Forging Friendships with Schools on South Caicos

Recently, we the Provo Primary School School Council had a super smashing time in South Caicos. The main purpose of our trip was to visit two schools that had been hit quite hard by Hurricanes Irma and Maria – The Calvary Christian School and The Iris Stubbs Primary School.

At school, we had been shown photos of the devastation that had occurred to the classrooms and school buildings. Having seen the damage, we wanted to help in some way.

We wanted to connect with the children and offer a hand of friendship from one school to another.  So, it was decided that we would start a penpal outreach programme with the two schools.

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Year 3’s Roving Researchers

Below are just some of the amazing facts that Year 3 researched into and presented to the class. We learned so much, and had lots of fun finding out new things. How incredibly wonderful and marvelous the world around us is! Thank you Year 3 for sharing your findings with us.

Did you know…

One of the largest snowflakes ever recorded was 40cm long.?

A rose has between 20 – 40 petals, depending on the type of rose?

It takes a whole year for a palm tree to grow 30cm?

Volcano ash can travel as far as the length of Provo which is around 17 miles!

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Tipi Team Work in Year 3

“Well done”

“Good job”

“Do you think we could…”

“Shall we try again?”

“It looks amazing!”

“We’re not giving up!”

These were just some of the phrases that were shared during our ‘team building tipi’ session this week. Year 3 were given the challenge to build group tipis – very much related to our Native American study of the Sioux tribe this term – Two groups worked with their own ‘build your own tipi’ set, which came with a pack of instructions – that alone was a challenge! And one group were asked to build a tipi using our fabulous new ‘loose parts’ playground equipment.

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Fabulous Flamingo Week 2017 Artwork and Learning

Did you know –  flamingoes’ legs can sometimes be longer than their entire body? Flamingoes can also live up to 30 years old, and sometimes even 50 if they live in a protected place away from predators. To attract a female flamingo, the male flamingoes perform a synchronized dance whereby they stand together stretching their necks upwards, uttering calls while waving their heads and flapping their wings? We all had fun trying to imitate this dance in Year 3. We wondered if the flamingoes laughed and had as much fun as we did…what beautiful happy birds they are!

Each year, we dedicate a week to learn in-depth about the local wildlife in our environment here in the Turks and Caicos. This year we are exploring the world of Flamingoes. In previous years we have studied ospreys, sharks and turtles.  These are all extra special to us here at Provo Primary as our classes are named after these local animals.  Each year, we invite local experts in to talk to us and share their knowledge of the animals, their habitats here in the TCI and about why it is important for us to protect them.

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MindUp Fun in Year 3!

During MindUp this term one of the things we have been talking about in Year 3 is the word ‘Gratitude’. We had lots of fun making our Gratitude Post Box, plus thinking, talking, discussing and role playing what the word actually meant! After much deliberation, we came to the conclusion that to us it meant being ‘truly truly thankful’ for all good things, however big or small that passes our way.





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Hope For Haiti

A BIG, BIG thank YOU and a HUGE well done to all student, parents, teachers and friends of Provo Primary. Through the PTA Movie Night ($638) and the School Council Hats for Haiti Dress Down Day ($174), we have managed to raise a staggering $812. How fantastic is that!

The amount is being donated to the ‘Hope For Haiti’ Charity that assists the children that suffered most, during the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. For more information about the charity go to

It goes to show what wonderful things we can achieve when working together to help others.


Was the BIG BAD wolf really so bad? Year 3 consider things from his perspective!

When we had finished reading the story of Little Red Riding Hood, we began to wonder how the poor old wolf felt. He always seems to be portrayed as the wicked, mean and nasty character in the story. But was he really so mean?

During our earlier MindUp/P.S.H.C.E session we had just been talking about the importance of having an ‘open mind’ and the value of being able to sometimes take on a different perspective, especially during problem solving. We talked about how ‘perspective’ allows us to consider more than one way of understanding a behaviour, event or situation.

So how did the wolf really feel to make him act in such a way?

