Preschool’s Colour Wall

To celebrate learning colours, Preschool had great fun this week making a giant outdoor painting. The children enjoyed choosing colour after colour to paint the ‘colour wall’ while having the freedom to get messy. One of the children said “look a rainbow” while she was looking at the beautiful art. Please have a look at our photo gallery and see our creative Preschool kids at work.







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Preschool are as Busy as Bees!

Hi! This month in Preschool we are enjoying music and dance in preparation for our end of term show and our daily craft activities are helping our hand eye coordination skills. Last week we had a ‘big kid’ helper who loved being chased on the green field and he also helped us to learn how to skip.  During free play in class, we are very busy in construction – we have discovered how to build towers, funny faces, castles and ladders.  Have a look at our busy bee pictures and enjoy the fun!



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Thank You for our Improving our Playground

We adore our colourful new playground, all gleaming and sparklingly clean! We love all the new red bikes and the amazing road.  Your efforts with the shades and new equipment has increased the fun at playtime!  So thank you again to all the PTA helpers from all the early years children and teachers for the beautiful new colourful playground. Many smiles, hugs and appreciation!



Preschool Love Learning!

Over the past few weeks we have focused on movement, messy play and matching.  Our indoor/outdoor activities refine the children’s hand eye co-ordination, walking skills, language and sensory skills.  Take a look at our photographs and see how we have used  shapes and colours as a launch pad for learning these skills.  Preschool also loved indoor snack on a ‘cold’ rainy day and had a spontaneous child-initiated snuggly rest afterwards…. look at our colourful ‘beds’!

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Preschool begin a Lifelong Journey of discovery!

Provo Primary Preschool Education Programme is off to a fun, action-packed start.  Indoor time is busy.  We all love playing dress up, cooking and completing puzzles and table top activities.   We all enjoy lots of arts and crafts.  Our favourite thing so far is…painting!  In the playground, the children love swinging on the new swing, playing in the new playhouse, climbing our fort and mixing up pretend food during water play.  We are also feeling very sporty this year and have already started practising our kicking and throwing skills on the giant green field!  Please browse our pictures to see what fun we have been having so far in September 2012 as we embark on a lifelong journey of discovery!

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Preschoolers train for our Olympic Celebrations

All year our Preschool class have been participating in many fun physical activities to develop and refine their gross motor skills and co-ordination. More recently, we have been practising for our upcoming school ‘Olympics’ celebrations.  The children adore running games and delight in trying out all their skills when we play on our exciting obstacle courses.   Please have a look at our skills in the pictures below!

Our Preschoolers are Growing!

We are excited to begin the Summer term in Preschool and have started off with sowing seeds.  We planted some sunflower seeds on Tuesday.  The children enjoyed mixing the soil and pushing in their seeds – it was lots of messy fun! By Thursday we already had some shoots and now, a week later,  they are growing very strong… amazing! Each day we are very carefully checking the soil to see if they require water.

To celebrate our planting, we made a beautiful painting to display on our classroom wall. Click on ‘Read more…’ to see some photos of us doing our planting and of our wonderful painting.

If you have any old pots (even old boots) you would like to donate to the school, our preschoolers would be overjoyed and will take great pleasure in planting some flowers and herbs in them!

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Spring Bonnet Parade & PTA Egg Hunt, 2012

It was a beautiful morning at Provo Primary with sunshine, blue Skies, flowers and smiles…what more could we ask for on our last day of the Spring Term?

The Early Years classes proudly paraded around the school wearing their creative Spring-time inspired hats.  This was was followed by our traditional egg hunts!

In the Yr 1 – 6 hunt, the elusive giant egg kept many children searching for a long time, but no one was able to find it this year!  “It was the best egg hunt ever!..  I kept looking to find the big egg… I can’t believe I didn’t find the big egg, it was right there!”

All the teachers and children would like to pass on a huge thank you to all the mums and dads for helping to create such beautiful bonnets and to the PTA for making our egg hunt lots of fun!  Happy holidays to everyone from all at Provo Primary.

Spring Fever in Preschool

Spring fever arrived in Preschool!  We have had a fantastic term playing outdoors in the gorgeous Spring time weather and have adored jumping in giant puddles and looking at our wet footprints. Indoor play is full of fun too, especially with our hide and seek game….Miss Claire Marie is preparing us for our ‘Egg Hunt’ this Friday.  Sports Day was a big success – we have been practicing running at school and were very proud to show off how speedy we are to our parents on Sports Day!  Our biggest highlight so far this term was our Preschool Open Morning where our parents came in to class to decorate eggs and play together with us.  It was lots of fun!  We love school! [Read more…]

Toddlers enjoy Exploring their new Environment

Our Spring Term in Tots Class has been lots of fun! The children love their classroom,  especially playing hide and seek in soft play! We love to dress up in amazing costumes and play in the home corner, making food, caring for babies.  We also like reading books together. The farm is a fantastic role play area where we make lots of animal sounds and match the baby animal to their mummy animal. One of the most popular areas of the classroom is the train set where the children adore playing with the trains and cars. During Spring Term, the tots have also enjoyed some messy play with paint and shaving foam and, with Summer Term just round the corner, we are looking forward to some fun water play. Click on ‘read more’ to see more photos of us exploring our classroom together. [Read more…]

When the Farmers met the Paleontologists!

To celebrate theme week, Preschool and Kindergarten got together to share their learning. Preschool  got to explore Kindergarten’s  dinosaur museum, the dinosaur dig fossil sorting centre and play in our dinosaur small world. It was a lot of fun for Kindergarten and Preschool to pair off and for the Kindergarten children to lead the little ones around ‘Dino Land’.  The next day the Preschool children invited the Kindergarten to their room.
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Preschool Enjoy their Indoor and Outdoor Activities

In the Preschool class, we have thoroughly enjoyed playing in our hospital role-play area, pretending to be doctors, nurses and receptionists and looking after our ‘patients’ and baby dolls with great care.  Our hospital then went on to include a hair salon!

Building and construction have played a big part of classroom life and the children have been busy finding new ways of using our construction toys.  We have also explored the topic ‘On The Farm’, and the children have adored painting and sticking to create farm animals and machinery.  All their art work is making our classroom extremely bright and colourful.

As well as all of these indoor activities, the children have been very busy outside.  Playing with balls on our school soccer field is definitely a firm favourite!

Please read on to see a selection of photos of our Preschool’s enjoying their activities.

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Busy Busy Preschool

Every day the Preschoolers play outdoors, some of them love running on the soccer field and others love the sand and water play in the garden. They have also enjoyed baking every week this term and the latest yummy treats were Pink Triple Berry Muffins. Preschool received some new resources and one of their favourites is the ‘Marble Run’. They have also been learning about magnets and shape matching.  The new ‘Pete the Cat’ book has been teaching us all about colours. Read on to see photographs of all the wonderful experiences our children are having in Preschool.

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