Each week in Kindergarten we tackle the ‘tricky’ words using lots of different strategies. We focus on two or three of these words each week and have different stations set up in our classroom to help us to read and spell them.
Kindergarten Travel Around the World!
This term in Senior Kindergarten we have been exploring different countries around the world. We started by making our own passports. We used the digital camera to take photographs of ourselves and stuck them in our passports. We also filled in all our personal details. Our passports are not all the same, as there are lots of different nationalities in our class!
Click here to find out about the different countries we have explored.
A little bit of everything!
The Grade 1 children have been really busy over the last few weeks! Here is a compilation of some of our super work.
Wonderful Weaving!
Our Art and Design topic in Grade 1 for this half term is Materials. As part of this topic we have been weaving. We started by practising our skills and producing paper weavings. Click here to see our paper weavings and to see how we progressed to the next step. [Read more…]
Grade 1 Moving Pictures
The children in Grade 1 have been making moving pictures. They each chose their own individual design and incorporated a lever or sliding mechanism into their picture. Read on to find out how we made our pictures move and to see our moving pictures.
In our Music lesson in Grade 1 this week we started exploring pulse and rhythm. We learnt a fun new song called ‘Okki-tokki-unga’. The children thoroughly enjoy this song and keep asking to sing it again and again!
Here are the words to the song and some more photos…
Grade 1 Singing and Poetry
In Grade 1 we love to sing! We have been practising every day! Click on to hear us sing and to read the lyrics. We have also enjoyed writing a class poem.
[Read more…]
Grade 1 Self-Portraits
In Grade 1 we have been drawing and painting Self-Portraits. We began by practising drawing the shapes for the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. We then drew and painted our Self-Portraits in stages. We looked closely at our features in mirrors as we drew and painted. We mixed different paints to ensure we got the right colours for our hair, eyes and lips.
Grade 1 are Authors of the future!
We started our two week topic on Non-Fiction writing last week. We began by looking at different Non-Fiction books and made a shared list of their features. We discussed the purpose of each of the features and used our checklist to decide whether different books were Non-Fiction or Fiction.
The children in Grade 1 work hard and play hard!

What a lovely start to the school year we have had in Grade 1! We hope you enjoy looking at the slideshows of us trying our best with our work and having fun at play.