In their Music class, the Year 1s created sound effects to match each of their papier-mâché animals.
Toddlers experience with Humpty Dumpty
The Toddlers have been learning popular nursery rhymes so far this term. A favourite has been Humpty Dumpty and they have been exploring the rhyme in a variety of ways.
Perhaps the highlight for the children (teachers) was the experiment in using a real egg when telling the rhyme and watching it fall and breaking. The children were most concerned in seeing the broken Humpty Dumpty. However, attention quickly shifted when they were given a boiled egg to crack, peel and eat! YUM!
“Celebrating Holidays in Early Years”
Sensory Exploration in Toddler Class
This term, toddler class is taking a sensory adventure in Nature. We have explored these different elements through Art, hiking, wet and dry sensory tables and crafts.Recently, we hiked through the school’s “forest” and discovered the climbing frame as well as the small fort. We take every opportunity, through play and exploration, to learn about ourselves and the world we live in.
Light Show Spectacular
The Early Years have been exploring light in the Gecko room this week. Using different light sources in a darkened room, children were able to really get hands on, exploring and manipulating light. From catching lights in their hands to hiding light under things, these bright young minds have really been illuminated!
Adventures on Planet Toddler
This video introduces a few of the play opportunities and activities that we provide our Toddlers, to enhance their physical development.
A Rainbow Run-A-Thon Toddler Dash!
The Toddlers Run-A-Thon was a great success! The toddlers ran ten whole laps on green field. That is the Toddler equivalent to the Boston Marathon! We ran with our teachers, with rainbow streamers blowing behind us as we blazed ahead! Ready, Set, Run! Click on ‘Read More…’ below to see more photos.
Thank you to all the toddler parents and friends for all the generous donations you gave for this fundraiser. These will go towards the purchase of new computer and reading resources for children to benefit from, throughout the school.
Hooray for Pyjama Day!
Toddler class recently participated in the pyjama-themed Dress Down Day and these veteran nappers really took their roles seriously! From reading bedtime stories, to making sure ‘Baby’ was fed and snugly in the crib, Toddler class relished in the relaxation of this dreamy morning. Look at our pictures all about …..ZZZZzzzz…..
Adventures in the Arts and Nature
This month, Toddler class have been exploring their artistic sides. We started our own band and had dance classes. We took finger painting to the next level and have been pleasantly surprised at what has developed! What wonderful personalities!
As well, we have had marvelous adventures out in the ‘big’ school. We visited the Year 5 class, the garden, the secret hidden playground and have even taken our art into nature!
I hope you enjoy this latest installment of Toddler News and hope to see you back here soon for our December Special!
Take a Peek at our Toddler Programme
All the children in our Toddler Programme becoming more comfortable and confident in their new school surroundings. They are having fun exploring our primary colours, music, sign language and outside play. With lots of new faces they have been really great at making new friends. We even had a Mommy come to play! Playing together or by ourselves, they are discovering how much fun school can be. See our pictures below to take a peek!
Wonder and Discovery in our Toddler Programme
It is a brave new world full of wonder and discovery in our Toddler Programme! Our littlest students have been exploring what it means to be in school. They love soft play and building with the soft blocks is a favourite morning game! In the outside playground, water and sand play are an essential part of the Toddler day. Colour is a big theme in our classroom and we are learning lots about red, yellow and blue! It has also been very fun to make new friends! Have a look at the photos and see for yourself!