JK decide to make their own poppies for their friends.

jk-poppies-nov-2015After we did our Poppy Day time of silence today in Junior Kindergarten, two children independently chose to go to the drawing area to make poppies.  They carefully drew their poppies, cut them out and asked for tape to stick it to their shirts.  They also made poppies for their friends and then made a card for Mrs. Betty to thank her for making special poppies for all the children.



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Literacy Learning in JK

jk-literacy-oct-2015 (8)Please take a look at our photographs of the children enjoying different aspects of literacy, writing and physical development. These early activities are fun ways of strengthening the child’s hands, fingers and arms in preparation for writing. Our classroom encourages independent reading, drawing and writing. As a group we often read a story and then create our own expression of the story inventing strange, entertaining and exciting scenarios that make us laugh. Please feel welcome to come in and enjoy hearing one of our tales!

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Preschool learning through outside play

ps-outdoor-play-april-2015-(16)We love to play outside! The green field is amazing! The children adore their daily trip to the green field and more recently have delighted in using more play equipment – learning to kick, throw, crawl under, jump over, run in a zigzag, race and use hula hoops!

Sports day was lots of fun – the children loved showing all their skills to their mums and dads.

One of our highlights this year has been playing with the parachute with Year 6 – you can tell by the children’s faces just how much fun they had.


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Learning through play… indoors in Preschool

ps-indoor-learning-may-2015 (15)Hi everyone! The Preschool class have been working hard to refine their fine motor skills in class. Please have a look at out photos and see what the children have been up to.

Our cutting skills have greatly improved over the year – everyday we cut card, magazines, paper and are now in the beginning stages of learning to create our own collages!

Working together and playing with friends is a big part of our day – the children have bonded beautifully over the year and our new friends have settled in wonderfully making us laugh and showing us all their skills. Happy Term 3!



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Preschool enjoy a Day with the Gruffalo

ps-gruffalo-mar-2015 (7)Hi Everybody! One of our much love stories in Preschool is The Gruffalo. For World Book Day we had an amazing Gruffalo day!

The children wore their owl head bands and we had 2 very special Year 6 visitors….the ‘mouse’ and the ‘Gruffalo’. We had great fun reading the story together and acting out the parts of the various animals.

Later that day, the children made up their own version of ‘The Gruffalo’, with help from myself drawing their suggestions on the white board. Enjoy and see you again soon!

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Yummy Edible Bear Toast!

ps-bear-toast-feb-2015 (5)Preschool have enjoyed reading the fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears as part of our topic. To celebrate the story we made our own breakfast. Check out our cute pictures of the class making a bear out of toast, banana and raisin’s. The children applied great concentration and care when spreading the butter and adding the face. Our favourite part was….. eating it all up!







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Preschool living a life of colour!

ps-colour-oct-2014-9We have delved into shape and colour this term using different art mediums, classroom activities and shapes. Take a look at the amazing photographs and see us all discover and explore this vast subject. We especially enjoyed seeing the children delight in trying to find their hand print by size and naming all the colours of their friends hands and feet!


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Settling in, discovering what we can do and learning!

ps-explorers-oct-2014-8Preschool have been extremely busy bees since starting school in September.

We can climb up slides with our strong bodies! We can cut paper with our precise hand/eye co-ordination! We can do puzzles…even the tricky ones! We can move objects using tongs which strengthens our hands in preparation for writing!

We adore water play – exploring pouring and bathing babies! We have explored magnets and wonder why they stick together? We all adore transport whether its trains, planes, cars or pushing babies in prams – we love movement! We delight in playing with play doh,  making snakes, pies and stamping out people!

See you again soon on the blog!


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Preschool love the Quails and Chicks!

ps-quails-chicks-oct-2014-4This year we are proud to announce the arrival of baby quails and chicks at Provo Primary. The Pre-school class have delighted in watching them grow.

The children have been looking at their bodies and the chicks bodies.   We discovered we all have two eyes and two legs. Our interest has centred around the ‘life cycle of a chicken’, a subject the children have learned about in both English and Spanish.

While looking at the baby chicks, one little girl asked, “Where is the mummy?”

The children are very happy  because the chicks are now living with the baby and adult quails in the big coop.


