A Rainbow Run-A-Thon Toddler Dash!

DSC_0076The Toddlers Run-A-Thon was a great success!  The toddlers ran ten whole laps on green field. That is the Toddler equivalent to the Boston Marathon! We ran with our teachers, with rainbow streamers blowing behind us as we blazed ahead! Ready, Set, Run!  Click on ‘Read More…’ below to see more photos.

Thank you to all the toddler parents and friends for all the generous donations  you gave for this fundraiser.  These will go towards the purchase of new computer and reading resources for children to benefit from, throughout the school.





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Easter Camp 2013

easter-camp-2013Provo Primary School is offering an Easter Camp from the 26th March to 5th April. Children will enjoy a range of daily fun on-campus activities, including:  Spring-themed arts and crafts, soft play, construction play, role play and outdoor play.   Click here for an Easter Camp 2013 Registration Form.





Secondary School Science Spectacular!

bwi-science-trip-mar-2013 (1)Years 4, 5 and 6 carried on from a superlative Science Week with a superb visit to the British West Indies Collegiate School.  Year 3 had been visited by two of their pupils during Science Week.

Head of Science, Mrs Nicola Haynes, welcomed the children and introduced them to Science at KS3 and 4.  The children had the opportunity to see what the fantastic laboratories at the school are like and carried out their own scientific investigation.

Using Bunsen burners for the very first time and a range of chemicals, the children learned the different coloured flames metals produce when burned. They also learned lots about the etiquette of working in a laboratory and even got to quiz a few A-level pupils on what it’s like to learn science at such a high level.

It was a spectacular scientific afternoon and Mrs Haynes was a wonderful science teacher!  Thank you for allowing us to visit.

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Years 2 – 6’s Science Fair – March 2013

This term and throughout Science  Week, children in all classes from Year 2 – 6 have been busy observing, experimenting and reflecting on all kinds of scientific knowledge. Now, through our Science Fair, it was the turn of our young scientists  to share their discoveries with their fellow students, parents and visitors!

In science, in addition to discovering a great deal of new information about a topic, children are encouraged to develop their science enquiry skills (the scientific method).  These skills underpin the essential processes required for carrying out investigations, drawing conclusions and forming scientific understanding.  The children were encouraged to communicate these skills through their Science Fair activities.

We hope that through watching this short movie,  you will  see how practical investigation and developing an understanding of scientific enquiry skills is a huge part of our science programme here at Provo Primary School.

If you fancy singing along to the background music as you watch, and learning more about elements of the scientific method, you can print out the lyrics here.  It’s such a catchy tune!

Early Years’ Science Fair – March 2013

Friday morning saw the launch of our first Science Fair.  Throughout our Early Years’ classes, a multitude of hands-on  learning activities were being explored.  It was lovely to see parents, visitors and children together observing,  problem solving, predicting, thinking, making decisions and most importantly talking about what they were doing.   A big thank you to all our teachers for their hard work and to all the parents and visitors who came to enjoy and share the science learning with the children.  If sadly you weren’t able to make it, we hope you gain a feel for our Science Fair through the short movie above.

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School Council Hard At Work!


A huge thank you to all the children and parents who donated games and books to be sold at the Saturday Yard Sale. We made $121. We still need to add the Dress Down Day donations from this term to this total which will then be donated to The Provo Children’s Home at the end of the term.

We hope to be collecting dry food and canned goods during our “Healthy Week’ which will also be passed onto the Home together with the money raised. We will keep you posted as to when and where nearer the time.

Keep up the good work School Council!


Giddy – Up! Kindergarten Gallop to Provo Ponies.

k-ponies-feb-2013-1Kindergarten took an exciting field trip to Provo Ponies! We learned all about the care and grooming practices of looking after ponies. The children got to get up close and personal with the ponies as they brushed, fed and cleaned the hooves of several different ponies. After learning how to care for the ponies, the children got to sit on Turtle, the biggest horse in the world!

I think we were all amazed by how gentle and beautiful the horses were. Many of the children had never seen a real pony before so it was quite the experience for us all!

I would like to thank Camille and the kind workers at Provo Ponies for allowing my class the opportunity to see their beautiful ponies!

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Breaking News! Year 4 Bone Experts visit Hospital!

yr-4-hospital-feb-2013-2As part of our topic on Moving and Growing this term, children in Flamingo Class visited the hospital this week. After weeks of learning about how the skeletal and muscular systems work together, we were very excited to discover more from the doctors and nurses at the Cheshire Hall hospital.

Our experts explained how they treat patients with a variety of bone complaints – from healing fractures and dislocations to replacing whole joints! We learned about how X-Rays are used to see inside the body, so that doctors can decide how to treat their patients. The nurses were amazed at how well our young doctors could identify the broken bones shown in each X-Ray, even if they made us feel a bit squeamish! Brave volunteers were also needed to demonstrate some really bad broken bones, using the equipment that real doctors and nurses use to help them practise! Don’t worry when you see the gruesome pictures – we were all fine!

