Have you really looked at your face recently?

yr-2-self-potraits-oct-2015-11As part of our first Year 2 topic of 2015, Osprey class has been learning all about ourselves. We have researched where we were born, where we live, what food we should each and how much exercise we should do. It has been really fun learning about us and, as part of our Art lessons with Miss Rachel, we have spent a lot of time and effort creating our own self-portraits.

It sounds easy but it actually takes a lot of skill to make sure all the parts of your face are in the right place. We started by touching our faces and feeling what parts were where…which was actually quite strange! We then used mirrors to keep checking what our faces ‘really’ looked like and not just what we ‘thought’ they looked like.


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Yr. 2’s Amazing Museum Success!

yr-2--tci-museum-may-2015 (5)What a fantastic Friday afternoon at Provo Primary School! After completing a two week project, the children of Osprey class were able to open the doors to the Yr. 2 Class Museum!

The children were set the task of turning their classroom into an interactive museum. But it couldn’t just have any old thing in it…it had to be something ‘interesting, unique or even surprising that is or was from any of the Turks and Caicos Islands.’

Over 19 exhibits later (all with information sheets or posters to accompany them) and we were set for our Grand Opening! Did you know that Grand Turk has a lighthouse? It hasn’t been lived in for some years and is now used for whale watching. Would you believe the sand piles in the Turks and Caicos were originally mistaken for igloos? Some of the other contributions included lemon grass, the turks head cactus, sea fans, driftwood, straw baskets and many more.

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Year 2 know all about computer programming!

yr-2-programming-may-2015-(14)This term Year 2 have been looking at computer programming. So far we are in the early stages and have been using beebots and the beebot computer app on the iPads to write our computer programmes.

In our math lessons, we have been learning all about clockwise and counterclockwise (anti-clockwise) and we have used these to help us programme our beebot.

First, we looked at the path we needed to make our beebot follow, then in pairs we wrote instructions and then programmed our beebot! Sometimes we made mistakes and our beebots ‘hit’ a wall so we would have to start again! Luckily we have had lots of practice now and will soon be programming and making snowflakes for Anna and Elsa in a Frozen computer programming challenge.

Have a look at our programming instructions and see if you can work out what they mean!

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How did Year 2 Celebrate Chinese New Year?

yr-2-chinese-new-year-2015 (14)As most of you will know, in Y2 we like to learn all about different cultures and the traditions they celebrate. On February 19th the coming of the New Year was celebrated throughout China and the world…and also in one classroom here in the Turks & Caicos Islands!

We did this with a Chinese New Year party! Thanks to ‘Chopsticks’ restaurant we were able to use their chopsticks to eat a feast of delights generously brought in by the Year 2 parents. We listened to traditional Chinese music, ate traditional Chinese food and all received a red envelope (a sign of good luck) with a 100 Yuan note inside…now all we need to do it save up the money to travel there so we can spend it! We topped off the afternoon with a performance of a Chinese song that the children had written and composed themselves…check out our video and see photos of us enjoying our party!

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Year 2’s visit to a Local Supermarket

YR-2-iga-feb-2015 (11)So it was that time of year again. The annual Year 2 visit to IGA and it didn’t disappoint!

Our purpose for visiting IGA was to learn more about how they package their foods, to help us design our own packaging for our new range of doughnuts.

Not only did we get to see a short presentation about packaging, we also got to see how different foods were packaged too.

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Healthy Reefs Need Sharks!

yr-2-sharks-dec-2014 (9)Healthy Reefs Need Sharks!  This is what Year 2 learnt when Jackie, from Amanyara’s Nature Discovery Centre, came into Osprey class last week. We were lucky enough to look at some photographs of sharks that live in and travel through the Turks and Caicos Islands, as well as hear a story about Shark Stanley and his friends, Waqi the Whitetip, Manta Reigna, and Pierre the Porbeagle who battle to save the Coral Reef.

Jackie at Amanyara’s Nature Discovery Centre is working alongside DEMA and other individuals to raise awareness of how important sharks are, not only to the ocean worldwide but our waters in the TCI.  She says “We are trying to get the word out in TCI about why we should care about our sharks, why they’re important, and trying to find out what people think about sharks. Conservation is key, and we want to eventually educate the community about how we can do that.”

Osprey class were left with a lot to think about – our opinions of sharks, and the impact they have on the oceans around us, have really changed for the better.

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Year 2’s Electrifyingly Exciting Topic

yr-2-electric-topic-map-nov-2014 Year 2 are buzzing with excitement about their new topic on Electricity.

Take a look at their topic map and see what they will be up to.




Provo Primary are potty about Potcake Place!

yr-2-potcake-place-oct-2014-1-4.jpgAs part of our All About Me topic, Osprey class were lucky enough to visit Potcake Place. But why? Well, in Year 2 we have been learning how to look after ourselves. We discovered you have to eat a balanced diet, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly.

So, why Potcake Place? Well, we wanted to know if puppies are the same. Do they need a balanced diet? What is a balanced diet for a puppy? Do they need 10 hours sleep like we do? Do they need to exercise every day?

Luckily thanks to the amazingly helpful, informative and patient staff at Potcake Place we found out all the answers to the above and LOTS more!



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Do you know how to read instructions?

Do you know how to read instructions? Well, Osprey class do!  We have been learning, not only how to read instructions but to write them too.

