What a Way to Start our Summer Term in Year Two – A Field Trip!

yr-2-conch-april-2013 (4)As we take on ‘exploring our local TCI environment’ through Science, Social Studies, Dance and Music, Year 2 began scientific discovery by learning about the Queen Conch, one of the nationally recognised symbols of this great country.

As part of bringing our learning to life our class paid a visit to the Caicos Conch Farm for a tour of their fasinating facilities, followed by taking up an invitation to taste some delicious conch recipes at the Bay Bistro restaurant.



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Year 2’s Non-Fiction Insect Books.

Year 2 have written their very own non-fiction books about insects.  In order to be successful authors the children had to:

  1. Select an insect they wanted to study.
  2. Research their insect.
  3. Make notes about their insect.
  4. Make complete sentences from their notes to make sections for their book.
  5. Complete illustrations and diagrams.
  6. Select words for their glossary.
  7. Write a ‘Contents’ page.
  8. Illustrate their title page.

Finally their books were ready for presentation!  Congratulations on your remarkable books Year 2 – you are fantastic non-fiction authors.  Thank you Miss Sian for making this movie with the children.

Wibbly ,Wobbly and Slippery to Grip!

yr-2-friction-feb-2013Year Two students had fun exploring friction as part of their study of forces and motion.They loved singing a song about friction that helped them understand and remember the concept, and they carried out several experiments to see friction in action. For one of their experiments, the class was divided into two teams. The teams had a race to see which team could move the most jelly cubes from one bowl to another using chopsticks. Then the race was repeated after a small amount of cooking oil was added to the jelly cubes. The students quickly discovered that the jelly cubes with oil on them were much harder to move because the friction was reduced.

“It’s a Liquid and now it’s a Solid? The Science of making Slime!

yr-2-matter-jan-2013-3Year two students have been learning about solids, liquids and gases in science. As a culminating activity to this physics topic, the students experimented with a mystery substance to determine if it was a liquid or a solid.  They discovered that the mystery substance started out as a liquid but ended up as a solid.  Much to their delight, they had made “slime”!

Come and check out the Year 2’s amazing solids, liquids and gases posters up on the wall in their classroom – who would have thought that cheerios could be so great for teaching us about states of matter!

Did you know that there is also a fourth state of matter – plasma – I wonder what the Year 2’s think of this?


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