Handwashing Smart – Germ Detectives!

In our SK-Year 2 assembly last week, we learnt all about GERMS! We learnt how they are so small that you can’t see them especially when you sneeze or cough.

Miss Helen unfortunately wasn’t feeling well and sneezed into her hand – before you knew the germs (green paint!) had spread all around the class; onto water bottles, the whiteboard and even the children! All because Miss Helen didn’t wash her hands! As you can see from our green hands, the germs spread quickly.

We discussed washing our hands before eating, after using the bathroom, when we’ve played outside etc, making sure to use soap and washing all over including in between our fingers. Keep washing those hands!

Here’s a video all about germs you might like to watch at home to reinforce your child’s learning!

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Glorious Grammar Games in Year 2

In Year 2 we have been busy learning all about grammar.

We have been identifying different parts of a sentence and discovering whether words are



or verbs.


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You are what you eat!

Year 2 have ended their mid term topic of ‘Brains, Bodies and Bones’ by examining how to keep a healthy brain – a good nights sleep, hydration, exercise, less screen time and healthy eating all being the best ways in which to do this.

So how does healthy eating affect your brain? We knew that unhealthy foods could affect our concentration, our ability to focus and sometimes even our energy levels. So, we decided to put our knowledge to the test. We would investigate how eating unhealthy foods and healthy foods would impact us when completing different tasks.

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Our Year 2 Ospreys are Working Together like Birds of a Feather

Our Year 2 Osprey Class are ‘working together like birds of a feather.’
See how our class animal, the osprey, helps us with our learning. Listen to our ‘Meet the Parts of our Brain’ song. We hope you enjoy our presentation.

What’s on your mind?

Year 2 have welcomed in the new school by learning all about their body and their brain. So, what exactly does the brain do? Well, you only have to wander through our classroom to find out! As a get to know you activity, we explored the endless possibilities of ‘What’s on your mind?’ What do we think about when we are imagining, thinking, day – dreaming…?

Then, through songs and videos, we began to learn about the different parts of the brain and how they help us to navigate our every day to day life.

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‘Five Pirates’ – A Stop-Motion Animation By Year 2

This term the Year 2 class have been learning all about stop motion animation. They started with a short YouTube tutorial which led to them having a go at making their own short movie using everyday objects, toys and classroom resources. They then spent many hours working as a team to create the movie ‘5 Pirates’ which tied into this term’s topic ‘Land Ahoy’.

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Ahoy there!

Year 2 have started their Land Ahoy topic off with a great start!  We have gone slightly pirate crazy but amazing work is currently being designed, filmed, created, produced and even sewn!

We have some big projects that we are working on in class. One of them being a class stop animation of a pirate poem. Stop animation is a film process that allows the illusion of inanimate objects seemingly move on their own. So far, we have painted our back drops, created a pirate ship and started to build our main characters out of playdough. In order to create a successful animation, the children must take at least 12 photos for every single second of the film – that’s a lot of photos! We have enjoyed watching Morph and Wallace and Gromit as inspiration for our up – coming film.

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Hang on… Not another Superhero!

You might begin reading this blog, thinking, surely Year 1 and Year 2 have run out of superheroes to meet… after all Turks and Caicos is a small island! How wrong could you be! Our third visitor this time was no other than superhero Police Officer Peart–Barret all the way from Chalk Sound police station.

Police Officer Peart–Barret surprised us by coming to talk about his role within the community and answering the many, many questions the children had to ask him! He explained exactly how he helps the community before showing us some of his very special police equipment. This included a police radio, handcuffs, his police notebook and most importantly, his very own superhero badge.


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Have you ever met a superhero…? We have!

Year 1 and Year 2 were truly in awe after meeting a real – life superhero. From the clues, can you guess who we might have met? They defeat germs and sickness, they take care of people, wear scrubs as their superhero costume and have lots of different tools to help people feel better. Have you guessed it? That’s right… Enter superhero – Dr. Jo!

We had a fantastic morning learning all about what makes Dr. Jo such a superhero. She explained what her day to day job is and how she must carefully examine her patients before deciding the best way to take care of them and defeat those horrible germs. Dr Jo showed us some of her tools she uses to examine patients – stethoscopes, thermometers, drips, blood pressure monitors, x – rays and bandages. As you can see Year 1 and Year 2 loved discovering and using all her tools.

Thank you, Dr. Jo, for a brilliant morning! We all had a wonderful time and loved hearing how super you are! [Read more…]

In Year 2 we are thankful for…

Year 2 have been learning about Thanksgiving this week. We started by learning and watching the story of how the first Thanksgiving was created. As a class we then spent time discussing what we were thankful for. Our class ideas ranged from being thankful to police officers/doctors and nurses/fire fighters/soldiers for taking care of us, being thankful to the school and the teachers, our family and friends, the Earth, nature and God. The children then individually spent time writing their own messages of thanks. I was really impressed with their thought – provoking ideas and wanted to share some of them with you.

I am thankful for my family because they take great care of me. ED

I am thankful for my friends because they are kind to me. JZJ

I am thankful for birds because they tweet and sing. TW

I am thankful for the trees because they make oxygen. BB

I am thankful for Provo Primary School because we get to learn new things every day. AP

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Look what we’ve been celebrating in Year 2!

Look what we’ve been celebrating!

We started this half term by celebrating Halloween. We worked individually to create potential designs for our Halloween Door. Once we had designed them, we looked at them all before taking part in a secret vote. Check out our winning design, hopefully you got to see it at the Halloween Party.

We also wrote our own ‘spook-tactular’ monster poems! Have a read of some of our favourite verses:




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Have you seen Cinderella…?

She was last seen dancing with the Prince at the Royal Ball and he is very keen to find her and marry her. Luckily, the children in Year 2 have made some wanted posters to try and find her. Please keep a look out, rewards vary from diamond rings, vacations, crowns, gold and even some dollars! Come and have a look at our wanted posters if you need a good description of Cinderella.

Year 2 have also been busy writing letters to the Fairy Godmother and writing diary entries about their time at the ball. We then spent time designing our own shoes before finally making them out of clay.

We had to carefully roll, cut, squash, squeeze and smooth the clay to make the perfect shoe! It took time and patience, and as you can see from the photos, a lot of focus too. We then carefully added on designs before painting them – they look fabulous! [Read more…]