Year 3s Fantastic Sensory ‘Rock’ Poems

yr-3-rock-poems-oct-2015 (5)What amazing creative poets we have in our Year 3 class. Click on to read a selection of their poems.

The Year 3s have been fascinated by studying rocks.  They have described rocks and compared their properties, doing some exciting activities and experiments along the way.

As part of their studies, they have each focused on learning about a particular type of rock.  They created these sensory poems to describe them.  Well done Year 3, you have used lot of imagery and descriptive language – very impressive!




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Provo Library Book Drive Thank You

school-council-book-drive-thanks-oct-2015The Provo Primary School Council would like to pass on a huge thank you to everyone who donated children’s books for the local Library, downtown!

We will be sorting through the many books this week.

Look out for our next post telling you all about our trip to the library, what we learnt and discovered about this local facility and how we plan to support and promote it.



Year 3 just LOVE learning about programming

yr-3-programming-sept-2015 (3)Led by our school Computing Co-ordinator, Mr Jason, Year 3 have been having a ‘whale’ of a time investigating into what computer programming is about – following and/or producing a set of instructions to make things work.

Building on programming skills introduced last year in Yr 2, they are now working with Scratch Junior.  They have been learning how to set a program so that the characters move from one place to another. Plus they have been learning how to get the characters to communicate. They have achieved this not only by inserting speech bubbles – practising their sentence writing skills – but also by recording their own voices, therefore becoming one of the characters in the program – at this point some children were able to practise their singing skills!

Next steps are to build their own characters and sets and create their own story using their newly developed programming skills. Well done Year 3 and a BIG thank you to Mr Jason for sharing your skills with us.

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School Council News September 2015

school-council2015 School Council Elections have come to an end and the new School Councillors have been appointed.

There was a flurry of excitement last week as the students at Provo Primary were preparing presentations for their class explaining why they should be chosen to represent their class in the School Council. The feedback from teachers, students and the children on the presentations was so positive and all those who participated did a ‘fabulous’ job. We had posters, film clips, presentation cards and a whole array of wonderfully confident and vibrant presentations – so well done to ALL of YOU who participated.


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Yr 3 beautifully decorate their wonderful book bags

yr3-garden-sewing (12)The Year 3s were really inspired by their recent visit to a beautiful garden.  Having made close observational drawings of fruits and vegetables, they came back to school with sketches and patterns.  They used these in a number of activities which, when put together, decorated the special ‘book bags’ that Mrs. Betty had made for them.

First, the children practised their computing skills using the tools in the Paint program.  They used their designs to make their own ‘print blocks’ to create a print onto felt.  Then, they sewed beads and sequences onto the printed felt, which were then sewed onto their book bags.



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Yr. 3 are observing, learning about and eating nature!

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Last week all of us in Year 3 made a visit to one our class member’s amazing garden. What a lovely time we had.  Mr Ryan gave us a very informative tour of their vegetable and fruit growing garden. We learned many new facts about different soils, the different parts of flowers, how flowers pollinate, what plants need to grow plus lots and lots of other amazing features of plants!

Afterwards we had a real treat.  Miss Natalie invited us to use some of the fruits and vegetables to practise our cutting and slicing skills.  We then made our own sandwiches…which we got to eat as we sat in the shade under the trees – yummy!

We also had time to use our observational sketching skills to carefully draw the beautiful patterns inside particular fruits and vegetables.

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During our Shark Week, Year 3 went Shark and Teeth Crazy!

yr3-teeth-april-2015-6In Science we have been looking at Teeth and in Numeracy we have been looking at Fractions. To combine our shark learning we decided to make some pop-up sharks with different coloured teeth. Look out for these beautiful sharks when you are out snorkeling next time!

Our challenge was to find the fraction of different coloured teeth for our individual sharks. We are now the fraction teeth experts but can you recognise who is behind each shark mouth in the photos?



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Estimate – Weigh – Price – Buy – Check your change – Consume

yr-3-weighing-fruit-mar-2015-(18)Year 3 welcome you to the ‘Fruit Café’. We have been having a fruity time ‘estimating’ the weight of different fruits using g and kg this week. Each person brought in a different kind of fruit which we all got to estimate and weigh, using both balancing and calibrated scales. Our estimates were getting better and better each time. We even found that one of the melons weighed the same as an adult brain! – (1.5kg).




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Materials – Materials – Materials

yr-3-materials-jan-2015 (7)Year 3 Dolphins have been busy looking at different ‘materials’ in science. First, we identified what ‘materials’ objects around the school were made of. For example our chairs are made of plastic, metal and rubber and our books are made from paper, card and metal. We then looked at the ‘properties’ (characteristics) of particular materials, using our wonderful adjectives to describe them – rubber is flexible, soft, strong and waterproof while metal is strong, rigid, smooth, waterproof and it can be shiny.

