A Fire Truck Visits The Early Years!

In Junior Kindergarten our topic is ‘Community Helpers’. We have talked about different people in the community who help us. We were particularly interested in firefighters and were lucky enough to have a fire truck from the Provo Fire Station visit us. We invited the children from Pre-School and Kindergarten to join us for a ride in the fire truck.  Click below to see more photos.

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Jk in the Jungle

This term, one of our topics is Jungle Animals. We created a jungle of our own in our classroom.

We enjoyed listening to stories and rhymes about jungle animals. We especially liked ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ by Giles Andreae & David Wojtowycz, and ‘The Animal Boogie’ by Debbie Harter.

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Dinosaurs in Jnr Kindergarten 2

In Junior Kindergarten our topic this week was dinosaurs. We have enjoyed reading and listening to lots of different stories, poems and songs about dinosaurs. We have been involved in many activities involving dinosaurs.


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