Sk8 Night A Big Success

Skate-night-2014-255Red-faced, sweaty and all smiles, skaters throughout the night enjoyed the camaraderie of skating with pals from school and elsewhere while parents socialized on the bleachers or got in on the act and skated right along with their kids.  While the younger set had a spot to boogie off the “ice”, this year the majority of children attending – from 3 to 13+ – skated, and skated incredibly well, with nary a wipeout to be seen.

A huge thanks to all that came out and supported the event; the cadre of PTA volunteers that manned the admissions table, rink door, concessions and puck shooting contest., making the evening a smooth running success; to Lemon2Go and Giggles, whom generously donated prizes for the puck shooting contest; and to MELT, who treated each child to a $10 voucher on their way out (many of which were seen being used the following afternoon!).


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‘Wildlife Digital Photo Contest’ Winners

wildlife-photo-competition-1st-prizeIt’s  a ‘grand slam’ for Provo Primary School in the ‘Wildlife Digital Photo Contest’, with winners in first, second and third place. Congratulations, what a wonderful achievement for our young photographers!  Announcing the winners in a special assembly was gripping and exciting for all the children.  Unfortunately, our first prize winner was absent so you’ll have to wait until next week to see a photo of our prize winners standing proudly with their photos.  Click on ‘read more,  to see their prize photography.

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PTA Family Beach Day, March 2014

family-beach-day-march-2014This Sunday, March 9,  is Provo Primary’s Family Beach Day!

This term, the event will be held at the Children’s Park/Lower Bight from 3-6pm and will feature the Provo Sailing Club, whom will have their boats rigged and ready to give those interested a chance to take a sail.

Please bring your cooler, beach chairs, shovels and spades and join us for what promises to be a fun afternoon.


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Talented Provo Primary Wildlife Photographers

wildlife-day-photo-contest-03-03-14Best of luck to our Provo Primary Photographers who have entered the ‘Wildlife Digital Photo Contest’ today hosted by the TCI  Department of Environment and Maritime Affairs (DEMA) and the Department of Agriculture.

What AMAZING wildlife you have captured – It’s clear to see that we have some talented photographers with a good eye for composition! It’s certainly going to be hard for the judges to choose winners.   Thank you for taking part.  I hope you enjoyed your close encounters with our beautiful wildlife and your amazing photographic adventures. Thank you also to mums, dads, granddads and anyone else who encouraged each child to participate.

Winners will be announced this week at the Education Week Fortis Science Fair.
Here are some of the entries that I have seen… though I know there are more that were sent in…

World Book Day Bedtime Story Night


World Book Day is on Thursday 6th March.  Throughout the day, classes will share their favourite stories and join in with cross-curricular activities about books and reading.

We will be having a‘Bedtime Storytelling’ evening between 5:30 and 6:30pm.  Children are invited to return to school dressed in their pajamas and hugging their favourite bedtime cuddly, to hear a collection of bedtime stories, drink a glass of milk and munch on a cookie.

TCI National Education Week

Next week is National Education Week here in the TCI. The national theme is ‘Promoting Education through Teachers’ Appreciation’.  Here is the Theme Song composed by Mr. Garfield Gurley and Mr. Jamaine Reid, Music Teachers at the Clement Howell High School and sung by their students.  Read the lyrics below.  Well done, everyone – It sounds great!

During Education Week we are having our own ‘Maths Calculation’ theme week alongside the National theme.  It will be a busy week, with World Wildlife Day and World Book Day during this time as well.  Aware of this, our teachers and PTA will celebrate teacher appreciation to its fullest next term. I am sure that with all the preparation and activities this week, however, a little bit of Provo Primary appreciation won’t go a miss!

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Don’t panic! Year 4 Doctors are on the scene!

yr-4-hospital-trip-feb-2014 (1)Tuesday was an exciting morning in Flamingo Class as we all set out to visit the Cheshire Hall Medical Center to find out about how bones can be fixed by the orthopedic doctors and nurses at the hospital!

It was another morning packed full of information and learning related to our topic on Moving and Growing.

Our expert guides, Nurses Sharon and Gemma, passed on their knowledge of the skeletal and muscular systems. They explained how these worked together together to help us move and demonstrated how, if damaged, both can be fixed by doctors.