After learning such a lot from Nurse Sharon, we enjoyed lunch in the excellent hospital cafe. A cracking way to end the morning and recharge our brains!

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Year 3 Dolphins go Shopping Galore!

yr-3-iga-feb-2013-13A successful shopping trip to IGA was had on Tuesday by the Year 3 Dolphins. We shopped till we dropped! We managed to practise our estimating and our adding skills, making sure we had enough money to pay at the till – what is that decimal point for?

What a wonderful opportunity it was for us all to buy our own shopping, exchange money for our goods and check our change.

A huge THANK YOU to IGA for letting us have this real hands-on experience AND for the generous ‘re-cycled bag’ that was full of delicious healthy goodies. Wow! What a treat!

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2nd Annual Family Skate Night

skate-night-poster-feb-2013The School Council would like to know what music you would like to skate to at our 2nd Annual PTA Family Skate night.

Make your requests known to your Class School Council reps.

Or place your request in the ‘Boogie Box’ outside the office.

Come and join the fun – Friday 22nd February @ the Graceway Sports Centre from 5:30 – 7 PM.

So get your skates on and let us know your groove tunes!






Book Your PTA Yard Sale Table Today!

yard-sale-feb-2013We are having a MULTI-TABLE YARD SALE here at Provo Primary school on SATURDAY, FEB. 16TH at 9:00AM-11:00AM




Help Provo Primary Support ACCU’s Move-A-Thon 2013


You may have seen this poster on our noticeboard at school.  The event is this weekend, so let us remind you of what it’s all about.

Tamika Handfield, a parent at the school, is excited to hold her 2nd annual ACCU Nutrition Move-a-thon on January 12th, 2013 beginning at 5:30am.  Her first move-a-thon, last year was a huge success with well over 200 persons in attendance, with quite a few Provo Primary families participating.  Tamika’s goal for this year’s event is that it will be bigger and better.

Provo Primary is happy to promote this event and hopes that your family is able to participate.  It’s an early start, but we hope you’ll think it’s worth the effort!  So feel welcome to join in, wearing our school’s colours and taking our school spirit.  Read on to find out more details and download your registration-form here or pick one up at school.

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Our 2012 Christmas Shows are a Smash Hit!

Provo Primary School is renowned in the community for putting on amazing Christmas productions and this year’s shows once again lived up to our great reputation.

On Friday and Saturday night, stories as old as time and as wise as ever were brought together in a magical musical production that enchanted ,educated and entertained our community as they watched the children perform Aesop’s Funtastic Fables.

On Wednesday night Provo Primary Early Years department put on their Christmas Extravaganza.

Please enjoy our wonderful slideshow of the two shows and relive the spectacular evenings over and over again!

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Tickets on Sale for our End of Term Shows – Dec 2012

Tickets are on sale for our end of term shows…

Years 1 – 6 present… Aesop’s Funtastic Fables on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th Dec 2012 @ 6:00 PM.  $5 admission (children under 12 free)

Toddlers, Preschool, JK and K present… Christmas Extravaganza on Wednesday 12th  Dec 2012 @ 5:30 PM. $3 admission (children under 12 free)

Refreshments available on all show nights.

Come and joins us for a night or two of entertainment.  Members of the community are very welcome to join us.  Call 441 5638 for tickets.

Our Garden Donations are Keeping us GrOwING!

Our school garden is thriving at the moment thanks to some generous donations, community helpers and our very keen and green fingered gardening club.

The gardening clubs is a self-formed group of children, mainly from Year 3 and 4.  Under the guidance of parent helper, Catherine, they work in the garden every Tuesday, sowing, weeding, pruning and replanting.  They also tend to the garden every day during their play times and lunch times.  They certainly are a dedicated bunch and their hard work is certainly paying off!

Many thanks goes to Maria and Jim for donating two banana plants from their garden this week.  We have successfully grown bananas before and look forward to these flourishing and supplying us with some delicious bananas in the future.

We have also had kind donations of some herbs and tomato seedlings from Island Fresh Produce, our local hydroponic farm.

Why not step into our garden on your next visit to the school?  We would be happy to show you around.  Click on to see some photos of our gardening club members and our growing produce. [Read more…]

Year 4 Beautiful by Nature Campaigners Head to the Beach!

As part of the National Trust’s Beautiful by Nature campaign, Flamingo Class headed to Long Bay beach to prove a point! The issue of pollution on beaches around Providenciales is something that we all felt strongly about, so we set about creating some protest photography to raise awareness on the subject.  Please take a few minutes to look at the photos of our trip and check out our amazing posters.   We think you’ll agree that there is a powerful message to our work!

Children participated in a beach clean-up and within minutes it was clear that we had more garbage than we needed for our project! After learning how to take clear and interesting photographs of our subject, children spread out to capture powerful images of the damage caused by beach pollution.

