Grade 1's and 2's visit the Fire Station!


In May, the Grade 1 and 2’s went to visit the Fire Station. The children were shown around the station, they got the chance to sit in the fire engine and were able to spray the water hose! The children also learned about fire safety and what to do if there was a fire at home. The children even got into the local newspaper.

Click to see some pictures of the children at the fire station

Ello ello ello!


Last week we had a visit from Inspector Duncan, don’t worry the children weren’t in trouble! [Read more…]

Grade 1 and 2 visit the Catholic Church!


Last Wednesday Grade 1 and 2 visited the Our Lady of Divine Providence Catholic Church. The children were very well behaved and asked lots of super questions.

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What a lovely painting!


This year grade 2 have been looking at a range of different artists, this week we have been painting pictures in the style of Claude Monet. The children looked at a selection of paintings by Monet and we chose the ‘Lily pond at Giverny’ to practice our painting skills.

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Grade 2 Enjoying Yoga!


In the last few weeks, Grade 2’s have been practicing some yoga poses as part of the school day. The children really enjoy it!

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How do you learn?


Everyday at school, children face new challenges. Some of us are better at one subject than another, some of us are good at singing and dancing and some of us are good at P.E. Everyone shines in their own way. You might find it interesting to complete this questionnaire online; it can show you what kind of learner you are. It will also tell you whether you are more dominant using your left brain (verbal, mathematical, analytical) or right brain (visual, artistic) or use both equally.

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Make a difference today!


‘We all have the ability. The difference is how we use it.’ Stevie Wonder.

28th of October is ‘Make a Difference Day’. In grade 2 we have been talking about how we can make a difference.

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Grade 2 are having a ssssuper time!

Grade 2’s have been working hard so far this year. We followed instructions to make these sssuper sock snakes! Read on to find out some of the other things we have been doing…


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