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KS2 Field Hockey Showcase

ks2-field-hockey-feb-2014 (4)A new sport has been added to the school’s PE curriculum this year.  Year 5 and 6 students recently got to show off their newly acquired Field Hockey skills in a round robin tournament held for parents at the Graceway Sports Centre.  Led by Mr. Jason and Miss Cara, the four creatively named teams battled for goals that proved very hard to come by due to strong defence and strict refereeing – sticks had to remain below the waist, only the flat side could be used to move the ball and shots on goal had to be made behind a certain line.  Utilising every player and passing the ball were keys to victory, important concepts that are carried over to and from other team activities the students engage in, both in the gym and the classroom. 

As flashbulbs and cheers erupted from the bleachers during some exciting plays, it was clear the parents had almost as good a time watching the Field Hockey tournament as the children did playing in it.

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Get your Skates on and don’t miss our PTA’s 3rd Annual Family Skate Night

ProvoPrimary_GreatSkate_Poster_Just a reminder for your to get your skates on… our PTA’s 3rd Annual Family Skate Night is tomorrow (Friday the 28th of February) between 6-8pm at the Graceway Sport Centre.

Come along and dance or skate to great music, enjoy fresh baked goodies or just socialise with a drink on the bleachers!

Tickets are $10 for skaters, $5 for non-skaters, children under 3 free; the puck shooting contest is an additional charge (prizes will be given out to winners). All children need to be accompanied and supervised by an adult.  Skaters under 18 must wear a helmet.

Volunteers are needed, sign up sheets will soon be posted by your child’s classroom door.



Flamingo Class have a cracking time with Dr Craig!

yr-4-chiropractor-feb-2014-(2)Dr Craig Zavitz joined us in Flamingo Class today to help us understand our topic on the human skeleton in more detail. His expertise in the spine, neck and nervous system was tested to breaking point by our inquisitive Year 4 students!

Children were taught how to maintain a healthy spine by lifting safely, exercising and stretching. We also learned how chiropractors use their knowledge of the skeletal and nervous systems to help heal injuries and soreness caused by blockages to the delicate spinal cord.

We acted out the functions of the spine in order to understand how messages travel from the brain to every part of our bodies. This demonstration also helped us to understand how misalignment’s in the spine can block the sending and receiving of messages up and down the spinal cord.

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Kindergarten’s Visit to the Vets

k-vets-jan-2014-1The Kindergarteners visited the Turks and Caicos Vet Association and offered homemade doggie treats to the TCSPCA as part of their exploration of domesticated animals and how to care for pets.  Ms. Peggy answered many of the children’s questions and they were able to learn very specific ways that veterinarians care for animals. What an exciting adventure in learning!



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Scholarship Programme Update

scholarship-spring-newsletter-2014As you may have been aware, the school Scholarship Programme hosted a very successful event at Provo Golf Club during the Christmas Holidays. The event formed part of our fundraising efforts for the next, 2014-2015, academic year. It was also our aim to raise awareness of our programme and to attract sponsors and donations from outside our school community.

In recent months we have had a number of requests for more information about the Scholarship Programme. We hope that you find our first Scholarship Newsletter informative (click on the link or the image to download). The aim of the Newsletter is to give updates on our fundraising progress while providing the opportunity to thank our generous supporters.

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Santa Visit 2013

santa-visit-2013As is tradition here at Provo Primary, Santa arrived on our last day of term on a bight shiny fire truck!

Wearing flip flops, but still otherwise dressed in his winter suit, he spent over two jolly hours sitting and speaking joyfully to each and every one of our children – and one or two of our teachers as well!

Christmas wishes were whispered to Santa and in return a special book gift received.

Thank you Santa for stopping by, creating lots of smiles and memories.  And also to everyone who helped make this tradition a highlight to our end of term activities.

Alongside Santa’s visit, we were also fortunate to have an ice cream treat, courtesy of  ‘Giggles’.  Thank you for this sweet delight!

At the end of Santa’s time with us, we sent him on his merry way with waves and hugs, a thank you card and a mince pie to enjoy later.  See you next year, Santa!

Showtime Extravaganzas 2013

jojo-christmas-2013Congratulations to everyone – two superb shows, each with their own special messages, to end our term with stories, dance, and music.

