Fruity Friday, 2012

Year 1 Earth Day 2012 Poster
The Year One Class celebrated Earth Day on Friday by looking at a short video clip of our beautiful world and the animals and plants that live in it. We also watched a clip about the importance of recycling our rubbish, and the effects that ‘dumping rubbish’ has on our beautiful world. After this we discussed ways to save energy, save money and save animals and each child wrote a short sentence about it to go on their poster. Click here to see the posters in more detail.
Year 1 Rugby Fun
The Year One and Two classes have been very fortunate to have a series of rugby lessons with Mr. Jamie from the TCIRFU. The children have learned how to run fast with two hands on the ball, how to throw softly to a partner and how to catch with wide open hands. They have also practised dodging with the ball and have played a number of mini tag rugby games. Thank you very much Mr Jamie! The children have thoroughly enjoyed this rugby introduction.
Mr. Jamie has also worked with all our KS2 classes and has done a wonderful job to promote the game of rugby and the TCIFCU’s youth programmes. Find out more at the TCIFCU website. We hope that many of our enthusiastic children take the opportunity to become involved. Click on ‘read more…’ to see photos of the Year Ones in action.
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Pelican Class Gymnasts
The Year Ones have really enjoyed their gymnastics lessons at the Sports Centre. Over the course of the six lessons, they have worked on a variety of skills such as balancing (on 2, 3, and 4 points) and jumping and traveling in different ways. They have also learnt how to start and finish a routine with gymnastic poise. Week by week, as the children have been developing and improving their skills, they have each worked on creating their own routine. During the last session they performed these to the class. [Read more…]
Happy Chinese New Year, January 2012
Monday 23rd January marked the start of the Chinese New Year and the Pelican Class had fun learning about Chinese traditions and that this year is ‘The Year of the Dragon’. We made Chinese moon cakes, a moving dragon picture and had a good go at eating noodles with chop sticks! Read on to see our pictures.
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Year One Green Fingers
The Pelican Class are exploring the Science topic ‘Growing Plants’. We have observed the different types of plants in and around our school environment. We have looked at the different parts of a plant and can label the roots, the stem, the leaves and the flowers. We have learned that some plants are vegetables and were shocked to find out that when we eat carrots we are actually eating the root of the carrot plant! In order to see this first hand, the children are growing carrot tops and, so far, three out if the four carrot tops have grown strong stems and leaves. We have also monitored and recorded the growth of bean seeds over the past two weeks. Initially, we ‘planted’ the beans in Ziploc bags but had to put them into glass jars after a couple of days because flies and ants seemed to like them a lot! Read on to see our wonderful work on this topic.
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Budding Young Artists in Pelican class
The Pelican class recently took a look at the artist Andy Warhol and in particular his vibrant portrait paintings. We took the children’s photographs and they painted on top of them using bright water colours. They then made their own background in Andy Warhol style printing. To do this they took a small rectangular piece of foam, carved a simple pattern on one side with a pencil, covered this with paint and used it as a stamp to make 4 prints. The results were simply eye catching!
Barking Mad in Year 1!
This year we welcome a new student to the Pelican Class – Barney Barker. All the way from England, Barney the dog has come to Provo Primary to be looked after by the children of the Pelican Class. He has only been here for a week and they love him already! Every night, Barney goes home with a different child and has lots of fun – maybe he’ll get to go to the beach, soccer practice, ballet class or even a restaurant one day! Who knows what this dog is going to get up to! Read on to see a photo of Barney with his new friends.
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Preschoolers Keeping Healthy!
In Preschool this month, we have been experiencing and learning ways to keep ourselves healthy – this included exercising in preparation for our sports day events and learning about the importance of drinking water and eating fruits and vegetables. We involved parents and made links with the community which brought some furry fun into the preschool classroom….read on to find out more and to see the pictures!
A Matter of Fact!
The Kindergarteners are currently exploring the topics of ‘Under the Sea’ and ‘Growth’.
Last week we looked at information books to find out some facts about crabs. We found out that crabs have hard shells and strong claws, they like to hide under rocks and they grow a new shell if their shell falls off. We each tried to remember some of the facts about crabs and wrote them down.
Please come into our classroom to see our display and read some of the facts we have written!
Read on to see some more of our work about ‘Under the Sea’ and ‘Growth’.
Foam Fun!
Last week the Kindergarten Class got very messy when they experimented with writing in shaving foam. As well as getting foam everywhere, including hair, noses and t-shirts, they did all manage to complete the task of writing their names in the foam…
Kindergarteners take to the dance floor!
During their first dance lesson with Miss Shara, the Kindergarten class had fun learning the Merengue. First they practised the steps and then they partnered up and amazed us all by keeping in time with the music, and even putting in a few turns!
Animal Signs
In Kindergarten we have been learning British Sign Language and this week we learned some animal signs. Which animal name do you think we are signing in this picture?
Read the rest of this entry to find out…and to guess some more animal signs!
The Beanbag Bop!

Since the beginning of term, the Senior Kindergarteners have been working out to the Silly Willy Workout exercise video and their favourite part of the programme is the Beanbag Bop.
Read on to see the kindergarten class in action with their beanbags!
Kindergarteners have FUN!
The Kindergarten Class has made a fantastic start to the first term. They have spent the first week getting to know each other, getting to know the Kindergarten routines and getting to know their teachers.
We have had fun painting, drawing, cutting and sticking in the classroom, experiencing our re-vamped outdoor play area as well as spending time in the new soft play classroom. We have sung, we have danced, we have played and we have laughed whilst we have been learning and here are the photographs to prove it….
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