Exciting New Developments for all Bloggers

Many of you have enjoyed reading and watching the latest news about the children at Provo Primary. Now you are welcome to leave any comments about the blog in general or about a specific entry. Please be positive and constructive – all entries will be reviewed and then posted as part of the site.

I am pleased to announce that we are taking part in ‘History Matters’ national blog. 17th October 2006 has been designated National Blog Day and Provo Primary will have their contribution accepted as part of a snapshot of life in the 21st century. Look out for the published article.

Children enjoy Golden Times


Golden Time came to Provo Primary this week as a way of rewarding all those children who behave well, work hard and keep the rules in school. This is a weekly session of 30 minutes of non-curricular time when children take part in a planned activity or range of activities, which are fun and enjoyable. Golden Time is special and is a real highlight of the week.

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Principal’s Welcome 2006

School Newsletter

Dear parents

Welcome to the beginning of an exciting new year for Provo Primary School. All the children enjoyed their return to school. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the new members of the school… students, parents and teachers alike. Please take a look at our school website to meet all the new teachers. http://provolearning.com/school/teachers.html


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