Who knew that something so simple could become such a superpower?

Each year, watching this inspirational video resonates powerfully with our students.

Our Year 2 class have just watched it for the first time and it has been a really effective way to help them understand what mindfulness means. The video has become the catalyst for Personal, Health, Social and Economic Education (PHSE) discussions and helped the children begin to understand and manage their emotions as they learn and play together. When they remember to ‘just breathe’, they can find the clarity to calmly solve problems, resolve conflicts, find compromise and build resilience. 

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An unexpected safe place for a fledgling hummingbird to find its wings!

hummingbird-dec-2016Recently, we were very privileged to have a Hummingbird family come and make their home in a tree in our Early Years playground.

Despite the busyness of outside playtime, the mother Hummingbird built a beautiful nest and laid an egg. We were so excited to see that the egg had hatched into a baby, and while the mother always let us know she was close and keeping and eye on us, we were lucky enough to watch the baby growing in its nest before it grew big enough to fly off on its own.

The children loved to be lifted up to check on the baby’s progress (from a respectful distance of course), and enjoyed learning all about the life cycle of a baby bird.

Whilst we all missed our playground friend once it had flown its nest, we were pleased to have provided a safe place for a fledgling hummingbird to find its wings, just like we do for all our own Early Years ‘fledglings’!

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Toddler class swims into a fantastic new year of learning

tod-rainbow-fish-jan-2017 (1)As part of our new ‘Helping Hands’ topic in Toddler Class, we spent the week looking at the story of the Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. We learnt from the Rainbow Fish’s experiences that it can be fun to share with our friends. In our games, we enjoyed taking it in turns to catch fish of all the colours of the rainbow. In our creative activities, we really liked passing our friends the silvery scales they needed to finish their Rainbow Fish creations, and working together to craft a big Rainbow Fish with beautiful textures and colours. We are looking forward to a half term of caring, sharing, collaborating and appreciating all the people who help us. What a great way to swim into a fantastic new year of learning!

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Take a peek into the day of our Toddlers

toddler-peek-oct-2016What a busy and successful half term it’s been in Toddlers! It’s been so wonderful to watch the children explore and engage with their new learning environment, and to see them settle into their new class and routines.

Whilst our day consists of lots of free flow play, choice and self-directed activities, taking an active part in their routines really helps the children to gain autonomy and independence. It also helps them to know that, after a fun filled and happy morning, their proud parents will be coming back through the door to hear all about the day’s successes.
With practice, and the help of a little book made by Ms Shara, the children have gained such a good understanding of the structure of their day that they are now telling us what comes next! Especially when it’s snack time!
Take a look at our photos for a peek into our day. We are so proud of our Toddlers!

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Look what our amazing Toddlers can do!

i-can-buildWe may be the youngest, and among the newest students at Provo Primary School, but in the last two weeks we have discovered we are already able to do so many things in Toddler Class!

As part of our “Magical Me” topic, we have been exploring all the things we can do. Have a look at our photos to see what a capable and independent bunch we are!

We love looking at the pictures of our achievements on our topic wall, and we are looking forward to adding lots of new skills to our repertoire this year.

Just watch us grow!




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Year 2 – Mi Familia

In our Family topic in Year 2, we have been learning how to describe other people. Using the third person, we have been adapting sentences to tell each other the names of our family members and friends, as well as what colour hair and eyes they have.

To help us work on our speaking skills, we each chose a family member we wanted to give a presentation about, picked out the information we needed, then wrote it down to create our Spanish scripts. We then used our scripts to help us deliver the fantastic presentations you see in our video. We hope you enjoy them!

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Querido Zoo leido y actualizado por Kindergarten

In Kindergarten Spanish we have been building on the children’s learning about animals and animal classification using the popular book ‘Dear Zoo’ by Rod Campbell. First we needed to hear the story in Spanish, picking out and learning the names for all the animals the book talks about. Then we needed to look at the adjectives used to describe each of the zoo animals, and why they wouldn’t make suitable pets. I’m sure you’ll agree that the animal chosen at the end of the book would make a much better pet than a lion, a snake or a camel!

The children then put their newly learned vocabulary, as well as some excellent animal impressions, into a re-telling of the original story in Spanish. Watch our video to see what a wonderful job they did!

¡JK Habla Español! (JK speaks Spanish)

We’ve had such a lot of fun learning Spanish in JK this half term. I am lucky enough to spend two mornings a week with the wonderful children of JK and their fabulous teacher Ms Myrna, speaking and playing in Spanish.  We use Spanish for lots of our everyday routines including circle time, playtime and craft activities. We count how many children are in the class in Spanish (as you can see from the video when you click on ‘read more’ below), we talk about colours and shapes when we’re playing our games and getting into our groups. We even know how to tidy up, have a water break and put on our shoes in Spanish!

