Ms Shara has been back working with Grade 5/6 this term and together, they have been exploring choreography.
On the next page is a video clip of their whole dance.
A unique Primary School, offering a British based, child centred education in the Turks and Caicos Islands
Ms Shara has been back working with Grade 5/6 this term and together, they have been exploring choreography.
On the next page is a video clip of their whole dance.
Micro-organisms are small (very small) living organisms that like the same things as we do: oxygen, moisture, food and an even temperature. Micro-organisms exist everywhere: some are harmful and even dangerous, some cause no problems and even help us (for instance in our digestive tracts).
We were looking at ‘friendly’ bacteria like yogurt and yeast. We investigated the effect of yeast when making bread. We made 6 different sets of bread rolls – ranging from having no yeast to too much yeast – and observed the effect. As you can see, the amount of yeast made a significant difference.
Having now had enough time to complete our rides, we thought you might like to see 3 of the finished, working models.
Each ride includes a video, so they make take a few minutes to upload to your computer, please be patient!
As part of our technology this term Grade 6 are building rotating fairground rides; some are based on carousels (horizontal rotation) and some on ferris wheels (vertical rotation). The objective was to make our rides rotate using cogs, pulleys, motors and batteries.
We in Grade 6 are lucky to have Mrs Krys working with us every week. Last term, she covered the ‘basics’ of Adobe Photoshop and this term, we are learning how to alter and adapt the photos we take to improve them.
Photoshoot Click on the link to see how photogenic Grade 6 are!
From painted footprints with Kindergarten to soccer with Grades 5 and 6 at Palencia Academy to photography with Mrs Krys, Grade 6 have enjoyed helping and working with all of these people
Grade 6 may be the smallest class in the school but we are already making a big impression.
The example we set every day demonstrates what we at Provo Primary School expects of our pupils. We are superb ‘role models‘.
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