As we continue with our Home Learning activities, we are mindful of including structured Art lessons that are not overly demanding on resources or complex skills, but that are very engaging and valuable. As such, the Year 6 students have actively participated in some amazing lessons that have allowed for enjoyment, and artistic creativity and development to thrive.
Year 6 Home Learning: Optical Illusions and Fractured Art
Year 4 Roman Brunch
As a celebration to end our study on the Romans, we had our amazing Roman Brunch. We would like to say thanks to the parents for supporting the event. The students loved every moment of it. They came all dressed up in their Roman outfits and were able to experience what life was like for the Romans when they feasted. We had roman music playing in the background as we enjoyed a meal of grapes, apples, pizzas, cheese and so much more.
Time was also spent getting familiar with the Roman Numerals and using them on their hand-made clocks as well as challenging themselves with Maths problems written using Roman Numerals. [Read more…]
Understanding Electrical Safety in Year 4
Over the past few weeks, the Year 4 students have been focusing their attention on electricity. They have done several investigations and observations to guide their understanding of what electricity is, the different sources of electricity as well as safety guidelines to follow when using electricity.
Electricity is amazing stuff. It can power everything from your iPad, a car, a sports stadium, a remote toy or a cell-phone. However, it can also be dangerous. Electrical hazards can cause burns, shocks and electrocution. Electrical incidents injure or kill many adults and/ or children each year. In many cases, these incidents are preventable.