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Oceans and Dinosaurs in Preschool

ps-oceans-dinosaurs-may-2014 (1)Hi everyone! We are crazy about our new topics!  The children have been exploring many different art techniques and methods to make our ‘Smiths Reef’ display. As you will see from the photos, it was great fun and our display looks fantastic!

Please also take a peak at some of our fun times with dinosaurs! The children used there are skills again to make an amazing Stegosaurus! We have had great fun outdoors with the giant dinosaurs…making a mud bath/ water hole and taking them on exciting adventures around the playground.



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Exploring Early Maths and Science Concepts in Preschool

ps-Bubble-Experiments-may-2013In Preschool we explore the concept of Maths and Science using many different materials, activities and ideas. Maths and Science can be messy! Maths and Science can be captivating! Maths and Science can be quiet and focused! Maths and Science can be easy! Maths and Science can be tricky! Maths and Science can be indoor or outdoor! The main thing we know is that Maths and Science is captivating and fun!

Please take a look at our photographs and imagine how they lead your child into later maths and science experiments.


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Preschool take their Snakes for a Walk

ps-snakes-march-2014 (3)Hi!  This term we have been learning about fur, feathers, skin and scales. We loved making snakes and taking them for a walk in the bushes. Please see the photographs below where you will see how we made our snakes. The children were asked to say what kind of snake they had made.  Here are some of their suggestions: “a mummy snake”, “a rattle snake”, “a Nemo snake”, “a colour snake”, “a big snake”. We learned that snakes have scaly skin,  eat mice and frogs,  have fangs,  can be small or large and, most importantly, that if you see a snake, get an adult – don’t touch!




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It’s all about ‘fur, feathers, skin and scales’ in Preschool!

Drawing a zebra

Drawing a zebra

Our topic ‘fur, feathers, skin and scales’ has started with great enthusiasm…We discovered Giraffes are quite amazing and we had great fun painting them, using our fingers to make the spots!  Next, we have learned all about Zebras and their stripes.  

To help refine our hand-eye coordination Preschool have loved doing puzzles and pouring sand and water in the garden.  In the garden we love to care for one another – the girls and boys adore catching one-another at the bottom of the slide. The iPad is a fantastic resource – as you can see the children are happy taking turns, sharing and using it very gently – Well Done!

See you on the blog soon! Miss Claire Marie and Mrs Jeannette

P.S We LOVE, love, LOVE dressing up! 




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Preschool memories of the end of 2013

ps-christmas-dec-2013-1Thank you parents and carers for an amazing end to 2013 – enclosed are just a couple of photographs to remind you and your children of the fun we had! Our party was a yummy success! The little ‘elves’ were our superstars and Santa was super exciting! We have started 2014 with smiles and love. Happy New Year from Miss Claire Marie and Mrs Jeannette.



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“What did you do in Preschool today?”

ps-favourites--oct-2013 (13)Hello! This is the blog where we try to answer your No.1 Question…“What did you do at school today?” A question often answered with the response “nothing”.  So please have a little browse and see what we have been up to recently.  Our highlights have been mask making for Halloween and playing on the green field!  Our days are also packed with story time and songs.  Watch this space, where we hope to bring you another visual display of some of our favourite’s next month.

Miss Claire Marie and Miss Jeannette.

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Fantastic Foam Fun!

ps-foam-oct-2013Hi! Come and look at our ‘fantastic foam’ messy play blog photographs! We played freeze dance in the foam.  We made pictures “circles” “monsters” and “cars”.  We also got foam on our shoes, foam on the door and foam on the door! Messy play is lots of fun!  By Miss Claire and Mrs Jeannette.







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Early Years Explore Their New Outside Play Area

ey-playground-sept-2013-13Hello Everyone! Look at our amazing new outside play area! The children have been super-excited,  climbing and sliding, digging and riding.  Take a look at our beautiful Early Years playing together with our new equipment.  We are pirates and adventurers and love going for a ride on our rainbow caterpillar, in our new police car and playing with our new diggers!

Thank you so much to the PTA for assisting us in buying our Activity Climber and Pirate Ship; we are very grateful!

Miss Claire Marie, Mrs Jeannette, Miss Shara and Ms Lourissa.