Well done and thank you to all the children, who did amazingly well – we are all so proud of each and every one of them.  They never cease to amaze us by how confident they appear on stage. The children have learnt about playscripts as part of our literacy curriculum and what better way to do that, than perform their very own play, for such a large and wonderful audience.

elves--christmas-2013When children leave our school, one of the main things that they consistently tell us that they remember about being at Provo Primary are the school plays. We are extremely fortunate to have a stage at the centre of the playground and children are on it daily during their break times.

bob-grump-gWe believe that going up on stage from an early age and the confidence that children build as a result, flows into so many different areas of their life and growth. This is of such value to them in their overall long term development as successful people, that it definitely is extremely worthwhile.

Thank you to all the teacher and helpers who worked tremendously hard to put everything together, from scene writing and rehearsals, scenery and props, costumes and make up and lights and sound.

Finally, a big thank you to everyone who came along.  Proud parents with beaming smiles and community friends, new ones and old ones who look forward to our shows each year.  It is so lovely to keep being stopped when we are out and about to be told how much you enjoyed the shows and the messages they gave.

Until next year…

Thankful to be Sharing Christmas Lunch Together

christmas-lunch-2013We would like to extend a big thank you to Robin and all the chefs at Pizza Pizza for all of our tasty school lunches this term.  Our final lunch was our special Christmas lunch which we celebrated together as a school, donning festive hats and eating on decorative place mats.

Talking with some of the children, they expressed their gratitude for everyone who helps prepare, cook and transport the lunches for us.  Pasta and meatballs are a tasty delight, but pizza seemed to be most of the children’s favourite – some even quoting it as the best they’ve every tasted!

So thank you Robin and all who help to make our lunches each day.  Seasons greeting to you all and we look forward to enjoying next year’s daily menu.


Toy Drive Thank You from the School Council

toy-drive-dec-2013The School Council would like to say a HUGE thank you to all the parents and friends of Provo Primary for donating so many wrapped gifts towards the Toy Drive. A whole variety of shaped and sized secret packages were sorted by the School Council on Wednesday morning.

The Rotary Club  organised for your donations to be equally distributed to children on the island and in South Caicos.

Additional thanks must also be given to Mrs Rachel for inspiring us with this generous and kind idea and, to Miss Evieann for organising the distribution of the Christmas gifts various areas.

The kindness and generosity of all who participated is going to make some children on this island so very, very happy. Thank YOU!

Festive Fun and Bob Humbug the Christmas Grump


Come and enjoy some ‘Festive Fun’ watching our Early Years children dancing on stage, followed by the tale of Bob Humbug the Christmas Grump performed by Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten.

WEDNESDAY 11th Dec, 5:30pm.  Tickets $3.  Children under 12 free.

Don’t forget our Years 1-6 end of term show, JoJo and his Amazing technicoloured Coral Reef performances on Fri 6th and Sat 7th @ 6PM.

Two great performance to get you into the festive spirit!

Tickets are on sale at the school or call 442 5638.

Takaleed Showcase Traditional Arabic Music

arabic-musicians-nov-2013 (2) Last week we were entertained by a visiting duo of talented musicians, Abdelkader Saadoun and Nizar Al-Issa’s.  They are two members of a band called Takaleed who showcase traditional Arabic music.  Abdelkader and Nizar told the children all about their instruments, the oud,  the mandole and other percussion instruments.  In no time, our 2 to 11 year olds were joining in with songs, singing in Arabic and creating rhythms together.   Thank you, Abdelkader and Nizar, for introducing us to your beautiful instruments and music.  Thank you also to David Bowen of the Department of Culture for bringing Takaleed along to our school.  How fortunate we have been to meet such amazing musicians.  Read on to learn more about Takaleed and to  hear them play.

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Bonfire Night – 5th November, 2013

bonfire-1For the third year running, Britain’s traditional “Bonfire Night” was celebrated by students of Provo Primary School, complete with the burning of a student-made Guy Fawkes, the scapegoat of the infamous “Gunpowder Plot”.  Since Mr. Toby “reignited” this English tradition two years ago with a humble gathering in the school parking lot, the celebration has relocated to Bay Bistro (thank you Clive and Joan!) to accommodate the entire school community. Nearly 100 parents and children descended onto the beach promptly at 6pm so as not to miss the 6:30pm lighting of the fire and were mesmerized as the massive bonfire was lit and Guy went up in flames.   The party also included traditional treats such as sausages on a stick and toffee covered apples, a call and response of “Remember, Remember, the 5th of November…” and a surprise fireworks display to end the evening.