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Beautiful By Nature – For Generations to Come

Provo Primary School are thinking about what ‘Beautiful by Nature, protected by us’ means to them. The National Trust and Turks and Caicos Conservation Society have asked schools – how can we conserve our island for generations to come?

What does the slogan mean to you?  Read on to find out how each class in our school have expressed their ideas through art and writing.





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School Council Bonfire Night Party a Roaring Success!

On 5th November, children and parents of Provo Primary School celebrated Bonfire Night…Provo-style! This year’s School Council had decided that they would love to organise a bonfire party on the beach – and what better occasion was there for it than Bonfire Night?! The event was attended by many families from across the school. As people arrived, everyone was interested to look at the two Guy Fawkes models placed carefully on top of the unlit bonfire! Just like Bonfire Night celebrations held across the United Kingdom on the 5th November, our own Provo Bonfire Night began with the burning of the Guys. The crowd gathered to watch as the fires were lit and many children were excited to see their carefully-made Guys catch fire! We would like to say a huge thank you to Clive and all the staff at Bay Bistro for putting on such a fantastic evening. It really was a terrific night for our whole school community – for parents, children and teachers. We, of course, would also love to thank the School Council for their fine idea!

PTA Halloween Party 2012

Children of all ages as well as adults were decked out in a variety of creative costumes enjoying every minute of the cheerful PTA Halloween Party atmosphere. Trees, posts, Classroom doors and anywhere plain were decorated with playfully spooky spider webs, pumpkins, skeletons and other Halloween accessories. Laughter filled the evening as kids enjoyed the contemporary music, snacks, getting temporary tattoos, playing exciting games and winning lots of little prizes.
Organised by the PTA, the fifth annual party allowed children from the community to have somewhere safe to go on Halloween while simultaneously raising funds for the school. The games were run by volunteer students from TCI Middle School, who, apart from having a good time, got extra community service credit for volunteering at a community event.
Thank you to everyone who helped out with preparation and on the night.  Another superb family fun night!

School Council Bonfire Night

The children of Provo Primary School Council warmly welcome them to their Bonfire Night on Monday 5th November.  See details on the invite below.

School Council Bonfire Night Invite 2012

We hope to see you there!



Guinness World Record Attempt – Run for the Planet!

Provo Primary School was proud to be a part of a Guinness World Record attempt last Friday.  National Geographic Kids aimed to organise ‘the most people running 100 metres in 24 hours’.  It was an exciting event to be a part of.  It wasn’t about who came first, it was about everyone taking part.  It certainly was fun and we all looked very colourful in our orange and black dress-down day clothes!

The ‘Guinness Book of Records’ books are very popular in all the classes and the thought that we could be in the next edition, and be able to say that we had broken a world record, was an exciting prospect.   Well done to each and every one of you.  In the words of the late Roy Castle…’You’re a Record breaker!’

A big thank you goes out to Matthew and Sonia at the TCIFA National Soccer Academy for letting us use their pitch and also for them offering to witness our record breaking attempt.

Provo Primary Halloween Party, 2012

Calling all vampires, princesses, witches and superheroes!  Provo Primary’s annual post – Trick or Treat Halloween Party will be held on October 31st, from 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Games, prizes, dancing and more! Food and beverage for sale and Brilliant by Tropical Imaging will be doing costume photo shoots for charity.

$5 entry fee.

A fun time for all ages!






Lemonade is a hit at the Yard Sale

The PTA Yard Sale was a wonderful community success with over 20 tables and lots of bargains to buy. A big thank you goes out to all the parents who donated items for our PTA table.

The PTA lemonade stand was a great hit with both the sellers and buyers.  Nothing like a freshly made lemonade to refresh and quench your thirst!  There were also sweet treats and homemade bread.

Well done to everyone who helped out.

International Coastal Clean Up, 2012

Children from Provo Primary School joined volunteers around the world to pick up rubbish from our coastal environment.  International Coastal Cleanup, is an annual event to raise awareness of the importance of keeping the world’s waterways and oceans clean. Well done and thank you to the families who got up ‘super’ early to join in other community members, cleaning up the Children’s Park Beach in the Bight.  The children did a great job and, although they were disappointed by the amount of rubbish they actually collected, they felt proud that they had  cleaned up an area that is often enjoyed by children.  The clean up was organised by the ‘Environmental Club’ together with the DEMA.  They hope to see this becoming an annual event on our TCI calendars.

Thanks South Caicos for an Amazing Adventure

Our Year 6 class, from the Providenciales Primary School, had an exciting week visiting the neighbouring island of South Caicos, where we were welcomed by the entire local community.

Just after arriving on the TCI Ferry from Providenciales on Monday, June 11, the buzz was all over town that there was a group of very enthusiastic visitors to the small island of the Big South.

Read on to find out more about our amazing adventures and to meet some of the wonderful community people who helped to make our trip so special.

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