Across the school, children are busily preparing to participate in World Math Day which will take place on Tuesday 1st March, during our Math Week. Our aim is that all the children from Kindergarten to Year 6 will have a turn to play live games of mental arithmetic against other children around the world, adding points to the World Maths Day Mathometer – uniting people in numbers.
If you want to do some extra practise at home, simply go to and sign in using you regular Mathletics login and password. For those of you with iphones, itouches and ipads, here is a link to a free app to download on itunes.
Since adopting the Mathletics online Maths programme last term we have seen many children taking full advantage of this resource and practising their mathematics skills at home. All the children from K to 6 have a weekly opportunity to use Mathletics at school, and teachers have seen the benefits of being able to assign tasks to children to review topics followed at school and to support individual needs. The children have really taken to this programme and we have already seen some silver awards being achieved by children.
Want some extra spelling homework? There’s also a World Spelling Day on Wednesday 3rd March and you can practise and complete using your Mathletics login and there’s even an app to download for that too!