Using Talk for Writing Yr 2 learnt the type of language, the layout and the features of an instructional text all through pictures and actions.  Ospreys practised these and can now use them to write their own instructions.

Did you know that you need to use bossy verbs like decorate, stick, mix, slice and put?  Also you need to use sentence openers like first, next, after that, then and finally.

Next week, we will be writing instructions for making a fruit salad as part of our All About Me topic and food for a tea party with The Tiger Who Came to Tea.

Keep checking our blog for pictures of our instructions and the things we make.

Year 2’s TCI Museum Opens its Doors to the Public

yr-2-tic-museum-june-2014-(6)For those of you who haven’t been down to the Y2 end of the school recently, you won’t have seen the amazing transformation that has occurred. What was once the Osprey classroom has now become the Osprey Museum!

As part of their homework project the Osprey children had to bring in a ‘museum piece’. It could be ANYTHING they wanted as long as it was from the Turks and Caicos Islands! It’s safe to say that no one expected such a wide range of items. We had everything from shells found on the beach to fanner baskets from North Caicos, a TCI stamp to a toy rock iguana, a sea fan to real life hermit crabs!!! You read right, we had real life hermit crabs in a crabitat!

Both parents and children alike got to visit the museum last week. It was great to see the Year 2 Ospreys being so brave and showcasing their knowledge by telling their audiences all about their objects!

If you haven’t been down yet please take some time to pop in and talk to the Osprey children about their amazing collection of TCI exhibits. And the best bit is…you get in for FREE!

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Will KS1 be hitting for 6 or will they be run out?!

yr2-cricket-may-2014What an exciting start to our summer term’s PE sessions!  After a term in autumn with Coach Niall from Turks and Caicos Islands Rugby Football Union Y1 & 2 are now lucky enough to have the Turks and Caicos Islands Cricket Association coming in to teach us some early cricket skills!  After just one session, it is already clear that we might have some cricket stars in the making!  Watch out, Alastair Cook, you’ve got some TCI competition!




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Osprey class watch new osprey nesting platform go up

yr-2-osprey-trip-26-03-14 (7)Wow!  What an amazing opportunity the Year 2 Osprey class got to be part of this week!  As part of World Osprey Week Fortis teamed up with DEMA and built an artificial osprey platform and we were fortunate enough to watch it being erected in the Children’s Park in the Lower Bight.

We all watched with open mouths as a digger was used to lift the heavy wooden pole, with an attached platform and crate at the top, into a deep hole in the ground.  We then crossed the road and visited the Environmental Centre, where we got to learn about the other wildlife we are lucky enough to have in and around our island.

To complete our Osprey field trip we went to Smiths Beach where an osprey platform has already been successfully erected and ospreys have moved in and made it their home.  Sadly, there was a lot of litter immediately surrounding the nest and, knowing how bad it can be not only for ospreys but all wildlife, the Yr 2 children did a small litter pick in the hope that it might make a small difference to the ospreys nesting there.

We had a fantastic field trip and felt very privileged to be part of this unique, special day.

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Things are heating up in Osprey Class!

yr-2-science-march-2014 (6)Did you know that materials often change when they are heated?  Well, Osprey class do now!  Last week we took Science into the kitchen and got to see just what happens when you heat certain types of food materials.  We also got to use our Maths skills by weighing out the ingredients before we mixed them!



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Happy Chinese New Year from Osprey Class!

yr-2-chinese-new-year-jan-2014-1To celebrate Chinese New Year, our Year 2 Osprey’s have been learning through all things Chinese.  In our ICT lesson we researched Chinese crafts and made a collage of the Chinese flag.  In numeracy we played Chinese number games and in literacy we made story maps and retold the story of Chinese New Year.  On ‘New Years Eve’ we followed tradition and swept all the bad luck out of the Osprey classroom ready to receive good luck that the New Year would bring in.  On New Years Day we all wore red (a symbol of good luck for the future) and had a surprise traditional meal of noodles which we ate with chopsticks!  Each child also received a red envelope with a good luck token for a prosperous year.  Osprey’s have really enjoyed learning about and experiencing another culture, pay us a visit to find out more!


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Do you trust your friends?

yr-trust-fall-nov-2013 (6)In Osprey class this half term, as part of our PSHCE lessons, we are looking at how to be a good friend.  In our circle times we have talked about what makes a good friend then wrote our ideas on ‘colourful bricks’ to create a Friendship Wall.  Some of our thoughts included:

A friend is someone who…

  • makes us laugh
  • cares for us
  • helps us
  • we can trust
  • we can talk to

To show what good friends we are in Osprey and how much we trust each other, everyone got the chance to try a Trust Fall.  This is an exercise where a person allows themselves to fall from a height and trusts their friends to catch them and stop them from hitting the ground.  Everyone was really brave and had a go and you’ll be pleased to know we are all trustworthy friends and caught each other.

If you want to know how to be a good friend, drop in to Osprey class and look at our Friendship Wall.  Soon there will also be a compliment tree which you will be more than welcome to add a compliment to!

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Year 2 Interview Mrs Helen About Baby Owen

yr-2-miss-helen-sept-2013What a great first week we had in Ospreys!  As you all know we are learning about families this half term.  We started our new topic thinking about what we were like when we were babies and how much we have changed.  We began to start collecting questions about things we might ask a Mummy who had a new baby….and who should walk in?!  Mrs Helen and baby Owen!  What a surprise!



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