What have the toddlers been up to?

The toddlers have been busy up to the very last minute in their play areas. There has been lots of learning and especially growth.

The way they play has developed greatly since when they began the programme. They play together, alone and they can play for such long periods constructing towers, role playing and even painting awesome pictures. They have really enjoyed dressing up in the career costumes. Interestingly, they all love being a firefighter and will take turns wearing the costume and the hats. Just a week ago they were in the playground running after each other and shouting “fire, fire!”.  It was so beautiful watching them entertain each other.  No one wanted to come inside.  Then the moment of painting comes into play – this is their calming moment. They would paint lots of pictures, sometimes their bodies too. [Read more…]

Jingle Jam resources a big hit with Early Years children

We are excited to share photos of the children enjoying and benefiting from some of the new extra resources that this years Early Years’ Christmas Jingle Jam has funded. From Toddlers to Kindergarten, the children are delighted and have been enthusiastic to explore them daily. To the organisers, and all of you that supported this event, we the teachers and children from early years would like to thank you.


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Let’s go over to the Greenfield!

Have you ever visited the greenfield play area?

Here is a play area where the toddlers can run free. The toddlers love playing in their classroom and outside play area, but they look forward to having some play time on the grass, which they know as Greenfield. The moment their teacher’s ask, “Who wants to go to greenfield?” it’s a big yes from all of them. Shoes go on quickly, water bottles passed around or in their water buggy and they are at the gate waiting patiently for the nature walk that leads to Greenfield. It’s a moment of running free, kicking a ball or just moving at their own pace enjoying the cool breeze, dancing to action songs or kicking a ball. Greenfield provides an opportunity for almost anything safe and fun.


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Settling into Toddler Class

Our Toddler class provides young children the opportunity to have the chance to play and learn in a group. This can help them to gain confidence and develop social skills.  The colourful, rich environment and the activities we offer encourage children’s social, creative, communication and listening skills, as well as their physical development.  Starting in our Toddler class is a big change for both parent and child. For some it’s the first time being away from each other. There are children who settle quickly to the new routines, and there are others that take a little longer.  We understand that everyone is different and support each child and family with their own experience.  Here are some great tips about settling your toddler into school.

Settling in, it’s wonderful to see our current little toddler group coming to school, excited about their day, eager to meet friends and explore their environment. [Read more…]

There’s something fishy going on in the Toddlers room!

The Toddlers have had a whale of a year in the Toddler’s room and will be O-fish-ally moving on to the Sharks room. The moments spent with them are priceless. They will be leaving with joy and laughter in their hearts. The unforgettable friendships, bonds with their teachers and the many lessons learned. They are a year older and sometimes I think it’s more! The conversations we’ve shared with each other, will never be forgotten.

Do you know what’s more fin-tas-tic?

The toddlers can ride a trike, climb up and down the slide, and run straight on green-field. They know where their bags are stored and can give every child their water at snack time. They even know the rules. They know their teachers’ and they can also call Miss. Sian… especially to come and fix a puzzle or have a foot bath in the sand!

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What have the Toddlers been up to, recently?

The dentist told us about how we can look after our teeth.

For the past few weeks, the toddlers have been learning about community helpers. They have gained a greater understanding of who our community helpers are and the roles they play every day. They have learned about the dentist, doctor, chef, mommy, daddy, police person and the firefighter.

The Toddlers have had lots of fun pretending and imagining themselves in these important roles, incorporating toy versions of vehicles, tools and uniforms that go with them. They have been fascinated with dressing up as these community helpers because they have distinct uniforms and roles that they can easily understand and, in some cases, relate to. All the toddlers have had their favourite roles and uniforms that they have wanted dress up and role play.

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The Toddlers visit the house of the Three Bears

In toddlers, we have been have been learning all about “Me”, and things that are important to us. We have been reading lots of books about our bodies, senses, feelings and families. Our favourite story by far is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. This story grabs their attention and they love exploring the story with puppets. They always want more and more. We went into the Teepee in the playground and pretended that we were entering the house of the three bears. We didn’t eat their porridge, but we enjoyed laying in their cozy beds, and listening to the story.

We also love playing outside.  We’re really good at doing the washing up!

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