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Developing our Fine Motor Skills in Preschool

ps-fine-motor-skills-may-2013 (5)   Hello again! Look at what Preschool can do independently!

We love Maths and can make a circle holding hands and sort colours into baskets! We have fun refining our hand eye co-ordination using threading, glue and cotton bud painting. We adore sensory activities like creative mark making and messy play! We have also been learning sounds – “c for clever cat” said one of the class!

See you again soon… Miss Claire Marie.





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April News from Preschool

preschool-april-2013 (13)Hello Again from Preschool – Wow what an amazing start to the new term – the children have been absorbed in activity since coming back after a lovely Spring break.

We are all getting older now and can do so much more with our busy hands and inquisitive minds.  Have a look at our photographs of the children working on the mat during independent choice. We can count, sort and build.   You can also take a look at our amazing gluing skills as we make our sound of the week ‘r’ rainbow and our fish for our Under the Sea display.

See you again soon with more lovely news and photographs.


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Preschool Bounce-A-Thon – March 2013

ps-bounce-2013 Our Preschool class had lots of fun bouncing like ‘Bouncing Ben’ from Letterland.

They bounced up and down the green field collecting paper carrots.  Afterwards, our little ‘bunnies’ enjoyed crunching on real carrot sticks.

The Bounce-a-thon was a preschool adaptation of our Bike-a-walk-a-thon fundraising event. Congratulations to all our bouncing bunnies and thank you for all the generous donations you collected that will go towards the purchase of new computer and reading resources across the school!


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Street Art in Preschool

ps-street-art-march-2013 (14)One sunny morning, Preschool all went out to the big playground to paint on the ground using a mixture of water and glitter.  They created some fantastic outdoor art.  As the children painted, they commented on what they could see… “look a circle, an aeroplane, a letter D, a cross, a house, a face, a girl, a train, a letter A, a caterpillar, a letter H, a triangle, a sad face and a car”. After a while, the water dried up and our playground was covered in glitter art.

The children adored the freedom of being able to paint with no restrictions.  They also enjoyed being able to choose to sit by themselves, quietly with a few others, or chatting in a group.  It was amazing to watch our little artists so absorbed in creativity.

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Preschool’s Magic Beans!

ps-magic-beans-feb-2013-2Today we started to explore water in our Science lessons using some ‘Magic Jungle Beans’.   We counted 8 tiny beans into a bowl of of cold water and took turns mixing them.  In the cold water the beans did not grow…. so we moved them into warm water and ‘POP’ the first magic jungle bean cracked open and a hippo-shaped sponge grew by absorbing the water, right before our eyes! It was so much fun watching the beans ‘grow’.  After they all the beans had opened, we counted and named the animals that had grown: 2 hippos, 2 monkeys, 2 crocodiles and 2 elephants! Tomorrow we will be exploring sinking and floating!




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Preschool Scientists

ps-scientists-feb-2013-5Our little scientists in Preschool have been investigating magnetism, size and colour mixing. Take a look at our photographs and get an idea of what experiments we have been working on.

Look out for our next blog where we will discover what happens when we mix vinegar, food colouring and baking soda!





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Exercising our Bodies and Minds in Preschool!

ps-jan-2013.-1WOW… what an amazing start to the Term, the Preschool children here at Provo Primary were so excited to return to school – just look at all the happy smiles and busy bodies. We have been back to school just two weeks and our skills are already increasing.  Take a look at our photo gallery below and see everyone engaged in all areas of the curriculum. All of the children are absorbed in language and communication – for every photograph the children vocalised what they were doing… “touching toes”, “painting”, “cutting”, “a big tower”, “car”, “reading-owls”, ”chalk”, “jumping”, “drawing caterpillar”, “puzzle”, “flying”, “looking”, “sailing”, “digging”, “bus”, “signing time”, “animals sick”, “teachers helper”, “get gas”, “dancing is fun”.  Look out next time for our little scientist blog.

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A Fantastic Display of our First Term in Preschool!

Seasons Greetings! What a fantastic first term in Preschool! Please have a look at our child lead display boards and see how busy the kids have been.

It’s Winter Season, a time when even though the temperature is in the 80s here in Provo, the idea of snow is on our minds…. so we made a big snowman family with many babies.


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