Years 4 Home Learning: Express Feelings through Google Chrome Songmaker

Year 4 enjoyed creating songs that were a symbol of how they were feeling that day, in that moment.  I wonder if you can sense how they felt by looking at the visual composition before listening.   How does their music make you feel?

“I’m having mixed emotions, because you can think of this time as good or bad.”HN

“My song is a happy 😊 song because I feel happy 😊 today 🎼. But I still feel a little bit sad 😞 because I miss my friends.” KB

“I had so much fun!”

Have a go yourself and express your feelings through music.  The songmaker is one of a variety of fantastic musical experiences on the Musiclab website and it’s perfect for our home learning situation and all ages.


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Yr 4 Build Rome in a Day!

Rome wasn’t built in a day (as the saying goes) but here at Provo Primary, students in Year 4 have proved differently! They were given the task at the start of an exciting new topic to ‘build Rome’ in their classroom and they were given 24 hours to do it…

First, they had to research the type of buildings and structures still in existence in Rome and then they had to decide who to work with. As you can see from the photos, the children transformed a bare wall into a 3D city complete with written explanations. It was wonderful to see so much team work and so many skills being used across a range of subjects – Research (non-fiction texts using index pages and glossary), the Internet and personal experiences of Rome, Maths (shape, measurement, weight, estimation), DT (design, imagination, creation, joining techniques, evaluation), PSHE (collaboration, compromise, negotiation , respect for others).

This was a great project to kick-start our new topic and parents and friends are warmly invited to come and see this learning at our Open House on Friday afternoon.

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Y4 meet a Chiropractor

Today, the flamingo class had a visitor, Dr Craig Zavitz, a retired chiropractor.  He and his knowledgeable assistant, Robin, taught the class how the spine is formed from a single cell and how it grows. They played a game with the children to help them understand how the brain sends messages through the body, through the spine and to all our organs. Then Dr Craig had a role play experience to show children how a chiropractor could make small adjustments to the spine in order to improve ailments. We had a question and answer time with Robin who also brought some follow-up activities. The children were quizzed on skeleton facts they knew already and they could answer all but one question correctly, much to Dr Craig’s amazement! We all learned about how to keep our back healthy through diet, exercise and weight bearing correctly. Thank you Dr Craig and Robin for giving us this experience.

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Year 4 make a new start to the year – in style!

The Year 4s have made a great start to the new year with a positive attitude to all their learning and new topic, ‘Moving and Growing’. They have studied paintings of people in various poses by famous artists. The work shows very different styles using a wide range of medium and Y4 have made a good attempt at recreating their favourite style. Here are just a few samples of their lovely work. . .



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Bonfire Night at Bay Bistro- Provo Primary’s 9th year!

The Flamingo class had a fun filled evening celebrating Bonfire Night at Bay Bistro. This was a wonderful end to a week’s learning in school about this true, macabre story and we would like to express our thanks to Clive Whent for hosting this event.

For a couple of children, this was their first ever bonfire night and they will have happy memories for many years to come. There were some surprise firecrackers hiding inside Clive’s Guy who towered above the Y4’s Stuart version.

The class researched previous Guy Fawkes effigies before deciding to make a life-size model of their own. Each child contributed to a part of his body or clothing and donations came from home, the garden, other teachers and even the Salvation Army!

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Flamingos go free in fridge/freezer land!

The Y4s Flamingo Class had an amazing trip to the IGA on Wednesday to learn all about how the supermarket keeps food fresh.
They had an extensive tour of the various  departments including food preparation, weighing, pricing and storage.
They learnt how fridges, freezers and ovens keep food at particular temperatures and they loved experiencing ‘Alaska’ (the minus 35 degree freezer)!

In class on Friday, the Flamingos each wrote a ‘thank you’ letter to Mr Burns for arranging the visit.



Our Year 4 Flamingos are truly a flamboyant flock!

The Y4 class have had a great start to the year, creating lots of art work for their class animal, the flamingo, and finding out some fun facts. Did you know, a flamingo’s ‘knee’ is actually an ankle joint?!

Children have worked in pairs, small groups and as a class to produce some amazing 3D models (see photos below). They have also started their topic for this half term, learnt about their amazing brains AND engaged in some challenging math activities around place value!

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