on this year’s recent World Osprey Week.  We get a mention and it’s lovely to see what other schools around the world have been up to.

Thank you to our Year 4 photographer for passing on the brilliant photos.  Great inspiration for the up-coming DEMA photographic competition that is running from 22 April – 22 May 2015.   Take a look at our last year’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winning entries.

This is a great opportunity for everyone to get out and interact with our natural environment and I look forward to see some wonderful photos!



Shark Week at Provo Primary

shark-stanley-bookEach year we dedicate a week to learning about wildlife in our local environment. Shark week follows on from our successful Osprey Week last year.  This week across the school, classes are investigating sharks.

We would like to thank all the community members who will be offering their expertise.

On Wednesday, David Gallardo (photographer) will be sharing his amazing photography and diving with shark experiences with Jk – Yr2.

On Thursday, Tina Randall (Shark Defenders), Jackie Walker (Amanyara Nature Discovery Centre) and Amy Avenant (DEMA) will be joining together with our Yr. 1-6 teachers to offer a morning of shark activities that the children will rotate through. Activities will include: fact finding, crafts, poetry and drama.

Bring your cameras on Friday and take some family photos with the Stanley Shark photo board.

Find out more about Stanley Shark and what you can do to help protect sharks at

JK visit the local Vets

jk-vet-march-2015 (5)As part of our Community Helpers Topic the J.K’s have been investigating and identifying local community people and their careers.  We have extended our school culture exploration of the Animal Hospital in our Home Corner to visiting The Turks and Caicos Veterinary Clinic.  The children have been able to explore their own ideas about how to care for animals while making links between their current understanding and their increasing knowledge.  These meaningful experiences offer such enrichment to learning.

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