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Year 2 – Pasatiempos

In Hummingbird Class we’ve been interviewing each other in Spanish to find out about the activities our friends do when they’re not at school.  We’re a very busy class! We had to learn how to talk about all the different activities we do, then choose one to show in our interview.  We also had to learn how to ask the question “what do you you do in your spare time?” (¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?).  We had to really practise our Spanish speaking to make sure we knew what to say – we didn’t even need to write down our lines to help us remember! We worked really hard on building our confidence in our speaking.  It was a bit scary being filmed, but we think you’ll agree that we all did a great job when you watch our fantastic video!

Al Médico por Year 3

In year 3, we’ve been making sure that we would know what to say if we ever need medical assistance in a Spanish speaking country.  First of all, we had to learn all the vocabulary for all the different parts of the body.  Then we added in some phrases to tell a doctor or nurse what hurts. In our role plays, some of us even got to administer some remedies.  Watch our video to see how skillfully we can ask for help, along with some pretty impressive bandaging!

Year 5 and 6 En El Restaurante

In Spanish lessons in years 5 and 6, we’ve been learning about how to order food in a restaurant.  Using Spanish menus we created ourselves, we practised and performed a role play, in which we played waiters and customers at eating establishments that serve all our favourite dishes! We had lots of fun creating each scene, and some of us even added a bit of our creativity and imagination to the scenes! Take a look at our videos and see if you can understand our conversations.  Click on ‘read more…’ to see the Year 5 Video. [Read more…]

‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ in Spanish

In year 1 we have been reading and retelling the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ in Spanish. Our Hungry Caterpillar speaks only Spanish, so we needed to learn how to talk about all the different foods he eats on his journey. We also had to learn how to listen carefully for the cues that told us when to deliver our lines in the story, and how to make sure our Spanish pronunciation is the best it can be. Cries of “¡aún tengo hambre!” were ringing out from Pelican Class while we prepared our story. Watch our video to see if you can work out what it means!

Pyjama Day Storytelling, 2012

As an early celebration of World Book Day, Dress Down Friday became “Pyjama Day” this month as we all donned our finest night attire to raise money for Provo Children’s Home.  As a special treat, we ended the day with story time courtesy of Mr. David Bowen and his drum.  We settled down with our pillows and cuddly toys to hear the story of two boys who found a barrel of delicious coconut water on their way to the well.  They certainly learned their lesson when one of the boys drank too much and made himself very sick indeed!  The moral of the tale? “Be smart and be good!”  The boys in the story definitely had a thing or two to learn on that score!
Mr. David then told us that 1 billion people on the earth don’t have access to clean drinking water.  That’s a seventh of the earth’s population!  Lots of people also have to walk a long way to collect water from a well, just like Mr. David did when he was a child. It’s very hard work as we found out from the song he taught us – “Got a Bucket on my Head – Yes Sir, Yes.”  March is World Water Month, so we’re going to do our bit to be smart and good with the water we use.  Many thanks Mr. David.
“Pig in a pen – my story end…”

Una Semana Muy Ocupada – A Very Busy Week

It seems Flamingo Class are very busy people! They’ve been learning how to tell us all about their packed schedules in Spanish classes and have created this wonderful video to show everyone what a multi-talented bunch they are! This half term they have been learning how to use different verbs to talk about their pastimes.  They have linked this together with the days of the week to give us a run down of all the activities in which they are involved. In our classes, the pupils have also learnt how to change verbs to talk about other people and the things they do in their spare time, as well as using verbs in the infinitive to give their opinions about different activities.  In doing this, they have also managed to acquire a few new adjectives to justify their opinions. Pretty amazing stuff! Take a look at the video to see just how much these excellent Spanish speakers manage to fit into their week! “¡Buen trabajo, Flamingo Class!” (Good work, Flamingo Class!)

The Forecast is Fantástico for the Dolphin Class

The Dolphin Class turned into real life weather reporters in Spanish lessons recently.  In connection with their learning on the topic of weather with Miss Mani, they watched real Spanish and Central/Latin American weather reports. Then, they learned how to report the weather in different parts of the world for themselves. 

First, the children chose the continent on which they wanted to focus their report – Europe, North America or Latin America.  Next, they decided which cities they wanted to report on, and learned where they were, in order to make their weather reports slick and professional, just like the real thing.  I think you’ll agree that they did just that when you watch their superb video. Excelente!