SAVE MY DOG! A persuasive challenge for Year 5

The children of Year 5 are faced with a terrible problem! There is a deadly dog virus attacking all the poor dogs in the vicinity. There’s a cure but, unfortunately, there’s only enough of the serum to save two of the dogs.
Playing various characters who own a dog, the children have been given the task of putting all of their persuasive powers into a speech to be delivered to a panel of “experts” ( Mr. John, Miss Sian and Ms. Laura). They will plead for their dog to be saved using all of the skills learned in English lessons involving persuasive writing. The two most persuasive owners will save their dogs… It’s a tense time!
As part of topic and science work, the children were learning about how light travels

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Mindful Walks and Drawing both bring a sense of Perspective.

Y5 have been enjoying mindful walks and pauses alongside the canal when we need to refocus and re-energise. As part of a set drawing skills lessons we have also been thinking about how to incorporate perspective and three dimensional aspects. The children have found that they can do things that they didn’t believe they could as well as finding the whole process very relaxing.





‘Turtley’ Triumphant Times Yr 5 Turtle Class

Y5 kicked off the year with all sorts of work based on their class animal, the sea turtle. For example, in Art and design, they created an impressive, large collaborative drawing of a sea turtle which they all agreed would have been too difficult to do alone. So how did they do it I hear you ask.
Well, a small picture of a turtle was divided into 16 parts. Each child was given one of those small parts to try to draw accurately but it wasn’t that simple as the piece of paper they were drawing on was a lot bigger than the drawing they’d been given so they had to scale it up. They also had to liaise with other children to make sure their part matched the other parts of the turtle and joined in the correct places. They did brilliantly. In fact, you might say it was a turtle success!

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