We decided to think of other words that could describe other feelings the wolf may have had.  Thesaurus’ were used to find alternative words to describe these feelings. Eventually we got to the really FUN part. In our ‘feelings’ groups, using our body language, tone of voice and our facial expressions we acted out the story. But this time from the possible wolf’s perspective!

Looking at the photos below, can you guess which ‘feeling’ is being conveyed by each facial expression?

Maybe the wolf really wasn’t that bad after all?

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School Council and the Born Free ‘Adopt and Animal’ Venture

school-council-animals-jan-2017 (1) Every last Friday of the month is ‘Dress Down Day’.  Funds that we raise are passed on to the school council to decide how to use.  Funds that are raised in Term 1 are allocated to a global need, Term 2 a local need and Term 3 a school need. There was much debate as to where the Term 1 funds would go.  Where could we as a school help make a difference?

Usually we help charities that support children, but an older member of the School Council suggested helping animals and this created a buzz of interest. Class discussions took place, research began and we discovered the animal charity called Born Free. Contact was made and we discovered that we had raised enough funds for each class from Years 2 to 6 to adopt an animal, from the wild, for a whole year.

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School Council present books galore to Ianthe Pratt School

sc-ianthe-pratt-book-donations-dec-2016Students from Ianthe Pratt School visited Provo Primary this morning. Together with the students from the Middle School, they became our first outside audience to experience our school Christmas performance of ‘A Panto Like No Other’ – hence some of the outfits in the photos! They did say they enjoyed the performance very much; however the excitement and smiles of the students of Ianthe Pratt grew even more when they saw the gift of books that were being presented to them after the show by our School Council. The students could not quite believe that all the books were for them, they were so utterly delighted and could not wait to read them!

A BIG thank you to the P.T.A. for encouraging parents to buy an extra book with their Scholastic order, and also to the children who bought in their own book donations. The P.T.A. also gave a $300 Scholastic budget to the teachers at Ianthe Pratt and they ordered additional books and teaching resources as well.  Altogether there were four big boxes of books for them to take back to their school.

How wonderful it is to share and see the love of reading. Merry Christmas to you all at Ianthe Pratt School.

Year 3 Celebrate TCI History and Heritage

yr-3-tci-nov-2016-22What an exciting half term it has been for all of us. We have been discovering all sorts of wonderful and exciting things about the place we call home. We have learned about the different industries, explorers, neighbouring countries, plants, foods and customs of the T.C.I.

Our journey first began when we were invited by Mr Vasco to visit the Enclave. Here we were able to see the prominence of limestone rock on the island – which enabled people in the past to dig wells easily due to the softness of the stone. The construction of the Enclave also highlighted the importance of the growing ‘tourist’ industry in the T.C.I.

We were then invited to visit the Amanyara where Miss Jackie took us on a walk in the area and highlighted the many special plants that grow on the T.C.I., explaining the importance and uniqueness of particular plants on the island.

We were also very fortunate to have Miss Mary and Mr Jonathan from the National Trust come in to share their skills and knowledge about the importance of weaving in the T.C.I., both in the past and now in the present. We even managed to have a go at weaving ourselves and are now in the process of weaving our own mats to sit on in the garden – let’s hope they turn out!

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Year 3 ate the world and made lots of discoveries!

yr3-melon-oct-2016-6It all began with a melon! During our Science discussion when discovering facts about what the world is made of, we discovered some similarities between the world and a melon… and they were quite tasty!

From a slice of melon came a multitude of questions and journeys to research. Everyone in Year 3 chose an area related to our topics of either Rocks or Weather and went away and completed their own project to present to the class.

WOW! How impressed we all were. We had volcano’s erupting, hurricane and tsunami facts that blew us all away, fossil facts galore and some very exciting PowerPoint presentations with those extra special effects; board games and even a few dances that illustrated all the new facts we were sharing.

Thank you Year 3 for making learning fun!