We then decided to place our Scientist Hats on and find out which paper material was the most absorbent. So we gathered different papers and devised a ‘fair test’ looking at which variable we were going to change (paper) and which variable we were going to keep the same (amount of drops of water).

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Year 3 Rocks!

yr-3-rocks-oct-2014Which rocks are waterproof? Which rocks are hard or soft? How and when do we use rocks?  What types of rocks are there? These were just some of the questions we tried to answer during our Rock Investigations in Year 3 this half term.


Read on to find out more about our investigations…






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Quail Mania!


When the quails first arrived Year 3 went ‘all out’ to research into finding the answers to the many questions they had about these teeny little birds. They found out lots of interesting facts.  Here are some of the answers to the questions we asked:

* Quails only fly when they are frightened.

* They eat seeds and grass. They like to eat green things, and many are vegetarian. However some quails do like to eat insects and worms.

* Some Californian quails are blue and red.

* Male quails sing to attract their girlfriends.

* Quails hover like helicopters.

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Year 3’s Tipi Reconstruction

yr-3-tipi-may-2014 (3)This year we found that the tipi needed a bit of facelift.  So we kindly asked Mr Neal if he could return and work on rebuilding it with us. Parents came in the day before, however, to help in dismantling it, which gave us a good idea of how to assist Mr Neal in reconstructing the structure.

Once it was finished, we collected and painted lots of rocks and arranged them around the tipi.  It looks wonderful – do venture into the playground to have a look.  Sitting in it really does offer great shade from the summer sunshine.

Thank you to our parent helpers and to Mr Neal for you invaluable help.


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Tyres and messy, messy paints!

yr-3-tyres-tipi-may-2013 (5)It’s that time of year again when Year 3 get their creative hats on and explore ways of improving the look of our outdoor environment.

We  found out that the tyres in the garden were super fun to jump in and out of. Therefore we decided to paint some of the extra tyres and, together with some of the older tyres, relocated them to a new spot in the sand area where all of us could have fun jumping around in them!

Some of the tyres were also re-potted with new soil and again relocated into another area of the playground. We then planted some new seeds in the hope of seeing some beautiful flowers emerge in the future…. Lets see if our magic green fingers work this year!

Huge thanks to all the parents who have helped us have so much fun in the garden and playground. We really could not have accomplished all the messy paint scenarios and laughter without you all…THANK YOU!

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Migrating ospreys fly close to TCI

yr-3-ospreys-march-2014-11What a fabulous week we all had learning so much about the amazing life of an Osprey bird. We discovered lots of fascinating facts! For instance did you know that the wing span of an osprey can be as long as 1.82meters (around 6 feet)? The females are bigger than the males. They lay between 2 to 4 eggs each year and they migrate to the same place.  We wonder if the new osprey nesting platform, that was put up this week at The Bight Park, will become a new nesting place for a new pair of ospreys, we hope so!

We were also introduced to Belle. An American Osprey that migrated to Brazil for the winter months and is at this very moment making its way back to the US. Belle actually flew very near to us in the TCI on her journey back. We found out that she flew over 700 miles in 36 hours – how impressive is that! We decided to make some friends for Belle so we made some of our own ospreys. Check out our photos and meet Olive, Rainbow, Oscar, Otis, Freddy, Ricky, Sherman, Dotty, Oreo, Penny, Bed Head and Bucky the Year 3 Dolphin Ospreys – have fun! Click ‘read more…’ to see lots of photos  of the children creating their ospreys.

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Year 3 Roller Coaster Rap

Last week, one of our guided reading groups decided to create a ‘rap’ to retell part of a story they had been reading. The rest of the class were so impressed that they wanted to join in too…so they did. The story was called ‘Up and Down’ and was based on two characters. One character loved fairground rides, while the other did not. Enjoy!

Secret Valentines – Guess who is behind the pot!

Y3-valentines-feb-2014 (3)On Valentines Day Year 3 Dolphins had a wonderful time creating Valentine Haiku poems for the people they cared for. Having chosen one special person in their life, they then thought of feelings, events and occasions associated to that person. Using the five, seven, five syllable rule they created their special haiku for their special person. They neatly wrote out their poems, disguised as a secret package and placed it in a Valentine pot that they had decorated. You can read their poems below, but can you recognise who is behind each pot! 






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Year 3’s Fabulous Funky Fractions

yr-3-fractions-jan-2014The Year 3 Dolphins have had lots of fun discovering how to find the fraction of shapes. They began by splitting the circular shape of their air balloon designs into equal parts. They then shaded the equal parts into different colours. Their objective was then to calculate the fraction of each colour used within their air balloon. This idea then escalated into designing kites and hats that could also be split into equal parts and fractionalized!