An educational and entertaining gathering for all who attended and a perfect example of how as educators, we strive to incorporate topic work in a myriad of creative ways. [Read more…]

Reaping Rewards at Interschool Rugby Tournament!

rugby-tournament-Dec-2013Provo Primary had a truly outstanding day at the Inter-school Primary Tag competition on Saturday the 30th of November. With 19 children in attendance, we were able to field three teams, two in the 7-9 category and one team in the 10-12 category. The children all played magnificently and really put in all their effort whether it was scoring a try, grabbing those tags or passing beautifully to each other.


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Tickets on Sale for JoJo and his Amazing Technicoloured Coral Reef

jojo-reefTickets are now on sale for our Years 1-6 end of term show, JoJo and his Amazing technicoloured Coral Reef.

Friday 6th and Saturday 7th December @ Provo Primary School.  Starts promptly at 6PM.

Only $5.

Children under 12 come free.

Refreshments available.

Inspired by the original story of Joseph and the Technicoloured Dream Coat, our End of Term Show this year tells a moving story about our very own JoJo, a caring dolphin, with an incredible dream of animals and humans living in perfect harmony, looking after Mother Earth and her oceans.

Enjoy watching this emotionally stirring underwater thriller as we meet highly entertaining characters such as Bad the Baracuda, the ever optimistic Fishy, Provo Sailing Club members and many more.

Parents, family, friends and community members all looking forward to a night of entertainment are welcome to come along.  Certainly a show not to be missed!


After School Spotlight: Art Club

art-club-nov-2013 (20)When Miss Charlotte and her husband enrolled their two children at Provo Primary last year, little did anyone know the school was soon to have an “art attack”!  An accomplished professional artist with a graduate degree in higher education art and design from Cambridge University, Charlotte’s initial after-school art club proved so popular, that there are now  “junior” and “senior” sections on separate days with projects targeted to the different age ranges.






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A Night of Music and Art

night-of-music-jazz-art-nov-2013A Night of Music and Art with live jazz by Perry Delancy, Shara Bowen and Brentford Handfield

Friday, November 29, 2013

7pm onwards at Provo Primary School

(ticket includes one raffle ticket entry)

View resident artist, Charlotte Chapman’s beautiful paintings, together with a selection of children’s artwork.

A portion of Art sales and all other proceeds from the evening, will benefit our Scholarship Fund.

Drinks and nibbles available.

Raffle and auction prizes include: Dinner for 4 at Amanyara, Spa package for 2 at Amanyara, Dinner for 2 at The Palms, Paradise Scooters voucher, Discovery Tours Boat Trip, Islandcom phone and other items.

Email (432 6327) for further information

Previous community Scholarship Fund supporters include:  Mark Pankhurst (Stargazer Villa) and…


School Council Toy Drive

Standing-Logo-santa-nov2013The School Council invite you to donate gently-used toys, books or games to be re-distributed to other children on the island who are less fortunate.  

If you would like to donate a gift, then please… wrap it up in Christmas paper and attached a tag with the appropriate age and gender.

Bring your gifts to school on…  Wednesday 4th December.

The gifts will be distributed by the Rotary Club to other children on the island.


T.C.I. Smile visit Provo Primary Year 5 and 6

tooth-nov-2013Last Friday witnessed T.C.I. Smile visit Provo Primary Year 5 and 6 students.  They presented a terrific presentation regarding the physical features of teeth, the importance of dental hygiene and the purpose of the orthodontist.  T.C.I. Smile were impressed with the knowledge that our pupils already held regarding teeth and good oral hygiene, due to the responses given from our students to the questions asked from the team at T.C.I. Smile.

The session was extremely beneficial in demonstrating how an orthodontist can repair unaligned teeth, reshape gums and other problems that can occur with the structure of our teeth and gums.  The students were left in awe at the computer technology that the orthodontist used in order to repair these issues and enjoyed watching the clips that showed before and after shots.

A great outside visit that was both valuable and complementary to what we promote to our children about healthy lifestyles.