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Hats for Haiti and thank you for YOUR help with the Haiti Fund

sc-hats-for-haiti-oct-2016-25All there is to say is that we are truly truly thankful for all of your donations. Whether it was a gift of clothing, food, bedding, shoes and toiletries and/or a dollar to wear a ‘Hat for Haiti’ on our Dress Down Day. All and everything will go towards helping the people worst hit by hurricane Matthew in Haiti. Well done to the School Council for publicizing, collecting and loading the collection vehicle – YOU made it happen!

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School Council encourage hurricane relief support for Haiti

img_0743Provo Primary School Council are collecting to assist the Haiti hurricane Matthew relief efforts.

Things we need: Dry non-perishable foods; Canned goods, Clothing, Toiletries, Footwear, Baby Items and Bedding.

Bring your donations into school and we will sort and box them up and deliver them to the Haiti Relief Organization. Community donations welcome.

All donations in by: Next week – Friday 21st October.

Our final Dress Down this half term on Friday 31st will also be related to this cause – ‘Hats for Haiti’. Wear any hat to school for $1 – more information will follow.


Year 3’s Weather Channel is officially on Air!

For the past few weeks, Year 3 have been identifying the continents and the changes in climate around the world. We have been looking at the special words used to describe the different types of weather and have been recording the temperature, wind factor and rainfall each day.

Today we were quite excited to have recorded some rainfall and a drop in the temperature. An extra plus, is that we are all feeling very fortunate having had Hurricane Matthew pass us by.

Check out our video to learn more of what we have been learning about. Double plus – can you tell which of our ‘Collage Paintings’ are HOT or COLD?

Provo Primary’s School Council Elections 2016

school-council-sept-2016-1It has been yet another successful and amazing turn out of students who are willing to donate their time, skills and ideas to becoming a School Councilor. Teacher feedback within the school, with regards to how the children presented themselves forward as candidates, was very, very positive. Therefore, a huge WELL DONE to every single one of you who participated in the elections this year.  It really is great to see so much enthusiasm and interest in trying to make things better, not only for us in the school, and on our island, but also for the world around us.

During our first meeting this year we talked about how much the School Council has achieved in the past – take a look at the photos below and scan through our School Council blog posts. We also discussed some ideas of what we could achieve this year.  Details of future plans are to follow once we get the ball rolling.  So keep a look out on this blog and see what wonders we will achieve this year.

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Year 3 meet Oscar the Grouch!

yr3-oscar-grouch-may-2016 (3)On Tuesday morning Year 3 got a real surprise when they were taken to a ‘TOP SECRET’ destination. Unbeknown to them all, they were being taken to the “Beaches Resort’ to meet Oscar the Grouch.

This special treat was awarded to one of our Year 3 students, who for the past 4 consecutive years (since she was 5) has always (yes always) managed to get up really early to attend and participate in the TCI Shines Clean Up event that is organised by the TCHTA and DEMA each year.

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Whose teeth belong to who?

yr-3-teeth-landscapes-aprilTake a look at our ‘Teeth Landscape’ paintings. Can you guess who is behind each smile? In Science, Year 3 have been researching teeth. We have discovered many facts about our teeth. For example, did you know we have two sets of teeth during our lifetime – deciduous teeth and permanent teeth; unlike sharks whose teeth renew forever and ever!



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School Council First Aiders and Library News

school-council-library-april-2016-1Last term each of our School Council members participated in a First Aid Course devised especially for children, by the British Red Cross. Book donations and the purchase of library resources were also bought and presented to the Public Library.  Find out more about these two projects and do check out some of the photo to see our wonderful School Councillors at work!



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A real ‘live’ mummy spotted in the Year 3 classroom!

yr-3-ancient-egyptians-mar-On our Friday Showcase afternoon, the Year 3 classroom went through a time warp and landed in a time over 3000 years ago…in the time of the Ancient Egyptians. There was excitement all afternoon as the Ancient Egyptian characters shared their life and beliefs with the other time travelers within the school. The afternoon concluded with parents and adults also coming in to discover and experience new information about the amazing Ancient Egyptians.