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School Council’s Ideas for the New Year.

school-council-garden-planning-jan-2014A Happy New Year from the School Council. We will be busy the next two terms working on our School Outdoor Area.  Our intention is to work in a way whereby all children will be able to participate in discussing, researching, planning and making parts of our play area and the garden a little bit different!  Our first steps are to gather as many ‘workable’ ideas as possible from the children, parents and friends of the School.



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Toy Drive Thank You from the School Council

toy-drive-dec-2013The School Council would like to say a HUGE thank you to all the parents and friends of Provo Primary for donating so many wrapped gifts towards the Toy Drive. A whole variety of shaped and sized secret packages were sorted by the School Council on Wednesday morning.

The Rotary Club  organised for your donations to be equally distributed to children on the island and in South Caicos.

Additional thanks must also be given to Mrs Rachel for inspiring us with this generous and kind idea and, to Miss Evieann for organising the distribution of the Christmas gifts various areas.

The kindness and generosity of all who participated is going to make some children on this island so very, very happy. Thank YOU!

The Year 3 Dolphin Mall Class Shop has been officially opened!

yr-3-shop-nov-2013 (9)“We have the best prices starting at $1!

“We make your bills smaller with our prices…”

“Remember our prices cannot be beaten!”

 “We have it all! Groceries, toys, DVD’s, clothes, sports equipment and more!”

“You want it…We have it!”

Have we persuaded you to come in and buy from the Year 3 class shop? We had a lot of fun designing persuasive posters and adverts to entice customers to come and shop with us. We have bargains galore!

Year 3 Dolphins have not only been co-operatively building a class shop, they have also been busy:  Estimating the cost of their shopping; finding the totals and, just as importantly, checking their change!

It’s been great fun to work together, learning from each other and of course, having the chance to shop during ‘school time’! Super work Year 3!  Take a look at the photos of our amazing shop and super-duper Maths calculations.

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School Council Toy Drive

Standing-Logo-santa-nov2013The School Council invite you to donate gently-used toys, books or games to be re-distributed to other children on the island who are less fortunate.  

If you would like to donate a gift, then please… wrap it up in Christmas paper and attached a tag with the appropriate age and gender.

Bring your gifts to school on…  Wednesday 4th December.

The gifts will be distributed by the Rotary Club to other children on the island.


Year 3 get Hot… HOT… HOTTER… then cold… COLD… COLDER

yr-3-hot-cold-nov-2013 (10)What wonderful colour mixing and brush control from the Year 3 Dolphins! They have brought a ‘blast’ of beautiful colour into our classroom.  The bright and bold colour creations was inspired by our Numeracy work on  shape and our Social Studies work – looking at different climates around the world.  Can you feel which colours may make you feel ‘cold’ and which colours may make you feel ‘hot’?

The art work of Kandinsky was the original source of inspiration for these designs, yet the line and form were taken from the US artist, Alma Lee.  The end products, lively colour and happy designs are the creations of the one and only talented Year 3  –  well done Dolphins!

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School Council Term 1 Update

school-council-nov-2013Officially appointed at the beginning of term, the proud new School Council have been busy with School Council duties this past couple of months.

This year their plans to improve the school will focus on the ‘Outdoor Area’ and discussions of ideas of how we can develop our garden and play areas have already begun.

One idea is to celebrate and label all of the special native vegetation that we have growing in our school.  To help us to identify what we have, Kathleen Woods, from The Department for Environment and Maritime Affairs (DEMA), kindly came in to offer some expert advice.  She and Ms Myrna also shared some of the traditional natural remedies that can be made using some of plants. Our next job will be to produce signs for each plant and tree identified.  Mrs Lottie, our  Art teacher and professional Artist will be assisting us in making these signs.  Click on to find out about other things we are doing.

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Year 3 Explore Nature at the Amanyara Resort

yr-3-amanyara-oct-2013-3A fun educational morning, compliments of Miss Jackie at the Amanyara.

How fortunate we Year 3 Dolphins were. We were invited to go and visit the Nature Centre and walk the Nature Trail in the area of the hotel. A fabulous morning of ‘discovery’ was experienced. We were able to observe and handle the live residential conch, soldier crabs and sand dollars that live at the Centre. It was really interesting to see the soldier crabs walking together! We also learnt about plants in the TCI, used a microscope to see natures patterns of plants and insects, painted our own pot to plant seeds in, plus experienced the plants we talked about first hand, during our Nature Walk. Wow! We were so busy!



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Year 3’s Place Value Snakes

yr-3-snake-place-value-sept-2013-1Year 3 Dolphins have been having a hiss-terical time with their ‘Place Value Snakes’.  They have been used to asss-ist them in identifying the value of digits in 3, 4 and sometimes even 5 digit numbers.  Each counter you drop into a snake’s hole stands for one value in that place. For example, two counters in the ‘tens’ hole stands for two tens, or 20. Three counters in the ‘thousand’ hole stands for 3 thousands or 3000. Such clever snakessss , such clever Dolphins too!

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