There was an opportunity for you to become an archaeologist, digging up artefacts; you could write your name in hieroglyphics; learn facts about Cleopatra and Nefertiti; you could enter a pyramid and see a (real live mummy!); you got the opportunity to get your heart weighed and meet the god Anubis, you could even taste Egyptian food and play with Egyptian toys. Check out some of the photos to see the fabulous activities and projects shared during this special showcase afternoon. Well done Year 3 – we had lots of fun!

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School Council Crazy Hair Day Success

sc-crazy-hair-jan-2016-(22)A BIG thank you to all you creative parents and carers out there for participating so enthusiastically in our ‘Crazy Hair Day”; we can see now where the children get their ‘creativity’ from.

Take a look at all the photos of our Year 1 – 6s!




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Invites Galore for Year 3

yr-3-jan-2016 (2)We have been back at school only a few weeks now, and already Year 3 have been invited along to other classes to share and discover some of the exciting activities that have been going on in their classrooms. Year 4 invited us to come and encounter their “Explorers and their Discoveries” projects they had researched into. Year 1 invited us to come and experience some of their ‘MindUp’ learning. We ourselves have been quite busy too. Read on to find out more…

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Thank you for all of your Christmas toy donations

school-council-toy-drive-dec-2015 (2) The School Council would like to say a HUGE Christmas time thank you to all of you who donated the many wonderful gifts during our Christmas Toy Drive. It was astounding to see the many gifts that you managed to donate. We’re sure that your generosity will be much appreciated by other children in our community.

So once again the School Council found themselves helping load a truck full of your donated ‘goodies’ (last month it was books for the local library). Captain Miller, from the Salvation Army, was thankful for the gifts and will organise the distribution of them over the holiday season. Thank you also to Nicole, who kindly dropped off at the Salvation Army store a further car full of gifts that came in this morning.  You still have time to donate if you missed the drop off  – please now take your gifts directly to the store.

A Merry Christmas to you ALL. [Read more…]

School Council Toy Drive – Christmas 2015

Standing-Logo-santa-nov2013The Provo Primary School Council invites you to donate gently used toys, books or games to be re-distributed to other children on the island who are less fortunate.

If you would like to donate a gift, then please… wrap it up in Christmas paper and attached a tag with the appropriate age and gender.

Bring your gifts to school on…

Wednesday 2nd December.

The gifts will be distributed to other children on the island through The Salvation Army.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Our Book Donations are Happily Received

sc-book-donation-nov-2015 (3)This week, the ‘muscle’ of the School Council passed on your generous book donations from the Book Drive to Ms. Joan from the Public Library Down Town. Working as a team, they carried and loaded boxes upon boxes of books into her van.

While Ms. Joan was at the School, she was taken on a tour of our School Library by two of our School Councilors and was also shown around the school. Miss Joan was very excited by all that she saw. She was impressed by our selection of books and she just loved our computer ‘finger identification’ system that checks books in and out.

We still have some funds that were raised from the first term’s ‘Dress Down Days’ last year that the Councilors decided will be used to buy resources to assist Ms. Joan in the running of her library.

Ms. Joan left with a HUGE smile on her face and asked to pass on an even HUGER thank you to all of you who donated books to this cause. THANK YOU for making this happen and well done to the School Council for doing such a good job!

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Year 3 Rocks Galore

Earlier you read some of Year 3’s wonderful ‘Rock Poems’. However, we have not only been rock poets, we have been doing all sorts of other amazing things in relation to our topic on rocks.

Check out our photos to see our rock research, which led to our rock presentations and our rock collages, which led to our rock paintings. We also did some rock experiments, which led us to discover which rocks were the most porous and which rocks were stronger than others.

Plus watch and listen carefully to our ‘Rocks Rock’ information talking text that we created together as a class. Creating and learning this helped us to use good choices of vocabulary when writing our own information texts. Rocktastic! Well done Year 3!

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